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User:LuigiIsCanonicallyTheAntiChrist/Pizza Tower Build Revision List

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This is a backup of the build revision list page on the Pizza Tower Wiki, whose creator deleted it because they were called an "obsessive weirdo" and "pain in the ass" by McPig over it. If putting it here makes me an obsessive weirdo or pain in the ass too then whatever ig, sorry for being a fan of your game and its history lmao.

Todo: GMT+0 timezone?

All build dates listed here are using the CET / CEST timezone.

Status Amount
(Found) 64
~ (Repack) 15
(Lost) 53
Total 132


Built between July 15th 2018 to December 30th 2019. These builds were accessible to the public with no strings attached.

Status Amount
(Found) 14
~ (Repack) 3
(Lost) 1
Total 18
Archive File Name Release Date/Compile Date Size CRC32 & MD5 Available Notes
pizzatowerearlybuildtest.zip 2018-07-15 00:50 25515354 bytes (24 MiB) B761590B
Yes Early Test Build (release/v1).
pizzatowerearlybuildtest_v2.zip 2018-07-16 06:47 25516919 bytes (24 MiB) 32D3FF04
Yes Early Test Build (v2).
pizzatowerearlybuildtest_v21.zip 2018-07-16 No Early Test Build (v21). Contains a bug where the player could build up speed when turning around. v211 rectified this.
pizzatowerearlybuildtest_v211.zip 2018-07-16 10:57 25516274 bytes (24 MiB) 66D335CA
Yes Early Test Build (v211).
pizzatowerdemo.zip 2018-07-21 03:29 26935807 bytes (25 MiB) 49E89E5E
Yes Early Test Build (Peter Griffin).
PizzaTowerHalloweenDemo.zip 2018-10-31 10:22 27213127 bytes (25 MiB) E1283A15
Yes Halloween Demo.
pizzatowerdemo2.zip 2018-12-05 05:01 76324387 bytes (72 MiB) DDCBBC1A
Yes Demo 2 (release).
pizzatowerdemo2_1.zip 2018-12-05 05:54 76324386 bytes (72 MiB) 468F49B8
Yes Demo 2 (revision 1).
pizzatowerdemo2_2.zip 2018-12-05 ~ Demo 2 (revision 2).
pizzatowerdemo2_3.zip 2018-12-06 02:27 76323877 bytes (72 MiB) 75AF3CBF
Yes Demo 2 (revision 3).
grinch.rar 2018-12-21 13:44 78512460 bytes (74 MiB) 507B1C80
Yes Christmas Race/Grinch Build. Password: pizzabinch.
GOLF.zip 2019-04-01 02:33 70413095 bytes (67 MiB) B63BFB28
PizzaTowerSAGE2019_v12.zip 2019-09-26 18:42 262396603 bytes (250 MiB) 68EB5077
Yes SAGE 2019 Demo (release/v12).
PizzaTowerSAGE2019_v13.zip ~ SAGE 2019 (v13). Contains a bug where Peppino's outfit was white, undoing his SAGE palette swap. v13b rectified this.
PizzaTowerSAGE2019_v13b.zip ~ SAGE 2019 (v13b).
PizzaTowerSAGE2019_v14.zip 2019-09-29 13:29 266859902 bytes (254 MiB) A7B8613E
Yes SAGE 2019 (v14).
PizzaTower_Hardoween2019.zip 2019-10-30 21:01 289839189 bytes (276 MiB) 638313C5
Yes Noise's Hardoween.
PizzaTower_xmasv22.zip 2019-12-30 02:12 343204483 bytes (327 MiB) 4EFCE00B
Yes Peppino's Xmas Break.


Please bare in mind that the data provided in this list may be inaccurrate.


Built between January 12th 2019 to June 14th 2022 under the name "Pizza Tower: Under Construction". People with a Weenie tier or Cool tier got access to these builds without scheduled releases. Starting from December 2nd 2022, McPig shut down the game's Patreon as development was wrapping up.

