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User:Addy1124/WIP-SimpsonsHit&Run-MainPage/Unused Audio/Level and Mission Dialogue

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This is a sub-page of User:Addy1124/WIP-SimpsonsHit&Run-MainPage/Unused Audio.

Level 1

Mission 7 (The Fat and The Furious)

File Name Audio Transcript
"There he is!"

This most likely would've been used after winning the race against Smithers.

Street Race 3 (Checkpoint Race)

File Name Audio Transcript
"Oh, my face is all hurty!"

This would've played in some part of the Level 1 checkpoint race. Since the "c_pass" filename is not used in any other voice line, it's possible this would've been a replacement for Patty's voice lines for completing the individual race.

Level 2

Mission 1 (Detention Deficit Disorder)

File Name Audio Transcript
"Bart Simpson, drive that car back to your fourth grade class at once!"
"Oh! He's like an unstoppable school-making-me-attend guy!"

This dialogue would've taken place when Skinner begins chasing Bart, but was replaced by a different set of lines.

Level 3

Mission 3 (Bonfire of the Manatees)

File Name Audio Transcript
"Hooray! That was the last one! Now Krusty Burger will have to consider a moss-based substitute!"
"This is a moment of joy for us both!"
"Damn city folk and your hostile takeovers!"
"Uh oh, that's one angry agrarian! Punch it, Apu!"

This conversation was to be used after getting all the roadkill, but it was replaced with a different two-line conversation. The cut dialogue might imply there was originally going to be a chase sequence in the mission.

Mission 6 (Fishy Deals)

File Name Audio Transcript
"Run free! No wait- swim free!"
"May your days be filled with hook-free worms!"
"Back to school for you! School of fish, that is."
"Swim, swim like the wind!"

Extra dialogue that would've played for picking up the fish. Most likely unused due to the amount of dialogue already used in the mission.

Level 4

Mission 3 (Ketchup Logic)

File Name Audio Transcript
"Mmh, why don't we go to the supermarket? They'll have ketchup."
"Packet ketchup?"
"In bottlesǃ"
"Now I done heard of everything."

Conversation that never appeared in Ketchup Logic. It was most likely going to be the third conversation for collecting the ketchup packets.

Level 5

Mission 3 (Eight Is Too Much)

File Name Audio Transcript
"Thank you, come againǃ Heeheeheeǃ"

Likely intended to be used after buying the Car Built For Homer to start the mission.

Mission 4 (This Little Piggy)

File Name Audio Transcript
"Perhaps I should consult someone with connections to Springfield's seedy underbelly."

This could have possibly played after arriving at the DMV in "This Little Piggy".

Mission 6 (Kwik Cash)

File Name Audio Transcript
"Alright you murderous thug, kindly pull over and let me arrest you!"

This would have been used during one of Wiggum's chase sequences against Apu and Snake.

File Name Audio Transcript
"Thank you, chase again!"
"Eat fumes, copper!"

Presumably intended for when the player loses Wiggum.

Level 6

Mission 4 (Duff For Me, Duff For You)

File Name Audio Transcript
"Before I sneak in there I'd better change into my extra-curricular pyjamas"

It appears that this mission would have originally needed a costume, presumably the Bartman costume.

Level 7

Mission 1 (Rigor Motors)

File Name Audio Transcript
"Now to kick some zombie butt! With a little help from my most psychotic friend, Moe!"

This would have most likely played after picking up the boards from Cletus' house.

Mission 5 (Alien "Auto"topsy Part I)

File Name Audio Transcript
"Uh oh, it's that evil black car! I've got to get that waste before he wastes me!"

This would have been used in another alien car chase or race. It's worth noting the mission number is given as L7M5 (Alien Auto-topsy Part 1) which does not include a race normally.