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changes happened from JP MH1 -> US beta -> US MH1 -> PAL beta -> PAL demo -> PAL MH1 -> PS2 G, which then branched off into Wii G, MH2 -> Frontier, and MHP1 -> MHF1
JP 1 uses a velociprey background, US and PAL 1 uses an ioprey background, and PS2 G uses a blue/green ioprey while Wii G went back to the US 1 ioprey. Portable and Freedom use an orange genprey.
things to check:
freedom has velociprey subspecies show up in all quests - does this happen in portable and/or wii as well?
does health change according to size in G like it does in later games? - no. need to look into later versions now
look into more monster health changes between versions
does ESP still bounce in Portable or G Wii? (does in G ps2, doesn't in F)
does getting hit while paralyzed remove para in MH1 US like it does in JP, and not in MHG?
where do the US and PAL betas fit? and the US demo?

changes between JP and US MH1 quests (sorted by quest ID)

all 1 star and 2 star quests are the same

3 Star

Formidable Velocidrome -> 350z reward increased to 400z
Slay the Yian Kut-Ku -> 750z reward increased to 900z
1 wyvern egg delivery -> removed in US
Liver of Legend -> 500z reward increased to 600z
Jungle Menace -> 800z reward increased to 950z
Velocidrome Redux (30min) -> increased to 4 Star, reward increased from 450z to 600z, fee increased from 160z to 220z

4 Star

Catch a Yian Kut-Ku -> reward increased from 900z to 1000z
Slay the Velociprey Pack -> 15 target number increased to 20, reward increased from 400z to 500z, fee increased from 140z to 200z
Find the Wyvern Eggs -> 3 star in US
The Land Shark -> reward increased from 1000z to 1200z, fee reduced from 350z to 250z
15 Genprey hunt -> removed in US
2 Gendrome hunt -> removed from US, but a similar one was added ("Slay the Gendrome", moved the Desert to the Swamp, fee increased from 220z to 250z)
Bring Me Eggs -> reward increased from 1000z to 1500z
Attack of the Giant Bugs -> kill 15 vespoids changed to 30 in US, is no longer a key quest, hornetaur wing quest reward replaced with vespoid shell
10 special mushroom -> removed in US
2 Iodrome hunt -> removed in US

5 Star

20 Velociprey hunt -> removed in US
3 Velocidrome hunt -> removed in US
Deliver 3 Wyvern Eggs -> reward increased from 1500z to 2000z, fee increased from 250z to 300z
20 genprey hunt -> missing in US
Gendrome Redux -> reward *decreased* from 1200z to 1100z, fee reduced from 400z to 300z
30 Vespoid hunt -> missing in US (see Attack of the Giant Bugs in 3 Star)

Bonus Hunts

A Troublesome Pair -> rathian + rathalos plates as well as speartuna are obtainable in US version, making a handful of equipment accessible offline
Terror of the Gravios -> US unlocks it through JP's Basarios requirements (cephalos armor)
Basarios secret -> removed in US

Quests added in US MH1 (sorted by quest ID)

3 Star

Trouble in the Forest

4 Star

Slay the Genprey
Slay the Gendrome
Ioprey Hunting
Slay the Gypceros

5 Star

Water Wyvern in the Desert
Basarios: Unseen Peril
Queen of the Desert
Slay the Rathian
Handle With Care

Other US MH1 changes

the combination recipe for Mega Potions was changed from Herb + Honey to Potion + Honey, which is kept for all later releases (and entries in the series).
the ingredient order for Catalyst, Sleep S Lv 2, and Dragon S were swapped (reverted in later releases?)
after succeeding in a combination the first time, subsequent combines will happen much faster
delivery items can be deposited through the start menu
excess delivery items are automatically sold upon quest end
Kelbi get an intro cinematic
the chief's quest screens have orange text for the labels, does away with the kanji for sheet
button prompts now blink slowly

in MH1 US, the Polytan hammer at melee weapon slot 0:E9 got replaced with a copy of the Iron Sword. in JP, all the weapons after this slot are invalid, while US uses slots 0:EA-1:02 for the added Dual Blades, and slot 1:03 for the GMR Chrome Heart. No guns were added.
US has a second box page for items, and the equipment page is increased from 64 to 100 slots.
autosort button was added for all item and equipment lists.
hammer gets an upswing after the triple slam.

