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The Fool's Errand (Mac OS Classic)

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Title Screen

The Fool's Errand

Developer: Cliff Johnson
Publisher: Miles Computing
Platform: Mac OS Classic
Released in US: 1987

Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

The Fool's Errand is a fractal knot of puzzles within puzzles, set in the world of the Rider-Waite tarot deck.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Revisional Differences

There are three known versions, each with a date stamped in its about box:

  • Version 1.1 (30 July 1987) was released on three 400K disks.
  • Version 2.0 (25 July 1988) was released on two 800K disks.
  • Version 3.0 (1 April 1998) was released as a free download on Cliff Johnson's website. It addressed numerous compatibility issues that had arisen with later system software, sometimes by removing features altogether (such as the synthesized sound effects).


Title Screen


The trick used to put custom characters in the menubar no longer worked under later systems, and was abandoned in version 3.0.

1.1, 2.0
Fool's Errand (Mac OS Classic) - Menubar 1.1.png
Fool's Errand (Mac OS Classic) - Menubar 3.0.png

Apple Menu

Fool's Errand (Mac OS Classic) - Apple 1.1.png

Version 1.1's Apple menu doubled as an about box.

Fool's Errand (Mac OS Classic) - Apple 2.0.png

Version 2.0 moved this info into the progress window.

Fool's Errand (Mac OS Classic) - Apple 3.0.png

Version 3.0 sacrificed the decorative dividers, which were no longer spaced properly in Mac OS 8.

Progress Window

Fool's Errand (Mac OS Classic) - Progress 1.1.png

Version 1.1's progress display was white-on-black.

Fool's Errand (Mac OS Classic) - Progress 2.0.png

Version 2.0's absorbed the about box content from the Apple menu.

Fool's Errand (Mac OS Classic) - Progress 3.0.png

Version 3.0 capitalized the title and added an ® symbol.

File Menu

The Quit screen was redesigned in version 2.0, keeping the game visible in the background and adding a Cancel option.

A Sound toggle was added in version 2.0, but removed in 3.0 along with all of the game's sound.

The Print Story command was also deleted in version 3.0.


In the commercially published editions (including ports), a game of Thoth is won by the first player to exceed 700 points. In Johnson's freeware release, the finish line was changed to 666 points.


The name of the sequel changed from The Fool's Paradise to The Fool and His Money between 1987 and 1988.

In 1998, this title card was removed altogether. However, The Fool and His Money was finally completed in 2012, and Johnson has considered capping off a trilogy with The Fool's Paradise.