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LCS May 29/Final GXT comparison

MoCap cutscene subtitles use a different ID, named after the mission ID, instead of the mission name. For example instead of SAL1_#, the IDs are THEO_#. Lots of formatting changes. Check later.


SAL1 (The Offer)

ID May 29 Final
SAL1_A1 ~w~Take the package to the Union boss, Jane Hopper, at ~y~Portland Docks. ~w~Meet the Union boss, Jane Hopper, at ~y~Portland Docks.
SAL1_E1 ~w~Get out of there! ~w~Escape from the docks!

SAL2 (Ho Selecta)

ID May 29 Final
SAL2_A2 ~w~Toni...! Come sta? ~w~Toni! Come sta?
SAL2_A4 ~w~...If I can't get that bitch of a union boss on my side, I can sure as shit get her guys to play along. Capiche? ~w~If I can't get that bitch of a union boss on my side, I can sure as shit get her guys to play along. You capiche?
SAL2_B n/a ~w~You can't fit any more girls in your car.
SAL2_F0 ~w~So, where's the party? ~w~Hey! I'm coming too!
SAL2_F1 ~w~Are we gonna get it on or what? ~w~So it's just you and me now huh?
SAL2_F2 ~w~Get out Asshole! ~w~Are we gonna get it on or what?
SAL2_F3 ~w~Aw, Gee! Don't be like that. ~w~So, where's the party?
SAL2_F4 ~w~I just wanna party with ya! ~w~Aw, gee! Don't be like that.
SAL2_F5 n/a ~w~I just wanna party with ya!
SAL2_G2 n/a ~w~Deal with the ~r~client!
SAL2_G3 n/a ~w~Deal with the ~r~clients!
SAL2_G4 n/a ~w~Pick up more ~b~girls!
SAL2_G5 n/a ~w~Looks like you've got an admirer.
SAL2_G6 n/a ~w~Stop in the ~y~yellow marker~w~ to drop the girls off.
SAL2_G7 n/a ~w~Disturb the client to get the ~b~girl~w~ out of the car.
SAL2_I0 ~w~Get your own girl! Butt-Head! ...This one's mine! ~w~Get your own girl! Butt-head! This one's mine!
SAL2_I2 ~w~Hey! I'm coming too! n/a
SAL2_I3 ~w~Hey! Who the Hell is that! ...Let's get him! ~w~Hey! Who the Hell is that! Let's get him!
SAL2_I6 ~w~Yes! Yes! ...(Yawn) ~w~Yes! Yes! ...
SAL2_I8 ~w~You don't want to go to jail do you honey? So get busy... ~w~Honey, you don't want to go to jail do you?
SAL2_I9 n/a ~w~So get busy...
SAL2_L0 ~w~I ain't waiting around here all day Asshole! ~w~I ain't waiting around here all day asshole!
SAL2_M ~w~She's dead! Find another ~b~girl! ~w~Try not to kill them! Find another ~b~girl.
SAL2_W1 n/a ~w~You only have until 0~1~:~1~ before the picket line changes shift!
SAL2_W2 n/a ~w~You only have until ~1~:~1~ before the picket line changes shift!
SAL2_X3 n/a ~r~You attacked the dockers' girls. They'll never trust you now!

SAL3 (Frighteners)

ID May 29 Final
SAL3_A1 ~w~...You look a little thin. Isn't your mamma feeding you right? ~w~You look a little thin. Isn't your mamma feeding you right?
SAL3_A3 ~w~Listen, these union guys are getting me pissed. ~w~Listen, these union guys - they're getting me pissed.
SAL3_A4 ~w~Some of them are starting to see things my way ~w~It looks like some of them are starting to see things my way
SAL3_A5 ~w~...we just need to turn up the heat on some of the 'less than receptive' union big shots. ~w~...but we just need to turn up the heat on some of the 'less than receptive' union big shots.
SAL3_B4 n/a ~w~Find another ~r~union boss~w~ to set straight.

SAL4 (Rollercoaster Ride)

ID May 29 Final
SAL4S3 ~w~Hey, you're not my regular Driver! ~w~Hey, you're not my regular driver!
SAL4S9 ~w~...We'll see! ~w~We'll see!
SAL4_A n/a ~w~Make it to the ~y~Radio Station~w~ before Hopper leaves at 0~1~:00.
SAL4_A1 ~w~Get to the ~y~Radio Station~w~ before Hopper leaves. ~w~Make it to the ~y~Radio Station~w~ before Hopper leaves at ~1~:00.
SAL4_B2 ~w~...You said it! ~w~You said it!
SAL4_F0 ~r~Out Of Time! ~r~Too late! Hopper has left the radio station!
SAL4_F2 ~w~You're not my Driver, I'm calling the Police! ~w~You're not my driver, I'm calling the police!
SAL4_F8 ~r~The Limo was too beat up! ~r~The beat up Limo spooked Hopper.
SAL4_H1 n/a ~w~A variety of speed, collisions, and stunt jumps should scare Hopper into submission.
SAL4_P3 ~w~...And don't forget our little agreement, Lady! ~w~And don't forget our little agreement, Lady!

SAL5 (Contra-Banned)

ID May 29 Final
SAL5_C0 ~w~Pickup more ~b~backup~w~ or head down to ~y~Portland Docks. ~w~Pick up your ~b~backup.
SAL5_C1 ~w~Get some transport with more seats, or head down to ~y~Portland Docks~w~ with less ~b~backup. ~w~You will need a vehicle with more seats to carry more ~b~backup.
SAL5_C3 ~w~Heeey... esse... you were supposed to be here hours ago! ~w~Lose the cops!
SAL5_C9 ~w~Take the vehicle to ~y~Salvatore's Lockup. ~w~Take the vehicle to ~y~Salvatore's lockup.
SAL5_D5 n/a ~r~The drugs have been seized!
SAL5_D6 n/a ~w~Take out the ~r~drug dealers.
SAL5_DE A: ~1~ B: ~1~ C: ~1~ n/a
SAL5_F1 ~r~They won't deal with someone who's messing with them. n/a
ID (Early) May 29 ID (Final) Final
SAL5_C3 ~w~Heeey... esse... you were supposed to be here hours ago! SAL5_AA ~w~Heeey... Ese... you were supposed to be here hours ago!
SAL5_C4 ~w~Quit whining Miguel. I've been busy ...You got our stuff? SAL5_AB ~w~Quit whining Miguel. You got the stuff?
SAL5_C5 ~w~Hey, I too am a busy man Toni. Next time I'll find another buyer! SAL5_AD ~w~Hey, I'm a busy man Toni. Next time I'll find another buyer!
SAL5_C6 ~w~I doubt you'd find anyone else who'd pay what we do. SAL5_AE ~w~Yeah, I doubt you'd find anyone else who pays what we do.
SAL5_C7 ~w~Heh heh ha! I like you Toni. You got big balls - like bull! Heheheh! SAL5_AF ~w~Heh heh ha! I like you Toni. You got big balls - like a bull!
SAL5_73 ~w~What? ....You greaseball fuck! SAL5_AI ~w~What?
n/a n/a SAL5_AJ ~w~You greaseball fuck!

