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User:LolHacksRule/Angry Birds Go! (v1)

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Development notes

As Exient hasn't built an xml compiler yet since v1.0.0 on iOS, the developers kept the xmls in plaintext, and because of that, they were released from development for use and a bunch of development related notes are present in them.

<!--  Slingshot Pull						 -->
<!-- *************** KARTS ******************** -->
<!-- ************ IN GAME AMBIENCE ************ -->
<!-- ************ UI ************ -->			
<!-- 						-->	
<!-- ************ POWER UPS ************ -->
<!-- ************ BREAKABLES ************ -->
<!-- *************** VOICE ******************** -->
<!-- ******** RED ********* -->
<!-- ******** BOMB ********* -->
<!-- ******** blues ********* -->
<!-- ******** bubbles ********* -->
<!-- ******** chuck ********* -->
<!-- ******** corporal ********* -->
<!-- ******** hal ********* -->
<!-- ******** moustache ********* -->
<!-- ******** king ********* -->
<!-- ******** matilda ********* -->
<!-- ******** stella ********* -->
<!-- ************ JENGA ************ -->
<!-- ************ BOSS BATTLE ************ -->
<!-- Low -->
<!-- High -->

A bunch of comments for what asset id is generated (?) and also notes for what category an asset is meant for. Present in Data/Audio/Sound.xml.

<!-- Theme002 - Run000-->
<!-- Theme002 - Run001-->
<!-- Theme002 - Run002-->
<!-- Theme002 - Run003-->
<!--START: TEST Particle Effects-->
<!--END: TEST Particle Effects-->
<!--START: Environment Particle Effects-->
<!--END: Environment Particle Effects-->

Present in Data\Environments\theme002\tracks\run00X\vfxlist.xml












Present in Data\Environments\theme002\tracks\run000\vfxlist.xml

<!--  <Helper>water_splash_001</Helper>-->
<!--  <Helper>fire_camp_001</Helper>-->
<!--  <Helper>particle_trigger01</Helper>-->
<!--  <Helper>VFX_WindStrips008</Helper>
	<ActivationRadius>500</ActivationRadius>  -->

Present in Data\Environments\theme002\tracks\run002\vfxlist.xml

<!--  <Helper>vfx_CampFire003</Helper>-->
<!{1}**	<ActivationRadius>200</ActivationRadius> **{1}> 

<!{1}**	<ActivationRadius>200</ActivationRadius> **{1}> 
<!--  <Helper>VFX_WaterRings014</Helper>-->






Present in Data\Environments\theme002\tracks\run003\vfxlist.xml

  fMass: in kg
  fDrag: lots of drag will slow the whole kart down
  fAttachStiffness: how rigidly the piece is attached
  fAttachDamping: how quickly the piece stops wobbling after a shock
  fAttachDamageThreshold: how much big an impact has to be for it to do any damage to the piece
  fAttachLooseDamageThreshold: how much total damage is needed to make this piece loose
  fAttachBreakDamageThreshold: how much total damage is needed to make this piece fall off

Present in many files in Data\cars\cargeom.pak\* and Data\cars\carxml.pak.

<!-- 		<AddFile Name="*/**_accelerate.xga" AnimName="accelerate" />  -->
<!-- 		<AddFile Name="*/**_brake.xga" AnimName="brake" />  -->
<!-- 		<AddFile Name="*/**_sulk.xga" AnimName="sulk" />  -->
<!-- 		<AddFile Name="*/**_Garage3.xga" AnimName="garage3" /> -->

Present in xml files in Data\characters\animation.pak. "*" is the directory of the character and "**" is the internal name.

