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The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox)/PlayStation 2 Demo

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This is a sub-page of The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox).

The Official U.S. PlayStation 2 Magazine Vol. 90 demo disc contains a demo for the game. It contains 3 levels to play through: Three... Thousand Miles to Shell City, Sandwich Driving 101, and the first Floating Block Challenge. There are a few notable differences between it and the retail version of the game.

Main Menu

SBMovie-PS2-Demo Menu Main.png

Upon pressing Start on the title screen, a unique menu is presented for choosing 1 of 3 levels to play. The levels are then played in list order (up to Floating Block Challenge) before quitting and showing a splash screen.

Pause Menu

SBMovie-PS2-Demo Menu Pause.png

This menu has been simplified to only include the following: Controls, Options, Quit Demo, and Restart Demo.
The Task Menu is completely absent.

Controls Menu

Exclusive to the demo is a Controls menu. A controller diagram is displayed depending on the current level. There are diagrams for SpongeBob, Driving, and Patrick.

Three... Thousand Miles to Shell City Sandwich Driving 101 Floating Block Challenge
SBMovie-PS2-Demo Controls SB.png SBMovie-PS2-Demo Controls DR.png SBMovie-PS2-Demo Controls PS.png

Upgrade Menu

SBMovie-PS2-Demo Menu Upgrade.png

SpongeBob is able to upgrade his Health, Karate Spin, and Bash moves in the demo.
Oddly enough, Patrick is unable to perform his Star Spin or Cartwheel abilities, despite having both abilities unlocked by this point in the retail game. This is due to the Upgrade Menu being tied to player abilities. This also means that Patrick's Health cannot be upgraded.

Bungee UI

The Bungee button prompts in the demo are off centered compared to retail.

Demo Retail
SBMovie-PS2-Bungee Demo.png SBMovie-PS2-Bungee Retail.png

Missing Port-O-Head

The Port-O-Head at the end of Three... Thousand Miles to Shell City was removed, so the "Patrick Gets Steamed" task can't be completed through normal conditions. This was likely done to focus each level on a specific character.

Demo Retail
SBMovie-PS2-Port O Head Demo.png SBMovie-PS2-Port O Head Retail.png

Missing Warp Pads

Since the demo only has 3 levels (including a Floating Block Challenge), the Warp Pads in Three... Thousand Miles to Shell City were replaced with Manliness Points.

Demo Retail
SBMovie-PS2-Warp Pad 1 Demo.png SBMovie-PS2-Warp Pad 1 Retail.png
Demo Retail
SBMovie-PS2-Warp Pad 2 Demo.png SBMovie-PS2-Warp Pad 2 Retail.png

Street Lamp Hitboxes

In Sandwich Driving 101, two of the hitboxes for the street lamps were corrected to align with their visual models. This fix is not present in the non-English versions, and it is exclusive to the demo.

Demo Retail
SBMovie-PS2-LIGHT STREET02C Demo.png SBMovie-PS2-LIGHT STREET02C Retail.png
Demo Retail
SBMovie-PS2-LIGHT STREET011C Demo.png SBMovie-PS2-LIGHT STREET011C Retail.png

Ending Splash Screen

SBMovie-PS2-Demo Splash Screen.png

The demo concludes with a splash screen that encourages the player to purchase the game.

Miscellaneous Demo Differences

  • The ESRB "Everyone" rating is shown on a black background before the opening logos start.
  • Vibration is set to Off by default.
  • The player begins with 5 Goofy Goober Tokens collected.
    • This is done to unlock the Bash move automatically at the start of Three... Thousand Miles to Shell City.
  • There is a hidden timer that quits the game if it detects no player input for 1 minute.
  • Cheat codes are disabled and can't be inputted.
  • Patrick's Macho Star Spin FMV file is present, despite him not having this ability in the demo.
  • The Floating Block level is assigned the 13th task row meant for the scrapped Goofy Goober dream level.
    • This is how the demo displays the "Floating Block Challenge" text during the loading screen.
  • The demo is based on the non-English versions of the game and includes several of its changes.
    • Smaller text in specific textboxes
    • More font letters
    • Updated credits
    • Stereo cutscene audio
    • Ambush music fix in Three... Thousand Miles to Shell City
    • Dialogue and cutscene related assets are located in US.HIP files instead of the .HOP files.