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Titanic: Adventure Out of Time

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Title Screen

Titanic: Adventure Out of Time

Also known as: Wettlauf gegen die Zeit (DE), Титаник - Прошлое можно изменить (RU)
Developer: Cyberflix
Publisher: GTE Entertainment
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS Classic
Released in JP: April 11, 1998
Released in US: October 31, 1996

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
BonusIcon.png This game has hidden bonus content.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

Titanic: Adventure Out of Time is Cyberflix's best-selling game set around the Titanic disaster.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.
Unused Dialogue

Unused Music

To our knowledge, there are two tracks that are not used. The first uses the hymn tune "Kingsfold".

The other appears to be an alternate version of the first part of the sinking suite (see below)

Alternate Music Tracks

There are two types of music tracks: 11K and TRK files. The 11K files are shorter, differently-mixed versions of their counterparts in the .TRK format. Ostensibly, the engine uses the 11K track format if the user's memory is too low.

The main exception is SINK0, which is completely different.

Track 11K TRK

Unused Images

Epilogue Pages

Four pages in NAREND.STG go unused. All come with narration.

Dialogue ID Dialogue Subtitles
The necklace Georgia gave me was a fake.
Charles had switched it without her knowing and had hidden the real diamonds somewhere onboard the ship.
The necklace he took was the fake! Vlad never knew I had swapped it in Sasha's cabin.
However I traded the real necklace in order to leave the Titanic.
I left the ship with the Rubaiyat.

Unused Animations

Character Sprites

The .PUP files carry the different parts of each character for their respective dialogue screens.

Andrew Conkling's Death

The animation for Andrew Conkling being shot dead is seen from two angles; the game cuts to the other shot midway through the initial shot, but the animation exists for the entirety of the action in both.

TAOOT Conkdead 1.gif
TAOOT Conkdead 2.gif

Unused Scripts


The script files show slightly expanded dialogue for the intro sequence. There are two versions here.


code newflyover ( ) 

	message ( SFX -- the explosion dies away and we are moving across the water. Credits begin appearing. ) 
	message ( AN ALMOST WHISPER The past. A frozen landscape. Forever locked in regret. DARING TO HOPE: But what if the past could be changed? ) 
	message ( Logo appears ) 
	message ( Thirty years have come and gone since the night that saw the end of a world. My world. A world I could have saved. ) 
	message ( It was nineteen-twelve. War was coming. The Service needed someone on the Titanic. They chose me. ) 
	message ( Beginners luck? It seemed so, at the time. ) 
	message ( Fly & fly ) 
	message ( I was to wait for a signal from my contact. So I remained in my cabin. I left only once. EXPLAINS Georgia was onboard. ) 
	message ( And that's when it came. There'd be no second chance. It was Sunday. April fourteenth. Too late, you see. For the Titanic. For me. ) 
	message ( FEVERISH A BIT , QUICKENING  Could it have gone differently? What if I'd met with my contact? Got what I needed? Prevented disaster? ) 
	message ( What if the past could be changed? SLIGHT PAUSE What then? ) 
	message ( Ship appears ) 

code oldflyover ( ) 

	message ( SFX -- the explosion dies away and we are moving across the water. Credits begin appearing. ) 
	message ( CREDITS.MOV: VO The past. A frozen landscape forever locked in regret. ) 
	message ( CREDITS.MOV: VO GRASPING A HOPE But what if the past could be changed? ) 
	message ( Logo appears ) 
	message ( CREDITS.MOV: VO Thirty years have come and gone since the night that saw the end of a world Ñ my world. ) 
	message ( CREDITS.MOV: VO A world I could have saved. REMEMBERS It was nineteen-twelve. War was coming. ) 
	message ( CREDITS.MOV: VO The Service needed someone on the Titanic. They chose me. Beginners luck? It seemed so, at the time. ) 
	message ( CREDITS.MOV: VO I was to wait for a sign from my contact, ) 
	message ( CREDITS.MOV: VO A message to meet onboard a ship so huge, so magnificent, ) 
	message ( CREDITS.MOV: VO That its arrogance flew in the very face of God.... ) 
	message ( CREDITS.MOV: VO Unsinkable, they called it. WHISPERING Oh, yes! Unsinkable! ) 
	message ( Title Credit:'Titanic: Adventure out of Time' ) 
	message ( FLYOVER.MOV: VO I left my cabin only once. Georgia was onboard. ) 
	message ( FLYOVER.MOV: VO The message came then. There was to be no second chance. ) 
	message ( FLYOVER.MOV: VO REGRETFULLY It was too late, you see. For the Titanic..For me...  ) 
	message ( FLYOVER.MOV: VO AGONIZED WONDERING Could that night have gone differently? ) 
	message ( FLYOVER.MOV: VO RECOUNTING What if I had met with my contact? ) 
	message ( FLYOVER.MOV: VO Found what I needed? Prevented disaster? ) 
	message ( FLYOVER.MOV: VO What if the past could be changed? ) 
	message ( FLYOVER.MOV: VO PROVACATIVELY What then...? ) 

