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User:Callmeguglc/Sandbox/Unused Areas

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This is a sub-page of User:Callmeguglc/Sandbox.

Bring the Crunch

Saw Room/North Cabin

TFBW sawroom 1.png TFBW sawroom 2.png TFBW sawroom 3.png TFBW sawroom 4.png

The North Cabin (known as the Saw Room in the files) was meant to appear next to Nathan's cabin, which is boarded up in the final game. According to concept art, two counselors would be tied up above death traps, and you would chose which of them you want to save. Interestingly, in one of the cutscenes Mimsy talks about "tying up the counselor real good, just like in the movie saw".


TFBW Test Combat 01 main 2.png TFBW Test Combat 01 main.png

An area made for testing certain fights (mostly the final battle). Interacting with the rectangles teleports you to the fights.

TFBW Test Combat 01 fight1.png

The red rectangle brings you to a fight against Zarganor, Giant Timmy and a Milk Monster. Both the Milk Monster and Zarganor can be defeated, but the battle never ends.

TFBW Test Combat 01 fight2.png

The green rectangle takes you to a broken fight against Nathan and Mimsy and Zarganor. Before the battle starts, Zarganor says "Time to penetrate your brainsǃ", which causes him to disappear for some reason. The New Kid doesn't spawn in, which leads to a game over.

TFBW Test Combat 01 fight3.png

The blue rectangle takes you to yet another broken fight against Zarganor and Giant Timmy. It's pretty much the same as the first fight, except the Milk Monster is absent, and the New Kid doesn't spawn in. However, the Reverse Timefart CAN be used this time.

TFBW Test Combat 01 fight4.png

The yellow rectangle takes you to a fight against 2 monsters, which is surprisingly fully functionalǃ

Goo Forest

An area with only one .mcelllogic file. According to an early storyboard for the Bring the Crunch DLC, it was most likely an early version of the Nether Realm.

Sewer Secret Room

An area with only one .mcelllogic file. It seems like there was going to be a secret area in the underground section of Bring the Crunch. It's unkown where it would have been exactly.

Danger Deck


TFBW Test Spawn In 1.png TFBW Test Spawn In 2.png TFBW Test Spawn In 3.png TFBW Test Spawn In 4.png

Yet another test map, this time for the Danger Deck DLC. Each of the tiles take you to a specific Danger Deck challenge. The kid sized object labeled "Targeted Destructible" can be interacted with. Doing so will bring up the regular Danger Deck menu. Since the battle grid is always the same, some enemies spawn out of bounds. There is also a test message under the map.


TFBW DangerBikeCrk.png

For some reason, the spawnpoint "CSpawnPoint_DangerBikeCrk" doesn't take you to the Bike Creek, but instead a small test fight with 2 Thief Craigs and a Ninja Summoner.

Danger Deck Cemetery

TFBW DangerCemeteryFront 1.png TFBW DangerCemeteryFront 2.png

The first part of the Cemetery was planned to return as a battle background, but was scrapped and replaced with the Graveyard. Interestingly, some of the tombstones reference characters who have died throughout the show, such as Betsy Donovan, Dianne Choksondik and Veronica Crabtree.

From Dusk till Casa Bonita

Rope Bridge

An area with only one .mcelllogic file. Some sort of Rope Bridge section was planned at some point.

Main Game

Gay Fish's Cave

TFBW GayFishCave.png TFBW GayFishCave 2.png

This area is only featured in one cutscene and can never be entered. Talking to Dougie plays the audio for one of the cutscenes twice. Talking to Seaman teleports you outside Stark's Pond.

Freeman's Tacos Backroom

TFBW FreemanBackroom 2.png TFBW FreemanBackroom 3.png TFBW FreemanBackroom 5.png

While this area technically does appear in the game, it was most likely left in by accident. The door to the back room is always locked, except in the "Farts of Future Past" mission, where it's inexplicably open. If you enter it during the day (which is impossible without hacking), a chest will appear in the middle.

TFBW FreemanBackroom 4.png

Opening the chest gives you the Ebony Volumizer artifact. This areas was actually a part of a scrapped mission involving Morgan Freeman. Strangely, it's known as "kitchen" in the files.

Unplanned Parenthood Backroom

The door leading to the backrooms of Unplanned Parenthood is always locked. However, by giving yourself an unused item, it's possible to unlock the door and explore the area. This area was a part of a removed Toolshed side-mission.

TFBW UP hallway 1.png TFBW UP hallway 2.png

The hallway looks exactly like it does in the game's prequel.

TFBW UP ExamRoom1 1.png TFBW UP ExamRoom1 2.png

Exam Room #1 features the surgeon, who only appears in one cutscene in the entire game, and the fetus in the bottle that you can knock over in The Stick of Truth.

TFBW UP Consultation 1.png TFBW UP Consultation 2.png

The Consultation Room has 2 chairs and a table. Interestingly, the spawnpoint for this area referrs to it as "AbortRecords", so this was most likely going to be the Records Room originally.

TFBW UP ExamRoom2 1.png TFBW UP ExamRoom2 2.png

Exam Room #2 also looks the same as it does in The Stick of Truth.

