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Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars/Unused Text

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This is a sub-page of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

To do:
Get the remaining Japanese equivalents, recheck formatting, and possibly note control codes and their differences.

Note that duplicated text is not covered, which may or may not be the same in the Japanese version. Formatting may be adjusted and any invisible control codes are not currently listed as the most accurate transciption requires coded Japanese and English text dumps. A retranslation is provided if the Japanese and English differ in a notable way.

Overworld Text

Japanese English Retranslation
宿屋・道具屋 INN / ITEM SHOP -

Location strings that aren't used for anything.

Japanese English
おりなさい! Get down from there!

Could be an early version of the Mushroom Kingdom item shop manager's text, who says a few more things and to "Get off of there this minute!" (さっさと おりなさい!).

Japanese English
あたり You win
ハズレ You lose

Looks like these were for a minigame. Note that the Forest Maze's joke empty hidden treasure displays a similar message to the latter, "You missed!" (ハ・ズ・レ), so they may have been for the slot machine treasure boxes.

Japanese English Retranslation
おお、姫も 毎度のこととはいえ、
つくづく ついてない おかたです‥‥‥
Things are ALWAYS happening to
her! What an UNLUCKY child!
Oh, it always happens to Princess,
the unlucky child...

This was supposed to be said by the Chancellor once Mario tells him that Peach has been kidnapped by Bowser. This line is either skipped or replaced in the final cut.

Japanese English Retranslation
こんなのふったら みはれない~!! But this is getting ridiculous! I can't SEE in this outpour!!

This is the Mushroom Kingdom watchman's line while Mallow is crying. This line is technically unused because the "Rain or shine, I stand watch!" part doesn't precede it, and as it turns out, there's a good reason for that: in the Japanese version, he never says the second sentence. It seems like the English version cleverly worked around this by amending the unused portion to the used string with a scroll break, or it was translated when the line was the same string and there was an oversight during a Japanese script revision.

Japanese English
今日は外がさわがしいのぅ~! There's a lot of noise out there

Located in Mushroom Kingdom text. Since the Mushroom Kingdom item shop manager has similar lines remarking on the weather (though the first instance of this was replaced in the English version), it was probably meant for him. If so, he's either referring to the commotion with Croco, or he didn't originally hide when the Shysters invaded.

Japanese English
[Not found yet] I'm shaken and stirred but still

Similar to a used line from the sentry Toad on the right side of Mushroom Kingdom ("I'm shaken, but not stirred!"), and possibly intended for some situation in which he would be scared again.

Japanese English Retranslation
どうでした? So, what did you find? How did you like it?

Located among Mushroom Kingdom text. This could be related to the item in the Princess's room.

Japanese English Retranslation
うらんでやる。 Just you wait... You'll regret it.

Located randomly among Rose Town text. In the Japanese version, this is identical to the "You're gonna get it!" line used by a Mushroom Kingdom resident if Mario sells his wallet, which itself was duplicated in-game, so it appears that this is a holdover of an earlier draft.

Japanese English
[Not found yet] GOAL!

Presumably intended for an earlier version of what would happen when a race is won. Notably not in parentheses, though, indicating it would not have been spoken by a Yoshi.

Japanese English
[Not found yet] (See you around!)
[Not found yet] (Remember, you need Cookies if you want to race!)

Evidently intended for Yo'ster Isle, but who would have said these (and if they would have been the same person, as these lines are not adjacent) is unclear.

Japanese English Retranslation
ちゃんと あんないしてくださいまし!
Please escort our guest!
Please calm down.
へやまで おねがいしますよ。 Please take care of these things. Please go to the room.

Located between used lines of text for the Marrymore Hotel bellhop. The English version of the third line could indicate picking up luggage, but the Japanese version does not. This might indicate that the player originally had control over Mario during the escort sequence, and thus more ways to get on people's nerves.

Japanese English Retranslation
もう用はないよ。 ごくろうさん。
I'm tired from walking all day
long. I have no requests now,
thank you.
I'm tired from walking around.
I don't need anything. Appreciated.

Another string among the Marrymore Hotel "Mario as bellhop" text. This could belong to a guest that decided not to tip or the Mushroom person sleeping in the regular room.

