The Suffering
To do: Hints debug mode. Lot more less interesting strings left in the executable. |
Feb 9 2004 19:53:45 + FLUSHED %d byte %s ID %#08x at %#08x to free memory! - UNABLE to free a single data unit to make a %d KB block! Loading minimally saved objects Load Vis Graph Save game loaded!!! Loading Objects from save file Layered Material Wave Bump Preset Material Spot Light Portal Lighting Effect Directional Light Ambient Light Point Light Advanced Material Landscape Water Material Engine Properties Simple Material Landscape Material HDR Scene Glow Rim Light Sound Occlusion Template Animating Material Reverb Effect Template <none> %s%s.rsg Deleted transition: %s Attempting transition to: %s Object Totals: (%d objs) Basic Usage: %d Lighting & Normals Usage: %d Particles Usage: %d Actor Usage: %d (%d actors, %d skinned) List Usage: %d RFL Objects: %d Instance Frames: %d Link Table: %d (%d entries) Misc Texture Texture Validate Model Sound Stomp Anim Header Frames Trans Events ERROR_NONE ERROR_OOM ERROR_UNKNOWN ERROR_APIERR ERROR_FILENOTFOUND ERROR_CANCEL ERROR_GENERAL ERROR_NOLOCK ERROR_BADPOINTER ERROR_BADOBJECT ERROR_FILEIO ERROR_BADDLL ERROR_NODISPLAY ERROR_INVALID ERROR_BADVERSION ERROR_MULTIPLEPRIMARYRFLS ERROR_RESOLVING ERROR_BADPARAM ERROR_OBJ_INIT_FAILED ERROR_ALREADYEXISTS ERROR_BADFILENAME ERROR_UNSUPPORTED ERROR_NOTCONNECTED ERROR_FILENOACCESS RSRC_ERR_NONE RSRC_ERR_ALREADYOPEN RSRC_ERR_FILEIO RSRC_ERR_FILENOTFOUND RSRC_ERR_NOTFOUND RSRC_ERR_WRONGACCESS RSRC_ERR_FILENOTOPEN RSRC_ERR_RSRCNOTOPEN RSRC_ERR_INVALIDFORMAT RSRC_ERR_ENDOFRSRC RSRC_ERR_NOMORE RSRC_ERR_OOM RSRC_ERR_NOFILE RSRC_ERR_OVERLIMIT RSRC_ERR_CANTREDUCE RSRC_ERR_NOTINCACHE RSRC_ERR_UNKOWN Restoring unsaved objects from level file... Platform PlayStation2 Windows GameCube 1.1.3 English German French Italian Spanish Croatian Czech Polish Russian Dutch <Reserved> <Reserved> <invalid> Effect Ambient Music Movie GUI FX Dialog eRS_EXAlphaRef eRS_EXBlendMode eRS_EXTextureFilter eRS_AlphaBlend eRS_AlphaFromStage1 eRS_AntiAliasing eRS_BackFacing eRS_Clipping eRS_Dithering eRS_Fog eRS_FogColorOverride eRS_FrameBufferMask eRS_TextureAlpha eRS_TextureEnable eRS_TextureWrap eRS_Specular eRS_ZBias eRS_ZCheck eRS_ZWrite eRS_StencilWrite eRS_StencilValue (XBOX)eRS_YUVEnable (WIN32)eRS_GlobalDiffuseAlpha (WIN32)eRS_GlobalDiffuseColor (WIN32)eRS_DXDiffuseEmissive (WIN32)eRS_ShadowBackfaceCull Engine Debug Messages Display Activity Messages Font Size Fly Controller 2 Fly PAUSE MODE Teleport Invincible Invulnerable Speed MrClean Full Health Pause Suicide Show Invisible Statics Anti-Aliasing Half Speed Grey Scale Rendering Display Playing Sounds Display Mode Toggle Dolby Trace NAX Register NAX Trace Target Voice Show Memory Map View Buffer Address Load Buffer Output SPU Buffers Dump SPU Memory Map To File Stream Time Do Rendering Performance Test Print Lines Single Step (L2) Show Sound Occlusion Paths Query for Current FX Settings Lock Effect To This Debug Reverb Depth Reverb Type Enable Engine Stats Display Messages Show Fade-In Stat Enable Object Update Temporary Flag (fDebugFlag) Disable Animation System Disable New Animation System Skin Normals Render Objects Render Instance Objects Render Layers Render Water Render Particles View Alpha Pipeline Enable Distance Cull Enable Texturing Enable Mipping Color by Mip Only upload used mips Force Texture uploads Enable Fog Fog Value Approximate Point Lights Hardware Clipping Hardware Lighting Static Model Poly Count Actor Poly Count Only Display Splat Poly Count Display Splat Count Polygon throughput Display Rendering VU Time Display Rendering Core Time Display Rendering VB Time Display Texture Upload Time Display Core Idle Time Display Object Run Time Display Object Detect Time Display Misc Render Time Display Distance Culled Objects Display Num Lights Display Lights Display Full Bright Display Bounding Sphere Display Bounding Box Display Leaf Bounding Display Cloth Bounding Spheres Display Nonrendered Leaf Bounding Display Scene Graph Box Display Scene Graph Sphere Display Vertex Normals Display Bump STs Light Radius Cutoff Factor Enable Shadows Debug Shadows Enable LensFlares Enable HDR ScreenBlur Enable Screen Warp Landscape Texture Resolution Procedural Texture with Hues Display Layer LOD Levels Disable VU Renderer Disable Core Renderer Sync DMA Looped Mode Renderer Take Screen Shot Landscape LOD Render Wireframe Show Strips Show Render Groups Use Occlusion Draw Occluders Disable Sound Disable HUD Disable Sky Data Read Delay (ms) Log Stats Performance Graph Analyzer Profile Info Profile Time Display Profile Sort Mode Profile Color Scheme Profile Data Loading Object List Object Links Splat Base Only Splat Disable Noise Land Splat Debug3 Land Splat Debug4 Limit Render Passes Cache Statistics Output Memory Usage Test Data Caches Flush Data Caches Log Data Cache Usage Texture Cache Size Model Cache Size Animation Cache Size Splat Cache Size Lighting Cache Size Test PS2 Stack Size DataCache To View Stress Test Output Stored Transition Saves Show Scene Graph Group Node: Show Scene Graph Geometry Node: Color Vis Graph Zones Display Camera Zones Display Portals Use portals to cull geometry Display Object Zone Name Render Camera Zone Only Disable Never Visible Portals Dump Scene Graph Analysis Display Prefetched Vis Graph Zones Color Prefetched Objects Current Node Prefetch Mode Adjacent Nodes Prefetch Mode Prefetch Visible Nodes + 1 Use PreComputed Prefetch Sets Split Screen Animation Sounds Prefetch Mode Flush Caches host:ScreenShot%02d.tga Surreal Software's PS2 Display Driver Result Error Alloc Queue Settings %s/*%s %s/*.* %s/%s %s/*.rsg %s/*.rlt Levels LEVELS backup BACKUP LevelList.txt Ice Effect Burrower Material Effects Interaction Properties Instance Message Filter Water Volume NPC Water Material Effects Muzzle Flash Hermes Projector Effect KillProjectileBehavior ShelobHostilityBehavior Volumetric Particle Effect Hit Reaction Main Menu MoveToPlayerBehavior Autosave Ring Damage SpecialHostilityBehavior FindPathBehavior Lens Flare GUI Inventory Cell DodgeBehavior Unspeakable NPC InvestigateSound Archive Page Level Transition Count Down To Zero Decoration HUD Texture Mainliner RatSpawnBehavior Water Ripple GUI Opening Movies FesterKillMeleeBehavior LoadSave GUI Mechanism NoosemanGrabAttackBehavior OlogHaiRetaliateBehavior Lightning Attack RootIdleBehavior HostilityIdleBehavior TargetableBreakable Map Switcher Health Bonus Item ShelobKillProjectileBehavior Mountable Interaction Properties Missile Material Effects TeamChanger Character Morpher Decorative FX Map Marker Trigger Ammo Box OlogHaiKillMeleeBehavior Screen Fader Teleport Effect LookAtBehavior Toilet ProjectileAttackBehavior Melee Weapon Block GUI Game Finished Breakable Damage Action Object GUI Copyright ShootFromPositionBehavior Burrower Family Picture HalfOrcWeaponLockReadyBehavior Map Pack GUI Options OpenDoorBehavior GUI Launcher Pause Game Menu Game Cheats Screen Blur Electric Arc Effect Melee Weapon Material Effects Archives Trigger Nooseman Link Manipulator Action Object CeilingFloorTransitionBehavior OnFireBehavior AttackBlockedBehavior OrcCaptainHornBehavior OrcCaptainKillMeleeBehavior Ambient Creature Projectile Shield Killjoy Rebirth Effect Save Device Selection GUI Flying Sound Waypoint Tracer Effect STOMP Player Ladder Interaction Properties DripMorphingModel Game Material Properties Detector Switch HoraceKillPlayerBehavior Environmental Sound Switcher Edge Passage MainlinerJumpAttackBehavior BurrowerKillMeleeBehavior Speech Player WaypointBehavior Nooseman Drop Position NoosemanGrabAttackGrappleBehavior Climbable Wall Damage Resistance NPC Director Killjoy Level Transition Remover GUI Controller Settings 3d Icon FlankingSteerBehavior Slayer Adrenaline Template GUI Load Settings Sky Properties KillMeleeBehavior Insanity Attack Item Aim Controller ***OBSOLETE*** Water Material Effects ***DO NOT USE*** FleeLightBehavior Action Dialog Missile Tracer Player Spawn Point Chapter Properties Electric Shield