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Supervision 16-in-1

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Title Screen

Supervision 16-in-1

Developer: Supervision
Platform: Unlicensed NES

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

The Supervision 16-in-1 is yet another unlicensed multicart for the NES, though this one features a distinct lack of simplistic first-gen games.


Unused Graphics

15-in-1 (KS-122)-bigstars.png
Alternate, larger star graphics can be found in the PPU on the menu. These are also unused in the 15-in-1 (KS-122) multicart, with both cartridges using a similar menu.

These tiles can also be found in the PPU. Some other multicarts with similar menus did use at least some of them inside the box containing the game list, though the 2 graphic appears to be slightly corrupted.

Unused Text

The list of games used for the 15-in-1 menu is present in the ROM at 0x64FA, suggesting that this multicart used it as a base.

The following text can be found at 0x3AD in the ROM, possibly used on a different multicart.