<!-- Object to be spawned -->
<!-- VFX attached to the object while it's in one piece -->
<!-- Time between spawning blocks -->
<!-- Distance from the player at which blocks can spawn -->
<!-- How much of the car's speed a dropped block starts with -->
<!-- How much upward velocity a dropped block starts with -->
<!-- How much lateral velocity a block starts with -->
<!-- How much lateral velocity the block starts with per meter to the side the player is -->
<!-- The block's starting scale, and how soon it reaches full size -->
<!-- How long the boss holds on to the crate before releasing it -->
<!-- The block's starting position above and behind the kart -->

Present in Data\characters\charxml.pak\boss_0xx.xml

<!-- Time in seconds -->
<!-- Multiplier applied to steering per pig: between 0 and 1 -->

Present in Data\characters\charxml.pak\boss_0xx.xml, being 13, 14 and 15.

<!-- Duration of tornadoes -->
<!-- VFX used to show the object -->
<!-- How close to the object (meters) the player will be affected -->
<!-- How hard the player will be spun on hitting one of these -->

Present in Data\characters\charxml.pak\boss_0xx.xml, being 16, 17 and 18.

<!-- Rockets per attack. If this increases, give me (TR) a shout and I'll allow more memory for it -->
<!-- Propulsion force applied to the back of each rocket, per second -->
<!-- How far in front of the player car to aim (0 is centre, 1 is front of the chassis) -->
<!-- Time between launching rockets loaded together -->
<!-- VFX attached to the object while it's in one piece -->
<!-- UNUSED -->
<!-- How hard the player will be spun on hitting one of these -->

Present in Data\characters\charxml.pak\boss_0xx.xml, being 19, 20 and 21.

<!-- Weighting for each object -->
<!-- Between 0 and 100 please! -->
	Could have been called ObjectCoin, ObjectTNT etc,
	but decided they may change eventually.. Stick with
	stock default names
<!-- Number of coins given per coin crate -->
<!-- Boost force -->

Present in Data\characters\charxml.pak\boss_0xx.xml, being 22, 23 and 24.

<!-- Lateral acceleration of the boomerang -->
<!-- This wants to be high for Hal -->

Present in Data\characters\charxml.pak\boss_0xx.xml, being 28, 29 and 30.

<!-- Duration of boosts -->
<!-- How hard the player will be boosted on hitting one of these -->

Present in Data\characters\charxml.pak\boss_0xx.xml, being 31, 32 and 33.

<!-- Duration of the ability -->
<!-- Multiply the steering by this value - (0.5 = half steering) -->
<!-- Torque multiplier -->
<!-- Multiplier that moves camera further behind the car -->

Present in Data\characters\charxml.pak\char0xx.xml.

		<AddFile Name="data/characters/animation/red/defaultloop.xga" AnimName="defaultloop" />
		<AddFile Name="data/characters/animation/red/accelerate.xga" AnimName="accelerate" />
		<AddFile Name="data/characters/animation/red/brake.xga" AnimName="brake" />
		<AddFile Name="data/characters/animation/red/steerright.xga" AnimName="steerright" />
		<AddFile Name="data/characters/animation/red/steerleft.xga" AnimName="steerleft" />
		<AddFile Name="data/characters/animation/red/taunt.xga" AnimName="taunt" />
		<AddFile Name="data/characters/animation/red/sulk.xga" AnimName="sulk" />
		<AddFile Name="data/characters/animation/red/raceidle1.xga" AnimName="raceidle1" />
		<AddFile Name="data/characters/animation/red/raceidle2.xga" AnimName="raceidle2" />
		<AddFile Name="data/characters/animation/red/dizzy.xga" AnimName="dizzy" />
		<AddFile Name="data/characters/animation/red/raceintro.xga" AnimName="raceintro" />
		<AddFile Name="data/characters/animation/red/raceoutrowin.xga" AnimName="raceoutrowin" />
		<AddFile Name="data/characters/animation/red/raceoutrolose.xga" AnimName="raceoutrolose" />
		<AddFile Name="data/characters/animation/red/abilityused.xga" AnimName="abilityused" />

Present in Data\characters\charxml.pak\char001.xml. Most likely commented out due to using an external animation file.

