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The Simpsons (Xbox, EA)/Debug Options
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This is a sub-page of The Simpsons (Xbox, EA).
Debug Options
To do: Maybe a couple more screenshots on the right to make the wall of text more pleasant to look at? |
There are two debug .XBEs that have debugging functions. Simpsons_Xbox_TF.xbe has less options but loads on a regular Xbox, but while Simpsons_Xbox_D.xbe is packed with a ton more options, it also requires a debug/devkit BIOS to launch. There are several duplicate debug options as well.
All of these are triggered by holding Start.
- PAD_R - Debug Cam
- A - Debug Trace
- X - Debug IO
- PAD_D - Marketing Cam
- PAD_L - Debug Menu
- B - Stop/Start Time
- rtrig - RESET ALL
Enabling the Debug Menu will give quite a decent amount more debugging options under inGameMain. Some of these are meant for James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing, and some are for The Simpsons Game.
- ActionGirl Tuning -->
- Weapon Settings -->
- Fight Stick Natural Freq (hz)
- Fight Stick Damp Ratio
- Debugging Level
- Have Bo Track Hands
- Animated Hit Reaction
- Momentum Full Hit React(kg-m/sec)
- Minimum Hit Reaction (0.0 to 1.0)
- End Hit Animation Early (0=disabled)
- Jump Settings -->
- Gravity
- Jump Momentum
- Jump Ctrl Accel
- Jump Ctrl MaxVel
- Jump Hgt Table [0]
- Jump Hgt Table [1]
- Jump Hgt Table [2]
- Jump Frames Delay
- Bounce Climb Settings -->
- BounceClimb X/Y Velocity
- BounceClimb Z Velocity
- BounceClimb Angle Windows
- Trampoline Settings -->
- Hgt to get Xtra Tramp Boost
- Vel of XTra Tramp Boost
- CG Demo Mode
- Vert Bar/Death Slide/Horiz Bar Settings -->
- Vert Bar Grav Acc (g)
- Vert Bar Spin Gain (F/mg)
- Vert Bar Damping (N*m)/(kg*s)
- Vert Bar Max Climb Speed (m/s)
- Vert Bar Max Slide Speed (m/s)
- Vert Bar Max Bank Ang (deg)
- Vert Bar XY Exit Jump vel (m/s)
- Vert Bar Z Exit Jump Vel (m/s)
- Death Slide Grav Acc (g)
- Death Slide Spin Gain (F/mg)
- Death Slide Damping (N*m)/(kg*s)
- Death Slide Max Angle (deg)
- Enable Rail Stance
- Debugging Level
- Use Old HBar State Machine
- Horizontal Bar Settings -->
- Switch Max Velocity (degrees/sec)
- Switch Max Rotation (degrees)
- Max Rotation Velocity (degrees/sec)
- Scale of force
- Momentum at neutral
- Momentum kept from jump
- Launch Angle Table Window 0
- Launch Angle Table Window 1
- Launch Angle Table Window 2
- Launch Angle Table Window 3
- Launch Angle Table Window 4
- Launch Angle Table Window 5
- Launch Angle Table Window 6
- Launch Angle Table Window 7
- Launch Angle Window Offset Positive
- Launch Angle Window Offset Negative
- Air Tumble Settings -->
- Maximum Rot Vel
- Angular Accel Scale
- XY Vel Boost Percentage
- Z Vel Boost Percentage
- XYVel Additive Scale
- Minimum Forward Vel Scale
- Vel Transfer to Ground Roll Scale
- Lateral Vel Scale
- Ground Roll Settings -->
- Decel
- Stick Accel
- Turn Speed
- Threshold
- Min Framerate
- Rope Swing Settings -->
- Dist To Rope For Grab (meters)
- Dist To Rope For Aware (meters)
- Turn Window Min (deg)
- Turn Window Max (deg)
- Rotation Velocity (deg/sec)
- Climb Velocity (meters/sec)
- Slide Velocity (meters/sec)
- Chase Cam Settings -->
- Vert tracking scale
- Vert tracking scale multiplayer
- Camera look speed
- Camera dist horiz bar (meters)
- Camera dist vert bar (meters)
- Camera dist deathslide (meters)
- Camera dist rope swing (meters)
- Near pitch limit
- Far pitch limit
- Moving adjusts camera dist
- Surface Friction Settings -->
- Regular Friction Coeff.