Yian Kut-Ku lowers his ears when weakened
the Raths sleep animation was differentiated from Kut-Ku's
attack tweaks to khezu, basarios, gravios, diablos, fatalis
some (all?) monsters got health changes; confirmed so far is a buff to Rathalos

rewards screen has a screenshot of the quest clear
another set of Yian Kut-Ku armor was added, some armor skills have been tweaked a couple weapons got price changes, a few got stat tweaks


a handful of inaccessible quests are added - also a few event quests were left in the files?
a handful of gunner recipes got their ingredients order swapped in the combo list, reverted in future releases?


Network Options is added to the main menu, allowing the connection to be setup and login preferences saved
the Now Loading text gets its wave animation.
the elder's quest backgrounds are gray instead of brown.
ecology videos for velociprey, velocidrome, rathalos, yian kut-ku, and more [todo] are added to the gallery, with a wood panel design for preview images
the traveling merchant shows up after clearing Your First Monster Hunt with poogie in tow - has limited items for sale, his selection increases as you clear more urgent quests.
item box storage space is reverted to one page, upgradeable through purchaseable books to three pages.
Polytan returns to slot 0:E9, the dual blades retain their US slots, GMR Chrome Heart is removed, and melee slots 1:03 - 1:7C are used for the new G-Rank weapons. Ranged slots 0:1A-0:4D are also new G-Rank weapons.
Weapon info screens now show how much of its element it has.
many new armors and skills added, utilizing the g-rank materials.
skills now use a point system, instead of a set-match system. a page is added to hunter & armor status screens to show skill points.
blue (and white, through the new Artisan skill) sharpness is added, green sharpness now puts a green tint on the sharpness gauge instead of yellow.
Trial Mode added to character load menu.
items added: alchemy book, demon pill, armor pill, monster broth, powertalon, armortalon, gourmet steak, throwing knife and its variants, poisonbomb, mega barrel, mega barrelbomb, bone husk, elemental ammos, red pepper, specialty mushroom kimchi, carbalite ore, greatstone, purecrystal, ice crystal, hercudrome, rainbow insect, 2nd tier of elemental sacs, hardbone, monster coins, variant monster parts, g rank monster parts, platinum ticket, weapon tickets, paw pass ticket, famitsu ticket, dengeki G ticket, G ticket, elder's sword ticket, ancient mass (related to ruststones?), organizer + backpacking guides, silver + gold eggs
alternate colour "subspecies"(亜種) monsters introduced for most large monsters, they start showing up after gaining the silver crown for a monster in the new size system (need to verify myself) - this requirement is changed/removed in later versions[?]
rare species (希少種) versions of rathalos and rathian added
velociprey also get a subspecies that only show up (at random?) in G-rank quests
an import option is added to bring over a save from MH1 JP; all rare 4 or higher items in the item box are kept, your money is kept, all your gear is kept, all your monster books are kept, and your videos unlocked are kept. Crafting list is reset, and your quests cleared are set to only the 1star quests. Poogie is given the Angel Leotard outfit permanently.
offline and online quests were separated into their own internal lists instead of sharing one big list; offline quest internal order was reorganized while online quest internal order was left alone.

Offline Quest Differences

"Gendrome Redux" is replaced with a 2x Yian Kut-ku hunt, and copies of the three 5-star rathalos and rathian quests are added with the subspecies
urgent monoblos quest moved to permanent urgent category, instead of being shuffled into 5-star. subspecies copy added as well.
the secret powderstone hunt now requires the secret khezu and diablos hunts to be cleared as well as the secret gravios required in US version.
"Troublesome Pair" is now unlocked through clearing the powderstone quest, now uses the subspecies pair, still can drop plates (i think)
secret offline Lao Shan Lung quest added, unlocked through clearing all other offline quests (including the subspecies versions) as well as all the trial quests

Online Quest Differences

online quests got additions and rearrangements, along with the addition of a third tier of quests (G Rank).

Low Rank

"Capture a Yian Kut-Ku" was moved from 3-star to 2-star
"The Land Shark" and "Basarios: Invisible Terror" were removed from 3-star (now unused quest data, unlike the changes to high rank).