<!-- Time before explosion -->
<!-- Can be longer than Duration -->
<!-- Character gains a small speed boost -->
<!-- Distance within which karts will be hit -->
<!-- The damage dealt to each kart hit -->
<!-- How long karts hit by the ability will spin for -->
<!-- How many times karts hit by the ability will spin round -->

Present in Data\characters\charxml.pak\char002.xml.

<!-- How high above the track Stella floats in meters -->
<!-- How long it takes Stella to reach her maximum floating height -->
<!-- How long after a shield collides with something is the rest of the shield invulnrable -->
<!-- Position shield is on Y axis, relative to kart RB -->
<!-- Force to apply outward of shield on contact -->
<!-- How many times should be outward force significant on sides then
     on front. (Note: it doesn't increase the total force - use
     ShieldForce for that.) -->
<!-- Multiplier to kart gravity while shield is active -->
<!-- Multiplier to kart downforce while shield is active -->

Present in Data\characters\charxml.pak\char003.xml.

<!-- Delay before lightning strikes -->
<!-- Duration of the storm cloud effect -->
<!-- Distance within which karts will be struck by lightning -->
<!-- The damage dealt to each kart struck by lightning -->
<!-- Effect is here because it doesn't work like a normal end effect -->

Present in Data\characters\charxml.pak\char004.xml.

<!-- How long the player must wait between using individual charges (overrides ability default if set -->

Present in Data\characters\charxml.pak\char0xx.xml, being 05, 08 and 10.

<!-- How long the pig will fly for -->
<!-- How high above the spline the pig will aim to fly -->
<!-- How far ahead on the spline the pig will aim for (higher values = smoother cornering but more likely to hit a wall) -->
<!-- How sharply the pig will steer towards its current target -->
<!-- How fast the pig will fly, multiplied by its speed on activation -->

Present in Data\characters\charxml.pak\char006.xml.

<!-- Distance within which karts will be damaged and spun -->
<!-- How powerful the explosion is - only affects objects -->
<!-- The damage dealt to each kart -->
<!-- Projectile forward speed from the car -->
<!-- Projectile upward speed from the car -->
<!-- Projectile backward speed from the car -->
<!-- Time between ability being activated and projectile being launched -->
<!-- The amount of random spin on the projectile -->

Present in Data\characters\charxml.pak\char007.xml.

<!-- The VFX name for the dust effect. Needs to be separate so it can be turned on/off -->

Present in Data\characters\charxml.pak\char009.xml.

<!-- How many hits each shield can take before it is destroyed -->
<!-- Speed shields move round the kart (deg/s) -->
<!-- Radius around the kart -->
<!-- Damage shield does to opponents when it hits them -->
<!-- Damage shield does to itself when it hits an opponent -->
<!-- How many spins other cars undergo when colliding with a shield -->
<!-- How long the spin lasts when another car collides with a shield -->
<!-- The maximum amount of spin time a car can have left to be able to be hit by the shield -->

Present in Data\characters\charxml.pak\char010.xml.

<!-- Value to be added to player's speed when the ability is triggered
     which is used for speed of the tornado. -->
<!-- Descending speed of the tornado if it was triggered in the air.
     Descends only to spline plane, not lower. -->

Present in Data\characters\charxml.pak\char011.xml.

<!-- Number of physics steps per frame for kart that triggered ability, must be integer -->
<!-- Slow mo scale -->

Present in Data\characters\charxml.pak\char012.xml.

