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From The Cutting Room Floor
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Yes, your eyes are deceiving you.
"What the hell am I looking at?!"
With the power of CSS (and the 'transform' property), anything is possible, including stupidly obnoxious messageboxes ;)
This page sucks.
If you could make it suck less, that would be awesome.
Specifically: I don’t really have anything interesting to add here.
Babel user information
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
tr-1 Bu kullanıcı temel düzeyde Türkçe bilir.
es-1 Este usuario tiene un conocimiento básico del español.
Users by language

Hello there, kooper here.

This account used to go by "Nineclouds", however I had that changed as I don't use that username anymore.

In fact, I have gone through many MANY different nicknames/usernames. These include:

  • cathodeRay (I sometimes use this if kooper is taken)
  • cloud_n1n3 or any other similar names (I don’t use this anymore)
  • らいう (I have no idea why I used this, I am not Japanese at all)

Now, I go by kooper, kooperds or dskooper depending on which one is not taken.

I am not as active as I used to be, primarily because I am pretty busy with life. However, I might from time to time do something.

You can refer to my blog or my website for more information about stuff I’ve done, or how to contact me.

- kooper

Yay cactus! This user supports the cactus!
~ This user uses the first userbox ever. And is proud of it.
This user needs more userboxes.

Other stuff

Anything interesting or noteworthy.

Sites I am on

I have accounts on some other sites, however they might not be as active.