Tomoyo After: It's a Wonderful Life - CS Edition (PlayStation 2)
Tomoyo After: It's a Wonderful Life - CS Edition |
Developer: HuneX
Debug Mode
At the main menu, press Square, L3, Circle, Square, D-Pad Left, L3, D-Pad Left, L3, R1, R1, R2, R2 on Controller 2. This same debug system is also present in Duel Savior Destiny, Kyuuketsu Kitan Moonties, Majokko A La Mode II, Clannad and Ayakashibito: Genyou Ibunroku.
After entering the above code, press Start on Controller 2 to toggle Debug Mode. This allows you to change game-related flags and the volume of each spoken character in the game. Below are the known Controller 2 inputs while this mode is active.
- Hold Triangle and press D-Pad Left / Right to change an event. When toggled on, you will start in the selected event when starting a new game.
- Press L1 for flag list.
- Press R1 for character volume menu.
- Hold Select to make the menu temporarily invisible.
- Press Square to enable SCRIPT JUMP KINSI. This appears to skip the new game prologue.
Debug Display
Apply the below code to enable a simple debug display. This is a HuneX debug display present in some other PlayStation 2 games.
Enable Debug Display 201BD460 00000000 201BD4E4 00000000
Debug Logging
Within the game is a stubbed printf function. This would have logged various background information to a debug unit. This logs information such as files loaded and memory information. It would also report errors if any occurred. To re-enable this mode, apply the below code:
Re-enable printf Messages 2020B498 08085304 2021F010 08085304 2021F014 00000000
If you are playing the game on a regular PlayStation 2, you will need to use a TOOL, RDB, or a debug version of OPL to view the logs. If you are playing on an emulator, you can see this information by enabling the option "Show Console". Below is an example of what type of information gets logged.
PS2RNA: sceSifAllocIopHeap(266304) ret=0x000d4700 PS2RNA: sceSifAllocIopHeap(2256) ret=0x00115800 PS2RNA: sceSifAllocIopHeap(16448) ret=0x00116100 IS CALLED. (in MemAlloc)(iNo: 4)iSize: 71680, m_pBuff: x (in MemAlloc)(iNo: 7)iSize: 182016, m_pBuff: x (in CMemCardMgr::Create 冒頭) (冒頭)(pFileHeadbuffer: x)(szFilename: (null))(iLoadSize: 3372168) JYOCHU/MEMDAT.BIN Load IS DONE JYOCHU/MEMDAT.BIN Load (in CMemCardMgr::LoadIconData)(iIconNo: 0)(iSize: 52138) (iIconSizeMax: 0)(iIconSize: 156414)(iIcon: 0) (in CMemCardMgr::LoadIconData)FAILURE(iIconNo: 1)(rHfu2.GetTblNum(): 1) (iIconSizeMax: 52138)(iIconSize: 0)(iIcon: 1) Create 完了 1e38df0 IconName Set 智代アフター 12 se.msh Load se.msb Load is done is done 01 RR_UserInit を実行します allpac.nam Load allpac.hed Load se.acx Load voice.nam Load voice.hed Load voice2.nam Load voice2.hed Load gotf.mrg Load parts.hed Load se_nam.mrg Load IS CALLED. gotn.mrg Load IS CALLED. gamemain_fadewht にセット(0.0e+1) タスクを gametask_main に切り替えました GMMODE_TITLE 0 gamemain_fadewht にセット(0)
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- Games released on January 25
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with hidden level selects
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