JonTronFan2016 |
Birthdate: July 8th Also known in other places as: Nikki the Gryphon |
This game is still under active development. Be aware that any unused content you find may become used or removed in the future. Please only add things to the article that are unlikely to ever be used, or went unused for some time. If they do get used, please remove them from the page and specify in the edit summary! |
I'm a JonTron fan.
'Nuff said.
Hidden Developer Message
While digging around through my mind I came across this frightening message:
What could this mean? Find out...
Hidden Development Message
I have found a message from when I was a baby. It reads:
Obogoo ga ga
If you translate this, it means:
This house sucks, I want to go back to the hospital.
Unused Items
I have plenty of crap I don't use in my closet.
Unused Abilities
I need to do more with my life.
Unused Text
I found some unused text as well.
I love you, Senpai.
I'm forever alone, so this text was never used.
Debugging Material
Don't ask me how to access it. I don't know. I don't want to know. Please don't try to access it.
Hidden Sound Test
My ear makes some weird squeaking sound if you push on it enough.
Is that weird?
Revisional Differences
Oh boy I have matured so much.
That is why my favorite show is Thomas the Choo-Choo Train.
Ok, not really. My favorite is Gotham.