Japanese English
[Not found yet] How about a trolley ride?
(Pay 10 coins to ride)
(Wager 30 coins and ride)
(Don't ride the trolley)

An earlier version of the dialogue of the mole selling trolley rides.

Japanese English
[Not found yet] Ma and Pa say little ones aren't allowed on the trolley. I can't wait to get older!

Likely an earlier version of the used line "Hey Mister! Didja ride on my Pa's trolley? He says I'm too young to ride it.", or otherwise a line for one of the children in Moleville.

Japanese English Retranslation
ベロベロ バハハ~イ。
Eww, a mouthful of rust.
Thanks anyway.
Hmm~, a little sour......
Belo~Belo B~y~e.

Belome(?) seems to have said this after giving a key in the temple, but nothing is said in the final cut. The Japanese version is vaguer, using a variant of Belome's dialog when cloning Mario, and then a variant of his catchphrase when leaving battle.

Japanese English Retranslation
べろべろ~ん! はずれたんだな~。 Yikes, looks like you'll have
hardships ahead of you.
BELO~BELOSE! Guess it's botched...

This line is just a safeguard if something went wrong trying to get one of the six fortunes in Belome Temple. It's inaccessible through normal means, but theoretically functions if hacked.

Japanese English Retranslation
ここを でると やりなおしです。
あきらめないで このまま つづけますか?
► (つづける)
► (あきらめる)
Giving up?
Wanna give it another shot?
► (Yes)
► (No)
If you leave here, you'll have to start over.
Do you want to continue without abandoning it?
► (Continue it)
► (Abandon it)

Unknown usage. The Japanese indicates that this is was a warning for respawning a puzzle or undoing your progress.

Japanese English Retranslation
プチボムが ないダ?!
おっかしーな。 中に あるはず ダ?
だれかが ぬすんでっちまったダかなぁ?
This can't BE!!
It should be around somewhere!
Maybe someone stole it!
That's ODD. Shouldn't it be around in here?
Maybe someone stole it?
Japanese (used) English (used) Retranslation
〈ドカチチ〉 プチボム使えば ココくずせる
んだけど、なんでか ひとつもおいてねェダ。
だれかが 持ってっちまったダろか?
PA'MOLE: We REALLY need to find
a bomb!

I looked, but they're all missing
from the store room.
You think someone stole 'em?
PA'MOLE: I'd use a Bambino Bomb to bust this down,
but for some reason, there are none.
Did someone take 'em?

This appears to be an early version of one of Pa'Mole's lines in the Coal Mine. Of minor note, the character name is missing from this version, and the Japanese version of this line is one of the few times the "?!" punction is used instead of "!?" in the script, which is inverted in the English version of the game. For comparison's sake, the nearest used line is also shown.

Japanese English
ホラホラ ジャマだ ジャマだ。
Come on, come on, outta the way!

Located right after Pa'Mole's line and may be related. It could be Pa'Mole setting the bomb, or another speaker.

Japanese English Retranslation
〈ノコック長〉 けっこんしきを じゃましちゃ CHEF TORTE: Ve should not
interrupt za vedding!
CHEF TORTE: You should not
interrupt za vedding!

Chef Torte would have apparently said this after entering the room with his apprentice. The Japanese version of this line is technically one of the few times where the chef "accent" isn't present. This line is either skipped or replaced in the final cut.

Japanese English Retranslation
あまり しんぱいさせないでね。
だいじな おムコさんなんだから。
Mario, where have you been?
I've never been so worried! I'm
so angry I can't see straight!
Would you want to marry someone
who can't see straight?!
Mario, where have you BEEN?
Don't worry me so.
What's important is that I get my groom.
さいきん 姫が 花を見に来なくなったわ‥‥ Lately, the Princess hasn't been
around to look at the flowers.
あらマ! たまげたよ! Wow! That sure woke me up! Jeepers! That shook me up!
〈ピーチ〉 シ~ッ!
いっしょに いる人を見たら、
みんな ビックリするから、静かにね‥‥‥
TOADSTOOL: Shhhh....
If people see who I'm with, they'll
flip out, so...
Let's be real quiet!
花のにおいは 心を落ちつかせるわ。
‥‥‥ごめんなさい。 急いでいるの。
またゆっくり 花を見に来るわ。
I just love the smell of flowers!

