User:Addy1124/WIP-SimpsonsHit&Run-MainPage/Unused Audio/Level and Mission Dialogue
This is a sub-page of User:Addy1124/WIP-SimpsonsHit&Run-MainPage/Unused Audio.
Level 1
Mission 7 (The Fat and The Furious)
File Name | Audio | Transcript |
c_there_1_noboxconv_hom_l1m7 | "There he is!" |
This most likely would've been used after winning the race against Smithers.
Street Race 3 (Checkpoint Race)
File Name | Audio | Transcript |
c_pass_1_convinit_ral_l1r3 | "Oh, my face is all hurty!" |
This would've played in some part of the Level 1 checkpoint race. Since the "c_pass" filename is not used in any other voice line, it's possible this would've been a replacement for Patty's voice lines for completing the individual race.
Level 2
Mission 1 (Detention Deficit Disorder)
File Name | Audio | Transcript |
c_grade_1_convinit_skn_l2m1 | "Bart Simpson, drive that car back to your fourth grade class at once!" | |
c_grade_2_convinit_brt_l2m1 | "Oh! He's like an unstoppable school-making-me-attend guy!" |
This dialogue would've taken place when Skinner begins chasing Bart, but was replaced by a different set of lines.
Level 3
Mission 3 (Bonfire of the Manatees)
File Name | Audio | Transcript |
c_cud_1_noboxconv_lis_l3m3 | "Hooray! That was the last one! Now Krusty Burger will have to consider a moss-based substitute!" | |
c_cud_2_noboxconv_apu_l3m3 | "This is a moment of joy for us both!" | |
c_cud_3_noboxconv_clt_l3m3 | "Damn city folk and your hostile takeovers!" | |
c_cud_4_noboxconv_lis_l3m3 | "Uh oh, that's one angry agrarian! Punch it, Apu!" |
This conversation was to be used after getting all the roadkill, but it was replaced with a different two-line conversation. The cut dialogue might imply there was originally going to be a chase sequence in the mission.
Mission 6 (Fishy Deals)
File Name | Audio | Transcript |
c_free_1_noboxconv_lis_l3m6 | "Run free! No wait- swim free!" | |
c_hook_1_noboxconv_lis_l3m6 | "May your days be filled with hook-free worms!" | |
c_school_1_convinit_lis_l3m6 | "Back to school for you! School of fish, that is." | |
c_swim_1_noboxconv_lis_l3m6 | "Swim, swim like the wind!" |
Extra dialogue that would've played for picking up the fish. Most likely unused due to the amount of dialogue already used in the mission.
Level 4
Mission 3 (Ketchup Logic)
File Name | Audio | Transcript |
c_ketchup_1_noboxconv_mrg_l4m3 | "Mmh, why don't we go to the supermarket? They'll have ketchup." | |
c_ketchup_2_noboxconv_clt_l4m3 | "Packet ketchup?" | |
c_ketchup_3_noboxconv_mrg_l4m3 | "In bottlesǃ" | |
c_ketchup_4_noboxconv_clt_l4m3 | "Now I done heard of everything." |
Conversation that never appeared in Ketchup Logic. It was most likely going to be the third conversation for collecting the ketchup packets.
Level 5
Mission 3 (Eight Is Too Much)
File Name | Audio | Transcript |
c_heehee_1_convinit_hom_l5m3 | "Thank you, come againǃ Heeheeheeǃ" |
Likely intended to be used after buying the Car Built For Homer to start the mission.
Mission 4 (This Little Piggy)
File Name | Audio | Transcript |
c_seedy_1_convinit_apu_l5m4 | "Perhaps I should consult someone with connections to Springfield's seedy underbelly." |
This could have possibly played after arriving at the DMV in "This Little Piggy".
Mission 6 (Kwik Cash)
File Name | Audio | Transcript |
c_arrest_1_noboxconv_wig_l5m6 | "Alright you murderous thug, kindly pull over and let me arrest you!" |
This would have been used during one of Wiggum's chase sequences against Apu and Snake.
File Name | Audio | Transcript |
c_thug_1_noboxconv_apu_l5m6 | "Thank you, chase again!" | |
c_thug_2_noboxconv_snk_l5m6 | "Eat fumes, copper!" |
Presumably intended for when the player loses Wiggum.
Level 6
Mission 4 (Duff For Me, Duff For You)
File Name | Audio | Transcript |
c_extra_1_convinit_brt_l6m4 | "Before I sneak in there I'd better change into my extra-curricular pyjamas" |
It appears that this mission would have originally needed a costume, presumably the Bartman costume.
Level 7
Mission 1 (Rigor Motors)
File Name | Audio | Transcript |
c_psychotic_1_convinit_hom_l7m1 | "Now to kick some zombie butt! With a little help from my most psychotic friend, Moe!" |
This would have most likely played after picking up the boards from Cletus' house.
Mission 5 (Alien "Auto"topsy Part I)
File Name | Audio | Transcript |
c_clever_1_convinit_hom_l7m5 | "Uh oh, it's that evil black car! I've got to get that waste before he wastes me!" |
This would have been used in another alien car chase or race. It's worth noting the mission number is given as L7M5 (Alien Auto-topsy Part 1) which does not include a race normally.