Corpse Limiter UrakHaiEliteKillMeleeBehavior GUI Gameplay ShelobPoisonBehavior InfernaCircleTargetBehavior Insanity Mode Message Filter InfernaStartFlamingBehavior Quest Item Pickup StruggleBehavior Pushable MeleeCombatRepositionBehavior Player Water Material Effects Spot Light Cone Billboard Material Type Part Cap GoblinKillMeleeBehavior Insanity Screen Flash Particle Smoke Camera Shake Black And White Toggler Action Object Reputation Idle Anim Set Ladder KilljoyRaiseDeadBehavior StompBehavior Move Node Object Mountable Remove Insanity Effect Stun Cycle Archive Set Camera Electric Arc Player Weapon Properties HalfOrcKillMeleeBehavior Insanity Meter Message Filter Level Selection Screen Progress GUI Inventory Add Remove Decal Reputation Points Sender Special Melee Block Simple Text HUD CircleTargetBehavior GUI Texture Control MainlinerKillObjectBehavior Toggle Player Insanity Object GrappleBehavior Attack Type Screen Background BurnFX TauntBehavior Warp Effect Subtitle Textbox Pushable Interaction Properties Particle Fountain FallBehavior Converse NPC Interaction Properties EdgeToggler Weapon Properties Sky / Sun HUD Multi Texture Visibility Toggler Waypoint Difficulty Modifier InvestigateBehavior Help Popup HermesKillProjectileBehavior CartWheelerKillMeleeBehavior Animating Static ScurryBehavior ListenBehavior Player Chain Follower Object FollowBehavior Instance Rendered Object Black One Attack Time Scale NPC Interaction Properties GUI Inventory Row HitReactBehavior ChannelInflation Clamber Interaction Properties MoveToBehavior Prefetch and Lock HalfOrcWeaponLockBehavior Health Threshold Trigger Ranged Weapon RatJumpAttackBehavior Object Cloner Ranged Targeting Position MeleeBlockBehavior InfernaAshBehavior Object Grouper Flee Position Map Inventory GUI Light Housing Simple Text GUI RangedCombatRepositionBehavior Volumetric Fog Stream Weapon Type Map Item User Interface Properties Decal Collection InfernaFlamingKillBehavior DeathBehavior Listbox Control SimpleConversationBehavior Invisible Static Object Movie Player RootPlayAnimBehavior Allow Player Insanity Object Reputation Point Based Blood Texture Set Suite RatKillObjectBehavior Alert Box Blood Texture Set Volumetric Insects GUI Inventory FesterFinishingMoveBehavior GUI Save Settings GUI Effects Player Material Effects GUI Archives MeleeAttackBehavior MorphingModel HermesJumpAttackBehavior NooseManKillObjectBehavior Reputation Points Message Filter Map Display GUI Behavior Changer HostilityBehavior Level Transition Msg Handler GUI Credits Attachment Flying Sound Object Generator Level Properties GUI Audio JumpBehavior StunBehavior Inventory Message Filter Horizontal Box Control AlertInfo GUI Border Insanity Attack Template Ram Behavior Player TransitAnimBehavior Companion Spawn Point HopBehavior Timer Simple Radio GUI OlogHaiHostilityBehavior Line of Dialog Combat Music Flashlight HUD Variable Meter Horizontal Rule IdleBehavior Static Object Persistent Sound Blood Point Generator NPC Material Effects Visiblity Message Filter Message Relay Volumetric Rain Charged Attack Format Save Device GUI FesterChargeAttackBehavior Security Monitor KillObjectBehavior Health Message Filter CartWheeler Text Renderer Ambient Creature Waypoint GUI Screen Adjust Game Message List GUI Instance Prefetcher Fan Wind FX BloodPool JumpAttackBehavior Fester HUD Meter Phone FleeBehavior KilljoyRootBehavior Horace Teleport Pad KillEnemiesBehavior AreaEffectAttackBehavior Ambient Sound HUD Radial Meter NPC Retaliation Flame Thrower FX Node Prefetcher ProjectileBlockBehavior Inferna Ash Attachments SeparationSteerBehavior BouncingObject InfernaKillObjectBehavior Clamber Point Inferna Fog / Sky Switcher Sound Effect Ladder Animation Set TestBehavior GrabBehavior Radius Damage ShelobKillMeleeBehavior NPC Exclusion Type Map GUI LadderClimbBehavior BeckonBehavior Adrenaline Sender DormantBehavior Phone Interaction Properties Special Hit Reaction Pressure Plate Crane GUI DVD Extra Switch Interaction Properties MovementAnimBehavior Collider Combinable HUD Ammo Meter Missile Missile Item Black One RFL Memory Stats: NPC MoveGraph (%4d edges): %6d KB Collider: (count %4d) %6d KB %-35s %6d KB Leaf Sphere Array: Model Cache Array: Total RFL usage: deflate 1.1.3 Copyright 1995-1998 Jean-loup Gailly unknown compression method invalid window size incorrect header check need dictionary incorrect data check incompatible version buffer error insufficient memory data error stream error file error stream end need dictionary invalid block type invalid stored block lengths too many length or distance symbols invalid bit length repeat invalid literal/length code invalid distance code invalid distance code invalid literal/length code inflate 1.1.3 Copyright 1995-1998 Mark Adler oversubscribed dynamic bit lengths tree incomplete dynamic bit lengths tree oversubscribed literal/length tree incomplete literal/length tree oversubscribed distance tree incomplete distance tree empty distance tree with lengths %sicon.sys %sFolderIcon.ico %s/%s libpad: Module version mismatch ERROR STABLE EXECCMD FINDCTP1 DISCONNECT FAILED COMPLETE Iqlog acosf asinf atan2f fmodf TTY: receive error # TLB over flow (1) # TLB over flow (2) # TLB over flow (3) bug in vfprintf: bad base
Medal of Honor: Frontline
To do: Find debug menu code and how to enable it if it's still there, examine other versions (other consoles), other files for unused content, overlooked strings in already examined files, upload unused pics (NTSC (non-squished) version of DDAY.BMP, DEFEAT.BMP is also most likely unused) |
Using PAL PS2 version SLES-50684
To do: There might be a few dots missing. |
Lots of development and debug menu related text through files Main executable:
WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: The engine is only aware of %d number of decals while decal.crp is specifying %d. That's wasting memory WARNING: The engine is aware of %d number of decals while decal.crp is specifying %d Either specify more in decal.crp or reduce the engine number no_name_specified The EMT file %s was exported with an old version of eMotion The EMT file %s was exported with an different version of eMotion EMT version = %d, code version = %d Opcode Parameter Not Processed: %x Invalid User Animation Opcode: %x ANIM WARNING***.Bullet: %d, Posture: %d, Location: %d, Intensity: %d.END OF WARNING*** WARNING: No callback fn found for lip synch 0x%X (Search in anim_ids.h for %d to find missing anim.) NORMAL GAME MODE FLYING CAMERA MODE COMPARTMENT TEST AI TEST SCRIPT AND OBJECT TEST ANIMATION TEST COLLISION TEST SOUND TEST VOLUME QUERY TEST SCREEN TEST USER INTERFACE AEMS TEST SPEECH TEST MUSIC TEST LOCATION DAMAGE TEST WEAPON TEST TEXTURE COUNTER POLYGON COUNTER CLIPPING AND FOG PLAYER INFO MEMORY STATUS PARTICLE TWEAKER FACIAL ANIM SYNC TIMER WEAPON TWEAKER REACTION TWEAKER ANIM SCRIPT TEST CConfigFile::CConfigFile() -- Section name %s doesn't terminate ( ] ) WARNING: When loading from a big file, strip off the %s part. Since it's a DEBUG build, I'll do it for you Error: version check failed on level contents file Engine is version %d. File is version %d Error: checksum failed on level contents file Engine checksum = %d. File checksum = %d Use Toilet to generate a new tltheader.h for the engine or get a new definition.crd and reprocess your level What the heck are we trying to pick up? crc = 0x%x Unrecognized player weapon CRC: %d How is a UNIQUE_PROP trying to create something? ERROR: Unable to create DumpObject type 0x%x CRP might not be in level file Or it's possible the static object pool is all used up Unknown team affiliation SOON TO BE ERROR! Soldier at x: %d y: %d z: %d has no child script. Thats bad (repeated for importance)! Soldier at x: %d y: %d z: %d has no child script. Thats bad SOON TO BE ERROR! Mechanic at x: %d y: %d z: %d has no child script. Thats bad (repeated for importance)! Mechanic at x: %d y: %d z: %d has no child script. Thats bad Unknown difficulty level. Assuming Level TE -----The maximum