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The Sims Life Stories/The Sims 2 Leftovers/Open For Business

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This is a sub-page of The Sims Life Stories/The Sims 2 Leftovers.

To do:
Talent Badge text, customer buying/star sounds

This game makes very little use of this expansion's elements, inevitably leaving loads of leftovers unused.

Leftover Textures


Found In Image Notes
UI/ui.package TSLS BestOfBestMemory.png Leftover graphic used for the "Won Best-of-the-Best Award" Memory.
UI/ui.package TSLS ElevatorPlummetFear.png Leftover graphic used for the "Elevator Plummet!" Fear. Elevators additionally don't appear in the game.
UI/ui.package TSLS HairStylistMemory.png Leftover graphic used for the Hair Stylist Want.
UI/ui.package TSLS HairStylistFear.png Leftover graphic used for the Hair Stylist Fear.
UI/ui.package TSLS BusinessMemory.png Leftover graphic used for the "Opened First Business" Memory and Business-related Wants/Fears.
UI/ui.package TSLS CustomerStarWant.png Leftover graphic used for the "Customer Gains a Star" Want.
UI/ui.package TSLS CustomerLosesStarFear.png Leftover graphic used for the "Customer Loses a Star" Want.
UI/ui.package TSLS WooHooServoMemory.png Leftover graphic used for the "WooHoo with Servo" Want/Memory.
UI/ui.package TSLS WooHooServoRejectedMemory.png Leftover graphic used for the "Get Rejected for WooHoo with Servo" Fear.


Found In Format Instance File Name Image Notes
3D/Objects09.package LIFO 0xFFCA21FD stereowall-white0_lifo TS2 stereowall-white0 lifo 256x256.png Leftover speaker for the Shopping Radio Station. The presence of the other ash-colored speaker implies that it may be a leftover.
3D/Objects09.package LIFO 0xFF23B5A1 robotbasestation-surface-surface0_lifo TSLS robotbasestation-surface-surface0 lifo 256x256.png Leftovers for the CleanBot base.
3D/Objects09.package LIFO 0xFFAE9DE1 robotroverclean-blue0_lifo TSLS robotroverclean-blue0 lifo 256x256.png Leftovers for the CleanBot, which is the only one to be present.
3D/Objects09.package LIFO 0xFFAE6354 robotroverclean-green0_lifo TSLS robotroverclean-green0 lifo 256x256.png
3D/Objects09.package LIFO 0xFFA56B71 robotroverclean-red0_lifo TSLS robotroverclean-red0 lifo 256x256.png
3D/Objects09.package LIFO 0xFF40852F robotroverclean-yellow0_lifo TSLS robotroverclean-yellow0 lifo 256x256.png

UI Graphics

Found In Image Notes
UI/ui.package TSLS TS2OFBLogo.png A leftover title logo for The Sims 2: Open For Business Expansion Pack, intended for the loading screen.
UI/ui.package TSLS ShoppingDistrictIcons.png
TSLS ShoppingDistrictIconAddButton.png
TSLS ShoppingDistrictButton.png
Leftover buttons for the Shopping District sub-neighborhood.
UI/ui.package TSLS ShoppingDistrictIcon.png TSLS ShoppingDistrictIconAdd.png Leftover icons for the Shopping District sub-neighborhood.
UI/ui.package TSLS TalentBadgesIcon.png Leftover graphic for the Talent Badges.
UI/ui.package TSLS TalentBadgeMenu.png Leftover menu graphic for the Talent Badges.
UI/ui.package TSLS TrolleyIcon.png Leftover menu graphic.
UI/ui.package TSLS MultiLevelDoorsIcon.png
TSLS ElevatorsIcon.png
TSLS ShelvesIcon.png
Leftover Buy/Build Mode graphics for Awnings, Elevators and Shelves.
UI/ui.package TSLS OFBTutorial1.png TSLS OFBTutorial2.png TSLS OFBTutorial3.png TSLS OFBTutorial4.png TSLS OFBTutorial5.png
TSLS OFBTutorial6.png TSLS OFBTutorial7.png TSLS OFBTutorial8.png TSLS OFBTutorial9.png TSLS OFBTutorial10.png
TSLS OFBTutorial11.png TSLS OFBTutorial12.png TSLS OFBTutorial13.png
Leftover tutorial images for the expansion.

Leftover Strings


Pricing Strings

Job Assignments

Job Assignments (female)

EP3 - Generic Object Dialog

EP3 - Badge Names

EP3 - Servo Strings

EP3 - Panel / Buy - Build Strings

Business UI

Dress Employee

EP3 - Business Monikers

EP3 - Reward Tree

EP3 - Dialog Strings