High Rank

instead of being a copy of the low rank quest list, high rank now has a condensed quest list:
4-star "Mushroom Picking", "The Sculptor's Errand", and "It's Party Time!" removed
"Velociprey Hunt" was removed from 4-star
a jungle egg delivery was added to 4-star
"Raid The Wyvern's Nest!", "Attack of the Rathian!", "Queen of the Desert", "The Land Shark", and "Apceros Egg Hunt" were downgraded from 5-star to 4-star
"Gypceros in the Swamp", "Quartz Ore Request", and "Slay the Gendrome!" were downgraded from 5-star to 4-star
"Slay the Rathian!" was downgraded from 6-star to 4-star
"The Mushroom Hunt!" and "Show Me Your Cooking Skills!" were removed from 4-star
"Slay the Gypceros!" lowered from 5-star to 4-star
a new plesioth jungle hunt was added to 4-star

"Gypceros: Venomous Terror" was removed from 5-star
"Slay the Rathalos" was lowered from 6-star to 5-star, and has a copy added that uses rathalos subspecies as well
"The Runaway Diablos" was lowered from 6-star to 5-star
"Trouble in the Swamp" was removed from 5-star
"Crystal Hunting!" was raised from 4-star to 5-star
"The Fearsome Gravios" was lowered from 6-star to 5-star
"Resupply the Dragonator" was removed from 5-star
"Volcanic Valor", "Leaders of the Ioprey", and both of the "Bring us Powderstones!" lowered from 6-star to 5-star
"More Coal Please" removed from 5-star
"Wyvern in the Darkness", "Water Wyvern in the Jungle" lowered from 6-star to 5-star
"Queen of the Jungle" lowered from 6-star to 5-star, also has a copy added using the rathian subspecies instead
"A Troublesome Pair", "Four Horns", "Two Rock Wyverns", and "Wyverns of Land and Sky" were lowered from 6-star to 5-star
a rathalos and a khezu capture quest were added
the 6-star "Giant Dragon Invades" lowered to 5-star

The 6-star quests "The Land Shark", "The Shadow in the Cave", "Ioprey Hunting", "Basarios: Invisible Terror", "Slay the Iodrome", and "Wyvern Egg Hunt" were removed entirely.

G Rank

the 6-star quests have forest and jungle yian kut-ku hunts with subspecies copies, forest, swamp, and jungle Gypceros hunts with subspecies copies, a double Yian Kut-Ku hunt in the forest, a cephadrome hunt in the desert, a 2 subspecies Yian Kut-Ku hunt in the forest, a 2 subspecies gypceros hunt in the swamp, and a double cephadrome hunt in the desert.
7-star quests contain rathian hunts in the forest, desert, and swamp, khezu hunts in the swamp and jungle, and a basarios hunt in the volcano, all with subspecies copies. a G-rank version of "Wyverns of Land and Sky" is also included.
8-star quests contain a jungle rathian hunt with subspecies and rare species versions, a forest rathalos hunt with subspecies and rare species versions, volcano rathalos, jungle plesioth, desert diablos, and volcano gravios hunts with subspecies versions, a version of 4 Horns with 2 subspecies diablos, a volcano hunt with 2 subspecies gravios, a jungle hunt with 2 subspecies plesioth, a swamp hunt for rathalos and rathian along with a rare species copy, a forest hunt for subspecies rathalos and subspecies rathian, a Lao-Shan Lung subspecies repel, and the four Fatalis quests (moved here from high rank).


haven't started looking too deep into it, but changes off the top of my head are: skill gems (when?),
kokoto farm,
offline felyne chef(when?),
the arena replacing trial mode,
the hub being accessible solo,
yian garuga unlockable through link to MH2
Sakura trees in kokoto
even more videos in the gallery, including trailers for MH2

Monster Hunter Freedom changed garuga to be encounterable offline

G Wii

poogie's outfit is changeable from the item box, and you can send poogie of on hunts of its own(?)
poogie's missing angel's leotard (because there's no import file functionality), but has Sleepy Pig White?
felyne food in the village (when? cat is present from the start, did i miss it?)
weapon/armor preview at the smithy
the tavern has an item box added
weapons use 2nd-gen movesets (GS charge, 3 lance sprints, dual blades changed, hammer golf swing faster, etc)
the equipment box has an added leather armor set + green pants at start
the PSP face button weapon controls are now default (control type 1), with the stick weapon controls still available as control type 2
the timing for well-done steak has been made later, from 2.5 beats after the end of the jingle to 3 beats
there is an option to send quest rewards straight to the item box, as well as shopping to the item box (first introduced in P2G)
G Wii has three box pages from the start (which is still expandable via the peddler's books), and has higher stack limits in box than in inventory
the gallery has a trailer for monster hunter 3
the Quest Complete/Failed/Retire text after a hunt now have their stamp motif, with a sound effect