number of soldiers in existance has been reached -----This number is currently %d. It is controled by commondata.crp -----Attempting to remove %d soldiers -----I found a suitable candidate WARNING:WARNING: I tried to NonVisDestruct %d soldiers because there WARNING:WARNING: are too many in existance, but I was only able to WARNING:WARNING: NonVisDestruct %d soldiers. I'll try again later WEAPON WARNING WEAPON WARNING WEAPON WARNING A person is trying to fire a weapon from script although the person's property data says that the person is not supposed to have a weapon!! Persons Class: %s Persons Trigger Location: x: %d, y: %d, z: %d Using test level override filename: %s.Big file not used! No Skybox textures found in level contents file. Unknown difficulty level. Assuming Level Hard Static object factory memory is used up. Unable to allocate hierobject with AI 0x%x Allocating static object CRC: %x, obj num %d, returned %x <<<a AIObj %x,%x>>> Static object factory memory is used up. Unable to allocate hierobject without AI 0x%x Allocating static object CRC: %x, obj num %d, returned %x <<<a Hier %x,%x>>> Attachable static object factory memory is used up. Unable to allocate object 0x%x Allocating static object CRC: %x, obj num %d, returned %x <<<a Attach %x,%x>>> Allocating static object CRC: %x, obj num %d, returned %x <<<a Thrown %x,%x>>> Static object factory memory is used up. Unable to allocate object 0x%x Allocating static object CRC: %x, obj num %d, returned %x <<<a Normal %x,%x>>> Deallocating static object %x <<<d %x>>> Loading static mesh file The specified attachpoint %d was not found Warning: Hearing Radius is zero, changing to default BUDDY_DEBUG: Dumping attached list BUDDY_DEBUG: Attached=%x[%3d @(%4d,%4d,%4d) %4d] In Slot %d BUDDY_DEBUG: Dumping ready list BUDDY_DEBUG: Ready=%x[%3d @(%4d,%4d,%4d) %4d] In Slot %d BUDDY_DEBUG: Attempting GiveBuddyOrders BUDDY_DEBUG: GiveBuddyOrders advancing buddy %x[%3d @(%4d,%4d,%4d)] (current=%d player=%d) using path %d BUDDY_DEBUG: Already moving GiveBuddyOrders BUDDY_DEBUG: Stopping buddy BUDDY_DEBUG: UsingBuddy=%x[%3d @(%4d,%4d,%4d) %4d] In Slot %d BUDDY_DEBUG: AddBuddy buddy=%x[%3d @(%4d,%4d,%4d) %4d] progress=%d BUDDY_DEBUG: GetInitialBuddyOrders=%x[%3d @(%4d,%4d,%4d) %4d] BUDDY_DEBUG: BuddyDied=%x[%3d @(%4d,%4d,%4d) %4d] BUDDY_DEBUG: Attempting UpdateBuddyProgress BUDDY_DEBUG: UpdateBuddyProgress Buddy=%x[%3d @(%4d,%4d,%4d) %4d] Checkpoint=%d->%d BUDDY_DEBUG: Already past there BUDDY_DEBUG: Haven't reached yet BUDDY_DEBUG: Update Potential Buddy Progress Buddy=%x Checkpoint=%d BUDDY_DEBUG: UpdateBuddyCheckpoints Checkpoint=%d BUDDY_DEBUG: SetBuddyPathGroup Index=%d PathBase=%d StartAStarPathWalk: Could not find closest path node to start pos (%f,%f,%f), start dir (%f,%f,%f) StartAStarPathWalk: Could not find closest path node to end pos (%f,%f,%f), end dir (%f,%f,%f) StartAStartPathWalk: Could not compute AStar path from node (%f,%f,%f), to node (%f,%f,%f) SetupAStarPathWalk: Could not find closest path node to start pos (%f,%f,%f), start dir (%f,%f,%f) SetupAStarPathWalk: Could not find closest path node to end pos (%f,%f,%f), end dir (%f,%f,%f) SetupAStartPathWalk: Could not compute AStar path from node (%f,%f,%f), to node (%f,%f,%f) Warning: IOIVD - Vision distance is zero, changing to default...Warning: SFOVMO - Vision distance is zero, changing to default Warning: SFOVML - Vision distance is zero, changing to default..Warning: SFOVC - Vision distance is zero, changing to default Warning: FOV is zero, changing to default.......Warning: IOIFOV - Vision distance is zero, changing to default Warning: SLOSMO - Vision distance is zero, changing to default Warning: SLOSML - Vision distance is zero, changing to default Warning: SVSM - Vision distance is zero, changing to default WARNING: ResetTargetMatchList called on special target mode. This is okay for now, but not if multiple mode override is implemented Coverpoint flag error! cptTypes = %x cptPosition = %x ERROR: script %s is a debugging version. Incompatible with nondebug engine INIT: BSFile INIT: BSMachine INIT: BSEvent INIT: BSMessage INIT: BSBIFunc INIT: BSObject INIT: BSTimer INIT: BSSchedule INIT: BSObjCreate Version error on bif data file engine version = %d. file version = %d The script compiler and/or the engine needs to be updated Checksum error on bif data file engine checksum = %d. file checksum = %d Scripts need to be rebuilt or the engine needs to be built with a new bsstruct.h WARNING: Your engine has no implementation for BIF CRC 0x%x ignoring look in source\ai_script\bsbifunc.h for string name of BIF CRC ******WAYPOINTINFO_TARGET_ANGLE_TO_COVER ***** CoverInvAngle: %f, CoverToTargAngle: %f, AngleDiff: %f lt_hand.rt_hand.Prop %d has already been attached or destroyed. Check with Designers for possible duplicate ID. -------------- Duplicate Creation: Ignoring for total enemy count Object has 0 attack vision distance Object has 0 attack distance Unknown property type ++++++++++++++++++++++++ START MMG WARNING ++++++++++++++++++++++++ WARNING: Possible bad waypoint placement at x: %d y: %d z: %d Closest machine gun mechanic is %d away We are going to ignore the waypoint +++++++++++++++++++++++++ END MMG WARNING +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Contact search failed (inner loop): %d of %d iterations Object already added to destructor queue. Ignoring duplicate request WARNING: Unknown proj bullet type in GetScriptBulletType. Type %d WARNING: Unknown thrown bullet type in Init. Type %d WARNING: Unknown thrown bullet type in OnCollision. Type %d WARNING: Unknown thrown bullet type in BeginUpdate. Type %d WARNING: Unknown thrown bullet type in CommitUpdate. Type %d WARNING: Unknown thrown bullet type in Draw. Type %d WARNING: Unknown thrown bullet type in GetScriptBulletType. Type %d AmbientTrack_Update(%d, %d): SNDAEMS_updateevent() FAILED (error == %d) Waiting for one shot sound bank to finish loading Can't load any more event systems Failure loading AEMS system '%s' SNDAEMS_addsystem(%s) failure, ret = %ld Can't load any more module banks Failure loading AEMS bank '%s' SNDAEMS_addmodulebank(%s) failure, ret = %d SNDAEMS_removemodulebank failure, ret = %d SNDAEMS_removesystem failure, ret = %d SNDAEMS_setglobal failed %d SNDAEMS_beginevent number %d failed %d SNDAEMS_beginevent number %d handle=%d SNDAEMS_updateevent number %d failed %d SNDAEMS_updateevent number %d handle=%d SNDAEMS_endeevent number %d failed %d SNDAEMS_endeevent number %d handle=%d AmbientTrack_Start(): SNDAEMS_beginevent() FAILED!!! (error == %d) AmbientTrack_Stop(): SNDAEMS_endevent() FAILED!!! (error == %d) AmbientTrack_Select(%d): SNDAEMS_updateevent() FAILED (error == %d) AmbientTrack_Volume(%d): SNDAEMS_updateevent() FAILED (error == %d) source/sound/pathxSND.c.PATH_addmapfile(%s) failed %d Can't alloc music streaming buffer of size %d Failed creating music track (%d) track created 0x%x PATH_jump Failed (%d) ************************************************************* The Sound Schedule queue is full! the sound you tried to play is being dropped some investigation should be done as to why the queue is full the schedular size is currently set to %d Memory Card slot %d Formatted Query: %d Memory Card Format Memory Card Save Game Size Memory Card Free Space Memory Card Rewind Save List Memory Card Get Next Save Game %d %d Memory Card Get Next Save Game returning %s Memory Card Get Next Save Game returning no more games Memory Card Save Game %d %d %s Memory Card Load Game %d, %d Getting cumulative player stats for the level Getting per level player stats ENTERING MAIN SCREEN: Resetting Movie Timer Resetting Movie Timer Getting Evaluation messages Getting total player stat in the suitcase Getting level to retry again Look at me, I'm being activated in the beginning of the Mission Log! Look at me, I'm unloading the previous Mission Log! Look at me, I'm trying to load a Mission Log! UNKNOWN GAME MESSAGE debug_REMOVE_FROM_FINAL.INI It's been 30 seconds, play the movie Current