		Definition of challenges
		'Challenges' block = a list of all game challenges (now these are handled like 'templates')
		( REMOVED: 'Groups' block = groups of challenges )
		'Episode / Event' blocks = define challenges within a specified episode/event
		Every event has now three categories: bronze, silver, gold - in this order.
		Increase 'Version' number if this definition document has changed.
<!-- Note: challenges avoid FIRST x obstacles CANNOT be persistent by design!!! -->
<!-- RACE -->
<!--			<Challenge Name="WinWithKartMusicMaker"/> -->
<!--			<Challenge Name="WinWithKartSuperRoaster"/> -->
<!-- TIME ATTACK -->
<!--			<Challenge Name="Get3StarsWithTapeDecks"/> -->
<!--			<Challenge Name="Get3Stars3xWithSodaPopSedan"/> -->
<!-- FRUIT RUSH -->
<!-- <Challenge Name="Get3Stars3xWithSpoonMobile"/> -->
<!--			<Challenge Name="WinWithKartSuperRoaster3Stars3x"/> -->
<!-- Launch 10 x from slingshot -->
<!-- Launch 15 x from slingshot -->
<!-- missing -->
<!-- Launch 25 x from slingshot -->
<!-- AIR EPISODE -->
<!--			<Challenge Name="Win3xWithBarrelRoller"/> -->
<!--Challenge Name="Get3Stars3xWithKrazyKayak"/-->
<!--Challenge Name="Get3StarsWithSoapySlider"/-->

Present in Data\characters\charxml.pak\challenges.xml.

<!-- XGSXML doesn't support special special chars, so names containing these are run throught the LocDB. -->
<!-- LEGAL -->
<!-- EXIENT Leads -->
<!-- Art -->
<!-- Design -->
<!-- Audio -->
<!-- Code -->
<!-- XGS -->
<!-- EXIENT Management -->
<!-- ROVIO -->
<!-- 	<Image>
	</Image> -->
<!-- QA -->
<!-- OPS -->
<!-- ROVIO ENT. LTD. -->
<!-- MARKETING -->
<!-- MISC. -->
<!-- TY -->
<!-- Extern -->

Present in Data\gameplay\misc.pak\credits.xml.