- Regular Drag Coeff.
- Regular Relative Mass
- Phy Slippery 0 Friction Coeff.
- Phy Slippery 0 Drag Coeff.
- Phy Slippery 0 Relative mass
- Phy Slippery 1 Friction Coeff.
- Phy Slippery 1 Drag Coeff.
- Phy Slippery 1 Relative mass
- Phy Slippery 01 Friction Coeff.
- Phy Slippery 01 Drag Coeff.
- Phy Slippery 01 Relative mass
- Demo Game Settings -->
- Dist To Collectable For Grab (meters)
- Load Settings
- Save Settings
- Weapon Settings -->
- Change Players, Game Mode -->
- 1 Player
- 2 Players Arena
- 2 Players Cooperative
- Choose Map -->
- demo_simpsons_house
- Cheats -->
- Random Input
- g_unlimited_ammo
- debug fly
- Ledge move enabled
- crouch on toggle
- use ramp tag
- invincible
- notarget
- god
- respawn on death
- allweapons
- fullarmor
- fullbattery
- fullammo
- unlimitedplayerammo
- specialweapon 1
- specialweapon 2
- rumble
- unlimited battery
- battery usage multiplier
- damage multiplier
- amo max multiplier
- Show Player Pos
- debugcam
- DebugText
- pl_jetpackunlimited
- End Mission as Successful
- End Mission as Failed
- givegoldsingle
- givegoldall
- target adjust for cover
- target cone angle
- teleport p2 to p1
- Skip Arcade Level
- Skip To Level
- Debug Settings -->
- Disable Audio
- Skip All NIS
- Rumble
- Printf Enables -->
- enable NORMAL Printfs
- enable IMPORTANT Printfs
- enable CRAP Printfs
- enable KD Printfs
- enable CCT Printfs
- enable UI Printfs
- enable EFX CTRL Printfs
- enable ENV Printfs
- Restart Map
- Reload Map
- Exit To Main Menu
- Load animation names v1
- Dump Animation Stats v3
- Reset Animation Stats
- Profiling -->
- Display FPS
- Display FPS Ranges
- Profile DMA Usage
- Draw Background
- Draw Profile Graph
- AutoHide Profile Graph
- Reset Profile Data
- Enable Profiler
- Report To Screen
- Report To Console
- Show Max Values
- Show Average Values
- Sort By Func Only
- Profile All
- Profile Rendering
- Profile Effects
- Profile Collision
- Profile AI
- Profile SentientMovement
- Profile Collider
- Profile Physics
- Profile Animation
- Profile Audio
- Profile Other
- Sort Profiles
- Indent By First Call
- Show Func
- Show Func+Child
- Show Call #s
- Show Percentages
- Render Info -->
- Render Stats
- Render Poly Counts
- Show FPS
- Wireframe
- Cull Dont
- Cull Flip
- Flip FSAA
- DumpPlayerLights
- Do Post
- Texture Stats
- Display PVS
- Lock Frustum
- Log Tex Uploads
- Log Tex Usage
- Show Entity LOD metrics
- Show Entity Boxes
- Show Hidden Lines
- fov
- Split 2-Player View Vertically
- Show Shadow Volume
- Show Fog Ramp
- Draw Debug Menu BG
- Draw Dynamic Light Volumes
- Render Toggles -->
- Draw Sky
- Draw Sky Only
- Draw World
- Draw World Surfs
- Draw Lightmaps
- Draw Entities
- Draw Players
- Draw Brush Entities
- Draw FX
- Draw Shadows
- Draw Fog
- Draw UI
- Enable DLights
- Enable Morph
- Draw Flares
- Use Patch LODs
- Use 16x9 Aspect
- VisualFX -->
- Calc Effect Extents
- Pause Simulation
- Ignore PVS
- Show Effect Extents
- Show Reaper Cull Boxes
- Show Effect Names
- Show Effect Info
- Show LOD Values
- Show Particle Centers
- Show Particle Boxes
- Max Counts and Lifespans
- Unit Size Particles
- No Animation Interpolation
- Display Frame Number
- Enable logging
- Dump effect log
- Profile sprite pool
- Show Full Resource Graph
- Show Resource Graph
- Lighting -->
- Lighting At Debug Cam
- Print Lights At Debug Cam