Status Amount
(Found) 32
~ (Repack) 11
(Lost) 5
Total 48
Archive File Name Release Date/Compile Date Size CRC32 & MD5 Available Notes
PTjanuarymonthlybuild1.zip 2019-01-12 01:42 57594366 bytes (54 MiB) 3B864281
Yes January Build. Patreon post.
PTmarchbuildpart1.zip 2019-03-07 14:54 85095685 bytes (81 MiB) 00D61643
Yes March Build Part 1. First prerelease version to be built in Game Maker 2 Studio. Patreon post.
PT_optimisationtest1.zip 2019-03-22 00:19 61827737 bytes (58 MiB) E38F5BD0
Yes Optimisation Test.
PizzaTower_MarchBuildpart2.zip 2019-04-03 ~ March Build Part 2.
pizzatowerpatreonbuild_desert.zip 2019-05-23 22:10 81748549 bytes (77 MiB) 95CA3519
Yes Desert (release). Patreon post.
pizzatowerpatreonbuild_desertoldmach.zip 2019-05-24 00:30 81748458 bytes (77 MiB) B09BF9B3
Yes Desert (old mach/revision 1).
pizzatowerpatreonbuild_deserthotpatch.zip 2019-05-24 10:39 81748466 bytes (77 MiB) 70C7D415
Yes Desert (revision 2).
pizzatowerpatreonbuild_desertheavy.zip 2019-05-24 12:05 81748543 bytes (77 MiB) 124A6DF0
Yes Desert (heavy controls/revision 3).
pizzatowerpatreonbuild_desertoldmoves.zip 2019-05-25 13:58 81748557 bytes (77 MiB) 2CA44F9E
Yes Desert (old moveset/revision 4).
PizzaTower_blueblocklandv1.zip 2019-07-03 ~ Blue Block Land (release/v1).
PizzaTower_blueblocklandv2.zip 2019-07-12 18:05 119545546 bytes (114 MiB) A3870EAE
Yes Blue Block Land (v2). First build to be uploaded to Under Construction on itch.io. The level destination for Pizzascape wasn't set correctly. The next revision rectified this. Patreon post.
2019-07-12 ~ Blue Block Land (v2/revision 1).
PizzaTower_blueblocklandv3.zip 2019-07-29 15:07 137832721 bytes (131 MiB) AC818F0E
Yes Blue Block Land (v3).
2019-08-19 ~ August Patreon Build. Patreon post. (Unofficial Patreon Archive Title: Artpass.)
2019-08-31 ~ August Patreon Build. (Unofficial Patreon Archive Title: BlueBlockLand4.)
2019-09-03 ~ September Patreon Build. (Unofficial Patreon Archive Title: Early Entrance Level.)
PizzaTower_letsgotoSAGE4.zip 2019-09-11 17:54 260250392 bytes (248 MiB) DD802213
Yes Lets Go To SAGE (v4).
PizzaTower_letsgotoSAGE5.zip 2019-09-17 23:01 262580275 bytes (250 MiB) 6B92165E
Yes Lets Go To SAGE (v5).
2019-09-25 No Mentioned in chatlogs. Possibly SAGE2019_v10.
2019-09-25 No Mentioned in chatlogs. Appears to be some kind of revision for SAGE2019_v10.
2019-09-25 ~ Possibly SAGE2019_v11. (Unofficial Patreon Archive Title: SAGE_noairgrab.)
2019-10-30 No Noise's Hardoween (Patreon preview).
2019-10-30 ~ Noise's Hardoween (Patreon preview/revision 1).
PizzaTowerCoop_v1.zip 2019-11-29 18:41 307944097 bytes (293 MiB) B0218FB6
Yes Coop.
2019-12-14 ~ December Patreon Build. (Unofficial Patreon Archive Title: Entrance level.)
PizzaTower_xmasv1.zip 2019-12-27 No Peppino's Xmas Break (Patreon preview) (v1).
PizzaTower_xmasv2.zip 2019-12-27 No Peppino's Xmas Break (Patreon preview) (v2).
PizzaTower_xmasv21.zip 2019-12-28 ~ Peppino's Xmas Break (Patreon preview) (v21).
PizzaTower_noisev1.zip 2020-01-08 16:09 343343608 bytes (327 MiB) F955913E
Yes Noise (release/v1).
PizzaTower_noisev2.zip 2020-01-09 17:29 343365786 bytes (327 MiB) 405CFF77
Yes Noise (v2).
PizzaTower_noisev21.zip 2020-01-10 10:07 343366048 bytes (327 MiB) 6B9A8DC8
Yes Noise (v21).
PizzaTower_Boss_v0.zip 2020-02-01 14:40 377885523 bytes (360 MiB) 2CDA6107
Yes Boss (release/v0).
PizzaTower_Boss_v1.zip 2020-02-02 16:36 376826612 bytes (359 MiB) ADAD6FA6
Yes Boss (v1).
PizzaTower_Boss_v11.zip 2020-02-02 19:20 380812851 bytes (363 MiB) 522FF73D
Yes Boss (v11).
PizzaTower_Boss_v12.zip 2020-02-02 20:15 380813134 bytes (363 MiB) 7BBFC623
Yes Boss (v12).
PizzaTower_desert_playtest1.zip 2020-02-16 17:11 387084115 bytes (369 MiB) 8BFD1B4E
Yes Desert Playtest.
PizzaTower_graveyard_playtest.zip 2020-02-24 14:14 387410943 bytes (369 MiB) CD652EBB
Yes Graveyard Playtest. Was taken down only a few hours after a softrelease.
PizzaTower_westernbuildv1.zip 2020-04-25 20:39 419540588 bytes (400 MiB) 4D5BCB42
Yes Western Build (release/v1).
PizzaTower_westernbuildv2.zip 2020-04-27 19:11 419536816 bytes (400 MiB) CFC00287
Yes Western Build (v2).
PizzaTower_westernbuildv3.zip 2020-04-30 14:34 419559308 bytes (400 MiB) 0883344B
Yes Western Build (v3). Also had its source code leaked. Patreon post.
PizzaTower_beachandforestv2.zip 2020-07-10 21:42 482071793 bytes (459 MiB) 24B0AECA
Yes Beach and Forest.
PizzaTower_April2021Build.zip 2021-04-03 19:28 491397597 bytes (468 MiB) 42FB8305
Yes April 2021 Build (release).
2021-04-17 ~ April 2021 Build (revision 1). Left the console enabled by accident. The next revision rectified this.
PizzaTower_April2021Build(hotfixoopsie1).zip 2021-04-17 01:48 491922746 bytes (469 MiB) 032B60B4
Yes April 2021 Build (revision 2).
PT_Eggplantv15.zip 2022-06-13 21:21 620916256 bytes (592 MiB) D9C9EB77
Yes Eggplant (release).
PT_Eggplantv15_1.zip 2022-06-13 22:04 620916028 bytes (592 MiB) 1DF08265
Yes Eggplant (revision 1).
PT_Eggplantv15_2.zip 2022-06-14 20:42 620915525 bytes (592 MiB) A8051CF8
Yes Eggplant (revision 2).
PT_Eggplantv15_3.zip 2022-06-14 23:29 620915754 bytes (592 MiB) 9E478D57
Yes Eggplant (revision 3).

