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Talk:Nyan Cat: Lost In Space (Android)
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This is the talk page for Nyan Cat: Lost In Space (Android).
Uncompiled Code
Gonna provide a quick and dirty translation of the source code comments and the debug logs. Pompolic 14:55, 10 May 2013 (EDT)
Hungarian: | English: |
expansion download default ertekek | expansion download default values |
az alap ertekekhez (a PackageInfo-bol kerdezi egyebkent) | for the default values (otherwise it queries PackageInfo) |
reklamok | ads |
kell-e az expansion file? | do we need the expansion file? |
FONTOS! : jelenleg az utils.cpp-ben a GetDeviceFilenName() ugyanezt hasznalja,
hogy eldontse melyik textura kell, ha az valtozik ezt is valtoztatni kell |
IMPORTANT! : currently GetDeviceFilenName() in utils.cpp uses this
to decide which texture is needed, if that changes this needs to be changed too |
igen, expansion file ellenorzese | yes, verifying expansion file |
nem, kis texturak hasznalata | no, use small textures |
c++-bol hivodnak | called from c++ |
letoltes idejenek a beleirasa | write time of download |
ezt adja vissza, mikor valaki texturat akar betölteni | this gets returned when someone wants to load a texture |
a ha keres erkezik a textura betoltesre, akkor toroljuk ki a torlendok listajarol | if a request to load a texture arrives, remove it from the to-be-deleted list |
(lehet hogy az expansion fajlban van) | (it's possible that it's in the expansion file) |
### JAVA TESZT ### | ### JAVA TEST ### |
fuggvenyek a CImageBits-hez
a kis texturakhoz (pár kb-os háttér pixel texturak) (ha nagyobb texturakhoz is kell majd, akkor at kellene irni, hogy ne egyesevel kerdezze le a pixel ertekeket) |
functions for CImageBits
for small textures (background pixel textures weighing a few kilobytes) (if needed for bigger textures, it should be rewritten so that it doesn't read pixel values one by one) |