Tabi no Yubisashi Kaiwachou DS Thai
Tabi no Yubisashi Kaiwachou DS Thai |
Developer: TOSE This game has hidden development-related text. |
Based on the series of phrasebooks for travelling abroad, Tabi no Yubisashi Kaiwachou DS Thai is the first in a series of phrasebook "games" on the Nintendo DS, and is for Thailand travellers. The rest of the games covered the following countries:
- China
- South Korea
- America
- Germany
Save for the obvious differences of phrases and graphics, all five games are functionally the same. They even feature music from The Legendary Starfy guy.
Unused Graphics
Small testing graphics, present in every release.
Unused Text
Development-Related Text
In all five versions are two identical ROM Spec Files, project_base.rsf and project_emu.rsf. The only difference between the files in each game is on the title name line.
# # Nitro ROM SPEC FILE # # 定義済みマクロ # MAKEROM_ARM9 : ARM9 用 NEF ファイル # MAKEROM_ARM7 : ARM7 用 NEF ファイル # MAKEROM_ROMROOT : プロジェクトのルートディレクトリ Arm9 { Static "main.sbin" OverlayDefs "main_defs.sbin" OverlayTable "main_table.sbin" Nef "$(MAKEROM_ARM9:r).nef" } Arm7 { Static "$(MAKEROM_ARM7:r).sbin" OverlayDefs "$(MAKEROM_ARM7:r)_defs.sbin" OverlayTable "$(MAKEROM_ARM7:r)_table.sbin" Nef "$(MAKEROM_ARM7:r).nef" } Property { # # TITLE NAME: Your product name within 12bytes # TitleName "YUBITHI" # # MAKER CODE: Your company ID# in 2 ascii words # issued by NINTENDO # MakerCode "01" # # REMASTER VERSION: Mastering version # RomVersion 0x00 # ROM SPEED TYPE: [MROM/1TROM/UNDEFINED] # RomSpeedType 1TROM # # ROM SIZE: in bit [64M/128M/256M/512M/1G/2G] # RomSize 512M # # ROM PADDING: TRUE if finalrom # RomFootPadding TRUE # # ROM HEADER TEMPLATE: Provided to every product by NINTENDO # RomHeaderTemplate $(MAKEROM_ROMROOT)/header/rom_header_aubj.template.sbin # # BANNER FILE: generated from Banner Spec File # BannerFile $(MAKEROM_ROMROOT)/header/yubi.bnr } RomSpec { Offset 0x00000000 Segment All # ここに記述した条件にマッチするファイルが、NITROのファイルシステムに組み込まれる。 HostRoot $(MAKEROM_ROMROOT)/out/data/ Root /data File /*.* \ /freeform/*.* \ /freeform/size/*.* \ /freeform/tool/*.* \ /freeform/color/*.* \ /save_load/*.* \ /save_load/sa_hizuke_number/*.* \ /db/*.* \ /3d/main/*.* \ /3d/sub/*.* \ /common/*.* \ /common/obj/*.* \ /font/*.* \ /sound/sound_data.sdat \ /tutorial/*.* \ /tutorial/obj/*.* \ /title/*.* \ /operation/*.* \ /option/*.* \ /menu/*.* \ /message/*.* \ /tangosyu/*.* }
Also located in each game is an .ini file, country.ini, that controls what's shown on the title screen. However, the only ones that actually work are the co-ordinates command and the command to change the time.
############################################################ # # 国情報設定ファイル # Created 2006.01.25 ############################################################ # 画面背景色(R,G,B) COLOR=173,214,247 # 国番号(TAMレイアウターで割り当てられている整数) # ユーザー言語 U_ID=3 # パートナー言語 P_ID=5 # 時差(DS本体のRTC設定時刻からの時差を指定) # 入力例:90分マイナスの場合は「U_TIME=-1,-30」と入力する # ユーザー言語(時,分) U_TIME=0,0 # パートナー言語(時,分) P_TIME=-2,0 # 都市座標(X座標,Y座標) # ユーザー言語 U_CITY=60,63 # パートナー言語 P_CITY=195,54
Test Text
Present in message.bin:
にほんご日本語のサンプルです。 2番目のメッセージです。 最後のメッセージです。
This is a Japanese sample. It's the second message. It's the final message.
test test test
指さし会話帳・チュートリアル用フォント これはテストです。( ´_ゝ`)
Yubisashi Kaiwacho Tutorial Font. This is a test.
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- Nintendo DS games
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- Games released in 2006
- Games released in April
- Games released on April 20
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused text
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