SAL6 (Sindacco Sabotage)

ID May 29 Final
SAL6_2 n/a ~w~Only 1 Leone is left alive!
SAL6_A2 ~w~What's the world coming to? ~w~What's the world coming to? We got the Diablos crawling all over us in Hepburn!
SAL6_A3 ~w~We got the Diablos crawling all over us down in Hepburn! They're kicking our asses! ~w~They're kicking our asses!
SAL6_C0 ~w~Screw them! Let's get outta here! ~w~Screw them! Let's get the fuck outta here!
ID (Early) May 29 ID (Final) Final
SAL6_E2 ~w~It's not good Sal. I saved a few guys, but we'd lost too many before I got here. SAL6_E3 ~w~It's not good Sal.
SAL6_E4 ~w~I saved a few guys, but we'd lost too many before I got here.
SAL6_E4 ~w~Over my dead body! This ain't done yet! I ain't losing shit! SAL6_E6 ~w~Over my dead body! This ain't done yet!
SAL6_E5 ~w~The Leones don't retreat from nothing! Are you hearing me, Toni? SAL6_E7 ~w~I ain't losing shit! The Leones don't retreat from nothing!
SAL6_E8 ~w~Are you hearing me, Toni?
SAL6_E6 ~w~...You said it Sal. SAL6_E9 ~w~You said it Sal.

SAL7 (The Trouble With Triads)

ID May 29 Final
SAL7_05 ~w~...She's a beauty, huh? Fully loaded, top of the line. ~w~She's a beauty, huh? Fully loaded, top of the line.
SAL7_06 ~w~Hey! What's that smell? (sniff - sniff) ~w~What's that smell?
SAL7_42 ~w~Collect the ~g~money! ~w~Collect the ~g~money~w~ before it goes up in flames!

SAL8 (Driving Mr. Leone)

ID May 29 Final
SAL812C ~w~Get to the ~y~ferry station. ~w~Get to the ~y~ferry terminal.
SAL822B I know a safe place where we can both lie low for a while. Now listen, I know a safe place where we can both lie low for a while.
SAL830 ~w~Get to the ~y~Safe House. ~w~Head over to the ~y~Safe House.
SAL832 n/a ~w~You need to get some wheels!
SAL833 n/a ~w~Get away from the cops!
SAL8WAN n/a The cops REALLY want Salvatore! Re-spraying the vehicle will only put them off the scent for a short time.
SAL8_21 ~w~Get to the ~y~Bridge! ~w~Head for the ~y~Bridge!
SAL8_22 ~w~Toni, my boy, you did it! I knew I could trust you! ~w~Toni, you did it! I knew I could trust you!
SAL8_23 ~w~The Industrial action that had all but cut off Portland from the rest of the city has finally come to an end today. ~w~The industrial action that had cut off Portland from the rest of the city has finally come to an end.
ID (Early) May 29 ID (Final) Final
SAL8_1 ~w~(Placeholder Mo-capped)Well? DRIV_01 Well?
SAL8_2 ~w~Well what? What's your problem? DRIV_02 Well what?
SAL8_3 ~w~Don't play dumb with me, boy. I was playing dumb while your mother was still turning tricks. DRIV_03 Don't play dumb with me, kid.
DRIV_04 - I was playing dumb when your mother was still turning tricks. ~n~ - What's your problem?
SAL8_4 ~w~I know what you've been saying about me. You think I'm an idiot? I'll put you back in prison. Look at me. DRIV_06 I know what you've been saying about me.
DRIV_07 You think I'm an idiot? Huh?
DRIV_08 Is that what you think?
SAL8_5 ~w~What? DRIV_09 Boss, I ain't been saying nothin' about you.
SAL8_6 ~w~You're good... Jesus. I'm getting paranoid Toni. Really fucknig paranoid. DRIV_10 What the fuck. I don't know what's happening to me.
DRIV_11 Jesus.
DRIV_12 I'm getting paranoid Toni. Really fucking paranoid.
SAL8_7 ~w~But just because I think people hate me doesn't mean they don't, know what I mean? DRIV_13 Just because I think everyone hates me doesn't mean they don't, know what I mean?
SAL8_8 ~w~Someone is out to get me. That fucking mayor. DRIV_14 Someone is out to get me. It's that fucking mayor!
SAL8_9 ~w~He's gonna blame me for all the shit that has been going down in this neighbourhood. All of it! DRIV_15 He's gonna blame me for all the shit that's been going down in the neighborhood.
SAL8_10 ~w~Not even just the crap I did but all of it. Come on, we gotta get outta here. DRIV_16 All of it! Not just the crap that I did but all of it.
DRIV_17 Come on, let's go take care of this.

JDT1 (Bone Voyeur)

ID May 29 Final
JDT1O03 ~w~Wait for ~b~JD~w~ to get in the back. ~w~Wait for ~b~JD~w~ to get in.
JDT1O06 ~w~Find JD's hookers in the Red Light District and collect his money before their shift is over. ~w~Collect JD's money from his hookers. Be quick, their shift finishes at ~1~:~1~.
JDT1O07 ~w~Pick up the ~b~girl. ~w~Stop near the ~b~girl.
JDT1O09 ~w~Pick up one of JD's ~b~girls. ~w~Collect money from one of JD's ~b~girls.
JDT1O10 ~w~Get near the ~b~car~w~ and honk your horn. ~w~Approach the ~b~car~w~ in the alleyway.
JDT1O11 n/a ~w~Honk your horn to get their attention!
JDT1O12 n/a ~w~The longer you leave the girl working, the more money she will make.

JDT2 (Don in 60 Seconds)

ID May 29 Final
JDT2_A4 ~w~Drive away from the club and lose the cops! ~w~Drive Salvatore away from the club and lose the cops!
JDT2_A6 n/a ~w~Return to Salvatore's ~b~car~w~ before the cops bust him!
JDT2_C4 ~w~I could use a good fella like you, myself. ~w~I could use a good fella like you.
JDT2_F1 n/a ~r~You lost Salvatore!
JDT2_I3 ~w~So? ...You've got a license. ~w~So? You've got a license.
JDT2_I4 ~w~...Not for some of the shit that goes on here! ~w~Not for some of the shit that goes on here!
JDT2_I7 ~w~...Meet him out front! ~w~Meet him out front!
JDT2_I8 ~w~...Never a dull moment. ~w~Never a dull moment.

JDT3 (A Volatile Situation)

ID May 29 Final
JDT3_AB ~w~Why? ...What's going on in there? ...and what the hell is that smell? ~w~Why? What's going on in there? ...and what the hell is that smell?
JDT3_AC ~w~Look, Toni, we're catering for some real um... specialists today. ~w~Look, Toni, we're catering for some real ah... specialists today.
JDT3_AE ~w~What you should be concerning yourself with is that new Leone gaming house, up in Saint Marks. ~w~What you should be concerning yourself with is that Leone gaming house, up in Saint Mark's.
JDT3_BC ~w~And they're packing, Big-Time! ~w~And they're packing, big-time!
JDT3_BF ~w~...Appreciate it. ~w~Appreciate it.
JDT3_G ~r~The Casino's wasted! ~r~The Casino was destroyed!
JDT3_K Casino Damage ~w~They must have crippled the truck - it's stuck in low gear!