Level Editor

Built between February 6th 2020 to July 31st 2020. The Level Editor is a series of builds likely built on the foundation of Boss_v12, with updates using bits and pieces from newer Patreon builds. The editor was developed for roughly six months and was planned to be part of an extra mode or bonus game for people who own the main game. Plans ultimately fell through, and a built-in level editor was scrapped, with its server hosting user-made levels getting shut down sometime later.

Status Amount
(Found) 8
~ (Repack) 0
(Lost) 9
Total 17
Archive File Name Release Date/Compile Date Size CRC32 & MD5 Available Notes
PizzaTower_LevelEditor_v1.zip 2020-02-06 18:29 380891431 bytes (363 MiB) 22DC222B
Yes (v1).
No (v11).
No (v12 playtest).
PizzaTower_LevelEditor_v12.zip 2020-02-07 18:50 380904486 bytes (363 MiB) A938B5A2
Yes (v12).
No (v2 playtest).
No (v2 playtest/revision 1).
No (v2 playtest/revision 2).
No (v2).
No (v3 playtest).
No (v3 playtest/revision 1).
No (v3 playtest/revision 2).
PizzaTower_LevelEditor_v33.zip 2020-05-13 16:17 422448441 bytes (402 MiB) FE6D237B
Yes (v33).
PizzaTower_LevelEditor_v4playtest.zip 2020-07-29 17:55 494613470 bytes (471 MiB) F7C27291
Yes (v4).
PizzaTower_LevelEditor_v41playtest.zip 2020-07-30 16:22 494618793 bytes (471 MiB) 9DEC4655
Yes (v41).
PizzaTower_LevelEditor_v42playtest.zip 2020-07-31 16:42 494606516 bytes (471 MiB) FABF999C
Yes (v42).
PizzaTower_LevelEditor_v43old.zip 2020-07-31 20:19 494611447 bytes (471 MiB) 38CAF10A
Yes (v43 old).
PizzaTower_LevelEditor_v43.zip 2020-07-31 21:31 494611329 bytes (471 MiB) E5B51D31
Yes (v43).

Source Code

This list doesn't count with the total amount of released builds.

Archive File Name Release Date/Compile Date Size CRC32 & MD5 Available Notes
PizzaTower_westernv3.yyz 2020-04-30 16:49 202002032 bytes (192 MiB) B62CA698
Yes An hour older than the released Western v3 build, though it is 1:1 to its Patreon counterpart. Leaked by a couple of 4chan trolls, bundled with some unreleased and work-in-progress music. For the intended results, compile with Game Maker Studio v2.2.5.481.


Built between June 11th 2018 to October 28th 2022. Starting from November 2022, all playtesting was moved to Steam.