hit stats for Weapon[ %d ] = %d Memory Card Prefs point to slot %d for auto-load Memory Card Prefs auto-load game is not present! %sx%02d.Failed to create directory %s Failed to create file %s Failed to open file %s Failed to write icon information! Failed to send format command to memory card library: %d Failed to send unformat command to memory card library: %d Unformated memory card %s Options Failed to write icon information Failed to write preferences Failed to write memory card icon! Failed to delete other game dir %s Failed to send write command to memory card library: %d Only wrote %d bytes to memory card !? Failed to send read command to memory card library: %d Failed to read data from memory card %d Only read %d bytes from memory card !? Failed to send open command to memory card library: %d Failed to open file Failed to send seek command to memory card library: %d Failed to send close command to memory card library: %d Failed to close file Failed to send mkdir command to memory card library: %d Failed to make directory %s: %d Failed to send getdir command to memory card libraray: %d Attempted to get size of non-existent directory: %s Failed to get contents of root directory: error %d Failed to send rename command to mem card library: %d Failed to rename dir %d to %d Failed to send chdir command to mem card library: %d Failed to chdir dir to %s Attempted to delete non-existent directory: %s Failed to send delete command to memory card library: %d Failed to delete file %s, error %d Failed to send GetInfo command to memory card manager: %d Failed to get contents of root directory: error %d bad ASCII code 0x%x blahblah -------------------------------------------------- customConfigButton[%d].events.eventId = %d customConfigButton[%d].events.inputBinding = %d mpegbuff rgbbuff streambuff chunkbuff soundbuff audiobuff CMpegPlayer::PlayMovie() file %s does NOT exist Total Frames Game,%d Ave,%d Worst,%d Worst Frame,%d Bad Frames,%d HISTOGRAM Total Frames OOPs,%d Ave,%d.Worst,%d Worst Frame,%d Bad Frames,%d OOP ON Num Fr:%d (%d) Ave HB:%d Wst HB:%d(#%d) Num BF:%d ERROR: %s FILE %s LINE %d. FONT_setstate - use FONT_setstatef for this state (%d) FONT_getstate 0 use FONT_getstatef for this state (%d) FONT_create - Shiftjis fonts no longer supported, use Unicode FONT_drawtext - Using software font driver to draw into a THRASH window..Either call WINDOW_set, WINDOW_hidden, WINDOW_display, or install a THRASH font driver PATHAUTH: Barton Jaques, Wednesday 06:17PM Oct 10, 2001, v125 The size of work area is too small work area size is too small image buffer needs to be aligned to 64byte boundary(0x%08x) the second field is missing [MPEG ERROR]%s vertical size > 2800 _chroma_format needs to be 1: 420 Unsupported profile/level _sequenceScalableExtension() is not implemented Unknown Extension _pictureSpatialScalableExtension is not supported _pictureTemporalScalableExtension is not supported Invalid modion type -- ignored(%d) (a) invalid motion_type(%d)-0 (b) invalid motion_type(%d)-1 (c) invalid motion_type(%d)-2 intra && skip MB Error code detected(BDEC) Invalid macroblock_address_increment code(0x%08x) = Skip to the next picture = slice_start_code(0x%08x) out of range _sliceA0(): error happens Too many macroblocks in picture skiped macroblock in I picure is not allowed Invalid macroblock_type code: load_chroma_intra_quantizer_matrix == 1 load_chroma_non_intra_quantizer_matrix == 1 odd number of field pictures unknown picture sutructure Too small buffer size for %dx%d picture CSC handler error Can't open rom0:ROMVER Can't read rom error bug in vfprintf: bad base ## internel error in libkernl.a! TTY: packet size larger than expect TTY: receive error TTY: send err %d TTY: err ti->wlen=%08x too long parameter '%s' # TLB spad=0 kernel=1:%d default=%d:%d extended=%d:%d # TLB over flow (1) # TLB over flow (2) # TLB over flow (3) sceCdCbfunc= %d sceCdCbfunc_num= %d Libcdvd bind err CdSearchFile ee call cmd search %s search name %s search size %d search loc lbn %d Ncmd fail sema cur_cmd:%d keep_cmd:%d Libcdvd bind err N CMD N cmd wait S cmd wait Scmd fail sema cur_cmd:%d keep_cmd:%d Libcdvd bind err S cmd Libcdvd bind err %d CD_Init %d Libcdvd Exit DiskReady 0 Libcdvd bind err CdDiskReady DiskReady ended call cdread cmd cdread end Libcdvd call Clock read 1 Libcdvd call Clock read 2 libdma: sync timeout bind error libmc libmc: too old release of mcserv.irx libmc: too old release of mcman.irx sceMcUdCheckNewCard RPC faild libpad: sceSifSetDma faild libpad: tPadDma Structure Invalid libpad: Module version mismatch [libpad.a = %d.%d, padman.irx = %d.%d] libpad: buffer addr is not 64 byte align. %08x libpad: pad port is already open [%d][%d] libmtap: bind failed libmtap: Module version mismatch [libmtap.a = %d.%d, mtapman.irx = %d.%d] sceMtapPortOpen: rpc error sceMtapPortClose: rpc error sceMtapGetConnection: rpc error sceMtapChangeThreadPriority: rpc error sceMtapGetModVersion: rpc error
To do: There might be some strings related to cut missions, some strings which I've overlooked, I might have also copied some strings which are actually used |
Can we delete this This Door Will Not Close //not sure about this one Genric Objective 01 Genric Objective 02 Genric Objective 03 Genric Objective 04 Genric Objective 05 Genric Objective 06 Genric Objective 07 Genric Objective 08 Genric Objective 09 Genric Objective 10 Generic Objective 01 Complete Generic Objective 02 Complete Generic Objective 03 Complete Generic Objective 04 Complete Generic Objective 05 Complete Generic Objective 06 Complete Generic Objective 07 Complete Generic Objective 08 Complete Generic Objective 09 Complete Generic Objective 10 Complete Checkpoints Destroyed TruckReachedTown debug message1 debug message2 debug message3 debug message4 debug message5 debug message6 debug message7 debug message8 debug message9 debug message10 Liberator Found Pebble Found Decongester Mad Hatter Head Waiter William Tell Head Honcho Disarmer Kablooey Armstrong Armpitter A-wrist-ocrat Muscleman Heavy Arm-ory Man-at-arms Arm and Hammer Arm Wrestler Do much H-arm Abdomonizer Abdominal Snowman Middle Manager Organ Grinder Gut Buster Sir Limps-A-Lot Lieder, Holes In Daddy Long Legs Leg Man Thigh Master Stilts Kermit Hater Lt. Dan's got new legs Witty remark here ditto Omelette Chef Organizer Cherry Picker Purse Snatcher Double Trouble Webley Revolver Panzerfaust //all I've seen is Panzerschreck HamBone Pebble Los Angeles, CA (BUG ME) TIMAAAAH!! Liberator Bullets Found I Want A Milkshake 6b OH God Mamma //many occurrences, could either be padding or replacement text in place of cut missions OH God Greg //only 1 occurrence
Stuff laying on my HDD for far too long
Not enough time to document it properly, I really wouldn't mind if anyone wanted to do it.
GamesCom 09
To do: Is there anything more from GamesCom09? Also screenshot would be nice. |
Activates GC09 weather, loads from \pc\sds\skies\gamescomdemo.sds
Test case
To do: Activate, figure out what it is. |
Unused maps
Each one of them should've been loaded during gameplay, afaik that doesn't happen. "game.navigation:SetMapResource("mapname")" doesn't enable them, "game.gui:OpenMap(true)" or "game.hud:RadarShow(true)" doesn't show them.
To do: At least a screenshot |
There is a cheats option in the pause menu, however none of the buttons actually work.
To do: Does it do anything else? Also screenshots. |
If a pirate copy gets detected, game slowly decreases your health (only Chapter 2) to the point where even the smallest damage will kill you.
Test scene
To do: Screenshot, how to activate, everything what we can test here |
DLC Joes Adventures contains a test map. Boxes here contain various tests such as drive-by, ambient music, fist fight etc. however usage of some boxes crashes the game, such as touching the printing machine or shooting chandelier.
List of all weapons
Some of them are actually used, some of them are just a bunch of data, this list also contains items because they are in one table file.
