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User:LolHacksRule/Pokémon Rumble World protos/Debugging content

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The prototypes have a bunch of working debugging functions.


To do:
Sort through this.
  • The following is written on bootup:
current_sp = %08X
########## AppMemorySize   : %3d,%03d,%03d
########## UsingMemorySize : %3d,%03d,%03d
########## (program)       : 


########## System Memory   : 
[used:         %s( %s) 
max:         %s( %s)]
########## Device Memory   : 
[used:         %s( %s) 
max:         %s( %s)]
########## Debug Memory   : 
[used:         %s( %s) 
max:         %s( %s)]
########## Reserve   : 


########## Stack   : 


########## (used/64M)      : 

[used:         %s( %s) 
max:         %s( %s)]

########## (memory)       : 


---- TIMESTAMP %g sec: d:\Users\ozawa\CaviarF.remaster\src\main.cpp(%d): in %s
Entering function %s
Leaving function %s
Region: %s, Language: %s
DepthBufferAddress = %08X
vramA:%p - %p (%x) vramB:%p - %p (%x)
getSharedFontName() = %s
%-32s: w=%d h=%d a=%d d=%d bp=%d ch=%d cw=%d mcw=%d lf=%d
$font_info = {
CFileData: %ls
---- TIMESTAMP %g sec: d:\Users\ozawa\CaviarF.remaster\src\IMainImpl.cpp(%d): in %s
----------  %d: ロード開始。
----------  %d: セーブ完了。(%g sec)
Loading %lls
allocating %u bytes
---- TIMESTAMP %g sec: d:\Users\ozawa\CaviarF.remaster\src\IGameSessionImpl.cpp(%d): in %s
----------- principal id: 0x%x
----------- local friend code: 0x%llx
---------- loading %u
---- TIMESTAMP %g sec: d:\Users\ozawa\CaviarF.remaster\src\CCecDataSet.cpp(%d): in %s
---------- success
---- TIMESTAMP %g sec: d:\Users\ozawa\CaviarF.remaster\src\IGameMapImpl.cpp(%d): in %s
---- enter %ls
前回すれちがい日: %04d/%02d/%02d %ls
count_VMP_UNCHECKED = %d
count_VMP_IN_TOWN = %d
count_VMP_AFTER_STAGE = %d
count_VMP_IN_REGISTER = %d
ICecMgrImpl::getNumPendingGuests(): %d, m_cecCount=%d, notify.count=%d, notify.num=%u
★天井打ち直し 次回:16
isBossTaskExpired: taskStateCode:%d count:%d
---- TIMESTAMP %g sec: d:\Users\ozawa\CaviarF.remaster\script\core.cpp(%d): in %s
----------  0: セーブ開始。
deflate() => zresult = %d / zcompress(%p,%u,%p,%u)
----------  0: セーブ完了。(%g sec)
Server Build Information   %s
よーすけ を受信しました
メル を受信しました
KT を受信しました
---- leave %s
  • Text of message files is written to the log of the debugger.
  • When the Debug Menu is hidden, this text will print in the debug log:
debugmenu: hidden
  • When the Debug Menu is displayed, this text will print in the debug log:
debugmenu: shown
  • Message files (uncompressed) that are not for the debug menu (debug.msbt) are loaded first in sdmc/msg/bin/*/ (* is localization ie US_English) if possible, ignoring the original ROM files.

Force language on bootup

To do:
If possible, find a Spanish (US) combo?

Holding down said key combos during bootup forces the game to boot up with a specific language while ignoring your system's language! Choosing the same language as your system crashes the game on Proto 1.

L+Up = French (EU)
L+Down = Italian (EU)
L+Left = Spanish (EU)
L+Right = German (EU)
L+A = English (US)?
L+B = English (EU)
L+X = Japanese

Debug Menu

To do:
Finish this.

You cannot interact with it on the bottom screen, despite it looks like you could. It's also localized for only Japanese and English, every other language than Japanese uses a copied English text file. Please note /' isn't part of game text, it is to separate JP and EN localization.


D-Pad: Change selection/value
B: Back
A: Select
L+Y: Open/Close Debug Menu


Time monitor.

Hardcoded/+Japanese English Function/Description
next day Next day Advances to the next day in game time, does not affect your save data, cannot be selected in the model viewer.


Allows you to go to pretty much every single area in the game.

Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Function/Description
%s %s %s
To do:
This crashes the game for certain maps (preferably maps with "no data" or missing as files) on original hardware (At least on my 2DS), figure out why.

Map ID name, loads a list in this format %d->%d->%d, where %d is a number.

敵情報(EnemyDesc) 敵情報(EnemyDesc) 敵情報(EnemyDesc) Unknown
レアリティ Rarity レアリティ Rarity of the stage, can be set from 0-4.
タイトルに戻る タイトルに戻る Return to Title Returns to the Title Screen, being the Town.
%s %s %s Internal Map ID, in this format MID_%s, clicking it reloads the map.


Game settings.

Hardcoded (Usually JP) Japanese English Function/Description
すれちがい通信 すれちがい通信 StreetPass
To do:
Test on a original 3DS.