Status Amount
(Found) 10
~ (Repack) 1
(Lost) 38
Total 49
Archive File Name Release Date/Compile Date Size CRC32 & MD5 Available Notes
Pizza_Tower_test.exe 2018-06-11 08:25 8754176 bytes (8 MiB) No Prerelease version built over a month before Early Test Build's release.
pizzatowerdemo_testerbuild1.zip 2018-10-08 04:48 30317612 bytes (28 MiB) 440C9141
Yes Tester Build (release).
pizzatowerdemo_testerbuild2.zip 2018-10-10 05:11 30338161 bytes (28 MiB) 9BFFE489
Yes Tester Build (revision 1).
pizzatowerdemo_testerbuild3.zip 2018-10-10 20:59 30336984 bytes (28 MiB) 0E711047
Yes Tester Build (revision 2).
pizzatowerdemo_testerbuild3andahalf.zip 2018-10-12 03:52 30385731 bytes (28 MiB) 76B94EB9
Yes Tester Build (revision 3).
pizzatowerdemo_testerbuild4.zip 2018-10-17 20:52 30490987 bytes (29 MiB) E10022CC
Yes Tester Build (revision 4).
pizzatowerdemo_testerbuild5.zip 2018-10-23 04:35 41983907 bytes (40 MiB) 279DFC75
Yes Tester Build (revision 5).
pizzatowerdemo_testerbuildfinal.zip 2018-10-30 07:16 49251350 bytes (46 MiB) E37C974E
Yes Tester Build (revision 6).
pizzatowerdemo_testerbuildfinal.zip 2018-10-30 22:34 49255454 bytes (46 MiB) EAC33384
Yes Tester Build (revision 7).
pizzatowerdemo2test1.zip 2018-12-03 23:07 76335457 bytes (72 MiB) 1B1699E2
Yes Demo 2 Test 1. Made public shortly after release.
PizzaTower_Playtest_v1.zip No February 2021 Build (v1). Existence unconfirmed.
PizzaTower_Playtest_v2.zip 2021-02-26 No February 2021 Build (v2).
No May 2021 build. Existence unconfirmed.
PT_Rework_v1.zip 2021-09-24 No Rework (v1).
PT_Rework_v1.1.zip 2021-09-25 ~ Rework (v1.1). Repack leaked on March 8th, 2023.
PT_Playtestin_v1.zip 2022-04-30 08:01 539462340 bytes (514 MiB) 7D30C421
No Playtestin' (v1).
PT_Playtestin_v2.zip 2022-04-31 17:55 539463111 bytes (514 MiB) 44E73AB5
No Playtestin' (v2).
PT_Playtestin_v3.zip 2022-05-09 10:22 539459759 bytes (514 MiB) C1A18EF5
No Playtestin' (v3).
PT_Playtestin_v4.zip 2022-05-15 12:47 539494926 bytes (514 MiB) 2064DA20
No Playtestin' (v4).
PT_Playtestin_v4hotfix1.zip 2022-05-16 17:14 539506480 bytes (514 MiB) 7CEE8907
No Playtestin' (v4/revision 1).
PT_Eggplantv10.zip 2022-06-08 15:41 540027710 bytes (515 MiB) D1E62ED2
No Eggplant (v10).
PT_Eggplantv11.zip 2022-06-08 17:04 540026162 bytes (515 MiB) 8D0460C3
No Eggplant (v11).
PT_Eggplantv12.zip 2022-06-08 21:56 540027984 bytes (515 MiB) 24521690
No Eggplant (v12).
PT_Eggplantv13.zip 2022-06-09 19:09 644249425 bytes (614 MiB) E00834C1
No Eggplant (v13).
PT_Eggplantv14.zip 2022-06-12 15:40 644253205 bytes (614 MiB) FA5E9F36
No Eggplant (v14).
PT_octobe22buildv1.zip 2022-10-26 12:40 135503432 bytes (129 MiB) BB2D51B9
No October 2022 build (v1). First build to use the FMOD extension.
PT_octobe22buildv1.1.zip 2022-10-28 00:10 136096316 bytes (129 MiB) 23142679
Yes October 2022 build (v1.1). Original release leaked on March 8th, 2023.
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2022-11-26 No Steam November (release).
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2022-11-27 No Steam November (revision 1).
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2022-11-28 No Steam November (revision 2).
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2022-11-29 No Steam November (revision 3).
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2022-11-30 No Steam November (revision 4).
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2022-12-11 No Steam December (release).
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2022-12-12 No Steam December (revision 1).
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2022-12-13 No Steam December (revision 2).
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2022-12-14 No Steam December (revision 3).
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2022-12-15 No Steam December (revision 4).
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2022-12-17 No Steam December (revision 5).
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2022-12-20 No Steam December (revision 6).
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2022-12-21 No Steam December (revision 7).
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2023-01-06 No Steam January (release).
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2023-01-07 No Steam January (revision 1).
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2023-01-08 No Steam January (revision 2).
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2023-01-09 No Steam January (revision 3).
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2023-01-10 No Steam January (revision 4).
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2023-01-11 No Steam January (revision 5).
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2023-01-12 No Steam January (revision 6).
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2023-01-13 No Steam January (revision 7).
depot_2231450 (branch: playtesting) 2023-01-15 No Steam January (revision 8).