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User:Callmeguglc/Sandbox/Unused Graphics

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This is a sub-page of User:Callmeguglc/Sandbox.

An absurd amount of unused/early images can be found in camel/ui/temp assets and some other folders.

Menu related graphics

TFBW Portrait timmy.png

An unused icon for Doctor Timothy's also unused playable form.

TFBW equipment placeholder.png TFBW Colon.png

Inside camel/ui/temp assets/equipment are 2 images; first is an image of the New Kid, with arrows pointing in seemingly random directions. The second image is of a gut, that was probably somehow associated with the first image.

TFBW Icon allies garrison.png

An image of Mr.Garrison named icon_allies_garrison, which suggests he was planned to be a summon.

TFBW Eqp noicon graphic.png

A placeholder icon, presumably for equipment, found in camel/ui/images/icons.

TFBW Tex itemicon placeholder graphic.png

A placeholder icon for items.

TFBW Tex itemicon cmp jew scouts guide.png

An unused Jew Scouts guidebook. Possibly related to the cut Human Kite side-quest.

TFBW coonstagramlogo.png

An early version of the Coonstagram logo, which is really just the Instagram logo, but with the word "COON" slapped on it.

Debug Menu graphics

TFBW Cartman-billbelichick thumb.png

An image of Cartman dressed as Bill Belichick, used in the debug menu.

TFBW All graphic.png TFBW Gut graphic.png TFBW GutF graphic.png TFBW GutA graphic.png TFBW Cape graphic.png TFBW Cloth graphic.png TFBW Consumable graphic.png TFBW Costumes graphic.png TFBW Dpad graphic.png TFBW Eyewear graphic.png TFBW Face graphic.png TFBW Hair graphic.png TFBW Hand graphic.png TFBW Head graphic.png TFBW Lt graphic.png TFBW Rt graphic.png TFBW Materials graphic.png TFBW Recipes graphic.png TFBW Rs graphic.png TFBW Street head graphic.png

camel/ui/temp assets/filters contains a TON of icons, possibly relating to the costume debug menu.

TFBW buddy selection.png TFBW disabled.png TFBW empty slot.png TFBW focus.png TFBW inteam.png TFBW lock.png TFBW locked buddy.png TFBW locked slot.png TFBW new.png TFBW power.png

A folder named "team selection" has remnants of a very early character select screen. The folder contains some very rough-looking graphics relating to the early menu. It even has character icons!

TFBW captain diabetes.png TFBW mint-berry.png TFBW mysterion.png TFBW professor chaos.png TFBW the amazing butthole.png TFBW the coon.png TFBW the human kite.png TFBW toolshed.png

These icons are noticeably very low-quality, as some seem to be cut out from other images(most notably Mysterion and The Coon). What's strange is that most of the characters seem to be missing from the folder for an unknown reason.


TFBW Buddyavatar antennae.png TFBW Buddyavatar coon.png TFBW Buddyavatar diabetes.png TFBW Buddyavatar kid.png TFBW Buddyavatar kite.png TFBW Buddyavatar mysterion.png TFBW Buddyavatar profchaos.png TFBW Buddyavatar toolshed.png

camel/ui/temp assets/buddy power contains early icons for the New Kid, The Coon, Captain Diabetes, a placeholder sketch, Human Kite, Mysterion, Professor Chaos and Toolshed. What's interesting is that The Coon and Mysterion do not have buddy powers in the final game. However, The Coon does have an unused buddy power called "coon rope". The only remnant of this is an empty .mpower file.

TFBW missing texture.png

A placeholder texture that can also be found in Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, which Ubisoft San Francisco also developed.

What a weird placeholder image...

Inside the folder temp assets, an image of a Fidget Spinner can be found under the name placeholder.

TFBW Icon missions temp.png TFBW Icon obj temp.png

Placeholder mission and objective icons.

TFBW Test selfie.png

An image of Cartman (from the Season 16 episode "Faith Hilling") found inside camel/ui/temp assets/pause/appy/coonstagram, under the name test_selfie.

Outro and intro screens

TFBW Outtro default.png

TFBW Titlecard default.png

Combat intro and outro screens that might be used as placeholders for enemies who don't have proper screens.

TFBW Titlecard kingyou.png

TFBW Outtro kingyou.png

Unused combat screens for the King boss fight. The final artworks depict the main characters in their Stick Of Truth costumes, not the King. It's possible that the King would've fought alone, rather than alongside the main characters.

TFBW Titlecard freedompals3.png

An intro screen featuring The Freedom Pals in front of the police station. In the final game, the only fight that takes place there is the fight against Doctor Timothy and Coon And Friends. A battle against The Freedom Pals was supposed to take place in front of the police station, according to a file named "dm16_freedompalsfight.mmission", which mentions the police station as a spawn point.

TFBW Outtro dlc laketardicaca end finalcombat1.png

An unused outro image that was meant to be seen after defeating the alien for the first time in the Bring The Crunch DLC. In the final game, he just walks away to start the 2nd phase.

FBW Titlecard Dragon.png

This titlecard is unused because during the prologue, battles start immediately and no titlecards can be seen.

TFBW titlecard chaosmex.png

A titlecard meant for the 2nd wave of the U-Stor-It ambush, featuring the Mexican Chaos Minions. In the final game, the battle starts immediately after the 1st wave, thus leaving this titlecard unused.

TFBW Power tupperware provoke.png TFBW Power tupperware taunt.png

2... odd images to say the least. They both have "provoke" and "taunt" in their names, suggesting that at one point Tupperware was supposed to have a similar ability to Super Craig's Shiny Hate Finger ability. The second one is of actor and former model, Richard Roundtree.