StreetPass settings, opens a menu with the following:

Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Function/Description
すれちがい登録状態 すれちがい登録状態 StreetPass status A display for whether StreetPass is enabled on the user's save file, Inactive if not, Activated if so.
送信メッセージ投入 送信メッセージ投入 Queue msg to send Unknown.
受信メッセージ取り出し 受信メッセージ取り出し Retrieve received msgs Unknown.
受信シミュレーション 受信シミュレーション Simulate received msgs Unknown, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (Usually JP) Japanese English Function/Description
件数 件数 # of msgs Number of messages, max 30.
実行 実行 OK Triggers the task.
送信メッセージ消去 送信メッセージ消去 Delete message to send Unknown.
受信メッセージ全消去 受信メッセージ全消去 Delete all received messages Unknown.
すれちがい登録解除 すれちがい登録解除 Deactivate StreetPass Unknown.
通信相手履歴消去 通信相手履歴消去 Clear peer address filter Unknown.
取込済データのダンプ 取込済データのダンプ Dump retrieved data Unknown.
発生所更新間隔 発生所更新間隔 Generator interval Unknown, can be set to 1 min., 5 min., 10 min., 15 min., 30 min., 1 hr., 2 hr., 3 hr., 6 hr., 12 hr. and 24 hr., min being minutes and hr being hour(s), defaulted to 15 min..
発生所以外無視 発生所以外無視 Ignore except Generator Unknown, defaulted to off.
ForceFailCecEnable Unknown, defaulted to off.
取り込みテスト 取り込みテスト Retrieve test Unknown.
FreeKakeraFriendCount Unknown, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Function/Description
Dump Unknown.
Clear Unknown.
NewCount Unknown, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Function/Description
Dump Unknown.
いつの間に通信 いつの間に通信 SpotPass
To do:
Test on a original 3DS.

SpotPass settings, opens a menu with the following:

Hardcoded (Usually JP) Japanese English Function/Description
送信タスク実行 送信タスク実行 Register upload task Unknown.
送信完了待ち 送信完了待ち Wait upload done Unknown.
受信タスク登録 受信タスク登録 Register download task Unknown.
受信データ処理 受信データ処理 Process download data Unknown.
更新間隔 更新間隔 Update interval Unknown, can be set to 1 min., 5 min., 10 min., 15 min., 30 min., 1 hr., 2 hr., 3 hr., 6 hr., 12 hr. and 24 hr., min being minutes and hr being hour(s), defaulted to 12 hr..
受信間隔 受信間隔 Download interval Unknown, can be set to 1 min., 5 min., 10 min., 15 min., 30 min., 1 hr., 2 hr., 3 hr., 6 hr., 12 hr. and 24 hr., min being minutes and hr being hour(s), defaulted to 12 hr..
force isBossAvail () returns true Toggles the flag to say if SpotPass Miis are found.
送信完了待ち 送信完了待ち Wait upload done Unknown.
reject future data Unknown, can be set to 0-1440 min, min being minute(s).
取り込みテスト 取り込みテスト Retrieve test Unknown.
更新テスト 更新テスト Update test Unknown.
画面キャプチャ 画面キャプチャ Screen capture Screen shot capture settings, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (Usually JP) Japanese English Function/Description
保存先 保存先 Save to Where to save images to, can be set to the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
3DSカメラ(要SD) 3DSカメラ(要SD) 3DS Camera (SD req.) Nintendo 3DS Camera, defaulted.
SDカード(BMP) SDカード(BMP) SD Card (BMP) The root of the SD Card as a bitmap file.
HostIO (Debug/Development) External HostIO unit for debugging/development, no effect on retail hardware.
下画面を省略 下画面を省略 Omit lower screen Excludes capturing the bottom screen, defaulted to off..
ビンゴ Bingo Unknown, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
有効期限 有効期限 Expire Unknown, can be set to the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
1週間 1週間 1 week 1 week (14 days).
24時間 24時間 24 hours A day.
開く毎 開く毎 each open Unknown.
テスト用のMiiが来る テスト用のMiiが来る Sample Mii will come Unknown, can be set from 0-99.
コレクション コレクション Collection Pokemon collection settings, these also affect being on in-game maps opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (Usually JP) Japanese English Function/Description
未入手の生息地を非表示 未入手の生息地を非表示 Hide unobtained habitats Hides common habitats for unobtained Pokemon.
行ったことのないエリアの生息地を非表示 行ったことのないエリアの生息地を非表示 Hide unexplored habitats Hides unexplored habitats for Pokemon obtained or not.
生息地のスクロール速度 生息地のスクロール速度 Scroll speed of habitats Speed of scrolling the "Main Habitats" text.
生息地のスクロールを止める秒数 生息地のスクロールを止める秒数 Pause scroll of habitats Pause time before scrolling the "Main Habitats" text.
しょきか しょきか Initialize Deletes all existing Pokemon, be careful with this as loading an empty Pokemon collection can crash the game. Be sure to add at least one Pokemon before loading the "Captured Pokemon" screen.
でただけ でただけ Only appeared ones Adds all Pokemon with the seen flag, but not the defeated or caught flag.
たおしただけ たおしただけ Only defeated ones Adds all Pokemon with the defeated flag, but not the caught flag.
コンプ コンプ Comp Adds all Pokemon with all flags.
偶数のみゲット 偶数のみゲット Get even only Adds Pokemon with even numbers with all flags.
%s Adds all Pokemon but the said ESID.
レア レア Rare Unknown, can be set to the following.
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
ノーマルのみ ノーマルのみ Normal only Unknown.
レアのみ レアのみ Rare only Unknown.
両方 両方 Both Unknown.
ダンプ ダンプ Form Unknown, can be set to the following.
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
ひとつ ひとつ One Unknown.
全て 全て All Defaulted.
ゲット個数 ゲット個数 Gotten # Times for how many times the Pokemon were captured, can be set to 1-100.
ダンプ ダンプ Dump Unknown, may not have an effect on original hardware.
色々 色々 Misc Miscellaneous settings, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (Usually JP) Japanese English Function/Description
MsgWin ResponceSec Unknown.
SPEED UP! SPEED UP! SPEED UP! Massively increases your Pokemon's movement speed.
プレイヤースケール プレイヤースケール Player scale Size of the player's Pokemon, you cannot change this directly unless you switch your Pokemon or reload the map.
TownsPiiScale Size of the player's Pokemon in the Town, you cannot change this directly unless you reload the scene.
通り名効果範囲 通り名効果範囲 Trait effective range Unknown, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (Usually JP) Japanese English Description
ノーマル ノーマル Normal Unknown. Can be set from 0.1-10.
+ Unknown. Can be set from 0.1-10.
++ Unknown. Can be set from 0.1-10.
ボスタイプ変更 ボスタイプ変更 Change boss type Toggles changes to the boss type in the area, can be set to the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
変更しない 変更しない Don't change Keeps the boss related to the current map.
範囲 範囲 Range Unknown.
近接 近接 Near Unknown.
遠隔 遠隔 Remote Unknown.
突進 突進 Rush Unknown.
中心 中心 Center Unknown.
支援 支援 Assistance Unknown.
ヒットストップ ヒットストップ Hit stop Unknown.
ヒットストップフレーム数(60fps換算) ヒットストップフレーム数(60fps換算) Hit stop frames (in 60 fps) Unknown, can be set from 0-60.
drop limit Item drop limit(?).
enemy limit On-screen enemy limit(?).
RareColorRate Unknown, can be set from 0.00000-1.00000.
reset VMP reset VMP Reset VMP Unknown.
Invincible Invincible Invincible Makes your Pokemon invincible.
敵無敵 敵無敵 Enemies invisible Makes enemy Pokemon invincible, they can still take knockback or get stunned.
All Invincible Makes both your and enemy Pokemon invincible, they can still take knockback or get stunned.
L+A全滅 & L+B自殺 & L+R再読み込み L+A全滅 & L+B自殺 & L+R再読み込み L+A:Kill all/L+B:Suicide/L+R:Reload Toggles the use of the following key-based commands outside the Debug Menu:
Command Description
L+A Kills all on-screen enemy Pokemon, bypasses invincibility flags.
L+B Kills your current Pokemon, invincibility flags can prevent use.
L+R Reloads the current Map, please note this does NOT override the screenshot function.
衝突判定チェック間隔F 衝突判定チェック間隔F Collision check interval (frames) Unknown, can be set from 0-60.
Rでポーズ Unknown, appears to stop all poses, unlocalized.
L+Rでステージに入り直す Same as L+R:Reload but singular.
敵の動きを止める 敵の動きを止める Stop enemies' action Stops all enemy Pokemon from being hostile, this won't affect Boss Pokemon unless they lose their reach of your Pokemon.
ドロップ関連 ドロップ関連 Drop related Related to P and Pokémon drops after defeating enemy Pokémon, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (Usually JP) Japanese English Description
アイテム寿命(sec.) アイテム寿命(sec.) Item life (sec.) How long Items can stay on screen before despawning, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
(P) (P) (P) How long (P) Items can stay on screen. Can be set from 0.0 to 99.9.
(P)の寿命無限 (P)の寿命無限 (P)'s life is infinite Making (P) items stay on screen for an infinite amount of time, overriding the below setting.
ライフ ライフ Life Life of (P) items. Can be set from 0.0 to 99.9.
タイム タイム Time Time for Life items(?). Can be set from 0.0 to 99.9.
警告開始 警告開始 Start warning Unknown. Can be set from 0.0 to 99.9.
Piiドロップ演出LV固定(-1=しない) Piiドロップ演出LV固定(-1=しない) Pii drop effect Lv fixed (-1: none) Unknown. Can be set from -1 to 3.
ストップモーション Unknown, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (Usually JP) Japanese English Description
ズーム割合 Unknown. Can be set from 0.00-1.00.
ズームインsec Unknown. Can be set from 0.00-1.00.
ズーム持続sec Unknown. Can be set from 0.00-1.00.
ズームアウトsec Unknown. Can be set from 0.00-1.00..
非ズーム時停止sec Unknown. Can be set from 0.00-1.00.
MoveTargetPos Unknown. Can be set from 0.00-1.00.
BackToMe Unknown. Can be set from 0.00-1.00.
Pkmn always drops
To do:
Affects bosses too?