I'm sorry...I'm in a rush right
now. I'll come back another time.
It always pleases me.
The smell of flowers is so calming.
...I'm sorry. We're in a rush.
I'll come see these flowers another time.

Located among Mushroom Kingdom text. These lines of text seem to be related to the Princess leaving the castle. The first line of text could possibly belong to the speedy kid who wants to be Mario's bride, and the fifth seems to be the Princess distracted by flowers.

Japanese English Retranslation
マリオ! 食事でもしていくかい? Hey Mario! Wanna grab something
to eat?
Mario! Want something to eat?
サァ! めしあがれ。
Go on now, don't hang back!
Here! Eat up.

These are located near the above and may be related to that scenario, although it is difficult to say.

Japanese English Retranslation
〈ガロ〉 !
GARRO: OH! You mean...
THAT...That's ...um...

Garro originally had an extra line when Valentina discovers the "statue" in Nimbus Castle. In the final cut, this line is skipped, and he just momentarily looks back nervously without a word.

Japanese English Retranslation
Welcome to Tadpole Pond.
Who are you?
This is Tadpole Pond.
Who are you?
Japanese (used) English (used) Retranslation
Can I help you?
Who are you?

Someone welcoming the player to Tadpole Pond. This is likely an early version of the line used by the first tadpole that greets Mario. For comparison's sake, the nearest used line is also shown.

Japanese English
[Not found yet] Sorry, Tadpole Pond items are all
sold out!
Thanks for coming by.

Seems to refer to a scenario where the items sold at Tadpole Pond could run out. The structure doesn't resemble the frog student's message upon running out of single-purchase items, but it's possible that shop was at one point planned to be in Tadpole Pond.

Japanese English
[Not found yet] I haven't had one made yet.

Located near the text of the tadpole running the Juice Bar and the tadpole aspiring to be a composer. Purpose is unclear.

Japanese English Retranslation
〈キノコフスキー〉 むむむ‥
今 聞こえたのは、君のメロディかい?
Was that your song I just heard?
Was that your melody I just heard?
わたしが今 考えている
メロディは ぜんぜん ちがうな‥
It won't do at all!
It is not the masterpiece I am
trying to compose!
It's completely different from
the melody I have in mind...
Japanese (used) English (used) Retranslation
 いま きこえたのは
Is that something you composed?
Was that your melody
I just heard?
わたしが いま かんがえている
メロディは、ぜんぜん ちがう。
It's not what I'm looking for.
It won't do at all.
It's completely different from
the melody I have in mind.

Melody Bay text. Toadofsky never says this. These may be either an alternate version of a used line or a remnant of a different sequence. For comparison's sake, the nearest used line is also shown.

Japanese English Retranslation
〈キノピオ〉 ありがとうございます~。
早く大臣に 知らせようとして、
さあ、キノコ城は すぐそこです。
で、やっぱりぼくは 走ります‥
TOAD: Thanks for saving me!
In my rush to tell the Chancellor,
I didn't watch where I was going.
Mushroom Kingdom's just ahead,
Mario. Let's hurry there.
TOAD: Thanks so much.
In my rush to tell the Chancellor,
I didn't watch where I was going.
C'mon, Mushroom Kingdom's just ahead.
So, I'll rush from here.
Japanese (used) English (used) Retranslation
〈キノピオ〉 さあ、マリオさん!
キノコ城は すぐそこです。
TOAD: Thanks, Mario!
I was running so fast I wasn't
watching where I was going!
Mushroom Kingdom's just ahead.
We're almost there, Mario.
TOAD: Thanks so much!
In my rush to tell the Chancellor,
I didn't watch where I was going...
TOAD: C'mon, Mario!
Mushroom Kingdom's just ahead.

An early, more direct translation of one of Toad's Mushroom Way lines. This may have been used in a scenario where the Hammer Bros. didn't drop the Hammer. For comparison's sake, the nearest used line is also shown.

Japanese English Retranslation
アイテムゲット! メッセージ Get an item! Item get! message

A placeholder item message.

