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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom/Unused Graphics

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This is a sub-page of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Unused Inventory Icons

Several inventory icons exist in the files which are unused.

Actor Name Icon Details
Armor_1036_Upper TotK Armor 1036 Upper.png For an unused body piece of an unused version of the Ancient Hero's Aspect armor
Armor_1036_Lower TotK Armor 1036 Lower.png For an unused leg piece of an unused version of the Ancient Hero's Aspect armor
Helmet_001 TotK Helmet 001.png Unused icon for an NPC-only alternate version of the Soldier's Helm used by Kosi and Ponthos
Item_CookSet TotK Item CookSet.png Unused icon for the regular Cooking Pots scattered around Hyrule
Item_Ore_N TotK Item Ore N.png Icon for an unknown, unused ore material resembling a bundle of ingots.
The last kind of ore in-game is Item_Ore_M, which is Large Zonaite.
Npc_Zelda_Torch TotK Npc Zelda Torch.png Unused icon for the torch that Princess Zelda uses during the intro of the game
TotK Obj LinkHouse A 01 0.png Unused icon for a room of the dream home
Obj_LinkHouse_B_01_0 TotK Obj LinkHouse B 01 0.png Unused icon for a room of the dream home
Obj_LinkHouse_C_01_0 TotK Obj LinkHouse C 01 0.png Unused icon for a room of the dream home
PlayerRaulHand TotK PlayerRaulHand.png Unused blank 256x256 icon for Link's Zonai arm.
Weapon_Base Weapon Base.png Unused icon for the actor Weapon_Base

Character Profile Images

To do:
Upload images, including final Teba for comparison.

There are a few images related to the Character Profiles on the Purah Pad that go unused.

  • Artwork and a sprite of Rhondson by herself; normally she is always with Hudson.
  • A render of Teba which was seemingly the basis of the artwork actually used, and accompanying sprite.
  • A strange, cut-off image of Mineru's Construct, and a sprite of its head. It is titled "Npc_RaumiGolem_Sage_Picture", with other Sages' updated images being suffixed similarly. However, Mineru's Character Profile (which only has her Zonai form) isn't unlocked until the Spirit Temple is entirely complete.

Unused Models

The Huge Crystallized Charge (worth 100 normal crystallized charges) has a model that can never be seen in-game. While regular and Large Crystallized Charges (worth 20) sometimes appear in the overworld, such as in shops or dropped by enemies, all instances of the Huge Crystallized Charge come from treasure chests, so it never exists in the overworld. If one is spawned in the overworld, picking it up gives 100 charges' worth as expected, but the item has no gravity.

(Source: Original TCRF research)