Always drops enemy Pokémon after defeating them.

ForceDropNotGotPii Unknown.
ForceDropRate Drop rate of enemy Pokemon after defeat.
ForceDropRateBoss Drop rate of boss Pokemon after defeat.
Force trait Unknown.
Trait ID Unknown, cannot be altered, display only.
Choose trait Chooses a trait ID for the above display.
Ignore trait rank Unknown.
No strength collection Unknown.
Don't grab items Unknown.
移動) 移動 Movement Movement settings, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
Speed rate (base) Speed rate of all characters, can be set from 0.00000 - 0.000400.
Speed factor Speed factor, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
not in battle Unknown. Can be set from
player in Town Unknown.
others in Town Unknown.
enemies Unknown.
fellows Unknown.
fellows (additional/guards) Unknown.
fellows (Mii) Unknown.
Turn Turn settings, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
Good Unknown, can be set from 0.01 - 1.00.
Normal Unknown, can be set from 0.01 - 1.00.
Poor Unknown, can be set from 0.01 - 1.00.
Boss Good Unknown, can be set from 0.01 - 1.00.
Boss Normal Unknown, can be set from 0.01 - 1.00.
Boss Poor Unknown, can be set from 0.01 - 1.00.
Stop rate Rate to stop movement, can be set from -0.0001 - 0.0000.
Stop rate (Town) Rate to stop movement in the Town, can be set from -0.00100 - 0.0000.
Animation rate Unknown, can be set from 0.05 - 2.00.
Target distance Unknown, can be set from 0.05 - 2.00.
Animation rate Unknown, can be set from 0.05 - 2.00.
Z speed up in town Toggles increments of the Z-Axis, defaulted to on, turning it off allows the player Pokémon to move in straight lines when intended.
Battles Battle settings, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
Revival (sec) Unknown, can be set from 0.1 - 9.9.
HP on revival Percent of HP recovered from revivals.
Becoming huge (sec) Unknown.
Time related Time related settings, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
Becoming huge (sec) Unknown, can be set from 1.0 - 999.0.
Becoming huge (sec) Duplicate of the above, suggestively max time? Can be set from 1.0 - 10.0.
Possibility that enemies drop time. Chance enemies will drop time in Challenge Battles, can be set from 0.00 - 1.00.
# of drops in Combo Unknown, can be set from 0 - 20.
# of drops in breaking generator Unknown, can be set from 0 - 20.
# of drops in canon Unknown, can be set from 0 - 20.
# of drops with ornament (many) Unknown, can be set from 0 - 20.
# of drops with ornament (few) Unknown, can be set from 0 - 20.
Possibility of many drops from ornament Unknown, can be set from 0.00 - 1.00.
Damage factor Damage factor settings, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
Enemies -> player Unknown, can be set from 0.00 - 5.00.
Enemies -> fellows Unknown, can be set from 0.00 - 5.00.
Fellows -> enemies Unknown, can be set from 0.00 - 5.00.
Enemies -> fellows (add./guards) Unknown, can be set from 0.00 - 5.00.
Fellows -> enemies (add./guards) Unknown, can be set from 0.00 - 5.00.
Enemies -> enemies Unknown, can be set from 0.00 - 5.00.
Enemies -> rivals Unknown, can be set from 0.00 - 5.00.
Enemies -> Mewtwo Unknown, can be set from 0.00 - 5.00.
Combo Combo settings, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
Gauge max (sec) Unknown, can be set from 0.0 - 10.0.
guaranteed in hitting enemy (sec) Unknown, can be set from 0.0 - 10.0.
Plus: in defeating all enemies (sec) Unknown, can be set from 0.0 - 10.0.
Plus: in destroying barrel (sec) Unknown, can be set from 0.0 - 10.0.
Plus: in getting (P) (sec) Unknown, can be set from 0.0 - 10.0.
Plus: in getting time (sec) Unknown, can be set from 0.0 - 10.0.
Plus: in getting pkmn (sec) Unknown, can be set from 0.0 - 10.0.
Plus: in getting item (sec) Unknown, can be set from 0.0 - 10.0.
Damage from objects Damage taken from objects, opens a menu with one option.
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
Canon AP (experimental) Cannon attack power, can be set from 0.00 - 5.00.
Debug log Debug logging settings, unknown if this affects a retail device, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
Move hit info Unknown.
Drop ratio info Unknown.
Drop info info Unknown.
DropLimitOver Unknown.
EnemyLimitOver Unknown.
Challenge Battles Unknown, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
Speed rate Unknown, can be set from 1.00 - 2.00.
Move wait time rate Unknown, can be set from 0.50 - 1.00.
Disable X button Unknown.
Fix enemy strength for edit Unknown.
Balloon gate Balloon gate settings, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
Enable all challenges Unknown.
Enable sample challenges
To do:
Document the "Sample Challenges".

