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Toy Shop Boys

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Title Screen

Toy Shop Boys

Developer: Mutech
Publisher: Victor Musical Industries
Platform: TurboGrafx-16
Released in JP: December 14, 1990

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Debug Functions

Input Sequences

During the intro animations, there are timed checks for input sequences. The subroutine with these checks can be found at ROM offset 0xbc86, loaded at page 3 at address 0x7c86 (MPR3 = Bank 05).

To ensure inputs are timed correctly, we can observe the value of the animation index at RAM address 0x2be0:

  • 0x2be0:0x01 (First character is talking): Hold Up and press II 8 times;
  • 0x2be0:0x03 (Second character is talking): Hold Down and press I 8 times;
  • 0x2be0:0x05 (Logo is moving): Hold Right and press one of the following buttons up to 4 times: I, II, or Select, to increase POWER, SPEED, or the stage number;

We can also observe the increased POWER, SPEED, or stage values at RAM addresses 0x2be1, 0x2be2, or 0x2be3, to ensure the values were preserved when the logo finishes animating. Otherwise, these values are reverted to their defaults (0x00, 0x02, 0x00).

(Source: Yamada_Arthur)

Debug Menu

ToyShopBoys-Scrambled.png ToyShopBoys-DebugMenu.png

A variable at RAM address 0xe056 is checked to show on reset a short scrambled animation, along with a debug menu when starting a new game. We can force this check to pass with ROM patch 0x0056 = 0x00. The subroutine with this check can be found at ROM offset 0x554a, loaded at page 3 at address 0x754a (MPR3 = Bank 02).

(Source: Original TCRF research)

No Hit

Toggles invulnerability.


Selects the stage to play.

Restart Pos

Starting position in the stage. Press I to modify the least significant byte, II to modify the most significant byte, Select to toggle between incrementing/decrementing the value.

Turbo Shot

Toggles this ability.

Sample Play


Records player input up until a life is lost, showing some info that includes the length of the recorded data.

Play Data

Plays back the recorded player input.

Sound Test