To do: Get rid of everything used |
ID 0: Nic - pouziva se pro mireni!!! (Nothing - used for aiming!!!) ID 1: Prazdne ruce (empty hands) ID 2: .38 MP2 ID 3: Mauser C-96 ID 4: Colt 1911 ID 5: Colt 1911 Ext ID 6: .357 Magnum ID 7: Grenade Sicily ID 8: Remington 870 ID 9: M3 Grease gun ID 10: MP 40 ID 11: Thompson 1928 ID 12: Thomson M1A1 ID 13: Beretta 38A ID 14: MG42 ID 15: M1 Garand ID 16: Stielhandgranate 24 ID 17: Mauser 98k ID 18: Mauser 98k sniper ID 19: Bazooka ID 20: Grenade MkII ID 21: Molotov ID 22: Knife ID 23: Knuckleduster ID 24: Wrench ID 25: Pipe ID 26: Chopper ID 27: Crowbar ID 28: Pendrek ID 29: Bottle ID 30: Torch ID 31: Sterka na okna (windows wiper) ID 32: Baseball bat ID 33: Cue ID 34: Shovel ID 35: Snow shovel ID 36: Pick ID 37: Broom ID 38: Gasoline container ID 39: money ID 40: suit ID 41: PaperBag ID 42: Pencil ID 43: Box ID 44: Bottle ID 45: Keys ID 46: Suitcase ID 47: Newspaper ID 48: HotDog ID 49: Coffee ID 50: Beer ID 51: Seagift Box ID 52: Policeblok (police notepad) ID 53: Pouta-POLICE (handcuffs) ID 54: ball ID 55: LTC (licence to carry) ID 56: Policepencil ID 57: Penalty ID 58: Cigarette Blues ID 59: Cigarette Reds ID 60: Cigarette Whites ID 61: Cigaret ID 62: lighter ID 63: Pouzdro (case, casing) ID 64: Pouta-PRISON (handcuffs) ID 65: Burger ID 66: Sandwich ID 67: Corpse - nepouzivat!!! (Corpse - don't use!!!) ID 68: Panak whisky (glass of whiskey) ID 69: Beer - empty ID 70: stredni kufr (middle sized suitcase) ID 71: brasna svetla (bag light-colored) ID 72: brasna tmava (bag dark-colored) ID 73: kabelka bila (handbag white) ID 74: kabelka ruzova (handbag pink) ID 75: kabelka cerna (handbag black) ID 76: kufr velky bily (suitcase large white) ID 77: kufr velky zeleny (suitcase large green) ID 78: kulomet item (machinegun) ID 79: ketchup ID 80: bankovka (banknote) ID 81: svazek bankovek (bundle of banknotes) ID 82: hadr bar (rag) ID 83: Charge (meant as C-4 charge) ID 84: Prison dress ID 85: Civil dress ID 86: Vidlicka (fork) ID 87: Nuz (knife) ID 88: Roznetka (detonator) ID 89: Sachova figurka - bila (chessman - white) ID 90: Sachova figurka - cerna (chessman - black) ID 91: Pencil2 ID 92: Destnik otevreny (umbrella opened) ID 93: Smetak (brush) ID 94: Kbelik (bucket) ID 95: Vysavac (vacuum cleaner) ID 96: glass-cutter ID 97: Destnik zavreny (umbrella closed) ID 98: M02DerekCrate ID 99: Praci_prasek (washing powder) ID 100: !!!!prazdny_radek (!!!!empty line) ID 101: rybarsky prut (fishing rod) ID 102: fajfka (tobacco pipe) ID 103: Animovane noviny (animated newspaper) ID 104: Vozik na pradlo (laundry cart) ID 105: Vesak na obleceni (clothing hanger) ID 106: Pouta-Meatpacking (handcuffs) ID 107: svazek novin (newspaper cart) ID 108: klic na kola (wheel wrench) ID 109: noviny_DEMO (news) ID 110: kartac na boty (shoes brush) ID 111: Swift White ID 112: Beer Master ID 113: Beer half ID 114: Hadra na pohare (cloth for glasses) ID 115: Lahev city (bottle) ID 116: kladivo (hammer) ID 117: bedna_closed (crate) ID 118: Sluchatko1 (earphone) ID 119: benzinka (petrol station) ID 120: Flashlight ID 121: FlashlightBloom ID 122: Zapalka (safety match) ID 123: Letter ID 124: GranadeDLC ID 125: TankExp ID 126: .357 Magnum DLC
Found in \pc\shaders\buildLogs
To do: Search for more of them |
[exec] 12>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysUtils\HashName\C_HashName.cpp(331) : warning TODO: Tables patching TU hack - remove later [exec] 8>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysCore/Core/C_Core.cpp(1916) : warning TODO: By Sobo: Remove this function and all references to it! probably written by Martin Sobek, on of the Engine Programmers [exec] 12>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysUtils\chunks\C_InputChunk.cpp(166) : warning TODO: check the value and perhaps lower the number [exec] 8>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysCore/frames/C_Dummy.cpp(220) : warning TODO: neslo by sem dat ten alokator? transl. can't we put that allocator there? [exec] 13>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysInput/DirectX/C_InputDeviceDX.cpp(34) : warning TODO: podivat se na reserve, zere to asi 130 kilo transl. look at reserve, eats about 130k [exec] 15>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\Sys2DRender/Client/Text/C_TextRegion.cpp(149) : warning TODO: UE_CYCLIC_ASSERT [exec] 15>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\Sys2DRender/Client/Text/C_TextRegion.cpp(161) : warning TODO: UE_CYCLIC_ASSERT [exec] 17>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysMeshCD/Spatial/MeshCD/MeshCDOpcode/MeshCDSubdivOpcode.cpp(1342) : warning TODO: Mutex in C_MeshCDSubdivOpcode::Collide - performance impact expected, need to solve this asap
Buildfile: file:///D:/Compiler/code/utl/buildtools/ Target framework: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Target(s) specified: Main [echo] 07/07/2010 14:26:15 [echo] Loading configuration template [echo] Loading local configuration file Main: Inititialization: [echo] Setting paths [echo] Setting properties: [echo] Current projects: D:\Compiler\code [echo] Output drive: D: [echo] Output rootdir: D:\Compiler\code [echo] VisualStudio version: 9 [echo] VisualStudio C++ folder: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 [echo] VisualStudio C++ exe: Common7\IDE\DevEnv.exe [echo] TortoiseSVN: C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\ [echo] EditorDir: D:\Compiler\build\EditorDir [echo] GameDir: D:\Compiler\build\GameDir [echo] ToolsDir: D:\Compiler\build\ToolsDir [echo] Get SVN revision flag: 1 [echo] Editor module postprocess: D:\Compiler\code\make\postbuild\copy-bin-to-editor.bat [echo] Plugin postprocess: D:\Compiler\code\make\postbuild\copy-plugin-to-editor.bat [echo] SDS plugin postprocess: D:\Compiler\code\make\postbuild\copy-SDS-plugin-to-editor.bat [echo] SDS DLL plugin postprocess: D:\Compiler\code\make\postbuild\copy-SDS-dll-plugin-to-editor.bat [echo] ToolMAX: D:\Compiler\code\bin\win32\ToolMAX [echo] ToolMB: D:\Compiler\code\bin\win32\ToolMB [echo] ToolMB75: D:\Compiler\code\bin\win32\ToolMB75 [echo] ToolMB75 Ex2: D:\Compiler\code\bin\win32\ToolMB75Ex2 [echo] [echo] Checking project folder [echo] Checking target build folders [echo] Notify: [echo] 07/07/2010 14:26:16 [echo] Initialization ................ OK UpdateController: Update: [echo] Running SVN Cleanup: D:\Compiler\build\Mafia2\EDIT\tables [echo] Running SVN Update: D:\Compiler\build\Mafia2\EDIT\tables [svn-update] svn: Target path does not exist [call] D:\Compiler\code\utl\buildtools\,8): [call] External Program Failed: C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin\svn.exe (return code was 1) Notify: [echo] 07/07/2010 14:26:21 [echo] Update game tables ............ Failed Update: [echo] Running SVN Cleanup: D:\Compiler\code [echo] Running SVN Update: D:\Compiler\code Notify: [echo] 07/07/2010 14:27:16 [echo] Update projects ............... OK GetVersionInfo: [echo] Getting revision info [exec] SubWCRev: 'D:\Compiler\code' [exec] Last committed at revision 75126 [exec] Updated to revision 75131 [exec] Local modifications found [delete] Deleting file D:\Compiler\code\utl\buildtools\wcrevision.txt. ValidateFXHeaders: [exec] "D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\Defines.fx -> D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\Defines.h" [exec] "D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\Externals.fx -> D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\Externals.h" [exec] "D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\GlassDestructionFragments.fx -> D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\GlassDestructionFragments.h" [exec] "D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\Globals.fx -> D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\Globals.h" [exec] "D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\LightPSFragments.fx -> D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\LightPSFragments.h" [exec] "D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\LightVSFragments.fx -> D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\LightVSFragments.h" [exec] "D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\MaterialPSFragments.fx -> D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\MaterialPSFragments.h" [exec] "D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\MaterialVSFragments.fx -> D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\MaterialVSFragments.h" [exec] "D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\PlantingManagerFragments.fx -> D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\PlantingManagerFragments.h" [exec] "D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\PostProcessPSFragments.fx -> D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\PostProcessPSFragments.h" [exec] "D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\PostProcessVSFragments.fx -> D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\PostProcessVSFragments.h" [exec] "D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\Utils.fx -> D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\Utils.h" [exec] "D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\WoodyPSFragments.fx -> D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\WoodyPSFragments.h" [exec] "D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\WoodyVSFragments.fx -> D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\WoodyVSFragments.h" [exec] "D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\PS3SpecificFragments.fx -> D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderCore\Shaders\PS3SpecificFragments.h" Notify: [echo] 07/07/2010 14:27:18 [echo] Validate FX headers ........... OK ProjectController: ProjectSCBuilder: BI_CleanDB: CheckNecessity: FormatStringsVersioned: DeleteLogs: [echo] Deleting old log files [delete] Deleting 2 files. [delete] Deleted 1 directories. [echo] CleanController: BI_SavePage: [echo] Parsing build info file from Wiki: \\brno\wiki\abs\buildinfo\scbuilder_pc_release.txt [call] D:\Compiler\code\utl\buildtools\,6): [call] Source file '\\brno\wiki\abs\buildinfo\scbuilder_pc_release.txt' does not exist. CleanSection: [echo] Deleting old temp files [delete] Deleting 820 files. [delete] Deleted 39 directories. [delete] Deleting 4 files. [delete] Deleted 4 directories. [delete] Deleting 18 files. [delete] Deleted 1 directories. [echo] CleanSCBuilder: [echo] Deleting old SC Builder build [delete] Deleting 11 files. [delete] Deleted 1 directories. Notify: [echo] 07/07/2010 14:27:52 [echo] Prepare clean build ........... OK BuildController: BI_SavePage: [echo] Parsing build info file from Wiki: \\brno\wiki\abs\buildinfo\scbuilder_pc_release.txt [call] D:\Compiler\code\utl\buildtools\,6): [call] Source file '\\brno\wiki\abs\buildinfo\scbuilder_pc_release.txt' does not exist. [copy] Copying 1 file to 'D:\Compiler\code\utl\buildtools\SLN backups\SCBuilder.sln'. [copy] Copying 1 file to 'D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderDevice\CompileShadersForPS3OnPC.h'. BuildSolution: [echo] Building source in "Release|Win32" (D:\Compiler\code\srcTools\Demo2\SCBuilder.sln) [echo] 07/07/2010 14:27:52 Deleting temporary MSVS folders... [exec] D:\Compiler\code\utl\buildtools>rmdir /S /Q "C:\Documents and Settings\mabuilder\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\WebsiteCache\." [exec] D:\Compiler\code\utl\buildtools>mkdir "C:\Documents and Settings\mabuilder\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\WebsiteCache" [exec] D:\Compiler\code\utl\buildtools>rmdir /S /Q "C:\Documents and Settings\mabuilder\Local Settings\Data aplikací\Microsoft\WebsiteCache\." [exec] D:\Compiler\code\utl\buildtools>mkdir "C:\Documents and Settings\mabuilder\Local Settings\Data aplikací\Microsoft\WebsiteCache\." [echo] 07/07/2010 14:27:52 ...done [echo] 07/07/2010 14:27:52 Deleting old ncb and user files... [delete] Deleting 3 files. [echo] 07/07/2010 14:28:20 ...done [cd] Current directory changed to "D:\Compiler\code\make". [mkdir] Creating directory 'D:\Compiler\code\utl\buildtools\Build logs\SCBuilder Release'. [exec] One of the language should be defined for demo by UE_LANGUAGE_EFGIS or UE_LANGUAGE_PRC. For now EFGIS version is set. [exec] Microsoft (R) Visual Studio Version 9.0.21022.8. [exec] Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. [exec] 1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: Common, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ [exec] 2>------ Rebuild All started: Project: SysMath, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ [exec] 3>------ Rebuild All started: Project: SysVirtualFileSystem, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ [exec] 3>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'SysVirtualFileSystem', configuration 'Release|Win32' [exec] 1>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'Common', configuration 'Release|Win32' [exec] 2>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'SysMath', configuration 'Release|Win32' [exec] 4>------ Rebuild All started: Project: SysProfiler, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ [exec] 4>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'SysProfiler', configuration 'Release|Win32' [exec] 4>Compiling... [exec] 1>Compiling... [exec] 3>Compiling... [exec] 2>Compiling... [exec] 1>C_Timer.cpp [exec] 3>stdafx.cpp [exec] 4>C_AdvancedPerfReport.cpp [exec] 2>stdafx.cpp [exec] 1>suc_Common.cpp [exec] 4>suc_SysProfiler.cpp [exec] 3>stdafx.cpp [exec] 3>Compiling... [exec] 3>DiskCacheImplementation.cpp [exec] 3>SysVirtualFileSystemInit.cpp [exec] 3>suc_SysVirtualFileSystem.cpp [exec] 2>Compiling... [exec] 2>C_2DConvexHull.cpp [exec] 2>SysMathInt.cpp [exec] 2>suc_SysMath.cpp [exec] 1>I_BaseObject.cpp [exec] 1>fake.cpp [exec] 1>assert.cpp [exec] 1>assert_xbox.cpp [exec] 1>DateTime.cpp [exec] 1>C_TimerFast.cpp [exec] 2>Lib.cpp [exec] 2>Constants.cpp [exec] 1>Generating Code... [exec] 2>C_Vector4.cpp [exec] 2>C_Vector2.cpp [exec] 2>C_Vector.cpp [exec] 2>C_Rect.cpp [exec] 2>C_Ray.cpp [exec] 2>C_Quat.cpp [exec] 2>C_Matrix4.cpp [exec] 1>Creating library... [exec] 2>C_Matrix.cpp [exec] 2>C_IntRect.cpp [exec] 2>C_Float.cpp [exec] 2>Simd.cpp [exec] 2>C_Sphere.cpp [exec] 1>Build log was saved at "file://D:\Compiler\code\tmp\win32\Common\Release\BuildLog.htm" [exec] 1>Common - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) [exec] 2>C_Plane.cpp [exec] 2>C_OBB.cpp [exec] 2>C_Frustum.cpp [exec] 2>Generating Code... [exec] 3>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysVirtualFileSystem\C_VirtualFileSystem.cpp(310) : warning C4189: 'rv' : local variable is initialized but not referenced [exec] 3>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysVirtualFileSystem\C_VirtualFileSystem.cpp(775) : warning C4189: 'cacheIt' : local variable is initialized but not referenced [exec] 4>AgPerfMonEventSrcAPI.cpp [exec] 4>TimeSumMarkersDeclarations.cpp [exec] 4>SysProfilerDbgUtils.cpp [exec] 5>------ Rebuild All started: Project: SysMemoryManager, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ [exec] 5>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'SysMemoryManager', configuration 'Release|Win32' [exec] 3>Lib.cpp [exec] 3>C_XmlFile.cpp [exec] 3>C_VirtualFileSystemExternalCache.cpp [exec] 2>Compiling... [exec] 2>C_Cylinder.cpp [exec] 5>Compiling... [exec] 3>C_VirtualFileSystemCache.cpp [exec] 4>lib.cpp [exec] 3>C_VirtualFileSystem.cpp [exec] 2>C_Collisions.cpp [exec] 3>C_StreamCache.cpp [exec] 2>C_Capsule.cpp [exec] 3>C_FileSeekableInputStream.cpp [exec] 2>C_AABB.cpp [exec] 4>C_VisualFrameProfiler.cpp [exec] 3>C_FileOutputStream.cpp [exec] 2>Generating Code... [exec] 3>C_FileInputStream.cpp [exec] 2>Compiling... [exec] 3>C_FileChunk.cpp [exec] 4>C_TimeSumMarkers.cpp [exec] 3>C_File.cpp [exec] 5>staticHeaders.cpp [exec] 3>C_DoubleBufferSeekablePriorityInputStream.cpp [exec] 3>C_DoubleBufferPriorityInputStream.cpp [exec] 3>Generating Code... [exec] 2>C_Plane.cpp [exec] 5>Compiling... [exec] 2>Creating library... [exec] 2>Build log was saved at "file://D:\Compiler\code\tmp\win32\SysMath\Release\BuildLog.htm" [exec] 2>SysMath - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) [exec] 