Enables the use of selecting many challenges instead of the "Pokemon Seeking Adventure".

Debug Unknown.
Next time FEVER? The time when FEVERs happen when using balloons, can be set to the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
Normal lottery Normal probabilities for FEVER and SUPER FEVERs.
Always FEVER Guarantees FEVERs.
Shop Unknown, opens a menu with only one option:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
Always sell diamonds Unknown.
forMC Despite MC in Nintendo commonly refers to the Mario Club, this instead refers to the Member Card, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
boostRareEnemyRatio Unknown.
allMetamon Unknown.
enemyLevel Unknown.
enemyForm Unknown.
printDamageRate Unknown.
Member Card Unknown, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
Wear Unknown, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
Body Unknown.
Hand_L Unknown.
Hand_R Unknown.
Foot Unknown.
Head Unknown.
Pii Unknown, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
Pii_0 Unknown. TODO
Pii_1 Unknown. TODO
Pii_2 Unknown. TODO
Card Unknown, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
Pose Unknown.
BG Unknown.
Frame Unknown.
Stage Unknown, opens a menu with the following: TODO
Other Unknown, opens a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
Rank Unknown.
Origin Unknown.
LastBoughtItem Unknown.
Change Unknown.
ResetMemberCard Resets the Member Card stats to relate to your save data.
Confirmation Unknown, opens a menu with one option.
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
Sex Unknown, can be set to the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Description
Random (based on original) Unknown.
Male only (if possible) Unknown.
Female only (if possible) Unknown.


Game UI settings.

Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Function/Description
わざ高さ Move's height Height of the move.
HPTL距離減衰 HPTL distance attn Possibly hard particle distance attenuation.
シーンプリセット Scene presets Opens a menu.
Y for effect Opens a menu relating to pressing Y in-game to play an effect.
Shine Mode
全て内蔵フォント Use internal font Uses the internal font from the Nintendo 3DS system for future text drawing.
manpu Opens a menu.
アクセサリ Accessories
Ground Opens a menu relating to altering Ground model visibility.


Sound settings.

  • SE: Toggles use of sound effects for future triggers, toggling when audio is or not playing does nothing.
  • BGM: Same as SE but for background music.
  • Sound test: Allows testing of audio stream files. Despite the name, this excludes archived sound effects.

Screen display

Togglable screen display settings.

  • Version: Display of data in version.txt, without new lines, also the localization being used based off the language used.
  • Enemy info: Unknown.
  • MapID: Shows the Map ID above the version text in the format MID_* where "*" is the Map ID.
  • DateTime: Displays the date and time string JMS_DEBUG_CGameSession_0010.
  • Show "Saving...": Display of the "Saving..." display.
  • ChallengeInfo: Unknown.
  • Switch Menu: Display of the Switch Pokémon menu, the menu is still interactable when disabled.

Game frame ctrl

Game frame control settings.

Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Function/Description
Pause Frame pausing settings, can be set to the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Function/Description
0: none Keeps game logic, the game timer and other events active.
1: game timer Pauses the game timer.
2: game world Pauses the game world logic.
3: all Pauses all game logic.
Slow motion Alters the game's speed, the higher the value, the slower the game is, oddly you can go down to 0.5 to speed up the game!
frame by frame Advances all paused game logic by one frame.

Game engine

Game engine settings.

  • Collision: Collision display settings, opens a menu with the following:
  • Show: Shows the following below settings.
  • (white) model's COLL: Draws a white circle over collision of models.
  • (blue/orange) range to find: Draws a orange circle over your Pokémon for the radius to be seen by enemy Pokémon.
  • (red) hit test: Unknown.
  • (green) 50cm grid: Draws 50cm grids in green.
  • Dump: Unknown, has a button called Exec likely to do the said purpose.
  • Load: Unknown, has a button called Exec likely to do the said purpose.
  • Save: Unknown, has a button called Exec likely to do the said purpose.
  • GeneratorSwitch: Unknown.
  • Draw Xlu mesh: Unknown.
  • Generate SoftParticle: Unknown.
  • Generate HardParticle: Unknown.
  • Show SoftParticle: Unknown.
  • Show HardParticle: Unknown.
  • Stop SoftParticle: Unknown.
  • Stop HardParticle: Unknown.
  • Generate status text: Unknown.
  • Particle layers: Unknown.
  • FileDataLog: Prints loaded files along with their time it took to load it to the log of the debugger in this form:
%s:  %g sec

Can be set to On or Off.

Save data

Save data settings.

Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Function/Description
Enable saving Enables autosaving, defaulted to on.
Save to
To do:
For whatever reason, the save directory cannot be changed on the 3DS, figure out how to fix if possible.

Location of save data.

Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Function/Description
SD card Root of the SD Card in the Nintendo 3DS system.
Backup device The proper save directory, defaulted.
Log output Prints out a log that can only be seen when debugging the game.
Measure max size Related to logging functions.
Dump Unknown.
Destroy on save Destroying sectors of save data, opens a menu with the following.
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Function/Description
main Unknown.
pb Unknown.
cec Unknown.
iml Unknown.
debug_test Unknown, has one option. TODO
  • debug_test: Unknown, opens a menu with the following:
    • ignoreSecureValue: Unknown.
  • %i: The save slot, replace with save slot number (should be 0), opens a menu with the following:
    • Save: Save the game.
    • Load: Resets the in-game memory and loads the save data related to the save directory.
    • New Game: Same as Delete but it also creates and loads new save data to replace the current save data.
    • Delete: Deletes all save data.
  • format: Unknown, opens a menu with the following:
    • Exec: Unknown.
  • Measurement: Unknown, opens a menu with the following:
    • CCecData: Prints out a log that can only be seen when debugging the game.
    • CPIIPersonalData: Prints out a log that can only be seen when debugging the game.
  • slot: %i: The save slot.


Supervision settings.

  • Mode: Whether the Model viewer is on, can be set to the following:
    • Pii: Allows viewing Pokemon models.
    • Item: Allows viewing Item models.
    • Mii: Allows viewing Mii models.
    • MCard: A quick slideshow of all Mii accessories for the head, body, left/right hands and left/right foot on the Guest A Mii, better go frame-by-frame or slow down the game for this one, please note exiting mode when it is still in progress by force via Map will make the game crash. even on original hardware, exiting from changing the Mode toggle will be delayed again, until it's over.
    • Off: Closes the model viewer and reloads the current Map ID.
  • Correct size: Shows the correct size of the model in-game.
  • R+Dpad Change PKMN: When on, allows Pokemon to be immediately changed via holding R and the D-Pad, interestingly, it also makes L freeze your Pokemon in place, it can still turn when activated.
    • Left: Goes down by 1.
    • Right: Goes up by 1.
    • Up: Unknown what this goes up by.
    • Down: Unknown what this goes down by.

Add Pii

Pokemon adder.

Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Function/Description
ポケモン番号 PKMN# Pokémon number, cannot be toggled.
フォルム番号 Forme# Forme of the Pokémon.
Level Forme of the Pokémon.
Choose PKMN# Pokémon number toggler, goes by XXX/XXX/XXX:PokemonName.
Add Pii Adds a copy of the Pokémon from the number to your collection, bypassing inventory limitations as well.
Add 100 Same as above but adds 100 instead.
Give Megastone Toggles the ability to include a Mega Evolution stone, can be set the following:
Name Function/Description
X Mega Evolution X.
Y Mega Evolution Y.
None None.
Sex Sex of the Pokémon.


Current Pokémon moveset settings.

Special Trait

Special trait settings.

Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Function/Description
Trait ID The current ID of the chosen trait, cannot be changed manually, display only.
Trait Level The level of the chosen trait.
Choose Trait Loads a menu in this format "XXX>XXX>TraitName", choosing one here changes the Trait ID.
Set Random Trait Loads a menu with the following:
Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Function/Description
Select The current ID of the chosen trait, cannot be changed manually, display only.
Level The level of the chosen trait.
Add to last Adds the random trait to the last Pokemon?
Remove last Removes the random trait from the last Pokemon?


Stereoscopic 3D settings most likely.

  • Show disparity plane: Unknown.
  • Disparity on disparity plane: Unknown.
  • Show angle: Unknown.
  • Captured PKMN: If not in this scene, does nothing, otherwise opens a menu with the following:
    • Depth level: Unknown.
    • Depth Range: Unknown.
    • Type: Unknown, Normal is normal camera while Real is zoomed in.
  • MiiInfoMCard: Opens a menu with the following:
    • Depth level: Unknown.
    • Kakera Pos Z: Unknown.
  • Collection: Opens a menu with the following:
    • Depth range: Unknown.
  • Roulette: Opens a menu with the following:
    • Depth range: Unknown.
    • Base plane offset: Unknown.
To do:
Figure out how to enable these if possible.
  • Battle Chal Low: Opens a menu with the following:


  • Battle Chal Low(s): Opens a menu with the following:


  • Battle Chal: Opens a menu with the following:


  • Battle Chal(S): Opens a menu with the following:


  • Battle Normal: Opens a menu with the following:


  • Battle Normal(S): Opens a menu with the following:


  • Town: Opens a menu with the following:
    • Base plane offset: Unknown.
    • Depth range: Unknown.
  • Town ShowCastle: Opens a menu with the following:
    • Wait: Unknown.
    • Base plane offset: Unknown.
    • Depth range: Unknown.
  • Balloon Take Off: Opens a menu with the following:
    • Wait: Unknown.
    • Base plane offset: Unknown.
    • Depth range: Unknown.
  • Focus Obj: Opens a menu with the following:
    • Wait: Unknown.
    • CamY: Unknown.
    • CamZ: Unknown.
    • Fovy: Unknown.
    • DoTest: Zooms in on the player's Pokémon, moving at any time disables this.


Event settings.

