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The Indian in the Cupboard/Unused Audio

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This is a sub-page of The Indian in the Cupboard.


An alternate version of the game's intro. The content is the same, but it's mixed slightly differently and has much less clipping than the used version. It's found with the files for Little Bear's introduction to the village, for some reason.

A variation on the theme that plays when a figure is picked up from the toy shelf. The piano is noticeably louder compared to the used version.

An Iroquois flute solo. From its position in the resource file, this was meant for Gentle Breeze's minigame.

A vocal solo. Like the above, it seems to have been intended for Gentle Breeze's game.



File Character Transcription
Little Bear Put me in the cupboard to bring me to life.

An unused Little Bear hint message, probably intended to play at the beginning of a new game in case the player couldn't figure out how to get started. It seems to have been pieced together from several other messages and sounds a little awkward as a result, which may be why it was scrapped.

File Character Transcription
Omri Oh, I should put down the figure so I can open the cupboard.

Would have been used to block the player from opening the cupboard with a figure in hand. This is pretty annoying and nonsensical (doesn't Omri have two hands?), so the final game just opens the cupboard without complaint.

File Character Transcription
Little Bear To go to my village, pick me.

In-game, this is the first part of a longer line that explains how to bring a figure to life using the cupboard. This shortened form isn't used.

File Character Transcription
Little Bear How are you doing, Hehnuyeha? Why don't you replay some of the games in my world?
Little Bear Remember, you can visit the adventures in my world again by choosing a picture symbol from the wampum belt.

Little Bear was probably supposed to say one of these at random when the player idles for a while on the cupboard screen after earning at least one wampum symbol (Hehnuyeha is "Player", in case your Onondaga is rusty). Perhaps the programmer was feeling lazy, as a more generic set of idle messages is always used regardless of the player's progress.

File Character Transcription
Little Bear Greetings, umgatchi of the Iroquois.

This would have played after the player completes the wampum belt and earns the title of umgatchi ("friend"). However, since the game ends immediately afterwards, there's no opportunity to use it. Perhaps it was originally supposed to be possible to keep playing after earning all the wampum symbols?

File Character Transcription
Runs with the Wind Hello. My name is Runs with the Wind. Iroquois children play many games. Come with me and I'll show you one.
Blooming Flower Hi! I am called Blooming Flower. Want to come with me to learn Iroquois game that uses colored oyeheh, or beads, to make pictures? If so, come with me!
Spalding Greetings! I am Spalding. I make my living trading with the Iroquois and the colonists. Trading helps both groups to get the things they need. I can teach you how to trade! Just choose me.
Shares the Songs Greetings, my friend. I am called Shares the Songs, because I enjoy playing Iroquois esowenoweh—that's our word for music. We use drums, rattles, and flutes to make music. Choose me to play with these instruments!
Gentle Breeze Hello, and good day! I am Gentle Breeze, one of the clan mothers of our village. Gagaieh is an Iroquois word for story. Let's learn about Iroquois symbols!
Keeper of the Words Greetings, my friend. My name is Keeper of the Words, an elder of our village. The Iroquois make beautiful gustowehsoah—or, as you call them, headdresses. Come with me if you want to learn how to make a gustoweh.
Swift Hunter Hello, friend! I am called Swift Hunter, the most skilled hunter in our nation. Would you like to learn how to track gundeyoah—what you call animals? Choose me!

These are slightly shortened forms of the introductions that play the first time a character is brought to life. The used versions add gasping sounds at the beginning of each line, and also suffer from heavy clipping for some reason.


File Character Transcription
Little Bear Let's get going!

Little Bear would probably have said this if the player idled for a while after being introduced to a character. Since he leaves the screen after each introduction, this isn't possible.

File Character Transcription
He Knows the Sky Sgeno! That means "hello" in our language.

He Knows the Sky would have said this after Little Bear introduces him, like with other characters' greetings, but he's strangely silent instead.



File Character Transcription
Boone Don't you worry 'bout us, boss.

Boone would have said this in response to Omri's order to stay put until he gets back from his errand.

