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User:Missile/Grandia II HD Remaster

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Grandia II HD Remaster

Developer: Game Arts
Platform: Windows
Released in JP:
Released in US:
Released in EU:

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Grandia II HD Remaster is a port of a port(Grandia II Anniversary Edition), of a port of the Dreamcast classic. It has the same old problems the original PC release had(i.e. Battle transitions being broken) but now with a mixed looking upscale to 1080p!

To do:
  • The file structure of this game appears to be a complete mess, files are repeated multiple times throughout, seemingly in part because they a hard mode has been hacked in(?)
  • It seems debug WAS removed, but parts of it are [[ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2004996880%7C still functional ]]
  • strings.txt, contains massive amounts of developer notes relating to the Dreamcast version, but appears to have been massively truncated in the non-Japanese files
  • There seems to be data relating to a 8th and 9th party member.

Debug Mode Remnants

Grandia II Anniversary Edition\content\data\bin\ has two .ini files that have various settings for a Debug mode, field.ini and system.ini. Setting these to ON however doesn't seem to change anything in the game. Additionally, pc_init.bin still contains a few flags relating to it.

Unused Areas

To do:
Some of these may actually be used

The game contains quite a few areas that don't appear to be used normally. All of their names have been blanked out in the US version, though some still contain names in the Japanese version. Additionally most seem to crash the game when accessed, and while all of them seem to contain dialogue, it's mostly just generic area dialogue and character names. To access, open a save file in a hex editor and change the offsets 00000EB8 and 00000EB9 to the following values:

Value Japanese Name Notes
083C 交易都市リリグ・高台 This appears to be another map for Liligue City.
1458 None Seems to have been intended for St Heim Papal State.
015C グラナス大神殿 Granas Cathedral, uses the exact same name as 005C which is used.
017C 剣士の村・ガーラン・外観 Garlan Village. This may be related to a cutscene, there's even proper dialogue stored in Grandia II Anniversary Edition\content\data\text\en\scnr\7c01.scn
3180 グレイル山・御社前の広場・過去 A Grail Mountain map, may be used for a cutscene?
3480 None Comes immediately after the above.
449C None Comes after the "Valimar's Moon" maps, but before "Valimar's Womb".
F0D8 カーボの村・外観 Carbo Village. This seems to be for the opening cutscene.

Unused Items

Editing the following addresses in a save file(GRANDIA_[###].VMS located in Grandia II Anniversary Edition\data\saves ) with any value between 1 and 63 will give you 1-99 the following items:

Offset Icon Name
(Multiple) Grandia II HD Placeholder Icon.png Nameless/Descriptionless placeholder item, takes up roughly half of the full game's inventory. Many of these appear to just be used for filler between certain types such as weapons but some are placed awkwardly, indicative of items that may have been removed from the game.
00000AB5 48px Date 8/16
Debug Item
Raises HP/MP/SP by 100, it's name appears to be a build date.
00000AB6 48px Debug Item
Debug Item
Raises each non HP/MP/SP stat by 50.
00000AC1 48px x ♪ w ❤ ❤
Has no use, and doesn't show up in battle. It appears to be a key item that wasn't properly removed, as both the English and in-game Japanese names are complete gibberish, however the Japanese name and description can still be found in Grandia II Anniversary Edition\content\data\text\ja\strings.txt. They are:
依頼の手紙 / Request Letter
廃棄 / Disposable
(Translation: punk7890)