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User:GlitterBerri/Notes/Test Area/Era Notes

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Era Contents

g04 interior is where little link scale model starts to show up

g00 + g01
-possible overworld: https://tcrf.net/images/thumb/8/87/ALTTP_Osr-st.png/1536px-ALTTP_Osr-st.png
-round ice cream trees
-isometric hills
-alien weed
-demon face dungeon door
-old boss statues
-NES castle
-orange and grey castle

-possible overworld: https://tcrf.net/images/thumb/1/14/ALttP_Dev-z00_mpdt_tilemap_version.png/1728px-ALttP_Dev-z00_mpdt_tilemap_version.png
-square trees
-isometric hills
-branchy trees
-dig holes
-pink and yellow houses
-post fence
-tall plant
-lava stone floor
-woods shadow
-smiley blocks
-stone castle columns
-pond with clear blue water
-pink and yellow castle
-pink and purple sanctuary
-grey and orange castle
-lost woods CGX
-grey eastern palace
-blocky mountains
-square face trees
-kokiri house
-pagoda house
-under construction man

-possible overworld: https://tcrf.net/images/3/36/ALTTP_Map-1_with_interpreted_tile_locations.png / zel_munt? (at least for part of the time)
-pink and yellow tower
-pink and purple sanctuary
-grey eastern palace
-wooden bridge/logs?
-cave entrance
-round hills
-pink and beige house
-half dig holes
-round plant
-pull plant
-regular plant
-big square sign
-darker blue water
-swamp shrine
-giant trees
-ignatious rock
-stone staircase
-post fence
-giant skull
-stone well
-town fountain
-round pond with dark blue water
-variety of house designs, rectangled shingled house
-possible lumberjack house

g06 - graphics change
-possible overworld: https://tcrf.net/images/5/5d/ALTTP_smap7scrbak_with_SD_cgx.png / zel_edt1?
-round trees with eyes
-beginnings of dark world
-mushroom trees
-round house
-hammer posts
-wooden stone bridges
-triforce floor
-eastern palace arches
-mountain cave
-stone bridge and separate wooden bridge
-river shoreline
-purple blue trees
-top-down perspective tests
-fluffy EP columns
-wavey brown cliffs
-waterfall from head on
-complicated roof EP

g09 (g05 interior?)
-possible overworld: 
-mushroom trees
-square DW houses
-eye and skull sign
-little square house chimneys
-swamp shrine
-fluffy grass edges
-skull woods heads
-DW swamp plants
-tower of hera
-8 rocks and square rocks
-slightly side waterfall
-sanctuary with bell
-pagoda house
-sacred grove and under the bridge
-stone stairs going down
-triforce warp tiles
-big stone head
-(95) death mountain bridges
-sky backdrop
-floating islands

g10 (g06 interior based on agahnim symbol?)
-SD era?
-desert star
-final-type castle
-castle shortcut
-jump off castle wall
-agahnim symbol
-castle shrubbery
-more elaborate DW houses
-mushroom trees
-SD-type well
-SD-type pot
-face hammer posts
-palace of darkness exterior and garden
-regular EP statues
-Triforce floor
-possibly zora falls
-sacred grove
-beneath the bridge
-swamp shrine with gate
-Triforce warp tiles
-blue round pots
-swamp statues
-magic floors
-triforce warp

-cave with shields at Lake Hylia
-special Lake Hylia house
-skull post
-swamp shrine
-butt statue
-haunted tree
-grid signs
-desert palace entrances and heads
-sun warp
-cow skeleton in desert
-prayer tablet
-wheelbarrow and barrels
-custom shop signs
-grassy-roofed jail house
-fortune teller sign
-book shop
-skull sign
-Kakariko sign
-weathervane bird
-blacksmith sword?

-monster grave guy
-custom design for witch's hut

-sun star
-regular house
-lost woods logs
-grid sign
-lost woods stump houses
-real and fake master swords
-death mountain rope bridges and floating island
-tower of hera
-rock clusters
-pancake rocks
-Link statues
-Triforce statues
-warp floors
-tall tree bushes
-stone jump off into water
-Triforce room
-modern umbrella trees
-more elaborate DW house
-JP and EN titles

Era Overviews

Round Tree Era: 1990-02 to 04
-Orange and grey castle
-NES palette limitation castle
-Boss statues
-Dungeon door with face topper

Square Tree Era: 1990-04 to 06
-Branchy trees
-Pink and yellow castle
-Rectangular houses
-Stone columns
-Lost Woods entrances
-Eastern Palace

Weirtree Era: 1990-06 to 12
-Eastern Palace
-Giant Skull
-Curvy tower
-Cave entrance
-More ground objects
-Darker blue water
-Stone staircase
-Town fountain

Round Weirtree Era: 1991-?? to 05
-Graphics change
-Sanctuary with bell
-Eastern Palace arches and Triforce floor
-Mountain cave
-Stone and wooden bridges
-Hammer posts
-River shoreline
-Head-on waterfall
-Hammer posts
-Beginnings of DW

Super Donkey Era: 1991-06 to ??