  • Captured PKMN: Loads a menu with the following:
    • Exec Transitions to the Captured Pokémon scene, if already there, no effect.
    • DepthLevel: Level of depth on models, defaulted to 0.5m, only present in the said scene, reentering the scene resets this.
    • DepthRange: Range of depth on models, defaulted to 0.5m, only present in the said scene, reentering the scene resets this.
    • Type: Unknown, adjusts the camera, can be set to the following:
      • Real: Centers the camera to the captured Pokémon, reentering the scene resets this to Normal.
      • Normal: The original camera position.
  • Staff roll: Unknown.
  • Initial Mii comment: Unknown.
  • Mii events in Town: Unknown, defaulted to 0.
  • Fellow Piis to Miis in Town: Unknown.
  • suffererMiiEventType: Unknown.
  • suffererMiiWithKakera: Unknown.
  • wandererMiiEventType: Unknown.
  • Misc events: Unknown, adjusts the camera, can be set to the following:
    • Complete bonus: Unknown, loads a menu with the following:
      • Normal: Original.
      • JPTEXT IDK:: Unknown.
    • Character act on opening: Loads the last map the player was in and replays the animation for the Mii chasing the Pokémon for a new user, only present in maps.
    • Clear map: Transports to the next area portal in the map, calls the Hot-Air balloon over the teleportation portal in maps using them, only present in maps. Attempting to use this inside The Arena crashes the game.
    • Last map in stage: Unknown, only present in maps.
  • Simple intermission: Allows playback of any cutscene in the game, only present in maps, loads a menu with the following:
    • Pause playing: Ends the cutscene, apparently pressing START is hard.


Automatic events.

Hardcoded (JP) Japanese English Function/Description
StageID on boot Unknown if it works on retail consoles.
Skip initial Mii comment Unknown, can be set to On or Off, defaulted to off.
Change presets Uses predetermined save data, this will also change your Mii to the default one based off your Nintendo 3DS system, can be set to the following:
Japanese (Hardcoded) English (Translated) Note
NONE NONE No alteration
チュートリアル終了後 Past tutorial step 1

$ make test

Misc settings. Be careful on how many you spawn!

To do:
Meaning of WOS, Waza something?
  • WOS: Some display/text drawing tests, loads a menu with the following:
    • %s: Internal string, can be the following:
      • WOSTT: Stat popups.
      • WOSSBT: Unknown, ones with EMO is for emotions and draws a text string too when triggered.
    • PiiInfo: Captured Pokémon stat display.
    • HPBarDamage: Damages the user's Pokémon to only 1 of it's health, another use at 1 will make it have 0 health but the death event is NOT triggered, at 0HP in this way, restores all of the current's Pokémon's health.
    • Balloon: with ruby: Unknown.
    • Close: Closes all drawn displays.
    • Balloon:Attention: Draws an attention balloon over certain entities like the player's Pokémon.
    • Balloon:Button(Min): Draws a minimal textbox with no data.
    • Balloon:Button(Max): Draws a big textbox with no data.
    • Balloon:Facility(Min): Same as Balloon:Button(Min) but for the Town's entities.
    • Balloon:Facility(Max): Same as Balloon:Button(Max) but for the Town's entities.
  • showImgDbError: Forces the Nintendo 3DS system to display any error message chosen.
  • ErrEula: Forces the Nintendo 3DS system to display any error message chosen, boss and cec are known but scriptFacilityShop is unique!
  • GuestMii: Guest Mii settings, loads a menu with the following:
    • DumpGuestMiisToSD: Dumps all Guest Mii data to a text file called CecDatas.txt the root of your SD Card in this format:

Example use:

ef3b478ad0ffd41b 1回 no name [] [] [] 2020/12/15 10:08:27.683 0000/00/00
fc3d9276520cd4ec 1回 no name [] [] [] 2020/12/15 10:08:26.583 0000/00/00
0287f2acaab81503 1回 no name [] [] [] 2020/12/15 10:08:24.538 0000/00/00
    • AddMyCecMii: Adds the player's Mii.
    • AddCecMiiMax: Adds 999 dummy Miis from each region and country where Miis are named the number.
    • AddMemMiiMax: Same as AddCecMiiMax but adds Miis named MEMORY MAX.
    • AddNoseMiiMax: Same as AddCecMiiMax but adds Miis named NOSE HIGH for Miis with high noses and NOSR LOW for Miis with low noses, please notice the typo.
    • AddWideMiiMax: Same as AddCecMiiMax but adds Miis named UNDER-01, UNDER-00, BACK, TOP, SIDE and FRONT.
    • ClearAllMii: Deletes all Miis from your save data.
  • CecCount: StreetPass Mii count settings, loads a menu with the following:
    • DumpCecCountsToSD: Dumps all StreetPass Mii counts data to a text file called CecCounts.txt the root of your SD Card in this format:
m_cecCountPtr: %w
%s %i %s

