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SuperGamer18's Avatar

Name: Francisco
Surname: Hugolini
Pronouns: he/him

Birthplace: Argentina

Located in: Argentina

Discord: @supergamer18_again
E-mail: franciscohugolinialt@gmail.com
GitHub: SuperGamer18
Reddit: u/SuperGamer18123

Babel user information
es-N Este usuario tiene una comprensión nativa del español.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
Users by language

Heyo! I'm Francisco, and I'm here because unused content is very interesting for me, as well as other stuff documented on this wiki (eg regional/revisional differences and prototypes).

I can do minor edits for grammar correction and other stuff, for example, and I sometimes make bigger edits if I have the time to do it and I see it's needed (for example, I discovered the level select in Mario 4: Kosmicheskaya Odisseya and added a bit more detail to the process of unlocking it). I can translate pages to Spanish or translate Spanish text to English if needed, as long as I have the time and will/interest to do it (or if it's very short, that works as well). I will try to make it as generalized as possible, since I'm a Latin American as you have seen from my Userbob.

If you asked (you may have not, but anyways), yes, I am a bisexual femboy :3

Userboxes! :3
This user needs more userboxes.
Seriously, what was their problem? This user wouldn't mind knowing why Atari hated crediting its production staff.
So cute :3 Feeling down? Here's a box of kittens.