JDT4 (Blow up 'Dolls')

ID May 29 Final
JDT4_4 ~w~Select the ~h~Detonator weapon~w~ then press~h~ ~k~ ~PDFW~ ~w~to ~h~detonate~w~ the bomb. ~w~Press~h~ ~k~ ~PDFW~ ~w~to ~h~detonate~w~ the bomb.
JDT4_A0 ~w~So Toni, the Sindacco's' got this place - 'The Dolls House' - it's a casino AND bordello in one. ~w~So Toni, the Sindaccos' got this place - 'The Dolls House'.
JDT4_AA n/a ~w~It's a casino AND bordello in one.
JDT4_A1 ~w~Classy. You might lose at the tables, but you can bank on the ass! ~w~Classy, so you might lose at the tables, but you can bank on the ass!
JDT4_A2 ~w~Heh heh! ...the place is key to their setup over here. ~w~Heh heh! Well, the place is key to their setup over here.
JDT4_A3 ~w~If you were to put it out of business... blow it up or something ...I'm telling you, we'll be golden with Salvatore! ~w~If you were to, uh... put it out of business, you know, uh... blow it up or something.
JDT4_A4 n/a ~w~I'm telling you, we'll be golden with Salvatore!
JDT4_B1 ~w~Get back in the ~b~car~w~ with the bomb. ~w~Get back in the ~b~vehicle~w~ with the bomb.
JDT4_B2 ~w~Take the car and park it in the ~y~garage~w~ at 'The Doll's House'. ~w~Take the vehicle and park it in the ~y~garage~w~ at 'The Doll's House'.
JDT4_B3 ~w~Now, leave the car and get out of there. ~w~Now, leave the vehicle and get out of there.
JDT4_B5 ~w~Take the car to the ~h~Bomb Shop~w~ and have it fitted with a bomb. ~w~Take the vehicle to the ~h~Bomb Shop~w~ and have it fitted with a bomb.
JDT4_B7 n/a ~w~Drive carefully, if it gets too damaged it will explode!
JDT4_B8 n/a ~w~Park the vehicle in the 'The Doll's House' ~y~garage.
JDT4_B9 n/a ~w~The Sindaccos have defused the bomb!
JDT4_D0 ~w~Who is that? I don't recognise him... ~w~Who is that?
JDT4_D1 ~w~...Must be a new guy. ~w~I don't recognize him...
JDT4_D2 n/a ~w~Must be a new guy.

JDT5 (Salvatore's Salvation)

ID May 29 Final
JDT5_0 n/a ~w~If you shoot at the car you might hit Salvatore!
JDT5_D0 ~w~Where is he? ...In the trunk? ~w~Where is he? In the trunk?
JDT5_D1 ~w~Good. We're taking him to the crusher. ~w~Good. We're taking him to the crusher. The boss wants him flatter than pizza.
JDT5_D2 ~w~The boss wants him flatter than pizza. n/a
JDT5_E ~w~Don't let them crush the ~b~car! ~w~Rescue Salvatore from the ~b~car~w~ before they crush it!
JDT5_F1 ~w~Is that you Mr.Leone? ...it's me, Toni. ~w~Is that you Mr. Leone? It's me, Toni.
JDT5_H0 n/a ~w~Follow the ~r~car,~w~ but don't get too close.
JDT5_H1 n/a ~w~You're too close!
JDT5_H2 n/a ~w~Don't get too far away and lose the ~r~car.
JDT5_H3 n/a ~w~You're too far behind!
JDT5_X2 ~r~You have to rescue the car in one piece! ~r~Sal didn't make it!
JDT5_X3 ~r~Salvatore got crushed! ~r~Salvatore was crushed!
JDT5_X4 n/a ~r~He's onto you. You'll never find Sal now!
ID (Early) May 29 ID (Final) Final
JDT5_G0 ~w~What kind of driving was that? JDT5_G0 ~w~What kind of driving was that? You trying to kill me?
JDT5_G1 ~w~...You trying to kill me?
JDT5_G2 ~w~Mr. Leone. Boss. I'm sorry. What can I tell ya? JDT5_G1 ~w~Mr. Leone. Boss. I'm sorry.
JDT5_G2 ~w~What can I tell ya?
JDT5_G3 ~w~Sons of Bitches! JDT5_G3 ~w~Sons of Bitches! They think they can do that to me!
JDT5_G4 ~w~Think they can do that to me!
JDT5_G5 ~w~I'll tear their hearts out! JDT5_G4 ~w~I'll tear their fucking hearts out! This doesn't end here!
JDT5_G6 ~w~Pieces of shit!
JDT5_G7 ~w~This doesn't end here!
JDT5_G8 ~w~...for fuck sake Toni - you saved my ass - call me Sal! JDT5_G5 ~w~...for Christ sake Toni - you saved my ass - call me Sal!

JDT6 (The Guns of Leone)

ID May 29 Final
JDT6_9 ~w~Get to the ~g~sniper rifle~w~ on the roof. ~w~Collect the ~g~sniper rifle~w~ on the roof.
JDT6_A4 ~w~He's coming down here personally, to kill every Sindacco he can find, so I took a hike. ~w~He's coming down here personally, to kill every Sindacco he can find...
JDT6_A5 ~w~Look, I've put a rifle on the roof across the street. ~w~...so I took a hike. Look, I've put a rifle on the roof across the street.

JDT7 (Calm Before the Storm)

ID May 29 Final
JDT703A Those cock-sucking Sindaccos have been kicked out. ~w~Those cock-sucking Sindaccos all been kicked out.
JDT7_02 ~w~So, Salvatore cleaned house, huh... and now fixing up yours! ~w~So, Salvatore cleaned house, huh... and now he's fixing up yours!
JDT7_06 ~r~You failed to reach the helicopter in time.. Massimo's already left! ~r~You failed to reach the helicopter in time, Massimo's already left!
JDT7_08 ~w~He's going to get away! ~r~He's~w~ going to get away!
JDT7_10 ~w~The helicopter appears to be landing... don't get too close or you'll spook them.. ~w~The helicopter appears to be landing - don't get too close or you'll spook them..
JDT7_11 ~r~You got too close.. you've been spotted! ~r~You got too close. You've been spotted!
JDT7_14 ~w~He's moving off... follow him again... ~r~He's~w~ moving off... follow ~r~him~w~ again...
JDT7_21 ~w~You've been spotted! Take out the triads! ~w~You've been spotted! Take out the ~r~Triads!
JDT7_4C He wants someone to get up there and follow this guy.. see where he goes. ~w~He wants someone to get up there and follow this guy, see where he goes.
JD_FIN n/a ~w~Finish off the ~r~Triads!