<!-- Camera settings-->
<!-- Inverts the Y look axis for flycam (control pad look only) -->
<!-- Automatically adjusts the FOV as your speed changes -->
<!-- Causes the camera to shake slightly at high speeds -->
<!-- [0.1-1.0] - Adjusts the camera's field of view - lower numbers narrow it -->
<!-- [0.1-25.0] - Adjusts the height of the camera, in meters -->
<!-- [0.1-10.0] - Adjusts the horizontal distance between the camera and the centre of the car, in meters -->
<!-- At what rate time passes during the front activation camera -->		
<!-- How long the transition to the front activation camera takes -->
<!-- How long the front activation camera lasts -->
<!-- How long the transition from the front activation camera takes -->
<!-- The size of the arc at the front of the car over which the camera moves slowest -->
<!-- The height of the camera above the car during the activation camera -->
<!-- The horizontal distance of the camera from the car during the activation camera -->
<!-- [0.1-100.0] - How much to smooth camera motion -->
<!-- [0.1-100.0] - How much to smooth camera target motion -->
<!-- [0.1-100.0] - How much to smooth camera up vector -->
<!-- Rendering settings -->
<!-- Prevents the in-race HUD from rendering -->
<!-- Prevents the skybox from rendering -->
<!-- Prevents the opaque parts of the environment from rendering -->
<!-- Prevents the 1-bit alpha parts of the environment from rendering -->
<!-- Prevents the 8-bit alpha parts of the environment from rendering -->
<!-- Prevents the cars (and their shadows) from rendering -->
<!--[0(Off)/ 1(Wireframe)/ 2(Solid)] - Renders all collision geometry near the player car. In flycam mode, also renders a line-of-sight test result -->
<!-- [0(Off), 1(Car), 2(Grid), 3(Both)] Show the ambient lighting. Can either show just the lighting around the car, or the nearby grid, or both -->
<!-- What percentage of the worldcolour actually affects the kart -->
<!-- Stats settings -->
<!-- Enables the framerate display on the debug HUD -->
<!-- Enables GPU profiling. Results display on the debug HUD -->
<!-- Enables incremental GPU profile -->
<!-- Enables memory stats on the debug HUD -->
<!-- Enables the display of various env system stats on the debug HUD	-->
<!-- Boss Battle gamemode settings -->
<!-- Gameplay settings -->
<!--  This shows some information about the car - speed, drift etc -->
<!-- Specifies how strong the gravity should be, 1.0 = Earth normal -->
<!--  How much time is given in the distance game mode. -->
<!--  How much time is given in the race game mode. -->
<!--  How much time is given in the time attack game mode. -->
<!--  How much time is given when collecting pickup. -->
<!--  Multiplier applied to pickup radius. -->
<!--  Whether karts are invincible. -->
<!-- How long the boost ability lasts for -->
<!-- How powerful the boost ability is -->
<!-- How long the speed camera will fade in over once the player leaves the slingshot -->
<!-- How long invulnerability lasts for -->
<!-- How many slalom posts a player can miss before failure -->
<!-- Modifies thermal uplift values. -->
<!-- Powerup settings -->
<!-- How long the player must avoid damage for the autorepair to activate -->
<!-- How long the repair VFX plays before the actual repair happens -->
<!-- How many pieces must have been damaged for autorepair to kick in -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Factor at which the kart will push forwards when drifting -->
<!-- Factor of the starting speed at which the kart will drift -->
<!-- Speed booster -->
<!-- How far back the camera can move while under the effect of the speed boost powerup -->
<!-- The speed at which the camera will start moving back -->
<!-- The speed at which the camera will reach its maximum distance back -->
<!-- How long catchup is disabled for after firing the King Sling -->
<!-- Player car settings -->
<!-- mass of car chassis -->
<!-- inertia of car chassis -->
<!-- centre of mass of car chassis upward offset-->
<!-- centre of mass of car chassis forward offset -->
<!-- car drag -->
<!-- car chassis downforce -->
<!-- front wheels peak grip -->
<!-- rear wheels peak grip -->