Bike Creek

TFBW BikeCreek entrance.png

The Bike Creek was an area that was going to be accessed from SodoSopa, specifically next to The Lofts Leasing Office. It would have been the hangout spot for Sixth Graders. According to the unused "Make South Park Great Again" mission, you had to defeat Sixth Graders here. This area can be seen in a trailer.

City Dump

TFBW CityDump entrance.png

Similar to the Bike Creek, this area was also meant to be accessed from SodoSopa, specifically next to Kenny's house, which is blocked off by a wall and some trash in the final game. According to the unused "Jimbo Faction 01" mission, the New Kid had to capture a cat here.


TFBW Cemetery entrance.png

The Cemetery was an area that would be accessed from the gate next to the Church. In the final game it's always locked. The unused "SM64 Recruit Kenny" and "sm65_father_maxi" missions were going to take place there.


TFBW Barn entrance.png

According to an .mcelllogic file, the Barn was meant to be explorable at one point. Interestingly, a cracked window can be seen on the barn, which was most likely the entrance.

Geology Station

An area with only one .mcelllogic file. It would have been accessed from North of Stark's Pond.

Hell's Pass

Hell's Pass Hospital was going to be to the left of Mephesto's Lab. It has .mcelllogic files for the hallway, lobby and two operating rooms. There are also 2 pole objects that would have been seen outside the building.

Nueva Familia Dining Area

An area with only one .mcelllogic file. This restaurant appeared in the Season 19 episode "You're Not Yelping".

Photo Dojo Backroom

An area with only one .mcelllogic file. This area would have been a part of a removed side mission involving the pedophile photographer from The Stick of Truth.

Raisins Backroom

An area with only one .mcelllogic file. There is an unused keypad minigame related to this area.

Shady Acres Hallway

TFBW Shadyhallway entrance.png

The hallway was going to be accessed from this door in the middle of the lobby.

Grandpa Marsh's Room

Grandpa Marsh's room was going to be accessed from the afformentioned hallway area. While the area itself doesn't exist, it can be seen in some unused cutscenes.


An area with only one .mcelllogic file. It was going to be accessed from the South Shore of Stark's Pond. It's related to an unused mission called "Gnomes and Crab People".


An area with only one .mcelllogic file. The only thing known about this area is that it was going to be a commercial building.

Red Lobster

The Red Lobster restaurant was going to appear next to Buca de Faggocini. It was most likely cut very early in development, as there are next to no leftovers of it.


The Crossroads was an area that would have split Main Street, Scott's Block, the Playground and the Bus Stop. According to an unused mission called "sm17_hordes_aoe", a combat encounter would have taken place here.

South Park Elementary

4th Grade Classroom

An area with only one .mcelllogic file. According to an early version of the "To Chase a Coon" mission, you would have had to get something from one of the desks.


An area with only one .mcelllogic file.


An area with only one .mcelllogic file.

Computer Lab

An area with only one .mcelllogic file.

Faculty Room

An area with only one .mcelllogic file.

Left Hallway

An area with only one .mcelllogic file.

Right Hallway

An area with only one .mcelllogic file.

Upstairs Hallway

An area with only one .mcelllogic file.


An area with only one .mcelllogic file.

Principal's Office

An area with only one .mcelllogic file.

Police Station

To do:
check the other police station areas.

Shooting Range

An area where a minigame would have taken place.

Mephesto's Lab


An area with only one .mcelllogic file.


An area with only one .mcelllogic file.

Generator 1 and 2

Two areas with only one .mcelllogic file. Interestingly, the second generator room has an .mcelllogic file for a cutscene that was meant to take place there.

Save Scientist 1

TFBW Savescientist1 entrance.png

An area with only one .mcelllogic file. It would have been accessed from the right side of the room where the New Kid's parents are trapped in.

Save Scientist 2

An area with only one .mcelllogic file.

Secret Lab

An area with only one .mcelllogic file.


An area with only one .mcelllogic file.


Scott's Block

Scott's Block is an unused block that contains most of the houses listed below.

Red's House

Red's House was going to appear between Big Gay Al's and Tweek's. An unused mission called "Red Mission" was going to take place here.

Tweek's House

Tweek's House was going to be next to Red's.

Wendy's House

Wendy's House was going to be on the very left of Scott's Block. An unused side mission called "sm15_handicarfaction_1ofx" was supposed to take place at her garage.

Timmy's House

Timmy's House was going to be between Wendy's and Bradley's houses. An unused side mission called "sm29_timmyloyalty" was supposed to take place in his bedroom.

Scott's House

Scott's House was going to be on the very right of Scott's Block. An unused mission called "The Hyper and the Hyperglycemic" was supposed to take place in his bedroom. The only remanining assets are a few .mcelllogic files and a potted plant.

Garrison's House

Garrison's House was going to be between Filmore's and Bradley's. His house was a part of an unused side mission called "Cosby Cocoa", where you had to search for Quaaludes in his house. There is also a painting that was going to appear in his bedroom.

Filmore's House

Filmore's House was going to appear between Scott's and Garrison's. It has a lot of .mcelllogic files, including one for a backyard. His house was replaced by Big Gay Al's in the final game. According to leftovers in the files, Filmore's parents were going to play a large role in the story.

text=Concept art for Filmore's Basement