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User:GyroMan/Shinobi III Prerelease

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Shinobi III famously was supposed to be completed in late 1992. However, after given out for review, it wasn't received as well as its prequel, The Revenge of Shinobi. Because of that, a lot of the game was reworked and eventually released in July 1993. Prerelease screenshots, videos, and reviews show a lot of both the pre-rework and final game. Some of the assets seen in prerelease material are in the 1192 prototype, but a lot has sadly yet to resurface in any build of the game.

Keep in mind that the game was called "The Revenge of Shinobi II" while it was in development for a while, until the title was eventually changed to "Shinobi III".

Beep! Mega Drive

October 1992

Beepb2 oct92.jpg

Dated October 1992, this picture is one of the earliest peeks into Shinobi III's development, preceding even the 1192 prototype. It strangely shows an area that's nowhere to be seen in the 1192 build despite being shown one month before, so this may be a mockup or an area that was removed in the 1192 prototype then later reinstated, as a similar area does appear in later prerelease shots and footage. The player seems to have the removed hakuriu ninjitsu equipped. The background is different from the final, showing rays of sunlight coming down from the top of the cave.

November 1992

Beep2 nov92.jpg

This scan seems to cover an updated version of the 1192 prototype's round 7, featuring a couple areas that aren't in the prototype. There's also a picture of a title screen much closer to the final compared to the prototype. The infinite kunais cheat appears to be activated.

December 1992


A scan showing the cave area again, this time with 2 ninjas and 2... blowdart basketheads. Whatever you call them.

Feburary 1993


This scan shows more of the cave level. A box seems to be hidden in the corner of the ceiling, and the player is jumpkicking a mostly out-of-frame samurai enemy. There's also an image of the first boss being fought in an open cave area with a crescent moon over it. The infinite kunais cheat appears to be activated in this picture. The final image shows a location not seen in the 1192 prototype, a factory-like area with trusses and a fence in the background.


December 1992

This image shows the cave area with one of the tiger enemies in it. It's floating slightly above the ground.

Electronic Gaming Monthly

November 1992

This scan shows another updated version of the 1192 prototype's round 7, with a rom containing an extra life. The background seems very different, and there's an unidentifiable floating thing in the second picture.

December 1992

This issue of EGM has plenty to cover. It showcases more complete versions of lots of levels in the prototype, as well as ones like a level on a zeppelin and one on a battleship! The segment also contains a map of one of the levels, dubbed "City Streets", likely a finished version of Level 2 from the 1192 prototype. It shows the bosses of the first 4 levels as well, including the flying goblin-like creature boss. The winged boss in round 4 also has a frame of animation not seen in the 1192 build or the final game. On the bottom of the second page, there are small pictures of the ninja temple level, "mecha godzilla" factory, an assumedly early version of the burning forest section, and the bottom of a rocket ship that would've likely belonged to the final level. It also contains the "round clear" portraits for the round 4 and 5 bosses from the 1192 prototype.