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User:Croper-1/Super Awesome Danger Squad

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Found in Version 8.1

Developer Comments

There is a lot of commented-out developer code in master.js. Here is some very interesting stuff:

  • DD - Means "Developer Dialogue". Presumably an abbreviation from "developer comment". Years like 2017 are placed after this text, suggesting that there are older versions of the game.

Commented code

In the master.js file, there is commented-out code for new collision. According to the dialogue, the code was unused due to the behavior being weirdly different, and when restoring the code, the enemies behave as expected.

/* this creates a bug where ranged enemies get stuck on a barricade
					* (so they are not moving)
					* and they refuse to attack characters that come in range
					* when commented out, the enemys behave as expected
					* keeping this here, in case something new comes up from it

There is more commented out code for character ID and Special Move ID inside gameUsedSpecial.

		// oddly the client didn't ask for which power up & character had been used
		// I've added it in (but left it commented) "just in case";

There is even more commented-out code.

				// also load unloackable character
				if (missions[i].unlock) {
					var isAlreadyInList = false;
					for (var k = 0; k < this.anims.length; k++) {
						if (this.anims[k] == missions[i].unlock) {
							isAlreadyInList = true;
					if (!isAlreadyInList) {

		//CHARACTER_UNLOCK_SCREEN.create(character, mission);

// GAME.stats.gameContinueClicked(this.missionID, this.levelID, this.isMissionComplete == true ? 'success' : 'fail');

//GAME.getWindowEdgeTop() + 60;

		//this.selectedIcons[1].sprite.y += 250;
		//this.selectedIcons[2].sprite.y += 250;
		//TweenMax.to(this.selectedIcons[1].sprite, 0.25, {y: this.selectedIcons[1].sprite.y - 250, delay:0.6, ease:Quad.easeOut});
		//TweenMax.to(this.selectedIcons[2].sprite, 0.25, {y: this.selectedIcons[2].sprite.y - 250, delay:0.7, ease:Quad.easeOut, onComplete:this.onScreenReady});
        		this.titleText.x = (GAME.app.renderer.width / 2);//Math.min((GAME.app.renderer.width / 2) + 400, GAME.getWindowEdgeRight() - 120);
		this.titleText.y = GAME.getTitlePosition();//GAME.getWindowEdgeTop() + 60;


Very little debug content can be found in the game. A commented-out code for displaying FPS text and a pointer for displaying Red marks are the only code that is debug-related. Debug display - FPS


Debug pointers for the emitter PixiJS particles.

		// debug
		var debug = PIXI.Sprite.from(GAME.assetManager.get('red', false));
		debug.alpha = 0.25;
		debug.scale.x = this.colW;
		debug.scale.y = this.colH;
		debug.x = this.colX;
		debug.y = this.colY;