5>C_SingleBlockAllocator.cpp [exec] 5>WeakReference.cpp [exec] 5>ue_malloc.cpp [exec] 5>suc_SysMemoryManager.cpp [exec] 4>C_SysProfilerOutput.cpp [exec] 4>C_SysProfilerBlock.cpp [exec] 4>C_SysProfiler.cpp [exec] 4>C_ProfilerNamedEvent.cpp [exec] 4>C_PeakLogger.cpp [exec] 6>------ Rebuild All started: Project: SysThreads, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ [exec] 6>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'SysThreads', configuration 'Release|Win32' [exec] 6>Compiling... [exec] 4>C_FPSStats.cpp [exec] 6>C_DbgDb.cpp [exec] 6>suc_SysThreads.cpp [exec] 3>Creating library... [exec] 3>Build log was saved at "file://D:\Compiler\code\tmp\win32\SysVirtualFileSystem\Release\BuildLog.htm" [exec] 3>SysVirtualFileSystem - 0 error(s), 2 warning(s) [exec] 4>Generating Code... [exec] 5>Lib.cpp [exec] 5>C_BoundChecker.cpp [exec] 5>C_MemoryStatisticsModule.cpp [exec] 5>C_GlobalMemoryStatistic.cpp [exec] 5>C_DeviceResourceStatistics.cpp [exec] 5>C_AllocatorRegister.cpp [exec] 5>C_AllocationStatistics.cpp [exec] 5>tlsf_init.cpp [exec] 5>tlsf.cpp [exec] 7>------ Rebuild All started: Project: DbgUtils, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ [exec] 7>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'DbgUtils', configuration 'Release|Win32' [exec] 5>dlmalloc_ue.cpp [exec] 7>Compiling... [exec] 6>Lib.cpp [exec] 7>C_StackWalk_win.cpp [exec] 6>SysThreadsBase.cpp [exec] 6>I_SysThreads.cpp [exec] 6>I_PrintUtil.cpp [exec] 6>I_JobManager.cpp [exec] 6>I_DbgDb.cpp [exec] 6>CachedObjects.cpp [exec] 5>dlmalloc.cpp [exec] 5>Disabling dlmalloc internal thread locking [exec] 6>C_TSDCore.cpp [exec] 5>VMem.cpp [exec] 6>C_ThreadSpecificData.cpp [exec] 7>suc_DbgUtils.cpp [exec] 5>TinyAlloc.cpp [exec] 6>C_ThreadSpecific.cpp [exec] 7>Lib.cpp [exec] 5>MallocWrapper.cpp [exec] 7>DbgUtilsInit.cpp [exec] 6>C_ThreadMgr.cpp [exec] 5>uemalloc.cpp [exec] 6>C_Thread.cpp [exec] 5>nedmalloc.cpp [exec] 6>C_MTScheduler.cpp [exec] 5>Generating Code... [exec] 6>C_LWJobManagerMT.cpp [exec] 6>C_JobManager.cpp [exec] 6>Generating Code... [exec] 7>C_StackWalk.cpp [exec] 4>Creating library... [exec] 4>C_TimeSumMarkers.obj : warning LNK4221: no public symbols found; archive member will be inaccessible [exec] 4>Build log was saved at "file://D:\Compiler\code\tmp\win32\SysProfiler\Release\BuildLog.htm" [exec] 4>SysProfiler - 0 error(s), 1 warning(s) [exec] 7>C_DbgLog.cpp [exec] 8>------ Rebuild All started: Project: SysCore, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ [exec] 8>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'SysCore', configuration 'Release|Win32' [exec] 8>Performing Pre-Build Event... [exec] 7>C_TreeLog.cpp [exec] 6>Creating library... [exec] 6>Build log was saved at "file://D:\Compiler\code\tmp\win32\SysThreads\Release\BuildLog.htm" [exec] 6>SysThreads - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) [exec] 7>DbgBeep.cpp [exec] 7>Generating Code... [exec] 9>------ Rebuild All started: Project: GameInput, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ [exec] 9>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'GameInput', configuration 'Release|Win32' [exec] 9>Compiling... [exec] 9>GameInputPCH.cpp [exec] 9>Compiling... [exec] 9>suc_GameInput.cpp [exec] 7>Creating library... [exec] 7>Build log was saved at "file://D:\Compiler\code\tmp\win32\DbgUtils\Release\BuildLog.htm" [exec] 7>DbgUtils - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) [exec] 5>Compiling... [exec] 5>C_PlatformAllocator.cpp [exec] 5>Generating Code... [exec] 5>Compiling... [exec] 5>SmallObjects.cpp [exec] 5>IncrementalAllocators.cpp [exec] 5>I_Allocator.cpp [exec] 5>HeapAllocators.cpp [exec] 5>FixedAllocators.cpp [exec] 5>SysMemoryManagerInit.cpp [exec] 5>C_VirtualAllocator.cpp [exec] 5>C_StaticHeapAllocator.cpp [exec] 5>Generating Code... [exec] 5>Creating library... [exec] 5>Build log was saved at "file://D:\Compiler\code\tmp\win32\SysMemoryManager\Release\BuildLog.htm" [exec] 5>SysMemoryManager - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) [exec] 10>------ Rebuild All started: Project: SysCompression, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ [exec] 10>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'SysCompression', configuration 'Release|Win32' [exec] 10>Compiling... [exec] 10>C_CompressorDescZlib.cpp [exec] 10>suc_SysCompression.cpp [exec] 11>------ Rebuild All started: Project: DbgTrace, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ [exec] 11>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'DbgTrace', configuration 'Release|Win32' [exec] 11>Compiling... [exec] 11>C_TraceBuffer.cpp [exec] 11>trace_win.cpp [exec] 11>trace.cpp [exec] 11>suc_DbgTrace.cpp [exec] 10>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysCompression/C_CompressedInputStream.h(183) : warning C4512: 'ue::sys::compression::C_CompressedInputStream' : assignment operator could not be generated [exec] 10> D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysCompression/C_CompressedInputStream.h(30) : see declaration of 'ue::sys::compression::C_CompressedInputStream' [exec] 9>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\GameInput/C_InputLayer.cpp(248) : warning C4189: 'foundControl' : local variable is initialized but not referenced [exec] 8>SubWCRev: 'D:\Compiler\code' [exec] 8>Last committed at revision 75126 [exec] 8>Updated to revision 75131 [exec] 8>Local modifications found [exec] 8>Compiling... [exec] 8>stdafx.cpp [exec] 8>Compiling... [exec] 8>C_PrepareSynchronizationJob.cpp [exec] 8>suc_SysCore.cpp [exec] 10>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysCompression/implementation/streams/C_CompressedInputStream.cpp(231) : warning C4100: 'toBeReadBytes' : unreferenced formal parameter [exec] 10>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysCompression/implementation/streams/C_CompressedInputStream.cpp(231) : warning C4100: 'dest' : unreferenced formal parameter [exec] 10>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysCompression/implementation/streams/C_CompressedInputStream.cpp(657) : warning C4100: 'id' : unreferenced formal parameter [exec] 11>messages.cpp [exec] 11>Lib.cpp [exec] 11>hookapi.cpp [exec] 11>DbgTraceInit.cpp [exec] 11>Generating Code... [exec] 10>C_DecompressorZlibJob.cpp [exec] 10>C_ZlibOutputStream.cpp [exec] 10>C_ZlibInputStream.cpp [exec] 10>C_CompressedOutputStream.cpp [exec] 10>C_CompressedInputStream.cpp [exec] 10>C_DecompressorZlibSPU.cpp [exec] 10>C_CompressorZlibSPU.cpp [exec] 10>C_DecompressorZlib.cpp [exec] 10>zutil.cpp [exec] 10>uncompr.cpp [exec] 10>trees.cpp [exec] 10>inftrees.cpp [exec] 10>inflate.cpp [exec] 10>inffast.cpp [exec] 10>infback.cpp [exec] 11>Creating library... [exec] 11>Build log was saved at "file://D:\Compiler\code\tmp\win32\DbgTrace\Release\BuildLog.htm" [exec] 11>DbgTrace - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) [exec] 10>deflate.cpp [exec] 10>crc32.cpp [exec] 10>compress.cpp [exec] 10>Generating Code... [exec] 9>C_ForceFeedbackEffectsManager.cpp [exec] 9>C_FFVEffect.cpp [exec] 9>Generating Code... [exec] 12>------ Rebuild All started: Project: SysUtils, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ [exec] 12>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'SysUtils', configuration 'Release|Win32' [exec] 12>Compiling... [exec] 12>stdafx.cpp [exec] 12>Compiling... [exec] 12>C_ChunkDepot.cpp [exec] 12>unicode.cpp [exec] 12>U32ID.cpp [exec] 12>SysUtilsInit.cpp [exec] 12>SysMathChunk.cpp [exec] 12>SysMathBox.cpp [exec] 12>sysinfo.cpp [exec] 12>suc_SysUtils.cpp [exec] 10>Compiling... [exec] 10>adler32.cpp [exec] 10>C_CompressorZlib.cpp [exec] 10>SysCompressionInit.cpp [exec] 10>I_SysCompression.cpp [exec] 10>C_SysCompression.cpp [exec] 10>C_DecompressorDescZlib.cpp [exec] 10>Generating Code... [exec] 10>Creating library... [exec] 10>Build log was saved at "file://D:\Compiler\code\tmp\win32\SysCompression\Release\BuildLog.htm" [exec] 10>SysCompression - 0 error(s), 4 warning(s) [exec] 13>------ Rebuild All started: Project: SysInput, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ [exec] 