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Tenshi na Konamaiki

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Title Screen

Tenshi na Konamaiki

Developer: Kamui
Publisher: Bandai
Platform: PlayStation
Released in JP: September 26, 2002

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.

Debug Menu

Tenshi na Konamaiki Debug Menu.png Tenshi na Konamaiki Debug Menu 2.png Tenshi na Konamaiki Debug Menu 4.png

Use the following code to display a debug menu.

  • D-Pad: Move the cursor.
  • Circle: Enter to menu.
  • L1/L2: Change the page. Page #3 is empty.
80011EA4 0000
(Source: Original TCRF research)

CGテスト (CG Test)

Tenshi na Konamaiki Debug Menu CG Test.png

Background and Character graphics display test.

サウンドテスト (Sound Test)

Tenshi na Konamaiki Debug Menu Sound Test.png

Sound test.

スクリプトテスト (Script Test)

Execute the test script.