TFBW Combat screenshot lobbed protection.png TFBW Combat screenshot lobbed attack.png TFBW Combat screenshot left right attack and can move.png

3 screenshots of the first fight with the sixth-graders. What's interesting is that the first ability is different in 2 screenshots. This could imply that you originally started off with 2 classes instead of one. Or maybe all classes were unlocked for playtesters.

TFBW Vita controller bg back.png TFBW Vita controller bg front.png

2 very interesting images showing a PS Vita in the game's artstyle, which suggests that a PS Vita port was considered. These 2 images are the only remaining evidence of this canceled port.

TFBW Ubi templogo black.png

An old Ubisoft logo found in camel/ui/temp assets.

TFBW Savegamessdummy.png

A dummy savegame icon.

TFBW Beta.png

A small pixelated graphic, possibly used in pre-release versions of the game.

TFBW E3 icon.png

An image fo the E3 logo, probably used in E3 demonstration prototypes.

Early Ability Icons

New Kid

A plethora of early ability icons exist for the New Kid.


TFBW Mc blaster marktarget Sketch.png

TFBW Temp Power - butthole - fartbomb.png
nagasaki burningbeam fartbomb marktarget
FBW Blaster nagasaki.png FBW Blaster burningbeam.png FBW Blaster fartbomb.png FBW Blaster marktarget.png

Judging by these icons, it seems that the Boombox Suit was supposed to be the original costume. for this class.


TFBW Mc brick knucklesandwich.png

knucklesandwich ragingbull muscleflex unstoppableforce
TFBW Brick knucklesandwich.png TFBW Brick ragingbull.png TFBW Brick muscleflex.png TFBW Brick unstoppableforce.png

Early ability icons for the brutalist class. The ability "muscle flex" was replaced in the final game.


Power1 Power2 Power3 Power4
TFBW Commander power1.png TFBW Commander power2.png TFBW Commander power3.png TFBW Commander power4.png

Based on the E3 2016 gameplay demo and internal codenames this was supposed to be the original name for the Plantmancer.


Power1 Power2 Power3 Power4
TFBW Cyborg power1.png TFBW Cyborg power2.png TFBW Cyborg power3.png TFBW Cyborg power4.png


Power1 Power2 Power3 Power4
TFBW Elementalist power1.png TFBW Elementalist power2.png TFBW Elementalist power3.png TFBW Elementalist power4.png


Power1 Power2 Power3 Power4
TFBW Gadgeteer power1.png TFBW Gadgeteer power2.png TFBW Gadgeteer power3.png TFBW Gadgeteer power4.png


Power1 Power2 Power3 Power4
TFBW Kungfu power1.png TFBW Kungfu power2.png TFBW Kungfu power3.png TFBW Kungfu power4.png

Internally the Martial Artist class is known as Kungfu.


Power1 Power2 Power3 Power4
TFBW Mentalist power1.png TFBW Mentalist power2.png TFBW Mentalist power3.png TFBW Mentalist power4.png

Internally the Psychic class is known as Mentalist.


Power1 Power2 Power3 Power4
TFBW Ninja manimal power1.png TFBW Ninja manimal power2.png TFBW Ninja manimal power3.png TFBW Ninja manimal power4.png

Internally the Assassin class is known as Ninja/Ninja Manimal.


speeddash unknown unknown thousandpunches
TFBW Mc speedster speeddash.png TFBW Mc speedster thousandpunches.png

Only 2 sketches exist for the speedster class.

Overclocked Energized
TFBW Speedster overclock.png TFBW Speedster energize.png

The original overclocked icon can be seen in the E3 2016 gameplay video and has leftover code, however in the actual demo footage the player never uses it.


Fireball unknown unknown Supermelee
TFBW Intro fireball.png TFBW Intro supermelee.png

Likely meant to be part of the powers given to the New Kid at the start of the game.


The Coon

scratch coonrush bloodbath touchofnight
TFBW Power coon scratch.png TFBW Power coon coonrush.png TFBW Power coon bloodbath.png TFBW Power coon touchofnight.png

Early sketches of The Coon's abilities. All of them have completely different names that were changed in the final game.

Human Kite

lasereyes rescue cover deathfromabove
TFBW Power humankite lasereyes.png TFBW Power humankite rescue.png TFBW Power humankite cover.png TFBW Power humankite deathfromabove.png

Early sketches of Human Kite's abilities. Again, different names.

lasereyes rescue cover deathfromabove
TFBW Humankite lasereyes.png TFBW Humankite rescue.png TFBW Humankite cover.png TFBW Humankite ult deathfromabove.png

Early ability icons for Human Kite that are closer to the final ones.


mysterionimpact suicideimpact bloodcontract omgtkkyb
TFBW Mysterion mysterypact.png TFBW Mysterion suicidepact.png
TFBW Mysterion bloodcontract.png
TFBW Mysterion bloodcontract.png

Early ability icons for Mysterion. The super's name is an abbreviation of "Oh my god they killed Kenny! You bastards."

Super Craig

pummel taunt zerofucksgiven craigxtweak
TFBW Supercraig pummel.png TFBW Supercraig taunt.png TFBW Supercraig zerofucksgiven.png
TFBW Mysterion bloodcontract.png

Early ability icons for Super Craig. The Zero Fucks Given ability is a leftover from the E3 version of the game.


tupperspin positionmodification digitize upgrade
TFBW Tupperware tupperspin.png TFBW Tupperware positionmodification.png
TFBW Mysterion bloodcontract.png
TFBW Mysterion bloodcontract.png

Early ability icons for Tupperware. No icon exists for Tupper Turret, suggesting that Digitize was supposed to replace it.

Wonder Tweek

lightningstrike iceblast unknown unknown
TFBW Wondertweek lightningstrike.png TFBW Wondertweek iceblast.png

TFBW Power enemy placeholder.png