JDT8 (The Made Man)

ID May 29 Final
JDT8_0 n/a ~w~Re-spraying the car will buy you some time, but as soon as the cops see the stiff in the passenger seat, they'll be back on your tail.
JDT8_A1 ~w~JD the untouchable...? God help us all! ~w~JD the untouchable? God help us all!
JDT8_A2 ~w~I've waited a long time for this. ...It never woulda' happened without you Toni. ~w~I've waited a long time for this... it never woulda' happened without you Toni.
JDT8_A3 ~w~... ...Hey! I'm crying here! Come on! ~w~Hey! I'm crying over here! Come on!
JDT8_A6 n/a ~w~Toni... it's all happening today!
JDT8_A7 n/a ~w~I'm gonna be a 'Made Man', me!
JDT8_A8 n/a ~w~JD the untouchable?
JDT8_A9 n/a ~w~God help us all!
JDT8_C4 n/a ~w~Take out the ~r~Sindacco hitmen~w~ before they whack JD!
JDT8_C5 n/a ~w~Finish off the ~r~Sindacco hitmen.
JDT8_D0 ~w~Are we there? ~w~Hey, are we there?
JDT8_D1 ~w~...Where's Salvatore? ~w~Where's Salvatore?
JDT8_G7 ~r~The car's toast! ~r~Your passengers are dead!
JDT8_H0 ~w~Hey, the guy was a rat. ~w~Hey, the guy was a fucking rat.
JDT8_H1 ~w~He screwed over his own boss. ~w~He screwed over his own boss! Disgrazia'.
JDT8_H2 ~w~Salvatore could never have trusted him. ~w~Salvatore could never have trusted that mother fucker.
JDT8_H3 ~w~Dump the car in the river. ~w~Dump the fucking car in the river.
JDT8_J2 n/a ~w~The cops have spotted you with the ~b~car!
JDT8_K n/a ~w~Oh daddy, no!
JDT8_X0 ~w~(PLACEHOLDER) Where are you going Toni? We're gonna be late. ~w~Where are you going Toni?
JDT8_X1 ~w~(PLACEHOLDER) If the cops see the car like this, they'll pull us for sure! ~w~If the cops see the car like this, they'll pull us over for sure!
JDT8_X2 ~w~(PLACEHOLDER) The ceremony's in Harwood. ~w~The ceremony's in Harwood.
JDT8_X3 n/a ~w~We're gonna be late.
JDT8__1 n/a ~w~I've waited a long time for this...
JDT8__2 n/a ~w~It never woulda' happened without you Toni.
ID (Early) May 29 ID (Final) Final
JDT8_B3 ~w~Those bastards kept me down - just coz of a little Irish blood in my veins. JDT8_B3 ~w~Those bastards kept me down
JDT8_B4 ~w~just 'cause of a little Irish blood in my veins.
JDT8_B4 ~w~But Salvatore, god bless him, he don't let a little thing like that get in the way. JDT8_B5 ~w~But Salvatore, god bless him, he don't let a little thing like that get in the way.

MAC1 (Snappy Dresser)

ID May 29 Final
MAC1_AL ~w~Maybe I'll go give Giovanni a call...see what he's up to. ~w~Maybe I'll go give Giovanni a call... see what he's up to.
MAC1_B1 ~w~Tail ~r~Casa,~w~ but don't spook him. ~w~Tail ~r~Casa~w~, but don't get too close.
MAC1_B2 ~w~Nice Shots! Now take the photos to ~y~Ma's place. n/a
MAC1_B8 ~w~Now head outside once more. ~w~Now head outside.
MAC1_BB ~w~Take a look at my photo! It's of your 'good man' Giovanni Casa...wearing a goddamn diaper! ~w~Take a look at my photo! It's of your 'good man' Giovanni Casa... wearing a goddamn diaper!
MAC1_BG ~w~...And, diaper or no diaper, he's still a better man than you! ~w~And, diaper or no diaper, he's still a better man than you!
MAC1_C5 n/a ~w~You're too close to ~r~Casa!
MAC1_C6 n/a ~w~Don't lose ~r~Casa!
MAC1_C7 n/a ~w~Zoom in on ~r~Casa ~w~to take the photograph that will shame ~r~him.
MAC1_DA ~w~Suck my dummy! ...Suck it! ~w~Suck my dummy! Suck it!
MAC1_EA ~w~Aw, come on girls!...Get with the program! ~w~Aw, come on girls! Get with the program!
MAC1_FB ~w~Quick!...Get in the van! ~w~Quick! Get in the van!
MAC1_GB ~w~DON'T - LOOK - AT - ME!!!!! ~w~DON'T - LOOK - AT - ME!

MAC2 (Big Rumble in Little China)

ID May 29 Final
MAC2_BA ~w~Yeah! ...Are you watchin' Ma! ~w~Yeah! Are you watchin' Ma!
MAC2_BC ~w~Remember that name fish heads!! ~w~Remember that name fish heads!
MAC2_I1 ~w~A Triad gang leader's patrolling in that ~r~fish van.~w~ Take him out! ~w~A Triad gang leader's in that bulletproof ~r~fish van.~w~ Ram him off the road!

MAC3 (Grease Sucho)

ID May 29 Final
MAC3_A3 ~w~...And look at those cars you drive! ~w~And look at those cars you drive!
MAC3_B0 ~w~Prove you're more than a match for Zuko. Win the race, then take him out. ~w~Prove you're more than a match for Sucho. Win the race, then take him out.
MAC3_C0 ~w~You beat ~r~Zuko~w~, now take him out! ~w~You beat ~r~Sucho~w~, now take him out!
MAC3_C2 ~r~You let Zuko get away! ~r~Sucho's~w~ getting away!
MAC3_X0 n/a ~r~You let Sucho get away!
ID (Early) May 29 ID (Final) Final
MAC3_A4 ~w~You shame me, Antonio, really you do. People will think I brought you up wrong! MAC3_A4 ~w~You shame me, Antonio, really you do.
MAC3_A5 ~w~People will think I brought you up wrong!
MAC3_A6 ~w~That Zuko boy's racing downtown today. If only you were more like him! MAC3_A7 ~w~That Sucho boy's racing downtown today.
MAC3_A8 ~w~If only you were more like him!
MAC3_A7 ~w~...He treats his mother with real respect. MAC3_A9 ~w~He treats his mother with real respect.
MAC3_A8 ~w~Of course, if your father was here, he'd win the race AND take the smug grin off that Zuko boy's face! MAC3_AA ~w~Of course, if your father was here, he'd win the race,
MAC3_AB ~w~AND take the smug grin off that Sucho boy's face!
MAC3_AA ~w~...Ah! Your father was a real man! Big Balls! MAC3_AD ~w~Ah! Your father was a real man! Big balls!