Object Descriptions

File Character Transcription
Little Bear This fort reminds me of the English forts. I don't like it.
Boone I don't feel safe in this fort.

Little Bear and Boone's reactions to standing inside the box fort to the right of the starting position (each of the unused description lines below has paired variants for both playable characters). There's simply no click spot there that triggers these.

File Character Transcription
Little Bear I cannot get in this way. There must be another way.
Boone I can't get in this fort through here! Maybe there's another way.

Reactions to trying to get into the box fort by some invalid means. Probably meant to be used when the fort is approached from the surrounding floor.

File Character Transcription
Little Bear Someone polished this big rock. What a foolish thing to do!
Boone I ain't sayin' what I think this looks like.

Descriptions of some smooth round thing. Who knows.

File Character Transcription
Little Bear My friend Spalding tried to trade these for my knife once.
Boone I could get into a big ol' poker game with these!

Reactions to seeing some money. The only money that normally appears in the game is a fake thousand-dollar bill on the bookshelf, which has a different description.

File Character Transcription
Little Bear The rope between these two rocks seems to serve no purpose
Boone What kinda wagon wheel is this?

More enigmatic descriptions.

File Character Transcription
Little Bear These are giant beads, like we use on our clothing.
Boone Purdy.

Descriptions of some beads, obviously. There's a set of toy beads in the southwest corner of the room that these may have been intended for.

File Character Transcription
Little Bear Strange flat tree with wheels ... I must remember to mention it to Runs with the Wind. Maybe he knows what it is.
Boone If that wagon had a cover, it would hold a lot of families.

Probably reactions to the skateboard leaning against the south wall.

File Character Transcription
Little Bear Some kind of giant mask. We Iroquois have masks that are very sacred.
Boone If I had a mask like that, I could scare my pal Mad Dog Marsh real good!

Obviously descriptions of a mask. "Mad Dog Marsh" may or may not be the nickname of designer and producer Dave Marsh.

File Character Transcription
Little Bear I do not understand the purpose of covering this object in rabbit fur.
Boone Lucky, lucky! Now if I could only get it in my pocket! ... Shoot.

Reactions to a rabbit foot.

File Character Transcription
Little Bear Hmm ... reminds me of English soldiers. I shall steer clear of him.
Boone I don't know you, mister, but I don't like the looks of you.

Reactions to something or another. Possibly an unused obstacle like the rat or the cockroaches?

File Character Transcription
Little Bear That moving machine is in my way!
Boone Shoot, I don't think that train'll take me back home.

There was supposed to be a toy train that would block off certain routes in certain scenarios, as with the rat and other creatures. It didn't make the cut in the final game, though these lines and some sound effects remain.

File Character Transcription
Little Bear This fallen tree blocks my path!
Boone That's one big tree.

Descriptions of some path-blocking object that our plucky heroes humorously mistake for a tree.

Hint Messages

For some reason (programming error?), Little Bear and Boone's hint messages for being extremely close to the goal never play, and the same set of "that's the right way" messages are used regardless of distance.

Little Bear

File Character Transcription
Little Bear You are close to your goal, my friend!
Little Bear As you say, you are very warm, cowboy!
Little Bear You do not have to travel much further, Boone!
Little Bear You are almost there, cowboy!
Little Bear You are hot, like boiling water!
Little Bear You are almost upon your goal, Boone!


File Character Transcription
Boone You're gettin' pretty warm now, amigo!
Boone You're very close, pal! Keep goin'!
Boone You should be sweatin', amigo! You're really warm now!
Boone You're so hot you're meltin', my friend!
Boone You're almost there, Little Bear. Almost there!
Boone You're so close, you should be burnin' up, amigo!

Time Warnings

The game plays warning messages indicating the amount of time remaining when there are 14, 11, 8, 5, 2, 1, or ½ minutes left. There are reminders present in the resource files for every 1-minute interval starting from 14, so the exact intervals probably hadn't been decided at the time the dialogue was recorded.

Little Bear

File Character Transcription
Little Bear Thirteen mintues left, Boone.
Little Bear You have twelve minutes left, my friend.
Little Bear Ten minutes remaining, cowboy.
Little Bear Only nine minutes left, Boone!
Little Bear Seven minutes remaining.
Little Bear You have six minutes left, my friend!
Little Bear There are only four minutes left, cowboy!
Little Bear You must hurry! Three minutes remain!


