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I am a long time gamer and amateur hacker(not the criminal type). I have always been interested in what is hidden inside games.

I am a former administrator and senior member at Gametalkx.0 (gtx0..com) a long standing gaming community.

Feral's Avatar

Birthdate: March 22, 1984

Also known in other places as: Wild Luxray
Wiki contributions
Total pages worked on: {{#cscore:Feral|pages}}
Total revisions saved: {{#cscore:Feral|changes}}
Score: {{#cscore:Feral|score}}

I know I'm not quite as awesome as most of the workers here. You guys rock!

My Notes

6/17/2013- I know there is a handful of unused entrance themes in WWE Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth. No idea how to get them to post here, though.

6/23/2013- The site where I got the gameshark codes for the unused themes is no longer functioning. Created a new page for the game. Maybe someone else can figure it out.

6/29/2013- Added Gold Chocobo glitch to FF9 page. Plan to investigate the cause of this glitch. Wondering about the Mt. Gulug and Far-Away Island Chocograph Ribbons. Perhaps the game confuses the two?

11/09/13- Reminder to self; Unused Character in WWF Warzone to document- Turok(Gameshark only)