MAC4 (Dead Meat)

ID May 29 Final
MAC4_1 n/a ~w~Get closer to ~r~Casa ~w~by sneaking up behind ~r~him.
MAC4_B1 ~w~...What's up? ~w~What's up?
MAC4_B2 ~w~...Cat got your tongue? ~w~Cat got your tongue?
MAC4_B3 ~w~You and me are gonna talk, Casa ...just somewhere more private. ~w~You and me are gonna talk, Casa...
MAC4_B4 n/a ~w~Just somewhere more private.
MAC4_C ~w~Beat up ~r~casa~w~ until he begs for mercy! ...but don't kill him. ~w~Don't let ~r~Casa~w~ get out alive.
MAC4_C3 ~w~I'll do anything Toni! ...Anything! Just don't hurt me! ~w~I'll do anything Toni! Anything! Just don't hurt me!
MAC4_CN n/a ~w~Call the cops!
MAC4_CO n/a ~w~Get help!
MAC4_CP n/a ~w~Someone get help!
MAC4_CQ n/a ~w~Help!
MAC4_CR n/a ~w~Someone help me!
MAC4_CS n/a ~w~Get me outta here!
MAC4_D1 ~w~Okay! Okay! ...You got me! ~w~Okay! Okay! You got me!
MAC4_D2 ~w~Okay! Okay! I give! I give! ...Just don't hurt me no more! ~w~Okay! Okay! I give! I give! Just don't hurt me no more!
MAC4_D3 ~w~Come with me, Ass-Head! ~w~Come with me, ass-Head!
MAC4_E0 ~w~Take Casa to the ~y~Bitchin' Dog Food Factory~w~. ~w~Take Casa to the ~y~sawmill.
MAC4_E1 ~w~Don't lose ~b~Casa~w~! You'll end up chasing him around all day! ~w~Don't leave ~b~Casa!
MAC4_E2 ~w~You let ~r~Casa~w~ get away! ~w~Don't leave the ~y~sawmill!
MAC4_F1 ~w~...We're still cool ain't we, Toni? ~w~We're still cool ain't we, Toni?
MAC4_F2 ~w~...I'll get you the money I owe... honest! I just need some time! ~w~...I'll get you the money I owe... honest!
MAC4_F3 ~w~...Does your Ma still like a spicy sausage? I can get her some, no problem! I just need some time!
MAC4_F4 n/a ~w~Does your Ma still like a spicy sausage?
MAC4_F5 n/a I can get her some, no problem!
MAC4_G2 ~w~...It is isn't it? ~w~It is isn't it?
MAC4_G4 ~w~...We can talk about this. Right, Toni? ~w~We can talk about this. Right, Toni?
MAC4_GB n/a ~w~Get the hell out of here!
MAC4_H3 n/a ~w~Escape the cops!
MAC4_X1 ~r~You let Casa get away! ~r~You were supposed to deliver the van!
MAC4_X2 ~r~You were supposed to deliver the van! ~r~You lost Casa!
ID (Early) May 29 ID (Final) Final
MAC4_G5 ~w~Yeah! Yeah! Coz talking is good. People just don't talk enough these days, Toni. MAC4_G5 ~w~Yeah! Yeah! Talking is good.
MAC4_G6 ~w~People just don't talk enough these days, Toni.
MAC4_G7 ~w~Okay Toni! But I'm real close to the meat grinder. I... I... don't feel comfortable. MAC4_G8 ~w~Okay Toni! But I... I... don't feel comfortable.
MAC4_G8 ~w~Hey! Easy with that Toni! It's the on switch for the grinder... MAC4_G9 ~w~Hey! Easy with that Toni! It's the on switch for the...
ID (Early) May 29 ID (Final) Final
MAC4_I0 ~w~Special sausage meat delivery? No one told me about this! MAC4_I0 ~w~Special sausage meat delivery?
MAC4_I1 ~w~No one told me about this!
MAC4_I1 ~w~Woah! Which zoo did we knock-off this time? There's loads of meat back here! MAC4_I2 ~w~Woah! Which zoo did we knock-off this time?
MAC4_I3 ~w~There's loads of meat back here!
MAC4_I3 ~w~But, it's a good job Casa ain't here. If he finds out about this, he'll go to pieces! Then I'd be for the chop! MAC4_I5 ~w~It's a good thing Casa ain't here.
MAC4_I6 ~w~If he finds out about this, he'll go crazy!
MAC4_I7 ~w~Then I'd be screwed!

MAC5 (No Son of Mine)

ID May 29 Final
HM1 n/a ~w~They're not giving up! More ~r~hitmen~w~ are heading your way. Wipe them out!
HM2 n/a ~w~Look out! ~r~Hitmen~w~ are closing on you. Waste them!
HM3 n/a ~w~More ~r~hitmen~w~ are approaching. Blow them away!
HM4 n/a ~w~More ~r~hitmen~w~ are on the way! Take them out!
MAC4_B6 ~w~More ~r~hitmen~w~ incoming! Get away from St. Marks. They know where you are! ~w~More ~r~hitmen~w~ incoming! Get away from Saint Mark's. They know where you are!
MAC5_AA ~w~Ma? ...You there? ~w~Ma? You there?
MAC5_AD ~w~...Toni? ...Come to upset your mother again, huh? ~w~Toni? Come to upset your mother again, huh?
MAC5_B4 ~w~The ~r~Hitmen~w~ know you're here. You've must get far away from St. Marks! ~w~The ~r~hitmen~w~ know you're here. You must get far away from Saint Mark's!
MAC5_B5 ~w~Deal with the remaining ~r~hitmen,~w~ but stay out of St. Marks! ~w~Deal with the remaining ~r~hitmen~w~, but stay out of Saint Mark's!

MAR1 (Shop 'til You Strop)


MAR2 (Taken for a Ride)

ID May 29 Final
MAR2_18 ~w~Rescue Maria from the ~r~Sindaccos! ~w~Ram the ~r~Sindacco car~w~ to rescue Maria!
MAR2_AC ~w~...Maybe too thin though. ~w~Maybe too thin though.
MAR2_AD ~w~...yeah. (laughs) ~w~...yeah.
MAR2_AF ~w~You got some sugar? ...pure cane huh? ~w~You got some sugar? Pure cane huh?

MAR3 (Booby Prize)

ID May 29 Final
MAR3_A1 ~w~If Salvatore finds out about this we're both going to be in big trouble - so you'd better come and save my ass... ~w~If Salvatore finds out about this we're both going to be in big trouble.
MAR3_A2 ~w~...then maybe it'll belong to you! Forever yours, Maria. ~w~So you'd better come and save my ass... then maybe it'll belong to you!
MAR3_A3 n/a ~w~Forever yours, Maria.
MAR3_E3 ~w~I'm my own girl! I do what I want, when I want! ~w~I'm my own girl!

