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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Unused Shop Data

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This is a sub-page of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Unused Shops

Kakariko Shop (Adult)

Documentation from the iQue leaks names this shop as SHOP_KAKARIKO, and describes it as "大人の店" (Adult Shop). It also has an associated prerender

It's almost identical to the Bazaar (called SHOP_SHILD), the only difference being that the Bombs cost 25 rupees, as opposed to 35 rupees in the final version.

Item Price
Hylian Shield 80
Bombs x5 25
Deku Nuts x5 15
Recovery Heart 10
Arrows x10 20
Arrows x50 90
Deku Stick 10
Arrows x30 60

Talon's Shop

Documentation from the iQue leaks names this shop as SHOP_LONRON, and describes it as "タロンの店" (Talon's Shop). It also has an associated prerender.

Given the duplicate Recovery Hearts, this probably wasn't finished when it was dropped.

Item Price
Lon Lon Milk 100
Deku Nuts x5 15
Deku Nuts x10 30
Recovery Heart 10
Weird Egg 100
Deku Stick 10
Recovery Heart 10
Recovery Heart 10

Ingo's Shop

Documentation from the iQue leaks names this shop as SHOP_INGOU, and describes it as "インゴーの店" (Ingo's Shop). Ingo would have taken over Talon's shop, in addition to the ranch.

It seems that this shop was going to be similar to the Bike Shop from Pokémon Red and Blue, or Chudley's shop from Twilight Princess, where the player can't afford anything, because the prices exceed the max amount of rupees it is possible to carry. The max rupee count, as seen in prerelease screenshots, was originally 9999. The Ingo Milk and Ingo Egg items were removed from the final game.

Item Price
Ingo Milk 10,000
Ingo Milk 10,000
Ingo Milk 10,000
Ingo Milk 10,000
Ingo Egg 10,000
Ingo Egg 10,000
Ingo Egg 10,000
Ingo Egg 10,000

Chick Shop


Original Text Translation
[36m ヒヨコの店(大人の時) [m [36m Chick Shop (Adult Era) [m
[36m ヒヨコ屋閉店 [m [36m Chick Shop - Closed [m
[36m ヒヨコの店(子人の時) [m [36m Chick Shop (Child Era) [m


Original Text Translation
[36m ヒヨコの店(子人の時) [m [36m Chick Shop (Child Era) [m

Shop Item Entries

Every item that can be sold in a shop has basic data that determines the item/equipment you will receive, as well as the price. There are 50 entries in the list, of these, the following items are not sold in any shop. All values ​​of the shops can be found in the file ovl_En_GirlA. These objects contain information and buying messages, the messages may have been modified during development and are being used for other things.

Unknown Item

This item is unknown, but it contains values ​​of units, price and two messages.

Object Shader Units Price
0005 000A 20 25

Hex Values:

0005 000a 000f 0014 0019 001e 0023 0028
0000 0000 8086 2c34 8086 2d78 8086 2d78

Weird Egg

Object Shader Units Price
xxxx xxxx xxxx 100

Hex Values:

00da 0028 8002 2438 0064 0001 00ae 0099
0000 0047 8086 36b8 8086 3dac 8086 3fb4

Weird Egg

Object Shader Units Price
xxxx xxxx xxxx 10,000

Hex Values:

00da 0028 8002 2438 2710 0001 00b5 0085
0000 0000 8086 3728 8086 3e18 8086 3fb4

Giant's Knife

Object Shader Units Price
xxxx xxxx xxxx 1,000

Hex Values:

00f8 0042 8002 2438 03e8 0001 00a8 0091
0000 0028 8086 332c 8086 3bf8 8086 3fb4

Big Poe

Object Shader Units Price
xxxx xxxx xxxx 50

Hex Values:

0176 006f 8086 48cc 0032 0001 506f 5070
0000 0070 8086 3974 8086 3e84 8086 3fb4


Object Shader Units Price
xxxx xxxx xxxx 100

Hex Values:

00df 002f 8086 48cc 0064 0001 00ad 0097
0000 0014 8086 365c 8086 3d70 8086 3fb4


Object Shader Units Price
xxxx xxxx xxxx 10,000

Hex Values:

00df 002f 8086 48cc 2710 0001 00b4 0085
0000 0000 8086 3714 8086 3de8 8086 3fb4