The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker/Nenaudojamos NPC animacijos
This is a sub-page of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker/Unused NPC Animations.
Archyvinis vardas | Vertimas | Naudojamas? |
Pm.arc | Poor Maggie | ✔ |
Tai Poor Maggie archyinis failas. Nors jis ir naudojamas, jis turi nenaudojamų išteklių.
Poor Maggie
Failo vardas | Vertimas | Aprašymas |
talk01.bck | Talk 01 | Talk |
Įprastai su Maggie negali kalbėtis kol ji yra skurdi, nes ji pasirodo tik katscenose. Nors su ja įmanoma pasikalbėti viename iš veikėjų testavimo žemėlapių, šios animacijos ji neįjungia. Dėl animacijos egzistavimo manoma, kad arba ji neturėjo būti pagrobta iki prieš antrąją kelionę į Forsaken Fortress, arba kad buvo galima kalbėtis su ja jai jau kalint tvirtovėje.
Archive | Translation | Used |
Demo35.arc | Cutscene 35 | ✔ |
This is the archive file for the cutscene in which Ganondorf morphs into Puppet Ganon. While used, it contains some unused resources.
Princesė Zelda
Šios miego animacijos nenaudojamos, nes Zeldos modelio kopija (bet tik jos galva) jau yra įtraukta į antklodės modelį. Animacijos net negali būti naudojamos su lovos modeliu, nes jis turi „daugiau“ kaulų nei įprastinis Zeldos modelis.
Miegas 1
Failo vardas | Vertimas | Aprašymas |
xxx | xxx | xxx |
Miegas 2
Failo vardas | Vertimas | Aprašymas |
xxx | xxx | xxx |
Archive | Translation | Used |
Demo03.arc | Cutscene 03 | ✔ |
This is the archive file for the cutscene in which Link finds Tetra in the forest on Outset Island. While used, it contains some unused resources.
Quill doesn't normally appear in this cutscene, and his model is nowhere to be found within its archive. His animation files are copies of those found in Demo10.arc, the archive file for the cutscene in which Link meets with the Rito chieftain, who discusses Valoo's behavior and gives Link the letter meant for Komali. Accordingly, they use a "10" prefix.
Flap Wings
Filename | Translation | Description |
10_bm_cut1_flya | 10 - Bird Man - Cutscene 1 - Fly A | Flap Wings |
Flap Wings & Shake Head
Filename | Translation | Description |
10_bm_cut1_flyb | 10 - Bird Man - Cutscene 1 - Fly B | Flap Wings & Shake Head |
Look Up
Filename | Translation | Description |
10_bm_cut5_look_oyakata | 10 - Bird Man - Cutscene 5 - Look - Boss | Look Up |
This animation has a wait counterpart in Demo10.arc called 10_bm_cut5_wait_oyakata, but none in Demo03.arc.
Archive | Translation | Used |
Demo18.arc | Cutscene 18 | ✔ |
This is the archive file for the cutscene in which Link meets Jabun. While used, it contains some unused resources.
Jabunas (dummy kopija)
Failo vardas | Vertimas | Aprašymas |
jblob_swim.bck | Jabun Blob - Swim | Swim |
Kur ši animacija galėjo būti panaudota - nežinoma, ypač kai ji atrodo tarsi ji būtų po vandeniu.
Archive | Translation | Used |
Demo20.arc | Cutscene 20 | ✔ |
This is the archive file for the xxx cutscene. While used, it contains some unused resources.
Rose doesn't normally appear in this cutscene, though her her model can be found within its archive. Her animation files are copies of those found in Demo5.arc, the archive file for the "Leaving Outset Island" cutscene.
Filename | Translation | Description |
xxx | xxx | xxx |
Filename | Translation | Description |
xxx | xxx | xxx |
Archive | Translation | Used |
Demo20.arc | Cutscene 20 | ✔ |
This is the archive file for the cutscene in which the King of Red Lions talks to Valoo before he, Link, and Tetra travel to Hyrule for the second time. While used, it contains some unused resources.
Rose doesn't normally appear in this cutscene, and her model is nowhere to be found within its archive. Her animation files are copies of those found in Demo5.arc, the archive file for the "Leaving Outset Island" cutscene.
Filename | Translation | Description |
xxx | xxx | xxx |
Filename | Translation | Description |
xxx | xxx | xxx |
Archyvinis vardas | Vertimas | Naudojamas? |
Syan.arc | Chan | ✘ |
Tai nenaudojamo sietyno, parodyto Spaceworld 2001 treileryje, archyvinis failas.
Pirma animacija neanimuoja modelio, tik atskiria sietyną nuo virvės. Antra animacija irgi atskiria sietyną nuo virvės bet taipogi ji yra tikra animacija. Ji priverčia sietyną ir virvę siūbuoti kartu.
Abi animacijos gali būti matomos žemiau pateiktame video laikuose atitinkamai 0:46 ir 1:15.
Filename | Translation | Description |
xxx | xxx | xxx |
Filename | Translation | Description |
xxx | xxx | xxx |