<!-- engine torque scalar. a very crude way to change engine power.-->
<!-- inertia scaling of car chassis after object or environment collision-->
<!-- Audio settings -->
<!-- Disables audio for the engine -->
<!-- Disables audio for the backfiring -->
<!-- Disables audio for skid sounds (note that skidding causes both skid and chirp sounds) -->
<!-- Disables audio for chirp sounds (appear to only be caused during skids?) -->
<!-- Disables transmission sounds. This appears to only disable a faint noise heard in the background while driving -->
<!-- Enables the display of various sound stats on the debug HUD -->
<!-- Enables the display of various stats to do with sound group management to the debug HUD - primarily which sound groups are active, and something about duck -->
<!-- Enables the display of information about collision audio to the debug HUD -->
<!-- Controls settings -->
<!-- Enable PC Joypad for driving (but no trick support currently) -->
<!-- Enable iOS accelerometer controls -->
<!-- [0.1-3.0] - Controls maximum steering rate -->
<!-- [50.0 - 512.0] - Specifies the amount of the screen (in pixels relative to centre of screen, assuming 1024 total screen width) that steering input varies over (beyond that it is clamped) -->
<!-- [0.1-3.0] - Controls the linearity of the steering (1 = linear; >1 less sensitive in centre, more sensitive at edge; <1 more sensitive in centre, less sensitive at edge) -->
<!--These next 4 controls all deal with platform specific tilt control values -->
<!-- This is the width of the BB10 tilt deadzone -->
<!-- Allows the steering to be inverted -->
<!-- Minimum kart speed -->
<!-- Maximum speed for kicks -->
<!-- Specifies whether to use the push finger or the side-touch control method -->
<!-- Specifies whether the game is in downhill mode (no engine) -->
<!-- [0.0 - 1.0] - Controls how quickly you fall off walls -->
<!-- [0.0 - 1.57] - Specifies what angle (in radians) the car aims to keep you at when on two wheels -->
<!-- [5.0 - 100.0] - Specifies the speed limit (in m/s) when on two wheels -->
<!-- [0.0 - 2.0] - Controls how quickly you start to wobble when on two wheels -->
<!-- Specifies whether to trigger two wheel driving with a single or double tap -->
<!-- [5.0 - 50.0] - Specifies how much force is applied to the car when you jump -->
<!-- [5.0 - 50.0] - Specifies how much force is applied to the car when you boost -->
<!-- [0.0 - 5.0] - Specifies how long you have to wait after boosting until you can do it again -->
<!-- Specifies whether airborne tricks are done by directly moving the car with your fingers or by using the gesture system -->
<!-- Specifies whether gestures do half turns at a time -->
<!-- Specifies whether gesture tricks stop after completing each one -->
<!-- Specifies whether the landing assistance should aim the car or whether it should just keep it level -->
<!-- Specifies control for Jump. 	0=None 1=Tap 2=Double Tap 3=Swipe Up 4=Swipe Down 5=Swipe Left 6=Swipe Right 7=Swipe Up & Right 8=Swipe Up & Left 9=Swipe Up Diagonal 10=Pulldown -->
<!-- Specifies control for Boost. 	0=None 1=Tap 2=Double Tap 3=Swipe Up 4=Swipe Down 5=Swipe Left 6=Swipe Right 7=Swipe Up & Right 8=Swipe Up & Left 9=Swipe Up Diagonal 10=Pulldown -->
<!-- Specifies control for TwoWheels. 	0=None 1=Tap 2=Double Tap 3=Swipe Up 4=Swipe Down 5=Swipe Left 6=Swipe Right 7=Swipe Up & Right 8=Swipe Up & Left 9=Swipe Up Diagonal 10=Pulldown -->
<!-- Specifies control for Transition. 	0=None 1=Tap 2=Double Tap 3=Swipe Up 4=Swipe Down 5=Swipe Left 6=Swipe Right 7=Swipe Up & Right 8=Swipe Up & Left 9=Swipe Up Diagonal 10=Pulldown -->
<!-- How long it takes the AI to fully pull back their slings -->
<!-- How many times the player spins if they launch early -->
<!-- How long the player spins for if they launch early -->
<!-- Extra penalty to the slingshot force per full second early -->
<!-- How many extra times the player spins per full second early -->
<!-- How long extra the player spins for per full second early -->
<!-- Time after using no powerups that free ones are given out (seconds) -->
<!-- Time elapsed before the game will request the player reviews the game (seconds) --> 

