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I don't know, I don't really have anything to say about myself. Uhhhh, what do I do.... Uh, here, have a Glace as a distraction, riiiight over there, that describes me well enough (if you want to know why, look at the bottom of the Glaceon article on Bulbapedia).


List of articles to eventually work on once I have time (aka am not busy with IRL or other things):

  • Pokémon Diamond/Pearl Prototypes (mainly 14.02 and 23.06)
  • Pokémon Diamond/Pearl Localization Prototypes (Google Doc with notes)
  • Pokémon Ultra Sun Debug Build (post-release)
  • Pokémon Sun Debug Builds (look into decrypting the CIAs, one is pre-release)
  • Pokémon Emerald Localization Prototype (3 months before release)
  • Cover international Gen 3 debug builds (there are differences in the debug stuff, I've checked)


  • Eventually remake the 14.02 DP build vid, with actual editing that time.
    • Make one on the 23.06 build too.

If needed, ping me on the TCRF Discord (DMs are off for personal reasons).

Sandbox thingy for the SwSh article

Unused Text - gametext

Empty Text Files

The following text files are present, but contain no text whatsoever. Note: everything here refers to the english text's files, other languages haven't been checked.

  • "gts", the GTS isn't in Sword and Shield, but is in HOME. Contains 111 empty lines.
  • "info", purpose unknown. Contains 6 blank lines.
  • "fs_sd", purpose unknown, possibly related to Poké Marts. Contains 50 blanks.
  • "zukan", named after the Pokédex, 111 empty lines. The used Pokédex text is under "pokedex". (which also contains naming/"where do you want to send X to" text)
  • "btl_get", completely blank, near in-battle system text
  • "fs_deco", 52 empty lines
  • "kisekae", 39 empty lines
  • "pokejob", 65 empty lines, the used Poké Job text is under "pw".
  • "fs_album", 85 empty lines
  • "fs_photo", 201 empty lines
  • "gamesync", 37 empty lines, Game Sync is not present in Sword and Shield.
  • "id_photo", 8 empty lines, possibly a Generation 7 leftover
  • "introdemo", with 25 empty lines
  • "setphrase", with 58
  • "app_common", with 143.
  • "field_menu", with 13
  • "netconnect", with 26
  • "place_name", with 116, actual location names are stored in storytext, not gametext
  • "pokeparure", with 52
  • "title_menu", with 20, pressing any button on the title screen immediately sends you into gameplay, and said title screen only shows up if a save file is present. The save file can't be deleted from within the title screen either (please confirm)
  • "btl_raidget" with 7, you could say this's used for displaying the item rewards at the end of raids, but this file doesn't even contain any control text.
  • "capturedemo" with a grand total of 'two'
  • "dendou_demo" with 3, "dendou" is the internal name for the Hall of Fame, as there's no Hall of Fame in Sword and Shield, this file's likely a Generation 7 leftover.
  • "field_event", with 2
  • "graphic_text", with 133
  • "miracletrade", with 25, Miracle Trade is the Japanese name for Wonder Trade, Sword and Shield's counterpart - Surprise Trade is contained within the Y-Comm and therefore, its text is located there.
  • "msg_ui_waza_" with 36
  • "number_input" with 41, any text insertion prompts use the Switch firmware's own keyboard.
  • "tower_trname", with 177, actual Battle Tower trainer names appear to be stored in "tower_trainer"
  • "trainer_pass" with 52
  • "zukan_hyouka" with 390
  • "kisekae_color" with 71
  • "msg_ui_option" with 61
  • "ride_pokelist" with 22, Poké Ride leftovers? (gen 7)
  • "rotom_message", 1488 lines, RotomDex text from G7?
  • "ride_poke_name", with 16
  • "vendingmachine" with 12, there are no useable Vending Machines in this game.
  • "waza_omoidashi" with 26
  • "battlevideo_rec" with 12
  • "battleteam_select" with 41
  • "battle_bgm_select" with 46, the actual battle music selection text is under "btl_bgm_select".
  • "kisekae_item_name", with 148
  • "battlevideo_player" with 104
  • "battletrainer_select" with 6
  • "net_battle_reception" with 135

In used text files

We’re the Champions!\nThis is the X menu.