- Debug Entity Lighting
- Show Debug Ent Light Lines
- Disable Entity Ambient
- Disable Entity Directional
- Audio -->
- Mix -->
- Stream Audio
- Display Stream Info
- Display Current Mix
- Display Pathfinder Info
- Print Samples to Console
- Show Chatter Debug
- Show Chatter Fail Debug
- Show Sound FX Names
- Enable Non-Streamed Audio
- Enable Default Voice
- Show Voice Stats
- Mix -->
- Controls -->
- Single Player Controller
- Prototype Tuning -->
- Blended walk/run
- Show player max turn angle
- Show player IK debugging
- display stick input
- use dampened movement
- 100% Accuracy
- Debug Time Scale
- Bondosity Time Scale
- Bondosity Ramp Time
- Chase Cam Auto Reset
- Vandenberghe Auto Lock
- Show Abseil Debug Info
- Always Play HTH GB Cam
- Entity Queries -->
- Show Door auto-generated touchfield
- Map Statistics -->
- display metrics
- display invisible scorekeepers
- UI Debug -->
- Language
- Show Hud
- Arena Scoring Screen
- Show Subtitles
- Draw TRC Screen Safe Zone
- Misc -->
- Show Build String
- Enable FileCom
- Enable Game Logging
- Display Stick Vals
- Draw TRC Screen Safe Soze
- Disable Pause Menu Draw
- Player Debug -->
- debug fly
- drop down
- camera collide
- forward dive roll
- player-based targeting
- crouch on toggle
- new target biasing
- Surface Friction Settings -->
- Regular Friction Coeff.
- Regular Drag Coeff.
- Regular Relative Mass
- Phy Slippery 0 Friction Coeff.
- Phy Slippery 0 Drag Coeff.
- Phy Slippery 0 Relative mass
- Phy Slippery 1 Friction Coeff.
- Phy Slippery 1 Drag Coeff.
- Phy Slippery 1 Relative mass
- Phy Slippery 01 Friction Coeff.
- Phy Slippery 01 Drag Coeff.
- Phy Slippery 01 Relative mass
- CCT Debug -->
- Let Tricky Interpolate
- Logging
- Show cache stats
- Record Anim Transforms
- Log Anim Stats
- Use targeted entity
- Switch targeted entity once
- Freeze Log
- Log line count
- Log verbose
- ConsolePrint
- Text Color(0 - 3)
- CCT Var Display 1
- CCT Var Display 2
- Enable primary transitions
- Enable secondary transitions
- Marketing Cam -->
- Toggle Second Controller Camera
- Draw Players
- Stream Audio
- Make Bond Motion Relative
- Make Start Button Pause
- g_unlimited_ammo
- god
- Show Hud
- Snapshot Number
- Slow Motion Scale
- Lock PVS
- Lock Frustum
- toggle npc invulnerable
- Objectives-->
- GameObjectives
No Objectives in map.
No ScoreKeepers in map.
- GameObjectives
- Physics Settings -->
- physics stats
- draw icons
- 1/10 time
// general - G, r/ss
//friction - fr0, in [-1,1]
- fr1, in [-1,1]
- fr v2
- krc, in [0,1]
- escape rest, >1
- cd pad, >=0
- AI Debug -->
- show ai on-screen text display
- show accuracy info
- use targeted npc
- do not distance cull text
- disable ai
- log behavior selection
- leave corpses
- show routes
- show navigation
- show steering
- show cover
- show cover angles
- show dropped items
- show nav vis tests
- show sightlines
- show show hearing
- print hearing to console
- print squad msg to console
- print npcmaker obstructions
- test sound radius
- test sound volume
- test sound type
- test sound priority
- play test sound
- show coordinated h2h attackers
- HandToHand Power Mode
- HandToHand Power Mode Always On
- HandToHand Power Mode UI On
- Power Mode Debug Text
- toggle npc invulnerable
- Activate NIS-->
- NISequence Entities
- NO NISequence(s) in map