Present in Data\gameplay\misc.pak\debugtweakables.xml.

<!-- iOS -->
<!--Device name="iphone3"			x="0" y="450" /> NO CAMERA -->
<!-- Android -->
<!-- Blackberry -->
<!-- WP8 -->

Present in Data\gameplay\misc.pak\devicecameras.xml.

<!-- AutoRepair -->
<!-- SpeedBooster -->
<!-- PowerDrift -->
<!--	<Option value="PW04" chance="0.333"/> <!-- PowerDrift -->

Present in Data\gameplay\misc.pak\economy.xml.

<!-- episode00 - cobalt valley -->
<!-- Versus event (must be second to last on Tier) -->
<!-- Boss Battle event (must be last on Tier) -->
<!-- episode01 - rocky roads --
<!-- episode02 - aerie peaks -->
<!-- episode03 - stunt -->
<!-- jenga -->

Present in Data\gameplay\misc.pak\episode_config.xml.

<!-- All characters are considered to be "fake friend", i.e. characters from
     game. Name is their internal base/code name, like RED, YELLOW etc. -->

Present in Data\gameplay\misc.pak\fakefriend_config.xml.

<!-- Number of seconds you get for the rolling start/cruise control 'buff' -->
<!-- Minimum sideways speed (in m/s) to register a drift -->
<!-- The multiplier used to calculate the drift score. Eg a multiplier of 0.2 means someone drifting at 10 m/s would earn 10 * 0.2 = 2 rep per second -->
<!-- The max number of rep points per second you can earn by drifting -->
<!-- Number of points per second earned when jumping -->
<!-- Number of points per second earned for two wheels -->
<!-- Number of points per second earned for top gear -->
<!-- How many metres away from another car a near miss is registered -->
<!-- How many points for a near miss -->
<!-- How many points for trading paint -->
<!-- A car must take less than this % damage during a lap to count as clean -->
<!-- How many points for a clean lap -->
<!-- How much % damage does an impact need to cause in order to break the chain and reset the multiplier -->
<!-- The rate at which the multiplier goes up. Eg with a multiplier of 0.5, a 6 second drift would get a 3x multiplier -->
<!-- The maximum chain multiplier at which point it will stop increasing -->
<!-- How many seconds of dead time are allowed in between manouvres without breaking the chain -->
<!-- The multiplier by which nitro tops up. Eg with a value of 1.5, earning 10 Rep Points will earn 15% of your nitro bar -->
<!-- The threshold at which the car starts scoring points by slipstreaming -->
<!-- the number of points per second for slipstreaming -->
<!-- Multiplier applied for having a bodykit - eg. at a value of 1.1, a car with a bodykit will earn 110 rep rather than 100 -->	
<!-- How many seconds you need to be in first place to earn bounty for this -->
<!-- How many base points you get for being in first place -->
<!-- Bonus points per pursuit level for being in first Eg with firsttime of 20, firstbase of 200 and firstbonus of 50, if you are in first for 20 seconds and have a pursuit level of 4, you will earn 200 + (4*50) = 400 bounty points-->
<!-- Base bounty for hitting traffic -->
<!-- Bonus bounty per pursuit level for hitting traffic. Eg. at pursuit level 3, hitting traffic = 50 + (3*20) = 110 bounty -->
<!-- Base bounty for breaking a roadblock -->
<!-- Bonus bounty per pursuit level for breaking roadblock -->
<!-- Speeds in MPH -->
<!-- These must be in ascending order -->
<!-- Bounty per speed -->
<!-- Bounty cost for a ticket at each pursuit level -->
<!-- Bounty for escaping cops at each pursuit level -->
<!-- Bounty for reaching each pursuit level --> 
<!-- How many points required to reach this pursuit level (resetting to 0 each time) -->
<!-- Roadblock frequency at each pursuit level, in seconds -->
<!-- Cop frequency at each pursuit level, in seconds -->
<!-- Max number of cops that will pursue a player per level -->
<!-- Max number of cops in world (shared between players) -->
<!-- Nitro per second inside sweet spot -->
<!-- Nitro penalty per second outside sweet spot -->
<!-- The amount of sweet spot lost at 100% nitro. eg. 0.8 means 80% of sweet spot is gone at full nitro, 20% remains -->
<!-- Multiplier to torque and grip for perfect start -->
<!-- Multiplier to torque for starting with too low revs -->
<!-- Multiplier to grip for starting with too high revs -->
<!-- How many seconds the above multipliers last after the start -->
<!-- How many seconds the above multipliers last in drag mode -->
<!-- How much nitro is used per second, eg a value of 6 will use 6% of the nitro bar per second -->
<!-- Nitro use at level 2 -->
<!-- How much time the player has to reach each checkpoint in Rush Hour (arcade mode) -->
<!-- Damage multiplier when hitting each of the following -->
<!-- NB, any of these can be a value lower than 1 if 1.0 is still too much -->
<!-- Maximum % damage that can be taken from a single hit -->
<!-- Damage multiplier when hitting each of the following -->
<!-- NB, any of these can be a value lower than 1 if 1.0 is still too much -->
<!-- Snap (in metres/sec^3) required to trigger a minor crash if there was another vehicle involved -->
<!-- Snap (in metres/sec^3) required to trigger a minor crash if there wasn't another vehicle involved -->
<!-- Rotation velocity (in radians/sec) required to trigger a minor crash -->
<!-- Snap (in metres/sec^3) required to trigger a major crash if there was another vehicle involved -->
<!-- Snap (in metres/sec^3) required to trigger a major crash if there wasn't another vehicle involved -->
<!-- Rotation velocity (in radians/sec) required to trigger a major crash -->
<!-- Crash duration for player vehicles (in secs), remember that because of slow-mo it will seem to last about 2-3.33 times longer than this -->
<!-- Crash duration for AI vehicles (in secs) -->
<!-- Time until game first requests to rate this app (in garage screen) in HOURS! -->