Example use:

m_cecCountPtr: 9998
d530fe4c34b67059 1 0000/00/00
8308f4e073a9aecc 1 0000/00/00
a3a32a01427af5e6 1 0000/00/00
b26bdff266f380d3 1 0000/00/00
1605e4fded897296 1 0000/00/00
1b898a14b8c2a720 1 0000/00/00
a1f3c7fcadd5ba76 1 0000/00/00
9d815d299993d856 1 0000/00/00
815416a38f8f542f 1 0000/00/00
47df14a7fb98f916 1 0000/00/00
55c30f7dfaee002c 1 0000/00/00
364265e8f5620cc1 1 0000/00/00
    • AddRandomCecCount: Adds one random count.
    • FillRandomCecCouns: Adds 9998 random counts.
    • SearchAll: Unknown.
    • CheckNeedToSave: Unknown.
  • IGameMap: Unknown, loads a menu with the following:
    • nayuta: Unknown.
    • RunInMipsEngine: Unknown.
  • Combo: Combo display tests, loads a menu with the following:
    • Combo+ %w: Adds to the combo number to the combo display, 1, 10, 100, 1000.
    • Add combo gauge 1.0 sec: Adds one sec to the end of the combo gauge.
  • Discovery: Pokémon discovery display tests, loads a menu with the following:
    • Found: Draws the "Found Pokémon" text.
    • Captured: Draws the "Captured Pokémon" text.
  • Exchange menu: Pokémon exchange menu tests, loads a menu with the following:
    • Options: Loads a menu with the following:
      • Pause world while display: Unknown.
      • Cancel on player's death: Unknown.
      • Deny to cancel: Unknown.
      • Message: Unknown.
      • Max selection count: Unknown.
    • Exchange: Loads the exchange menu, however does not exchange Pokémon, game logic is still active.
    • Exchange (filtered): Same as Exchange but with a filter.
    • Team members: Same as Exchange but for team members.
    • Sell (multiple): Same as Exchange but for selling Pokémon, doesn't actually sell Pokémon.
    • Piis to learn move: Same as Exchange but for Pokémon learning moves, doesn't actually relate.
    • Piis to teach move: Same as Exchange but for teaching Pokémon moves, doesn't actually relate.
    • StreetPass battles: Same as Exchange but for StreetPass battles, doesn't actually relate.
    • Drop on floor (multiple): Same as Exchange but for dropping Pokémon on the floor, doesn't actually relate.
    • Set All Spec Hidden: Unknown.
  • MsgWin: Message window tests, opens a menu with the following:
    • Test Type: What type of textbox is used to display the text, SYS_BOTTOM: is for drawing the most common textbox, SYS_TOP is for the top textbox, used in events like the story dialog, TALK_TOP is for above talking text, TALK_MAKUAI is the same, GET is the textbox for getting objects that aren't Poké Diamonds while GET_KAKERA is the same but for them specifically.
    • Test: choice type: The choice type for decision based messages, BUTTON is for typical selection boxes that aren't "yes or no"'s, YESNO is for the latter, also enforcing those two options, regardless of how many choices are chosen to display, WAZA if for the Switch menu, LIST and list is for a typical list.
  • Roulette: Roulette tests, opens a menu with the following:
    • Open: Open the Roulette display.
    • Close: Closes the Roulette display.
    • ShowChoice: Shows the choices.
    • StartRoulette: Starts the Roulette, can only be done after a choice is made.
    • Current Lucky Time: Unknown.
    • Lucky Time after Fever: Unknown.
    • # of Mii balloons: Number of Mii balloons in the distance, max 10.
    • Super Fever consecutive count: Number display for the amount of Super Fevers achieved consecutively, max is 10000.
  • shop: Unknown shop tests, opens a menu with the following
    • DumpItemDescStyle: Unknown.
  • MsgTutorial: Tutorial message tests, opens a menu with the following
    • Show: Shows a message with the word "test" in the center of the top screen for an indefinite amount of time.
    • ShowTimeout: Same as Show but for 3 seconds.
    • Hide: Shows a message with the word "test" in the center of the top screen.
  • Camera: Unknown camera tests, opens a menu with the following
    • Stop: Unknown.
    • Play - yureru: Unknown.
    • Play - team_opening: Unknown.


Note these change when leaving or moving the cursor in the Debug Menu.

  • Sys Free %dM: Free memory on the Nintendo 3DS system's memory.
  • Dev Free %dM: Free memory on most likely the device.
  • Last FPS: %i: Last FPS the game maintained.
  • Curr FPS: %i: Current FPS the game maintained.

Model viewer

A model viewer can be used.

There's this text on the bottom screen not meant for English.

Japanese English (Translated) Function/Description
当たり判定:(%d, %d) Collision Detection:(%d, %d) "(%d, %d)" isn't part of the string but is the collision circle of the selected Pokemon.
スライドパッド:視点変更 Slide Pad:Change Point of View Alters the camera's in a counterclockwise way, based off Circle Pad movements.
L+スライドパッド:ズーム L + Slide Pad:Zoom Alters the camera's zoom when holding L while moving the Circle Pad.
十字ボタン:ポケモン選択 Directional Pad:Select Pokemon Selects a said Pokemon, directional inputs don't work well.
A+左右:コリジョン変更 A + Left/Right:Change Collision Holding A + Left adds 0.01 to the left collision number, A + Right does the opposite, cannot go lower than 0.00 or higher than 8.00.
A+上下:コリジョンのコピペ A + Up/Down:Copy/Paste Collision Up pastes the copied collision, down copies the collision values.