Present alongside text for the X menu, most likely dummy text.




You can change the way that Japanese text\nis displayed.

Present alongside the Options text, you can't switch the way Japanese text is displayed while playing in English.


Would you like to reset the settings to\ntheir defaults?

Would you like to reset all of the settings to\ntheir defaults?

There's no option to reset options to their defaults, not like anyone would want to do that.

Booting up LAN mode...\nPlease wait.

The mode has been switched to LAN mode.\n\nPlease note that operations other than\nMax Raid Battles are not guaranteed.\n\nWhen you stop using LAN mode, please save\nyour game and turn it off.

The attempt has failed.\nPlease try again.\c

Not sure if unused, but certainly haven't seen it.

Start with your backup data

put comment here

Whoa! The [VAR 0101(0000)] you stepped on attacked!

Whoa! A horde of [VAR 0101(0000)] appeared!

You defeated [VAR 0200(0000)] Pokémon at the same time!

Whoa! A wild [VAR 0101(0000)] leaped out of the tall grass!

Whoa! A wild [VAR 0101(0000)] leaped out of the ground!

Whoa! A wild [VAR 0101(0000)] dived out of the sky!

Whoa! A wild [VAR 0101(0000)] swooped down from above!

Whoa! A wild [VAR 0101(0000)] leaped out of the trash can!

Leftover encounter text from X and Y (and in the case of hordes, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire too), glad it stuck around for six whole years!. Present in "btl_std"

The [VAR 010E(0000)] Grunts sent\nout a horde of Poochyena!

The [VAR 010E(0000)] Grunts sent\nout a horde of Mightyena!

Leftovers from Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire's two battles against hordes of Magma/Aqua grunts.

[VAR 010C(0000)] gained [VAR 0206(0001,002C)] Exp. Point[VAR 1101(0001,0100)]s!

[VAR 010C(0000)] gained a boosted [VAR 0206(0001,002C)] Exp. Point[VAR 1101(0001,0100)]s!

Exp is shown given to all Pokémon at once without using text.

[VAR 0101(0000)]’s aura flared to life!\nIts Attack rose!

[VAR 0101(0000)]’s aura flared to life!\nIts Attack rose sharply!

[VAR 0101(0000)]’s aura flared to life!\nIts Attack rose drastically!

[VAR 0101(0000)]’s aura flared to life!\nIts Defense rose!

[VAR 0101(0000)]’s aura flared to life!\nIts Defense rose sharply!

[VAR 0101(0000)]’s aura flared to life!\nIts Defense rose drastically!

[VAR 0101(0000)]’s aura flared to life!\nIts Sp. Atk rose!

[VAR 0101(0000)]’s aura flared to life!\nIts Sp. Atk rose sharply!

[VAR 0101(0000)]’s aura flared to life!\nIts Sp. Atk rose drastically!

[VAR 0101(0000)]’s aura flared to life!\nIts Sp. Def rose!

[VAR 0101(0000)]’s aura flared to life!\nIts Sp. Def rose sharply!

[VAR 0101(0000)]’s aura flared to life!\nIts Sp. Def rose drastically!

[VAR 0101(0000)]’s aura flared to life!\nIts Speed rose!

[VAR 0101(0000)]’s aura flared to life!\nIts Speed rose sharply!

[VAR 0101(0000)]’s aura flared to life!\nIts Speed rose drastically!

[VAR 0101(0000)]’s aura flared to life!\nIts stats rose!

[VAR 0101(0000)]’s aura flared to life!\nIts stats rose sharply!

[VAR 0101(0000)]’s aura flared to life!\nIts stats rose drastically!

[VAR 0101(0000)] called for help!

[VAR 0101(0000)] called its ally Pokémon!

...[WAIT 20] ...[WAIT 20] ...[WAIT 20]

Its help didn’t appear!

The Adrenaline Orb makes the wild Pokémon nervous!

We’re in the Battle Royal Dome, the arena for Battle Royals.[WAIT 60]\nThe dome is packed and filled with excitement!

Now here come the contenders!

In the green corner,\n[VAR 1300(0000,0000)][VAR 010E(0000)] [VAR 0100(0001)] sent out\r\n[VAR 0102(0002)]!