Present in Data\gameplay\misc.pak\gameplaytweakables.xml.

<!-- must be in range 0-11, tier (n+1) should have value of tier (n) plus 3 -->
<!-- ID of the character this kart is themed for -->
<!-- can be COINS, GEMS or FREE -->

Present in Data\gameplay\misc.pak\karttype_*.xml.

<!-- How long after the player hitting the AI still counts as player's damage (0 for that frame only) -->
		<MinImpactVelocity> 5.0 </MinImpactVelocity>
		<MaxImpactVelocity> 50.0 </MaxImpactVelocity>
		<MinImpactScore> 5 </MinImpactScore>
		<MaxImpactScore> 20 </MaxImpactScore>

		<MinImpactVelocity> 5.0 </MinImpactVelocity>
		<MaxImpactVelocity> 50.0 </MaxImpactVelocity>
		<MinImpactScore> 5 </MinImpactScore>
		<MaxImpactScore> 10 </MaxImpactScore>

		<Score> 50 </Score>
		<PassScore> 100 </PassScore>
		<MissScore> 100 </MissScore> <!-- This is taken away from player score -->
		<PassScore> 100 </PassScore>
		<MissScore> 100 </MissScore> <!-- This is taken away from player score -->

Present in Data\gameplay\misc.pak\playerscoresystem.xml.

<!-- How much time the power up lasts -->
<!-- Turbo Multiplier -->
<!-- Range -->
<!-- Grip Multiplier -->
<!-- Radius -->			
<!-- Distance that closest cars will get knocked into the air -->
<!-- Fraction of max rpm at which turbo multipliers kick in -->
<!-- How much rep you receive -->

Present in Data\gameplay\misc.pak\poweruptweakables.xml.

<!-- Positions are in screen height/width ratios. 0 is central. -->
<!-- x, y, overalltime and scale are compulsory. alpha is optional. -->

Present in many files in Data\slideshows.pak.


Present in Data\slideshows.pak\gamecomplete.xml.

badge: The yellow badge with rotating shines over the item
badge_text: What does the badge say? Options:
	25_OFF (more can be added)
And 'more' are here..

Default values are badge = 0, badge_text = MOST_POPULAR

Present in Data\store.pak\currencyshop.xml.

<!--Item tag="PW04" name="ITEM_POWERUP_DRIFT" type="PWUP" cost="500" currency="0" icon="ico_drift.png" quantity="1" /-->
<!--Item tag="PW05" name="ITEM_POWERUP_PARTNERCAR" type="PWUP" cost="100"  currency="1" icon="consumable_partnercar1.png" /-->

Present in Data\store.pak\itemlist.xml. Two powerups were commented out.

<!-- you will need to make sure there are the same number of level brackets-->
<!-- These Are item's unlocked from the start-->
<!-- Number of item's unlocked -->
<!-- List of item's unlocked at first rank etc -->
<!-- List of item's unlocked at this rank -->
<!-- the last item is for when you prestige/ reach maximum level --> 

Present in Data\unlockdata.pak\unlockinfo.xml.