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Talk:Smeshariki: Kruglaya Kompaniya
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This is the talk page for Smeshariki: Kruglaya Kompaniya.
Noviy Disk's website [1] calls this game "Смешарики. Круглая компания", so I think this article should be called "Smeshariki: Kruglaya Kompaniya". Not only that, but by default, certain Smeshariki games are installed into folders with names that are English translations of the titles. For instance, "Смешарики. Компьютер Ёжика" is installed into a folder called "Hedgehog's computer" (even though that character is not called Hedgehog in any of the English dubs of the show). I'm not sure if I have Kruglaya Kompaniya, so I can't say whether this is true for this game, but if it is, then maybe that can be added as an alternative title. --Savalguga (talk) 04:09, 25 March 2018 (EDT)