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Translations:Pikmin 2/Unused & Early Treasures/Early Treasure Graphics/3/en

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Early Treasure Icons

An early set of icons can be found on the Japanese disc at /user/Matoba/resulttex in the pal and us folders. These icons don't match up with the early models seen below.
The actual models are no longer on the disc.

Model Name Early Icon Final Icon Notes Model Name Early Icon Final Icon Notes
bell Pikmin2BellEarlyIcon.png Pikmin2BellFinalIcon.png Early: Silver bell
Final: Baby bottle top
fire_helmet Pikmin2Fire helmetEarlyIcon.png Pikmin2Fire helmetFinalIcon.png Early: Toy fire helmet
Final: Kiwi shoe polish
bell_blue Pikmin2Bell blueEarlyIcon.png Pikmin2Bell blueFinalIcon.png Early: Brass string bell
Final: TV Antenna
kan Pikmin2KanEarlyIcon.png Pikmin2KanFinalIcon.png Early: Generic brown can
Final: Blue paint tube
bird_hane Pikmin2Bird haneEarlyIcon.png Pikmin2Bird haneFinalIcon.png The feather here is rounder,
and the quill is brighter.
kan_b_gold Pikmin2Kan b goldEarlyIcon.png Pikmin2Kan b goldFinalIcon.png Early: Brown crushed can
Final: Popsicle stick
chess_queen_white Pikmin2Chess queen whiteEarlyIcon.png Pikmin2Chess queen whiteFinalIcon.png Early: White Queen chess piece
Final: Dango
radar_a Pikmin2Radar aEarlyIcon.png Pikmin2Radar aFinalIcon.png Early: Compass
Final: Love tester
The compass was turned into a
regular treasure, "Directory of Destiny"
choco_ichigo_l Pikmin2Choco ichigo lEarlyIcon.png Pikmin2Choco ichigo lFinalIcon.png Early: Large strawberry truffle
Final: Dr. Pepper bottle cap
radar_b Pikmin2Radar bEarlyIcon.png Pikmin2Radar bFinalIcon.png Early: TV Antenna
Final: Glove
As seen above, the TV Antenna
was turned into a regular treasure.
dia_a_red Pikmin2Dia a redEarlyIcon.png Pikmin2Dia a redFinalIcon.png Early: Thin blue-green bead
Final: Tangerine
tape_yellow Pikmin2Tape yellowEarlyIcon.png Pikmin2Tape yellowFinalIcon.png Early: Roll of yellow tape
Final: 7 Up Bottle cap
dia_b_blue Pikmin2Dia b blueEarlyIcon.png Pikmin2Dia b blueFinalIcon.png Early: Cobalt blue striped bead
Final: Ace of Spades card
toy_lady Pikmin2Toy ladyEarlyIcon.png Pikmin2Toy ladyFinalIcon.png Early: Lady spring toy
Final: Broken metal spoon
There were originally four spring toys.
This one was the first to go.
dia_b_green Pikmin2Dia b greenEarlyIcon.png Pikmin2Dia b greenFinalIcon.png Early: Fat green-yellow bead
Final: Ham slice
toy_ring_c_blue Pikmin2Toy ring c blueEarlyIcon.png Pikmin2Toy ring c blueFinalIcon.png Early: Blue bead
Final: Christmas boot ornament
dia_c_blue Pikmin2Dia c blueEarlyIcon.png Pikmin2Dia c blueFinalIcon.png Early: Round baby blue bead
Final: Ah Fu tile
toy_ring_c_green Pikmin2Toy ring c greenEarlyIcon.png Pikmin2Toy ring c greenFinalIcon.png Early: Purple bead
Final: Christmas tree star
dia_c_green Pikmin2Dia c greenEarlyIcon.png Pikmin2Dia c greenFinalIcon.png Early: Orange striped bead
Final: Mahjong tile
yoyo_blue Pikmin2Yoyo blueEarlyIcon.png Pikmin2Yoyo blueFinalIcon.png Early: Blue yo-yo
Final: Milk bottle opener
dia_c_red Pikmin2Dia c redEarlyIcon.png Pikmin2Dia c redFinalIcon.png Early: Pink heart bead
Final: Playing card case