Talk:Pet in TV with my dear Dog
The menus are ファイル (File), 編集 (Edit) and ヘルプ (Help). The program immediately tries to load a file but fails, and throws the error ファイルがオープンできませんでした ("File can't be opened") before quitting.
File metadata notes this as an application made with the Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC), and has a copyright date of 1999. Digging through the program's resources in Ghidra, I was able to see some bitmaps encoded and a bunch of strings which seem generic (mostly relating to standard Windows errors, the bitmaps are normal things like checkboxes and so forth). The messages are all encoded in Shift-JIS, which is why the initial discoverer Ferrox was unable to read the message properly on a (presumably) English Windows setup.
Hope this info can help someone figure out a bit more than I can. -- Bugsbunny100 (talk) 06:44, 13 September 2024 (UTC)