Vlad by the Turkish Baths

A deleted scene sees Vlad brooding around the Turkish Baths. (Being a stowaway, it's difficult to imagine how he'd get there without being noticed.)



code serbtalk ( ) 
	local arg 
	puppetclear ( ) 
	message ( ACT -- close up. ) 
	puppetspeak ( vlad1.39: "You again! Rich man, why do you wander the ship at night? You would be safer back in your cabin." ) 
	puppetbevel ( Why are you out so late? , 101) 
	puppetbevel ( Good idea. , 102) 
	arg = puppetevent ( - 1) 
	switch arg 
	case - 1
	case 101
		message ( ACT -- he talks like a zealot. ) 
		puppetspeak ( vlad1.40: "Time is nothing to me. My people have always waited for the right time." ) 
		puppetspeak ( vlad1.41: "Freedom! For centuries we were slaves to the Turks! To the Austrians! Now, we have a country." ) 
		puppetspeak ( vlad1.42: "Yet there are still Serbians-in Austrian lands, in Bosnia-who are killed. Like my family!" ) 
		puppetspeak ( vlad1.43: "The Black Hand will avenge them!" ) 
	case 102
		puppetspeak ( vlad1.44: "Good night." ) 
	puppetclear ( ) 
	puppetbevel ( The Black Hand? , 102) 
	arg = puppetevent ( - 1) 
	switch arg 
	case - 1
	case 102
		puppetspeak ( vlad1.45: "A group of Serbian patriots. We shall free our brothers from Austrian chains and create a Greater Serbia!" ) 
		puppetspeak ( vlad1.46: "We need guns. Supplies! And the money to buy them with!" ) 
		puppetspeak ( vlad1.47: "Those who oppose us face death." ) 
Dialogue ID Dialogue Subtitles
You again! Rich man, why do you wander the ship at night? You would be safer back in your cabin.
Time is nothing to me. My people have always waited for the right time.
Freedom! For centuries we were slaves to the Turks! To the Austrians! Now, we have a country.
Yet there are still Serbians-in Austrian lands, in Bosnia-who are killed. Like my family!
The Black Hand will avenge them!
Good night.
A group of Serbian patriots. We shall free our brothers from Austrian chains and create a Greater Serbia!
We need guns. Supplies! And the money to buy them with!
Those who oppose us face death.


Smethells is not seen again after the ship starts sinking, but dialogue for one last conversation with him is present.


code byesmeth ( ) 
	local arg 
	puppetclear ( ) 
	puppetspeak ( smeth1.106: "Have you made preparations? I fear this incline is only growing more precipitous." ) 
	puppetbevel ( I have. , 101) 
	arg = puppetevent ( - 1) 
	switch arg 
	case - 1
	case 101
	puppetspeak ( smeth1.107: "Very good. If you won't be needing any further assistance...I believe the expression is 'every man for himself.'" ) 
	puppetbevel ( Goodbye. , 101) 
	puppetbevel ( Best of luck, Smethells. , 101) 
	arg = puppetevent ( - 1) 
	switch arg 
	case - 1
	case 101
		puppetspeak ( smeth1.108: "And you. May I say, I have never served a more challenging passenger. Goodbye." ) 
Dialogue ID Dialogue Subtitles
Have you made preparations? I fear this incline is only growing more precipitous.
Very good. If you won't be needing any further assistance...I believe the expression is 'every man for himself.'
And you. May I say, I have never served a more challenging passenger. Goodbye.