File Character Transcription
Boone Thirteen minutes, amigo.
Boone Twelve minutes to go.
Boone You have ten minutes left, Little Bear.
Boone Nine more minutes.
Boone Seven minutes!
Boone Six minutes to go, amigo!
Boone Four minutes left, Little Bear!
Boone Three minutes to go, amigo!

Blooming Flower

File Character Transcription
Little Bear You can color freeform on the blank screen, or you can use an outline or change outlines by choosing the green "New" rock. If you want to see how it's done, choose the yellow "Hint" rock. When you've finished with the picture, choose the blue "Done" rock. That will also save your picture until you decide to change it or replace it. You can erase the picture by choosing the butterfly. If you want to leave the game, choose the red "Exit" rock. If you'd like to print your picture, choose the brown rock.

Little Bear's hint message for the coloring screen. Since that screen hides the main game interface, it's impossible to click the hint icon and hear this.

File Character Transcription
Blooming Flower Hmm ... You can fill in some more, I think.

Alternate message for clicking the "Done" button without coloring enough.

File Character Transcription
Blooming Flower This is the Underwater Panther.

Description of the unused picture outline for the Underwater Panther.

File Character Transcription
Blooming Flower You need to keep the beads in their own piles.

Probably meant to play if a bead basket of a different color from the selected one was clicked. This would have made switching colors incredibly annoying and was wisely scrapped.

Shares the Songs

File Character Transcription
Little Bear To start the rhythm or begin again, choose the green rock with the rattle. If you want to stop playing the rattles, choose the red rock. Choose the brown rock if you want to play against a friend instead of by yourself.
Little Bear To start the music or begin again, choose the green rock with the flute. If you want to stop playing the flute, choose the red rock. Choose the brown rock if you want to play against a friend instead of by yourself.
Little Bear To start the rhythm or begin again, choose the green rock with the drum. If you want to stop playing the drums, choose the red rock. Choose the brown rock if you want to play against a friend instead of by yourself.

Little Bear's hint messages for each of the game types, unused as with other minigames' hints.

File Character Transcription
Little Bear One of you will be Player 1. The other is Player 2. Start the game, and Player 1 will play back a rhythm. Then Player 2 has a turn. Each of you takes turns. The first player who misses loses the game. Choose the brown rock if you want to play by yourself again.

A similarly unused hint for 2-player mode.

Runs with the Wind

File Character Transcription
Little Bear Start a new game by choosing the green "New" rock. Choose the yellow "Hint" rock if you need help. When you think you're done with the pattern, choose the blue "Done" rock. If you want to leave the game, press the red "Exit" rock. Choose the brown rock if you want to play against a friend instead of playing by yourself.

Standard unused Little Bear hint.

File Character Transcription
Little Bear Choose the green rock to start. The first pattern is for Player 1. The next pattern is for Player 2. You'll get five points if you get it right, but nothing if you miss it. Good luck! Choose the brown rock if you want to play by yourself again.

Same as the above for 2-player mode.

File Character Transcription
Runs with the Wind You'll want to keep all of the seed and bean types separate.

Another potentially aggravating message that was left out of the finished game.

File Character Transcription
Runs with the Wind You'll keep taking turns for six patterns each. But you're not allowed to start over on a pattern, so if you miss, it's the other player's turn. Choose the green rock when you're ready.
Runs with the Wind You'll keep taking turns for seven patterns each. But you're not allowed to start over on a pattern, so if you miss, it's the other player's turn. Choose the green rock when you're ready.
Runs with the Wind You'll keep taking turns for eight patterns each. But ...
Runs with the Wind You'll keep taking turns for nine patterns each. But ...
Runs with the Wind You'll keep taking turns for ten patterns each. But ...
Runs with the Wind You'll keep taking turns for eleven patterns each. But ...
Runs with the Wind You'll keep taking turns for twelve patterns each. But ...
Runs with the Wind You'll keep taking turns for thirteen patterns each. But ...
Runs with the Wind You'll keep taking turns for fourteen patterns each. But ...
Runs with the Wind You'll keep taking turns for fifteen patterns each. But ...
Runs with the Wind You'll keep taking turns for sixteen patterns each. But ...
Runs with the Wind You'll keep taking turns for seventeen patterns each. But ...
Runs with the Wind You'll keep taking turns for eighteen patterns each. But ...
Runs with the Wind You'll keep taking turns for nineteen patterns each. But ...
Runs with the Wind You'll keep taking turns for twenty patterns each. But ...

