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Titan (Mac OS Classic)

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Title Screen


Developer: Titus
Publisher: Titus
Platform: Mac OS Classic
Released internationally: 1989

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
PiracyIcon.png This game has anti-piracy features.

Titan is a ball-and-paddle action puzzle framed as the deadly spectator sport of the year 2114.

Developer Message

The SCORES file not only holds the game's high scores but some words from its programmer, the co-founder of Titus:

Do you like TITAN ??? Yes ! Thank you, because it was a very long work to convert it for the Mac Family... See you soon... Eric CAEN

If you want to write to me, just do it... I will answer to every questions.

Best Regards...

Anti-Piracy Feature

If you can't supply the original disk when asked to at launch, the game will be played with an invisible ball. (You can still track its position on the radar screen, and it's feasible to clear at least the first few levels that way...)