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Nick Brawl Page Graveyard
considered characters for Nick Brawl: Alex Mack
shop code
namespace Nick.Unlocks { // Token: 0x0200061E RID: 1566 public interface IShop { // Token: 0x17001B0F RID: 6927 // (get) Token: 0x06004756 RID: 18262 bool ShopAvailable { get; } // Token: 0x06004757 RID: 18263 void Init(ShopItem[] allItems); // Token: 0x06004758 RID: 18264 Job<IShopItem[]> GetAvailableItems(ShopItem[] wantedItems); // Token: 0x06004759 RID: 18265 Job BuyItem(ShopItem item); // Token: 0x0600475A RID: 18266 bool IsUnlocked(string key);} }