Japanese English
じらいルームのかぎ をてにいれた Got the Room Key

This almost looks like a duplicate, but the used version of this text puts the item in quotation marks.

Japanese English Retranslation
はあ~~ん はあ~~ん
Ah~ HA~~~~~~~!
Chugga, chugga,
Japanese (used) English (used) Retranslation
はあ~~ん はあ~~ん
Chugga, chugga,

An unused line for Booster. This looks like an alternate version of one of his used train-noise lines, particularly the one after Mario discovers the balcony door is locked. The key difference is that the unused version does not display the full text box automatically and rather has to be advanced by the player, and the pauses in the third Japanese sound are between every character in the used version. For comparison's sake, the nearest used line is also shown.

Japanese English Retranslation
〈ジーノ〉 ‥‥‥
GENO: ………
I feel the energy of the Star Piece.
GENO: ...
I feel the energy of the Star Piece
fluctuating from this hill...

Geno feeling the energy of a Star Piece. This line is functional and can be seen if the player goes to Star Hill before being told about it by Frogfucious, where it replaces the line mentioning him. However, you are locked out of accessing it in normal gameplay until then.

Japanese English Retranslation

彼女が ケッコンしてくれますように

I hope she'll say “yes”.

I hope she'll accept my proposal.

彼が はやくプロポーズしてくれますように

I wish he'd pop THE question.

I wish he'd propose already.

A set of Star Hill wishes that are believed to belong to Raz and Raini. Again, these lines are functional and can be seen in-game up to a point, but once the Princess rejoins the party in Mushroom Kingdom, they are swapped out for post-marriage wishes, making it impossible to see in normal gameplay. These lines may indicate that their story might have gone through a different arc. as they're engaged as soon as you meet them in the final cut.

Japanese English Retranslation
しばし、おまちを‥‥‥ Wait a minute, please... -
〈マロ〉 あやしい人では ありません。 MALLOW: Please! These people
aren't your enemies. They're my
MALLOW: These aren't suspicious people.
This way, come on!

Located among the text related to meeting King and Queen Nimbus. Looks like that scene was originally going to be even longer. The player might have had to follow Mallow into the throne room manually. Alternately, it could be that there was once another way to sneak in Nimbus Castle.

Japanese English Retranslation
てしたに 会わせる顔が ありまセ~ン‥‥‥

So, youse guys found 'em ALL?
...Geez...I've failed...
...I'm humiliated...!
Youse found 'em ALL?
How can I show my face...

This text is located right after Croco's line in Nimbus Land. It seems like he might have originally had a reaction if the player found all of the hidden treasures before meeting him there, rendering the Signal Ring pointless.

Japanese English Retranslation
やっと いそがしくなりました。 Things have finally picked up! Things are finally bustling.

Located among general Nimbus Land text. This is likely an NPC remarking on the post-Valentina state of things.

Japanese English
きっと いいユメを見たんだろうな。
You slept quietly, so I'm sure
you had pleasant dreams!

From the Nimbus Land inn. This is almost certainly the innkeeper's intended response after the Dream Cushion's soaring bed dream, which is the only dream where he skips a unique line. This might have been overlooked due to the similarity with his laughing dream response.

Japanese English Retranslation
勝利!! Victory!! -
全!! Defeated!! Complete!!
逃走!! Run Away!! -

Messages that look like they're for fights but would have apparently been used out of battle.

Battle Text

Japanese English Retranslation
あぁ、マリオさん! 待ってください!! Mario... wait! Ah, Mario! Please wait!!

A line said by Mallow while he's chasing Mario through Bowyer's arrows in the Forest Maze. This line is either skipped or replaced in the final cut.

Japanese English Retranslation
〈レッド〉 てめーら うるせーーっ!!
やる気 あんのかっ!!!!
AXEM RED: SHUT UP, all of you!
We've got a job to do!

A line for the battle with the Axem Rangers. While Axem Red is pestered by his team, he doesn't snap at all of them at once during the course of the battle.

Japanese English Retranslation
〈カジオー〉 この、こわっぱどもがーーっ!!
このワシを、おこらせおって ただではすまぬぞ!
SMITHY: You kids should be ashamed
of yourselves for making me
so upset!
You'll pay for upsetting me!