In the yellow corner,\n[VAR 1300(0000,0000)][VAR 010E(0000)] [VAR 0100(0001)] sent out\r\n[VAR 0102(0002)]!

In the red corner,\n[VAR 1300(0000,0000)][VAR 010E(0000)] [VAR 0100(0001)] sent out\r\n[VAR 0102(0002)]!

In the blue corner,\n[VAR 1300(0000,0000)][VAR 010E(0000)] [VAR 0100(0001)] sent out\r\n[VAR 0102(0002)]!

In the green corner, [VAR 0100(0000)] sent out\n[VAR 0102(0001)]!

In the yellow corner, [VAR 0100(0000)] sent out\n[VAR 0102(0001)]!

In the red corner, [VAR 0100(0000)] sent out\n[VAR 0102(0001)]!

In the blue corner, [VAR 0100(0000)] sent out\n[VAR 0102(0001)]!

The Battle Royal starts now!

The battle is over!

I’ve never seen this Pokémon! Zzzt!

[VAR 0100(0000)]! I’ve never seen this Pokémon! Zzzt!

[VAR 0100(0000)]! I’ve never seen this Pokémon! Zzzt!

[VAR 0189(0000)]! I’ve never seen this Pokémon! Zzzt!

Your chance of catching Pokémon increased!

Thanks to Rotom’s support, you can use Z-Power again!

Rotom Power unlocked! Zzz-zzzt!

Receive my Z-Powered friendship support! Zzz-zzzt!

Have you ever seen this many Generation 7 leftovers?

[VAR 0102(0000)] bounced back your Poké Ball!\c\nYou don’t have enough Gym Badges to catch a Pokémon\nthis strong!

The game doesn't even let you waste your Poké Balls on a Pokémon whose level is too high for you to catch. A different message is used in that scenario, rendering this one unseen.

Quite an appealing move.

A very appealing move, but after using this\nmove, the user is more easily startled.

A move of huge appeal, but using it prevents\nthe user from taking further contest moves.

An appealing move that can be used\nrepeatedly without boring the audience.

Prevents the user from being startled one time\nthis turn.

Prevents the user from being startled until the\nturn ends.

Startles the last Pokémon to act before\nthe user.

Startles all of the Pokémon to act before\nthe user.

Badly startles the last Pokémon to act before\nthe user.

Badly startles all of the Pokémon to act before\nthe user.

Makes the audience expect little of\nother contestants.

Badly startles Pokémon that the audience\nhas high expectations of.

Startles all other Pokémon. The user cannot act\non the next turn.

Badly startles Pokémon that used a move of\nthe same type.

Makes the remaining Pokémon nervous.

Brings down the energy of any Pokémon that\nhave already used a move this turn.

Works great if the user goes first this turn.

Works great if the user goes last this turn.

Shows off the Pokémon’s appeal about as\nwell as all the moves before it this turn.

Shows off the Pokémon’s appeal about as\nwell as the move used just before it.

Works better the later it is used in a turn.

Effectiveness varies depending on when it\nis used.

Works well if it is the same type as the move\nused by the last Pokémon.

Affected by how well the previous Pokémon’s\nmove went.

Gets the Pokémon pumped up.\nHelps prevent nervousness, too.

Works well if the user is pumped up.

Causes the user to move earlier on the\nnext turn.

Causes the user to move later on the\nnext turn.

Scrambles the order in which Pokémon will\nmove on the next turn.

Excites the audience in any kind of contest.

Badly startles all Pokémon that successfully\nshowed their appeal.

Works better the more excited the crowd is.

Temporarily stops the crowd from\ngrowing excited.

Excites the audience a lot if used first.

Excites the audience a lot if used last.

Makes the audience quickly grow bored when\nan appeal move has little effect.

Present in "waza_con" are move descriptions for contest puporses.... which were last seen in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire..... yeah.






"peonymemo" contains this untranslated text, I'd rather not trust DeepL's "king of surgeons" for the first one.

"staff_list" has the entirety of the Japanese credits, not pasting here for obvious reasons.

[VAR 0109(0000)]

えらんだ どうぐを ごうせいします\nよろしいでしょうか?