MAR4 (Biker Heat)

ID (Early) May 29 ID (Final) Final
MAR4_03 ~w~What was it this time? Smack? Downers? Ludes? Too much trumpet? Not enough Diazepam? Too much sideways not enough up? BIK_03 What was it this time, huh?
BIK_04 Smack? Downers? Ludes? A little too much trumpet?
BIK_05 Not enough Diceypam?
MAR4_04 ~w~Shut up Toni. BIK_06 - A little too much sideways not enough up? ~n~ - Shut up Toni!
MAR4_05 ~w~Hey, what's wrong?
MAR4_06 ~w~Who did this to you? BIK_08 Who did this to you?
MAR4_07 ~w~No one. BIK_09 No one.
MAR4_08 ~w~Who was it? BIK_10 Who was it?
MAR4_09 ~w~This guy I've been seeing, Wayne. BIK_11 This guy I'm seeing, Wayne.
MAR4_10 ~w~What guy you've been seeing? You're my boss's girl. BIK_12 Some guy you're seeing, you're my boss's girl!
MAR4_11 ~w~Don't be so square, Toni, besides, he gets great speed. A girl needs a lift, Toni. And it makes you wild in bed. BIK_13 C'mon Toni, don't be so square, besides, he gets me this great speed, you know?
BIK_14 A girl needs a lift.
BIK_15 Plus it makes you really wild in bed.
MAR4_12 ~w~Shut up. And why did he do this to you. This dead prick Wayne. BIK_16 Shut up. Why did he do this to you,
BIK_17 this dead prick Wayne?
MAR4_13 ~w~I told him I was in love with someone else. I told him about me and you, Toni. So he hit me. How does that feel? BIK_18 I told him I was in love with somebody else.
BIK_19 I told him about me and you, Toni.
MAR4_14 ~w~Christ! There is no me and you - please, you're killing me. Where is this Wayne? BIK_20 - And then he hit me! ~n~ - There is no you and me! Christ, you're killing me.
BIK_22 Where is this Wayne?
MAR4_15 ~w~He deals at a bar in Chinatown. I love you, Toni Cipriani. BIK_23 He deals at a bar down in Chinatown.
BIK_24 I love you, Toni Cipriani.
ID May 29 Final
MAR4_C4 n/a ~w~Don't lose ~r~Wayne. ~w~Chase him down and waste him!
MAR4_D1 ~w~...Are you Wayne? ~w~Are you Wayne?
MAR4_D5 ~w~...That bitch had it coming! ~w~That bitch had it coming!

MAR5 (Overdose of Trouble)

ID (Early) May 29 ID (Final) Final
MAR5_5 ~w~Taken now? Nothing much. You know, a couple of, a couple of greens, a couple of heavy reds. Oh and these great pills I'm getting from Holland now. Pure as hell! I feel great. No, I don't. OVER_05 Taken now? Nothing much.
OVER_06 You know, a couple of, a couple of greens, a couple of heavy reds.
OVER_07 Oh and these great pills I'm getting from Holland now.
OVER_08 Pure as hell! I feel great.
OVER_09 No, I don't.
MAR5_6 ~w~I need a zap, and I'll be fine! They're here somewhere. OVER_10 I need a zap, and I'll be fine!
OVER_11 They're here somewhere.
MAR5_7 ~w~What's a zap? OVER_12 What's a zap?
MAR5_8 ~w~A zap? You don't know what a zap is? How square you are... Toni, I love you. OVER_13 A zap? You don't know what a zap is?
OVER_14 Ah, Toni, you are so square!
MAR5_9 ~w~Come on, make sense. OVER_15
MAR5_10 ~w~I need a zap Toni! I'm gonna die! I felt like this before, I've OD'd. Get me a zap, Toni! I left them at the diner at Callahan Point. OVER_17 I need a zap Toni! I'm gonna die!
OVER_18 I felt like this before, I've OD'd.
OVER_19 Get me a zap, Toni!
OVER_20 I left them at the diner at Callahan Point.
MAR5_11 ~w~Don't just sit there. Come on! Let's go! OVER_21 Don't just sit there then come on!
ID May 29 Final
MAR5_AC ~w~...Wait! I remember! ...I've still got a stash at my apartment! ~w~Wait! I remember! I've still got a stash at my apartment!
MAR5_BA ~w~...I meant Salvatore's place! ...I meant Salvatore's! ~w~I meant Salvatore's place! I meant Salvatore's!
MAR5_FB ~w~...I'm a mess! I'm gonna need a new wardrobe, a little nip-and-tuck, the works! ~w~I'm a mess! I'm gonna need a new wardrobe, a little nip-and-tuck, the works!
MAR5_FC ~w~...honey ...have you got some money? ~w~Honey ...have you got some money?
MAR5_FD ~w~Er... Not really... ~w~Er... not really...
MAR5_FF ~w~...He's loaded! Don't you ever hit on me again! ~w~He's loaded! Don't you ever hit on me again!
MAR5_O1 ~w~Go to the diner at ~y~Callahan Point. ~w~Take Maria to the diner at ~y~Callahan Point.
MAR5_O2 ~w~Get to ~y~Hepburn Heights. ~w~Take Maria to ~y~Hepburn Heights.
MAR5_O3 ~w~Get to ~y~Maria's apartment. ~w~Take Maria to ~y~her apartment.
MAR5_O4 ~w~Get to ~y~Salvatore's mansion. ~w~Take Maria to ~y~Salvatore's mansion.
MAR5_O5 ~w~Collect ~b~Maria. ~w~Go back for ~b~Maria.
MAR5_O6 n/a ~w~Pick ~b~Maria~w~ up.

VIC1 (Home Sweet Home)

VIC2 (Slacker)


VIC3 (Dealing Revenge)

VIC4 (Snuff)

VIC5 (Smash and Grab)

VIC6 (Hot Wheels)

VIC7 (The Portland Chainsaw Masquerade)

SALS1 (A Walk in the Park)

SALS2 (Making Toni)

SALS3 (Caught In the Act)

SALS4 (Search and Rescue)

SALS5 (Taking the Peace)

SALS6 (Shoot the Messenger)

NEDS1 (L.C. Confidential)

NEDS2 (The Passion of the Heist)

NEDS3 (Karmageddon)

NEDS4 (False Idols)

DONS1 (The Morgue Party Candidate)

DONS2 (Steering the Vote)

DONS3 (Cam-Pain)

DONS4 (Friggin' the Riggin')

DONS5 (Love & Bullets)

DONS6 (Counterfeit Count)

DONS7 (Love on the Rocks)

RAYS1 (Sayonara Sindaccos)

RAYS2 (The Whole 9 Yardies)

RAYS3 (Crazy '69')

RAYS4 (Night of the Livid Dreads)

RAYS5 (Munitions Dump)

SALH1 (Rough Justice)

SALH2 (Dead Reckoning)

SALH3 (Shogun Showdown)

SALH4 (The Shoreside Redemption)

SALH5 (The Sicilian Gambit)

DONH1 (Panlantic Land Grab)

DONH2 (Stop the Press)

DONH3 (Morgue Party Resurrection)

DONH4 (No Money, Mo' Problems)

DONH5 (Bringing the House Down)

DONH6 (Love on the Run)

TOSH1 (More Deadly than the Male)

TOSH2 (Cash Clash)

TOSH3 (A Date with Death)

TOSH4 (Cash in Kazuki's Chips)


ID May 29 Final
C_BREIG n/a ~r~Suspects~w~ last seen in the ~a~ area.
C_LEVEL n/a ~r~You let the criminals get away!
C_RANG2 n/a ~r~The police radio doesn't work in the subway!
C_RANGE ~w~The police radio is out of range, get closer to a police station! ~r~The police radio is out of range, get closer to a police station!