2-player games always last for five rounds, followed by an indefinite series of sudden death matches in the event of a tie. It seems this number hadn't been decided on at the time the dialogue was recorded.

File Character Transcription
Runs with the Wind One ... two .. three ... four ... five ... six ... seven ... eight ... nine ... ten ... eleven ... twelve ... thirteen ... fourteen ... fifteen.

The easy mode gives until the count of five to memorize the pattern, while the hard mode gives until the count of seven. Internally, this is implemented by playing back a single audio file containing a sequential count and cutting it off after the appropriate number is reached. The count actually goes all the way to fifteen in the file, but most of it is never heard.

Gentle Breeze

File Character Transcription
Gentle Breeze Which symbol represents the Sky World up above?
Gentle Breeze Which symbol represents the tree in the Sky World that makes all of the light?

Unused questions for the quiz at the end of this minigame. These two symbols are obtained during the optional tutorial, but are removed afterwards and can't be gotten back. As a result, they'll never appear in the quiz.

File Character Transcription
Gentle Breeze Which symbol represents the Keeper of the Winds?

Another quiz question. The Keeper of the Winds has no symbol of his own; the west wind (Panther) and the east wind (Moose) have symbols in his place.

Keeper of the Words

File Character Transcription
Little Bear Select the clan symbol you'd like on your headband: Bear, Hawk, Beaver, Snipe, Deer, Turtle, Eel, or Wolf. If you want to see the style you selected again, choose the yellow rock. Place the feathers anywhere on the skull cap you wish. If your style uses any eagle feathers, they go in special spots. If you want to start over, choose the green rock. Choose the red rock to leave and go back to Sacred Words, or choose the cupboard to go back home. You can print out your headdress with the brown rock.

Little Bear's hint message for the headdress design screen, unused for the same reason as in the other games. Note that it misidentifies Keeper of the Words as "Sacred Words", which may have contributed to its lack of usage.

File Character Transcription
Omri I found a feather!
Omri Here's one!
Omri All right! A feather!
Omri Got one!

Generic messages for picking up a feather. The used messages always refer to the specific type of feather obtained.

Swift Hunter

File Character Transcription
Swift Hunter Let's do a little more tracking practice.

Probably would have been used if the player chooses to continue tracking instead of going to the minigame-end quiz.

He Knows the Sky

File Character Transcription
He Knows the Sky Let's hear some more tales about the stars.

Possibly meant to be used if the player goes back to the campfire from the sky screens, then chooses to return to the sky screens.

Wampum Ceremony

File Character Transcription
Little Bear Shh! This is an important ceremony. It's for you! Watch, and listen.

This is not unused, but its use seems to be accidental. During the wampum belt award ceremony cutscene, the cursor is made invisible. However, navigating the invisible cursor over Little Bear's hint icon and clicking it will trigger this line once the current line finishes playing. This seems to be more a quirk of the game engine than an intentional feature, hence its inclusion here.


A few sound effects don't see use anywhere in the game.


Alternate sound for the cupboard being opened or closed?
Possibly a sound effect for turning the key.
Different sound effect for closing the cupboard?
Different sound effect for activating the cupboard?


The sound effect for the unused toy train obstacle.
Some sort of stretching sound?
A generic grunt.
Blasting noise?
Landing from a jump?

Keeper of the Words

An unused birdcall located alongside the used ones.
To do:
What kind of bird makes this call?

Runs with the Wind

A generic "nature" ambiance loop.

He Knows the Sky

Possibly an alternate effect for when He Knows the Sky dims the fire.