Eric and Stephanie

Eric Burns is not seen after the ship hits the iceberg, but a quest was written for the Burns' during the sinking, in which Eric begs the player to give him the boat pass so that his wife can escape the ship.



code runyoself ( pupmessage ) 
	global mission 
	if mission = 4
		sendtopuppet ( after , runyoself ( pupmessage ) ) 
	error ( ) 

code gift ( what ) 
	nogift ( ) 

code nogift ( ) 

	switch twocount 
	case 1
		message ( ACT -- he holds up hand. ) 
		puppetspeak ( burns2.01: "No! There's no time." ) 
	case 2
		puppetspeak ( burns2.02: "No time for that now!" ) 
		puppetspeak ( burns2.03: "I've got to find Stephanie! Get her into a boat!" ) 
	dotwocount ( ) 

code brushoff ( ) 
	global phase 
	if phase < 2
		message ( ACT -- anxiety... ) 
		puppetspeak ( burns2.04: "She's not here!" ) 
		puppetspeak ( burns2.03: "I've got to find Stephanie! Get her into a boat!" ) 
		puppetspeak ( burns2.05: "Bye!" ) 
	if phase < 4
		message ( ACT -- he holds up hand. ) 
		puppetspeak ( burns2.02: "No time for that now!" ) 
		puppetspeak ( burns2.03: "I've got to find Stephanie! Get her into a boat!" ) 



code runyoself ( msg ) 

	if actorowner ( boatpass ) = frank 
		savesteff ( ) 
		meetburns ( ) 

code meetburns ( ) 
	local arg 
	message ( ACT -- He is distraught, desperate. ) 
	puppetspeak ( burns2.06: "I'm trying to get Stephanie on a lifeboat. She wouldn't go at first. She wanted to stay. With me." ) 
	puppetspeak ( burns2.07: "Now there's no more room! Nothing! I must find her a boat!" ) 

code savesteff ( ) 
	local arg 
	puppetspeak ( burns2.08: "Stephanie's still on the ship!" ) 
	puppetspeak ( burns2.09: "Please! Help me get her off into a boat! Please, they say you have influence. " ) 
	message ( ACT - - A thought crosses his mind. ) 
	puppetspeak ( burns2.10: "A pass! Something! You must have something! Please, give it to my wife! Please!" ) 
	puppetclear ( ) 
	puppetbevel ( Yes, I'll help her. , 101) 
	puppetbevel ( No, I'm sorry. , 102) 
	arg = puppetevent ( - 1) 
	switch arg 
	case - 1
	case 101
		message ( ACT -- Burns holds the boatpass. Relieved. ) 
		puppetspeak ( burns2.11: "This? This will get Stephanie a seat in the boats?! Thank you! I must get her away right now!" ) 
		puppetspeak ( burns2.12: "Thank you. And-good luck!" ) 
		sendtoshop ( inven , givinven ( boatpass , burns ) ) 
	case 102
		puppetspeak ( burns2.13: "No? Oh God, please, she's only twenty-one! God, no!" ) 
Dialogue ID Dialogue Subtitles
No! There's no time.
No time for that now!
I've got to find Stephanie! Get her into a boat!
She's not here!
I'm trying to get Stephanie on a lifeboat. She wouldn't go at first. She wanted to stay. With me.
Now there's no more room! Nothing! I must find her a boat!
Stephanie's still on the ship!
Please! Help me get her off into a boat! Please, they say you have influence.
A pass! Something! You must have something! Please, give it to my wife! Please!
This? This will get Stephanie a seat in the boats?! Thank you! I must get her away right now!
Thank you. And-good luck!
No? Oh God, please, she's only twenty-one! God, no!
No, no, no!
idle 4
(For God's sakes, please speak up!)

Zeitel and the Lifeboats

This scene would've given you the choice of using the pass to enter the boat, or pass it to Zeitel in return for the painting.