ID May 29 Final
CARS_6 n/a ~w~Customer down! Choose a different car!
CARS_7 n/a ~w~Get into a ~b~car!
CARS_F3 ~r~You took too long! ...the customer got bored! ~r~You took too long! The customer got bored!
CARS_F6 n/a ~r~The customer hates the car - you crashed it!
CARS_F7 n/a ~r~The customer hates the car - you went too fast!
CARS_F8 n/a ~r~The customer hates the car - you went too slow!
CARS_R1 ~w~I like the car, but I don't like the colour. ~w~I like the car, but I don't like the color.
CARS_RF ~w~Easy Credit Autos will now generate revenue up to a maximum of $5000. Make sure you collect it regularly. ~w~Capital Autos is now under your 'protection'. Make sure you collect their payments regularly.
CARS_SD n/a ~w~Level ~1~ completed. Commission: $~1~ Time bonus: ~1~ seconds.


ID May 29 Final
BIKE_7 n/a ~w~Get onto a ~b~bike!
BIKE_B1 n/a ~w~You have ~1~ seconds to get back on the ~b~bike!
BIKE_B2 n/a ~w~Get the ~b~customer~w~ back on the bike!
BIKE_B3 n/a ~w~Let the ~b~customer~w~ get on the bike!
BIKE_F3 ~r~You took too long! ...the customer got bored! ~r~You took too long! The customer got bored!
BIKE_F6 n/a ~r~The customer hates the bike - you crashed it!
BIKE_F7 n/a ~r~The customer hates the bike - you went too fast!
BIKE_F8 n/a ~r~The customer hates the bike - you went too slow!
BIKE_R1 ~w~I like the bike, but I don't like the colour. ~w~I like the bike, but I don't like the color.
BIKE_RF ~w~Hogs & Cogs will now generate revenue up to a maximum of $5000. Make sure you collect it regularly. ~w~Hogs & Cogs is now under your 'protection'. Make sure you collect their payments regularly.
BIKE_S1 n/a ~w~You've sold every Freeway we have in stock!
BIKE_S2 n/a ~w~You've sold every PCJ 600 we have in stock!
BIKE_S3 n/a ~w~You've sold every Faggio we have in stock!
BIKE_S4 n/a ~w~You've sold every Sanchez we have in stock!
BIKE_SN n/a ~w~New stock has been delivered!


ID May 29 Final
RAC1_A0 ~w~If you wanna prove your ride ain't no bitch... ~w~If you wanna prove your ride ain't no bitch, get down the start line of the next street race.
RAC1_A1 ~w~...get down the start line of the next street race. n/a


ID May 29 Final
RAC2_A0 ~w~Hey, words out, there's gonna be a street race. ~w~Hey, words out, there's gonna be a street race. Get your wheels over to the start line.
RAC2_A1 ~w~Get your wheels over to the start line. n/a


ID May 29 Final
RAC3_A1 ~w~I'll see you at the next street race... ~w~I'll see you at the next street race... in my rear view mirror.
RAC3_A2 ~w~...in my rear view mirror. n/a


ID May 29 Final
BIK3_A0 ~w~It's this simple. On two wheels, I can't be beat. ~w~It's this simple. On two wheels, I can't be beat. Let's take it to the street.
BIK3_A1 ~w~Let's take it to the street. n/a


ID May 29 Final
TT1_2 ~w~You beat the target time! Next Time Trial Unlocked. ~w~You beat the target time! Next course unlocked - $100 bonus!
TT1_2A ~w~You failed to beat the target time. ~r~You failed to beat the target time.
TT1_2B ~w~You failed to beat the Course Record. ~r~You failed to beat the Course Record.
TT1_3 ~w~You beat the Time Trials! ~w~You beat the target time - $100 bonus!
TT1_A0 ~h~~k~ ~AMBUY~ ~w~to race.~h~~k~ ~AMEXI~ ~w~to exit. ~w~~k~ ~AMBUY~ ~w~to race. ~n~~k~ ~AMEXI~ ~w~to exit.
TT1_D4 n/a ~w~Lap
TT1_D5 n/a ~w~Air: ~1~ Meters - $10 bonus!
TT1_D5A n/a ~w~Air: ~1~ Feet - $10 bonus!
TTDONE n/a ~w~All courses completed! You have unlocked the 'Manchez'.


Not in this build.


ID May 29 Final
TOUR00 n/a ~w~Take the tourist to the ~y~Cochrane Dam~w~ in Shoreside Vale.
TOUR01 n/a ~w~Take the tourist to the ~y~Liberty Memorial Coliseum~w~ on Staunton.
TOUR02 n/a ~w~Take the tourist to ~y~Chinatown Plaza~w~ in Portland.
TOUR03 n/a ~w~Take the tourist to ~y~Liberty Cathedral~w~ on Staunton.
TOUR04 n/a ~w~Take the tourist to the ~y~Callahan Bridge~w~, Portland side.
TOUR05 n/a ~w~Take the tourist to the ~y~Liberty City War Memorial~w~ in Belleville Park, Staunton.
TOUR06 n/a ~w~Take the tourist to the ~y~Strip Club~w~ in Portland's Red Light district.
TOUR07 n/a ~w~Take the tourist to the ~y~Liberty City Museum~w~ on Staunton.
TOUR08 n/a ~w~Take the tourist to the ~y~Casino~w~ on Staunton.
TOUR09 n/a ~w~Take the tourist to the actor, ~y~Black Lightman's House~w~, on Cedar Grove, Shoreside Vale.
TOUR10 n/a ~w~Take the tourist to the ~y~City Hall~w~ on Staunton.
TOUR11 n/a ~w~Take the tourist to ~y~Portland beach.
TOURBCH ~b~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~Show this tourist the beautiful view of ~y~Portland Rock and Lighthouse~w~, from Portland beach. ~w~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~Show this tourist the beautiful view of Portland Rock and Lighthouse, from Portland beach.
TOURBRI ~b~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~This lady wants to see the ~y~Callahan Bridge~w~, from the Portland side. ~w~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~This lady wants to see the Callahan Bridge, from the Portland side.
TOURCAS ~b~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~Here's a gambler who wants his photo taken outside the world famous ~y~Casino~w~ in Staunton. ~w~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~Here's a gambler who wants his photo taken outside the world famous Casino in Staunton.
TOURCHI ~b~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~The oriental ambiance of ~y~Chinatown Plaza~w~ in Portland is the exotic destination for this tourist. ~w~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~The oriental ambience of Chinatown Plaza in Portland is the exotic destination for this tourist.
TOURCHU ~b~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~Shepherd this pilgrim to historic ~y~Liberty Cathederal~w~ on Staunton. ~w~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~Shepherd this pilgrim to historic Liberty Cathedral on Staunton.
TOURDAMN ~b~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~Take this tourist to the ~y~Cochrane Dam~w~ and take a photo to prove he's been there! ~w~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~Take this tourist to the Cochrane Dam and take a photo to prove he's been there!
TOURDRK ~b~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~Take a picture of this film fan outside, the actor, ~y~Dark Lighter's House~w~, on Cedar Grove, Shoreside Vale. ~w~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~Take a picture of this film fan outside, the actor, Black Lightman's House, on Cedar Grove, Shoreside Vale.
TOURHAL ~b~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~This Tourist wants to visit ~y~City Hall~w~ on Staunton, one more time before he leaves. ~w~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~This tourist wants to visit City Hall on Staunton, one more time before he leaves.
TOURMEM ~b~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~This veteran wants to pay homage to his lost comrades at the ~y~Liberty City War Memorial~w~ in Staunton Park. ~w~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~This veteran wants to pay homage to his lost comrades at the Liberty City War Memorial in Belleville Park, Staunton.
TOURMUS ~b~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~This Scholar wants to visit the ~y~Liberty City Museum~w~ on Staunton and get a photo that shows the impressive scale of the building. ~w~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~This scholar wants to visit the Liberty City Museum on Staunton and get a photo that shows the impressive scale of the building.
TOURRED ~b~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~This guy's friends say he isn't man enough to visit a ~y~Strip Club~w~ in Portland's Red Light district. Show them otherwise! ~w~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~This guy's friends say he isn't man enough to visit a Strip Club in Portland's Red Light district. Show them otherwise!
TOURSHO ~b~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~This tourist wants her friends to think she shopped at the exclusive Staunton ~y~Shopping Mall~w~. Take her there and snap her picture. ~w~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~This tourist wants her friends to think she shopped at the exclusive Staunton Shopping Mall. Take her there and snap her picture.
TOURSTA ~b~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~Take a photo of this sports fanatic outside the ~y~Liberty Memorial Coliseum~w~ on Staunton. ~w~SIGHT ~1~: ~w~Take a photo of this sports fanatic outside the Liberty Memorial Coliseum on Staunton.
TOUR_I1 ~w~Take Tourists to famous Liberty City Landmarks. Take their photos then get them back to the airport before their plane leaves. ~w~Escort tourists to famous Liberty City Landmarks.
TOUR_IA n/a ~w~Take souvenir photographs of them when you get there.
TOUR_IB n/a ~w~Then bring them back before their plane departs.
TOUR_O5 ~w~Take the tourist back to the ~y~Airport. ~w~Take the tourist back to the ~y~airport.
TOUR_W1 ~w~Fee awarded: ~h~$~1~ Sorry, No bonus this time. ~w~Fee awarded: ~h~$~1~~w~ Sorry, No bonus this time.
TOUR_W5 ~w~Congratulations! You completed all the 'Sights before Flights' missions. ~w~Well done! All 'Sights before Flights' missions completed. $~1~ completion bonus awarded!


