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User:LolHacksRule/Bejeweled 3 (Mac OS X, Steam)

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The Mac OS X Steam distribution, made a similar mistake to that RELEASE build of Plants vs. Zombies. Running the game makes it act like its the original product. However you'll easily notice the mistake when you realize pressing keys trigger unique functions that are not present in other versions of the game.

Debugging material

Key In-game/General Badges/Ranks Mode/Quest Select Zen Lightning Quest Poker Butterflies Ice Storm Diamond Mine
b Changes the Gem the mouse cursor is hovering over into a Bomb Gem.
B Loads all backgrounds in bulk and writes stats on them, will cause lag!
c Appears to spawn White Gems, playing the coin spawn sound effect, it's likely this was a leftover debug key from debug builds of Blitz. Unlocks all game modes, make sure you do this from entering the screen from the menu and not a game as it won't work that way. For Quest Select, does the same but unlocks all Quests at passable ranks.
C No effect. Unlocks all Quests with golden ranks.
D Standard input. Enables a debug display. Enables a debug display.
f Changes the hovered Gem to a Flame Gem.
F Activates "BLAZING SPEED". Does the same but also changes the match chain to 10.
g No effect.
G No effect.

Forces Game Over. The below string is printed to the bottom left corner of the screen.

Force game over

Forces Game Over. The below string is printed to the bottom left corner of the screen.

Force game over
h Changes the hovered Gem to a Hyper Cube.
H Shuffles the Gem layout? Increases the multiplier by 1.
i No effect.
I No effect.
j No effect.
J No effect. Removes ice.
K No effect. Adds ice.
l Changes the hovered Gem to a Star Gem. Locks the current relic.
L No effect. Increases the level. Triggers the Lucky Coin flip to determine whether you can still play. Increases the difficulty level.
m Changes the hovered Gem to a Multiplier Gem. Makes the Subliminal Mantra Text appear on the board.
M No effect. Increases the match chain by 1. Makes the Butterfly Gems move one square.
n Spawns a LOT of Red Gems.
N Goes to the next level.
o Hides the board layout. Game logic still plays in the background. If you load a game from the secret menu, the main menu will be usable.
O No effect.
p Adds 100 points.
P Adds 1000 points.
q No effect.
Q Makes matching almost impossible, with a setup of all gems going in an unmatchable diagonal set per line, aside from the top left corner, this does NOT wipe out Power Gems.
r Regenerates the gem layout, if debug.sav exists, replays the movement and restores the layout and stats instead.
R No effect. Reloads quest configuration files. A restart of the current game will use the changed files.
s Regular input.
S No effect. Adds a skull over the lowest category, goes up and cannot be used past Flush.
t Resets in-game tutorials, prints "tutorial reset" to the bottom left corner, sending too many uses can make the game memory overflow to use the general action. Changes the highlighted Gem to a Time Bonus Gem. The same as in-game.
T No effect.
u No effect.
U No effect. Forces game over.
v No effect.
V No effect.
w No effect.
W No effect.
x No effect.

Increases the background number and loads the numbered graphic, draws the below text on the bottom right corner where {0} is the background index.

Background changed to idx: {0}
y Makes a random move?
Y No effect.
z No effect.
Z No effect.
! Changes the hovered Gem to ?
@ Changes the hovered Gem to a Scrambler, this one tends to be bugged as there are common times the animations don't load.
< No effect.
$ Same as c.
% Same as 9.
[ Internally adjusts the sun curve to play the lighting animation for diagonal lighting. Sets the timer to 5 seconds.
] Advances game time(?)
^ No effect.
& No effect.
* No effect.
( No effect.
) No effect.
0 Changes the hovered Gem to a Red Gem.
1 Changes the hovered Gem to a White Gem.
2 Changes the hovered Gem to a Green Gem.
3 Changes the hovered Gem to a Yellow Gem.
4 Changes the hovered Gem to a Purple Gem.
5 Changes the hovered Gem to a Orange Gem.
6 Changes the hovered Gem to a Blue Gem.
7 The same as 0, it suggests that the key previously did something else.
9 Changes the hovered Gem to a Butterfly Gem.
- No effect. Decreases the score by 1 (doesn't seem to work?) Decreases the score by 1 (doesn't seem to work?) Decreases the score by 1 (doesn't seem to work?)
+ No effect. Increases the rank level. Hovering over a badge with this input unlocks the next tier of the badge and changes the associated score of it. Increases the score by 1. Increases the score by 1. Increases the score by 1.
ALT + M Stops currently playing music.
CTRL + Left Click No effect. Clicking on quests with this completes/locks them.
CTRL + B Unlocks the next badge from the current row, starts vertically left-to-right.
CTRL + E Reloads configuration files.
To do:
Check what config files and the effect in-game.
CTRL + G Loads a popup allowing you to enter your final score. Only numeric characters are allowed, obviously. It's wise to not use this in Quest Mode as it tends to crash the game.
CTRL + H Removes the hovered Gem from the board, no points are awarded from removing it.
CTRL + N Removes the hovered Gem from the board, no points are awarded from removing it.

Turns on autoplay and prints related data to the bottom left corner, also writes the ticks elapsed where {0} is the update count and {1} is the game's tick count. The modes are Random moves, performing pretty much what you would expect, Aggressive moves does the same as the previous but quicker and without invalid moves Aggressive with invalid moves pretty much includes invalid moves and Test hyperspace performs whatever possible to create Hyper Cubes, preferably, the majority of amazing plays to keep the player in the game. The game also automatically responds to game over messages with starting a new game.

Autoplay: {0}
Ticks elapsed u:{0},g:{1}
CTRL + ALT + R Resets achievements?

Enables automatically loading+saving games after set durations, a string is printed on the bottom left corner. Durations are 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 60 seconds and 200 seconds.

Auto Load/Save %s

Enables a flag to load random savegames.

PlayRandomMode %s
CTRL + R Reloads the game. It's wise to not use this in Classic.
CTRL + X Increases the background number and loads the numbered graphic, draws the below text on the bottom right corner where {0} is the background index.
Background changed to idx: {0}
ENTER Draws a number over movement combinations and falling movements, the number being the amount of moves made in the game. Also draws "1" over Butterfly Gems.


  • Enables debug keys for the framework, which are also enabled for the base game.
  • debug_wholegame.rpl and debug.sav are written whenever a movement is made, to store the movement, game mode, stats and original gem layout in binary form.
  • CTRL+ALT+P will crash the game.
  • CTRL+Play click will load the Secret Menu. Debug keys do not have to be enabled for this.


  • With debug keys enabled, a variable called SpawnPct is visible and the below is possible.
    • Using +/= or - on the final score screen affects the graph.