code decide ( ) 
	local arg 
	message ( cut to Morrow's face. ) 
	message ( MORROW: I need someone to man this boat. CROWD SURGE FORWARD ) 
	message ( MORROW: Stand back! Just one!--no pushing! Back! All of you. ) 
	message ( Cut to Zeitel. He has his painting, too. ) 
	puppetspeak ( zeit2.63: "Thank you, officer. I shall be delighted to assist the ladies..." ) 
	message ( Cut back to Morrow. ) 
	message ( MORROW: Wait, I was looking at you POINTING TO ME. You're the one. ) 
	if decide ( ) = 1
		reutrn 1
	puppetclear ( ) 
	message ( Cut to Zeitel who is a little too eager. ) 
	puppetspeak ( zeit2.64: "Officer, I am an excellent sailor. In Trieste. I am-" ) 
	message ( Cut to Morrow. ) 
	message ( MORROW Not you, Colonel. Your friend, here. Are you getting in the boat? ) 
	puppetclear ( ) 
	puppetbevel ( Yes, I'll get in the lifeboat. , 101) 
	puppetbevel ( No, I have business to attend to. , 102) 
	arg = puppetevent ( - 1) 
	switch arg 
	case - 1
		return 1
	case 101
		message ( Morrow is in a hurry. ) 
		message ( MORROW Get in, get in... ) 
		message ( Cut to Zeitel. ) 
		puppetspeak ( zeit2.65: "He is strangely unmoved." ) 
		puppetspeak ( zeit2.66: "Then I say my adieus. You clearly value living over this painting. Goodbye." ) 
	case 102
		message ( ACT -- Morrow accepts your refusal. ) 
		message ( MORROW: Alright. Suit yourself.... TO CROWD: 'THE BOAT IS FULL. MOVE ON!' ) 
		message ( Cut to Zeitel. ) 
		message ( SFX -- the sound of the crowd surging up deck. Zeitel is grinning. ) 
		puppetspeak ( zeit2.67: "Such an honor you have! I repeat my offer. The painting for the boat pass." ) 
		puppetclear ( ) 
		message ( ACT -- Zeitel holds up the painting. ) 
		puppetspeak ( zeit2.68: "What do you say?" ) 
		puppetbevel ( Yes. , 101) 
		puppetbevel ( No. , 102) 
		arg = puppetevent ( - 1) 
		switch arg 
		case - 1
			return 1
		case 101
			puppetspeak ( zeit2.69: "Very good. But first, the pass..." ) 
			message ( ACT -- Zeitel has the pass in his hand. ) 
			sendtoshop ( inven.shp , giveinven ( boatpass , zeitel ) ) 
			puppetspeak ( zeit2.70: "Here. Take the painting." ) 
			puppetspeak ( zeit2.71: "I leave you now. Try not to...get your feet wet! " ) 
			message ( PLAY MOVIE: Boat nine loweriing. I hear Zeitel's giggle. Much destruction. ) 
			sendtoshop ( inven.shp , addinven ( painting ) ) 
		case 102
			message ( ACT -- He lowers the painting. ) 
			puppetspeak ( zeit2.72: "So it is 'No'..." ) 
			puppetspeak ( zeit2.73: "I must try my luck at some other place. Good luck to you." ) 
	actorowner ( zeit , gone ) 
	sendtoactor ( zeit , putdownactor ( ) ) 
	return 0
Dialogue ID Dialogue Subtitles
Thank you, officer. I shall be delighted to assist the ladies...
Officer, I am an excellent sailor. In Trieste. I am-
He is strangely unmoved.
Then I say my adieus. You clearly value living over this painting. Goodbye.
Such an honor you have! I repeat my offer. The painting for the boat pass.
What do you say?
Very good. But first, the pass...
Here. Take the painting.
I leave you now. Try not to...get your feet wet!
So it is 'No'...
I must try my luck at some other place. Good luck to you.

Regional Differences


In the German version, references to Hitler and Nazism were omitted in compliance with German censorship laws. Given that Hitler's painting is a central part of the game, "some complicated maneuvers" (in producer Andrew Nelson's words) were necessary to fulfill the requests of the censors.

(Source: In Focus: Interview with Producer Andrew Nelson)

Despite this, the narration is largely unchanged, just translated to German.

Apartment Objects

Adventure Out of Time Wettlauf gegen die Zeit
TAOoT Hindenburg1.png TAOoT Hindenburg2.png
Adventure Out of Time Wettlauf gegen die Zeit
TAOoT Newspaper1.png TAOoT Newspaper2.png

Ending Pages

Adventure Out of Time Wettlauf gegen die Zeit
TAOoT Hitler1.png TAOoT Hitler2.png
Adventure Out of Time Wettlauf gegen die Zeit
TAOoT Exhibit1.png TAOoT Exhibit2.png
Adventure Out of Time Wettlauf gegen die Zeit
TAOoT Romanov1.png TAOoT Romanov2.png
Adventure Out of Time Wettlauf gegen die Zeit
TAOoT Rally1.png TAOoT Rally2.png
Adventure Out of Time Wettlauf gegen die Zeit
TAOoT Long1.png TAOoT Long2.png
Adventure Out of Time Wettlauf gegen die Zeit
TAOoT Surrender1.png TAOoT Surrender2.png


The Russian version replaces several music tracks with excerpts from James Horner's Titanic soundtrack. "My Heart Will Go On" now plays over the end credits.

(Source: Gracious Bears Stream Titanic: Adventure Out of Time but in Russian)

Debug Info

Holding Shift while clicking on the Help button in the options menu will bring up a dialogue box like this, indicating to the programmers at which stage each active storyline is.

TAOOT Debug 1.png

Pressing F12 at any time brings up an About box for the DreamFactory engine.

TAOOT Debug 2.png