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The Impossible Quiz

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Title Screen

The Impossible Quiz

Also known as: The Impossible Quiz Deluxe
Developer: Splapp-me-do
Publisher: Splapp-me-do
Platform: Adobe Flash
Released internationally: February 20, 2007

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

The Impossible Quiz is a frustrating quiz game where you answer questions with no logic at all.

Unused Graphics

Offscreen Buttons

Impossible quiz offscreen thing.png Impossible quiz music note.png

There are 2 offscreen graphics seen offscreen. A weird black shape and a music note that are called once the game starts. The purpose is unknown.

Question 68

Tiq 68 chris.png

There's an unused graphic of Chris. In the game's data, it appears as the sprite after the last sprite when the question is finished. It's purpose was most likely to be a sprite after you finish petting him, but the next question appears before it.

Question 82

Tiq 82 unused.png

There's an unused face offscreen in Question 82. The use is unknown, as you cannot click it, however it might just be a joke from the developer as the question itself is about clipping toenails.

Question 101 and 108

Impossible quiz 107.jpg Tiq 101 original.jpg

There are source images for the chihuahua in Question 101 and Question 108 found in the files.

Unused Text


Placeholder text for the logo. No code seems to mention this text.