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Don't really have much to say about myself here. I have interest in a lot of different things, but for the here and now my main focus is on the Skylanders games, particularly Skylanders Ring of Heroes.

My personal to-do list:

(If anybody else wants to help out and pick these up, it is highly appreciated)

  1. Skylanders Spyro's Adventure has a wealth of unmentioned working names for NPC and enemy characters and several unmentioned strings
  2. Skylanders Giants has menu files for unused Chinese, Japanese and Korean translations in the Wii version and probably a lot of other scrapped stuff. In addition, the game's various alpha builds need subpages
  3. Skylanders Swap Force needs a subpage for its alpha build
  4. Skylanders Superchargers Racing needs a subpage for its prior build (can't remember if it was an alpha or beta build)
  5. Current focus: Skylanders Ring of Heroes needs subpages comparing version one and the revamp, a subpage for its 2018 beta, and a subpage for prerelease stuff. Also somebody needs to decrypt those text strings