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User:Croper-1/Royal Match (Playable Factory AD)

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Javascript Stuff


The source files contains the entire demo's source. An example of this is:

parentDebugContainer.addChild(t.pathsLine),e.addChild(t.parentDebugContainer),this.registeredSpines.set(e,t)},e.prototype.renderDebug=function(e){this.registeredSpines.has(e)||this.registerSpine(e);var t=this.registeredSpines.get(e);t.skeletonXY.clear(),t.regionAttachments

It is also logged into the JS.

Development tools

Mentions of Phaser, PixiJS are found in the HTML file. Source files also mention GreenSock, used to make animations.

Ad Company Strings

The demo mentions a ridiculous amount of Playable AD Company/Service strings, such as Mintegral, Ironsource, Playable Factory (which were its sourced), Vungle, TapJoy, AdJoe, Moloco, Voodoo Notion and Mraid. Mraid is a company that produces advertisements to promote Mobile games and to promote then-released Movies/TV shows/Media (Such as Toy Story 4), so these were most likely sets of parameters to connect to their official website.