ID May 29 Final
PIZ1_01 ~w~Deliver these pizzas to our ~b~customers. ~w~Perfom a drive-by to toss the pizza to a customer. ~w~Deliver these pizzas to our ~b~customers~w~ as quick as you can.
PIZ1_05 ~w~Deliver the pizzas within six minutes, or we'll lose our ~b~customers! ~w~Perform a drive-by to toss the pizza to a customer.
PIZ_WO1 n/a ~w~Joe's Pizza Restaurant is now under your 'protection'. Make sure you collect their payments regularly.
PIZ_WON ~w~Congratulatons! INSERT REWARD HERE ~w~Pizza odd-job completed, well done! Your maximum health has been increased!


ID May 29 Final
FARE11 ~w~Destination ~y~'Phil Cassidey's Gun Shop',~w~ Bedford Point. ~w~Destination ~y~'Phil Cassidy's Fully Cocked Gun Shop'~w~, Bedford Point.
FARE1A ~w~Destination ~y~'Paulie's Revue Bar',~w~ Redlight. ~w~Destination ~y~'Paulie's Revue Bar'~w~, Red Light District.
FARE1C ~w~Destination ~y~'Sex Club Seven',~w~ Redlight. ~w~Destination ~y~'Sex Club Seven'~w~, Red Light District.
FARE31 ~w~Destination ~y~'AM Petrolium',~w~ Pike Creek. ~w~Destination ~y~'AM Petroleum'~w~, Pike Creek.
FARE5 ~w~Destination ~y~'Ammu-Nation',~w~ Redlight. ~w~Destination ~y~'Ammu-Nation'~w~, Red Light District.
FARE6 ~w~Destination ~y~'Easy Credit Autos',~w~ Saint Mark's. ~w~Destination ~y~'Capital Autos'~w~, Saint Mark's.


ID May 29 Final
ATUTOR6 ~w~Drive to the ~y~hospital~w~ CAREFULLY! ~w~Take them to the ~y~hospital!
ATUTOR7 n/a ~w~Pick up more ~b~patients~w~, or take this one to the ~y~hospital.
A_FULL ~w~Ambulance full! Drop your patients off at the ~y~hospital! ~w~Your ambulance is full! Drop your patients off at the ~y~hospital.
A_RANG2 n/a ~r~The ambulance radio doesn't work in the subway!
A_RANGE ~w~The ambulance radio is out of range, get closer to a hospital! ~r~The ambulance radio is out of range, get closer to a hospital!


ID May 29 Final
SPE_BON ~w~Bomb bonus! n/a
SPE_CAN ~r~Speed mission cancelled! n/a
SPE_EXP ~r~The bomb has gone off! n/a
SPE_01 ~w~Get up to ~1~kph! n/a
SPE_02 ~w~Don't drop below ~1~kph! n/a


ID May 29 Final
TV_06 You get $~1~ in prize money! ~w~You won $~1~ in prize money!
TV_09 Total prize total won this round: $~1~! Total prize money won this game: $~1~!
TV_10 n/a ~w~You won an extra prize!


ID May 29 Final
NDL1_01 ~w~Deliver these noodles to our ~b~customers~w~ - chop-chop! Perform a drive-by to toss the noodles to a customer. ~w~Deliver these noodles to our ~b~customers~w~ - chop-chop!
NDL1_05 ~w~Get the noodles to the ~b~customers~w~ in four minutes, or they'll cancel their orders! ~w~Perform a drive-by to toss the noodles to a customer.
NDL1_13 ~w~Noodles! Oodles of Noodles for delivery! ~w~Noodles! Kaboodles of noodles for delivery!
NDL1_20 ~w~Can't stand heat in the kitchen? Confucius say - turned down cooker, about gas mark 2. ~w~Can't stand heat in the kitchen? Confucius say - turn down cooker.
NDL1_26 ~w~What are you waiting for? Chinese New Year? Get out of here you cracker! ~w~What are you waiting for? Chinese New Year?
NDL1_29 ~w~If you want to keep this job, move your butt and deliver these. ~w~If you want to keep your job, move your butt and deliver these.
NDL1_3A ~w~Half an hour later they always want more. So come back when you're done. ~w~They always want more. So come back when you're done.
NDL_WO1 n/a ~w~Punk Noodles is now under your 'protection'. Make sure you collect their payments regularly.
NDL_WON ~w~Congratulatons! INSERT REWARD HERE ~w~Congratulations, Noodle odd-job completed! Your maximum health has been increased!


ID May 29 Final
SAL03 ~w~You just stay out of trouble while I'm in here coz there's gonna be wize-guys dying to take over. Literally! ~w~You just stay out of trouble while I'm in 'cause there's gonna be wise-guys dying to take over.
SAL03A n/a ~w~Literally!


Not in this build.


Not in this build.