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Translations:Super Smash Bros. Melee/Master Debug Menu/33/en

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Hex stuff.

According to ARCentral, this allows modifications to memory addresses that handle many in-game variables, such as unlocking all characters, stages, bonus messages, trophies, etc. This, unlike the other options, uses Hexadecimal values. There are 6 values.

Value Note
ADDR4 This had 4 digits and it goes up in 4s.
U32 This has 8 digits, and it goes up in 1. Like the name applies, this is a 32-bit value.
ADDR2 This has 4 digits and adds up in 2s.
U16 This has 4 digits and it goes up in 1s. Like the name applies, this is a 16-bit value.
ADDR This has 4 digits and adds up in 1s.
U8 This has 2 digits and it goes up in 1s. Like the name applies, this is a 8-bit value.
(Source: Action Replay Central)