This was supposed to be said by Smithy after beating his first form. This line is either skipped or replaced in the final cut.

Japanese English
エラーメッセージ Error message

A simple debug message.

Japanese English Retranslation
モンスターは、ちょうはつ している!! Go, World! The monster's provoked!!

The English version and position after the error message suggests that this is also for debugging, but the Japanese version implies it may have had another use. This can show up in-game under rare circumstances when glitching the game, and can occasionally be seen when using the Lamb's Lure or Sheep Attack on one of the hammer enemies which accompany the Clerk, Manager, and Director in battle.


A battle message. Unknown what this was intended for, as there is no way to raise one's maximum HP aside from leveling up.

Japanese English Retranslation
オトコはきらいなんだ めえ~ I REALLY hate males...! I hate guys, bah!

Another battle message. It's unknown where this line was supposed to be used, though it could perhaps have been intended for Valentina, who is depicted as a very vile person with a lot of distastes. The Japanese version of the line implies it could be spoken by a sheep. Keeping in line with the bevy of pop culture references in the Japanese version, the dialogue here is a reference to the 1988 animated film Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack, in which the character Quess Paraya says that "I hate young guys because they say things like that!"

Enemy Names


An unused name for the Magikoopa, specifically associated to the one shown in the game intro and is never seen through normal means. The Japanese version uses カメック (Kamek) instead, which is odd, as while this is the enemy's usual Japanese name, the Magikoopa in this game known as カメザード (Kamezard).


The name of the tiny bombs that can be seen exploding in the intro. Its name is blank in Japanese.


An unused name for the Czar Dragon, specifically associated to the one shown in the game intro and is never seen through normal means. Its name is blank in Japanese.


This is the stem of Smilax, which cannot be targeted at all, thus making this name go unused. The Japanese version uses the same name as Megasmilax (クィーンフラワー). It's possible that it was meant to be targeted if the player was fast enough, similar to the Piranha Plant boss in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.


The name of what Boomer calls "Chandeli-ho", the Shy Guys who hang down from the ceiling to hold the chandeliers. They cannot be targeted in normal gameplay, but if the game is hacked to give a character a speed stat above 200, it is possible to see this. The Japanese version has no name for either of them.


Obviously intended for the cake boss. Possibly, like the Bowser battle at the beginning of the game, the candles were intended to be targeted separately. Its Japanese name is ろうそく (candle).

Psychopath Messages

Japanese English Retranslation
ヘウス!おらノコへい! じっちゃんみてっか! Yo! What's going on? Yo, I'm Terrapin! Are you watching, Grandpa?!

This is the Psychopath thought of the Terrapin, and it is fully functional. However, you only get Mallow (and thus the ability to use Psychopath) after you have defeated this enemy. As a result, there is no way for you to read his thought without using the debug menu. The Japanese version is a reference to the anime adaptation of Dragon Ball, in which Goku would say a similar thing for episode previews.

Japanese English Retranslation
こよいのハンマーは ひとあじ ちがうカメカメ。 I love my hammer! My hammer tonight is a little bit different, turtle-turtle.

This is the Psychopath thought of the Hammer Bros., but you only see them right at the beginning of the game and then never again, so you cannot possibly read his thought without the use of the debug menu. The Japanese version is a reference to Lupin III, in which Goemon would say a similar thing about his sword.

Japanese English Retranslation
マ~リ~オ~! 勝負だ!! Mario! It's time! Maaariooo! We're fighting!!

This is Bowser's thought from the beginning part, unused for the same reasons.


This is the Psychopath thought for Chandeli-ho in the Japanese version. It translates as, "Ah geez... This is NOT worth 2 coins an hour." Oddly enough, in the English version, Chandeli-ho uses the same thought as Snifit.

All of these would eventually make their way into the Nintendo Switch remake (albeit retranslated in the English script), which adds an in-game bestiary that lets you view Psychopath/Thought Peek quotes you've already seen, as well as a character in Booster Pass who sells you quotes you don't yet have, with them giving you these for free when you first meet them.

(Source: Super Mario RPG Secrets for unused Chancellor text, Legends of Localization for pop culture translations, pidgezero_one for wish and fortune triggers, and “LiThL” for a majority of this sub-page)