13>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'SysInput', configuration 'Release|Win32' [exec] 13>Compiling... [exec] 9>Compiling... [exec] 13>SysInputPCH.cpp [exec] 9>Common.cpp [exec] 9>C_InputSet.cpp [exec] 9>C_InputLayer.cpp [exec] 9>C_GameInput.cpp [exec] 9>C_Control.cpp [exec] 9>C_ActiveControls.cpp [exec] 9>Lib.cpp [exec] 9>GameInput.cpp [exec] 12>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysUtils\HashName\C_HashName.cpp(331) : warning TODO: Tables patching TU hack - remove later [exec] 9>Generating Code... [exec] 9>Creating library... [exec] 8>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysCore/Core/C_Core.cpp(1916) : warning TODO: By Sobo: Remove this function and all references to it! [exec] 9>Build log was saved at "file://D:\Compiler\code\tmp\win32\GameInput\Release\BuildLog.htm" [exec] 9>GameInput - 0 error(s), 1 warning(s) [exec] 12>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysUtils\SysMathBox.cpp(324) : warning C4189: 'nearestSearchCount' : local variable is initialized but not referenced [exec] 13>Compiling... [exec] 12>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysUtils\chunks\C_InputChunk.cpp(166) : warning TODO: check the value and perhaps lower the number [exec] 13>C_XInputInternalCore.cpp [exec] 14>------ Rebuild All started: Project: MissionSerializer, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ [exec] 14>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'MissionSerializer', configuration 'Release|Win32' [exec] 14>Performing Pre-Build Event... [exec] 8>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysCore/frames/C_Dummy.cpp(220) : warning TODO: neslo by sem dat ten alokator? [exec] 13>Compiling... [exec] 13>C_Device.cpp [exec] 13>suc_SysInput.cpp [exec] 8>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysCore/frames/Singlemesh2/C_SingleMesh2LinkManager.cpp(142) : warning C4189: 'currLinkObj' : local variable is initialized but not referenced [exec] 13>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysInput/DirectX/C_InputDeviceDX.cpp(34) : warning TODO: podivat se na reserve, zere to asi 130 kilo [exec] 13>SysInput.cpp [exec] 13>Lib.cpp [exec] 13>Platform.cpp [exec] 13>Common.cpp [exec] 13>C_JoystickXI.cpp [exec] 13>C_InputDeviceXI.cpp [exec] 13>C_SysInputDX.cpp [exec] 13>C_MouseDX.cpp [exec] 13>C_KeyboardDX.cpp [exec] 13>C_JoystickDX.cpp [exec] 13>C_InputDeviceDX.cpp [exec] 13>C_ForceFeedbackEffectDX.cpp [exec] 13>C_ForceFeedbackDX.cpp [exec] 13>C_SysInput.cpp [exec] 13>C_Mouse.cpp [exec] 13>C_Keyboard.cpp [exec] 13>C_Joystick.cpp [exec] 13>C_InputDevice.cpp [exec] 13>Generating Code... [exec] 12>str.cpp [exec] 12>messages.cpp [exec] 12>Lib.cpp [exec] 12>fstools.cpp [exec] 12>C_UserTestTrack.cpp [exec] 12>C_StringStack.cpp [exec] 12>C_SafeInputStream.cpp [exec] 12>C_Random.cpp [exec] 12>C_PrefixMatch.cpp [exec] 12>C_Parser.cpp [exec] 12>C_ParameterValue.cpp [exec] 12>C_GUIDMapper.cpp [exec] 14>SubWCRev: 'D:\Compiler\code' [exec] 14>Last committed at revision 75126 [exec] 14>Updated to revision 75131 [exec] 14>Local modifications found [exec] 14>Compiling... [exec] 12>Generating Code... [exec] 14>stdafx.cpp [exec] 13>Compiling... [exec] 13>C_ForceFeedbackEffect.cpp [exec] 13>C_ForceFeedback.cpp [exec] 13>Generating Code... [exec] 13>Creating library... [exec] 13>Build log was saved at "file://D:\Compiler\code\tmp\win32\SysInput\Release\BuildLog.htm" [exec] 13>SysInput - 0 error(s), 1 warning(s) [exec] 15>------ Rebuild All started: Project: Sys2dRender, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ [exec] 15>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'Sys2dRender', configuration 'Release|Win32' [exec] 15>Compiling... [exec] 15>stdafx.cpp [exec] 15>Compiling... [exec] 15>suc_Sys2DRender.cpp [exec] 15>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\Sys2DRender/Client/Text/C_TextRegion.cpp(149) : warning TODO: UE_CYCLIC_ASSERT [exec] 15>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\Sys2DRender/Client/Text/C_TextRegion.cpp(161) : warning TODO: UE_CYCLIC_ASSERT [exec] 14>Compiling... [exec] 14>C_DefaultMissionSerializerCallback.cpp [exec] 14>suc_MissionSerializer.cpp [exec] 15>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\Sys2DRender/Render/Text/C_RenderTextParser.cpp(237) : warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'float' to 'ue::u32', possible loss of data [exec] 14>C_VisualModification.cpp [exec] 14>C_SectorModification.cpp [exec] 14>C_PointModification.cpp [exec] 14>C_ModificationGroup.cpp [exec] 14>C_JointModification.cpp [exec] 14>C_FrameModificationFactory.cpp [exec] 14>C_FrameModification.cpp [exec] 14>C_DummyModification.cpp [exec] 14>C_AreaModification.cpp [exec] 14>I_DependResourcesCollector.cpp [exec] 14>MissionSerializer.cpp [exec] 14>MissionSerializerInit.cpp [exec] 14>Lib.cpp [exec] 14>C_MissionSerializer.cpp [exec] 14>Generating Code... [exec] 8>C_ManagedDecalsManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_ManagedDecal.cpp [exec] 8>C_DecalsManager.cpp [exec] 8>FrameSignature.cpp [exec] 8>C_UberMeshVisualAdaptor.cpp [exec] 8>C_UberMeshGroupModelAdaptor.cpp [exec] 8>C_UberMeshGroup.cpp [exec] 8>C_ResourceCollectorTools.cpp [exec] 8>C_EnhancedConvexHull.cpp [exec] 8>SingleMeshData.cpp [exec] 15>C_TextUtils.cpp [exec] 15>C_FontMemFile.cpp [exec] 15>C_CommonFile.cpp [exec] 15>C_RenderTextParser.cpp [exec] 15>Generating Code... [exec] 8>C_SingleMesh2LinkManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_SingleMesh2HierarchyCalc.cpp [exec] 8>C_SingleMesh2DataToProcess.cpp [exec] 8>C_SingleMesh2DataProcessorQueueST.cpp [exec] 8>C_SingleMesh2DataProcessorQueueSPU.cpp [exec] 8>C_SingleMesh2DataProcessorQueueMT.cpp [exec] 8>C_SingleMesh2DataProcessor.cpp [exec] 8>C_SingleMesh2Data.cpp [exec] 8>Generating Code... [exec] 14>Creating library... [exec] 14>Build log was saved at "file://D:\Compiler\code\tmp\win32\MissionSerializer\Release\BuildLog.htm" [exec] 14>MissionSerializer - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) [exec] 12>Compiling... [exec] 12>C_GoogleParser.cpp [exec] 12>C_BufferSeekableOutputStream.cpp [exec] 12>C_BufferInputStream.cpp [exec] 12>C_BitStream.cpp [exec] 12>C_AccuracyManager.cpp [exec] 12>QTreeAllocator.cpp [exec] 12>C_XmlWriter.cpp [exec] 12>C_XmlText.cpp [exec] 12>C_XmlReader.cpp [exec] 12>C_XmlMarkupParser.cpp [exec] 12>C_XmlMarkupFormatter.cpp [exec] 12>C_XmlElement.cpp [exec] 12>C_XmlDocument.cpp [exec] 12>C_XmlBinaryFormatter.cpp [exec] 12>C_XmlAttribute.cpp [exec] 12>C_UTTParameter.cpp [exec] 12>C_UTTEventRegister.cpp [exec] 12>C_UTTEventManager.cpp [exec] 12>C_UTTEventList.cpp [exec] 12>C_UTTEvent.cpp [exec] 12>Generating Code... [exec] 12>Compiling... [exec] 12>HashIndexTest.cpp [exec] 12>test.cpp [exec] 12>C_PriorityStreamManager.cpp [exec] 12>C_PriorityStream.cpp [exec] 12>C_PrioritySeekableInputStream.cpp [exec] 12>C_PriorityInputStream.cpp [exec] 12>C_SharedNameMapView.cpp [exec] 12>C_SharedNameMap.cpp [exec] 12>C_SharedNameContainer.cpp [exec] 12>C_SharedNameBlockView.cpp [exec] 12>C_HashName.cpp [exec] 12>C_Service.cpp [exec] 12>C_Communicator.cpp [exec] 12>xmlConvertors.cpp [exec] 12>C_XmlNode.cpp [exec] 12>C_XmlHolder.cpp [exec] 12>DbgMeshOutput.cpp [exec] 12>SectorSpatialSubdiv2.cpp [exec] 12>HSpatialHashTest.cpp [exec] 12>C_HSpatialHash.cpp [exec] 12>Generating Code... [exec] 12>Compiling... [exec] 12>mesh_opt.cpp [exec] 12>I_BPASubdiv.cpp [exec] 12>C_BPASubdivIO.cpp [exec] 12>C_BPASubdivCD.cpp [exec] 12>C_BPASubdivBuild.cpp [exec] 12>C_BPASubdiv.cpp [exec] 12>BPATests.cpp [exec] 12>C_BasicSubdiv2.cpp [exec] 12>C_BasicSubdiv.cpp [exec] 12>I_BasicSubdiv.cpp [exec] 12>AABBSilhouette.cpp [exec] 12>SpatialTypes.cpp [exec] 12>EngineBridge.cpp [exec] 12>DAABB_DbgUtils.cpp [exec] 12>DAABB_Base.cpp [exec] 12>C_Chunk.cpp [exec] 12>C_StreamOutputChunk.cpp [exec] 12>C_StreamInputChunk.cpp [exec] 12>C_RealFileChunk.cpp [exec] 12>C_OutputChunk.cpp [exec] 12>Generating Code... [exec] 15>Compiling... [exec] 15>C_VertexArray.cpp [exec] 15>C_IndexArray.cpp [exec] 15>C_Render2dMaterialVertexColor.cpp [exec] 15>C_Render2dMaterial.cpp [exec] 15>C_VIBufferManager.cpp [exec] 15>C_VIBuffer.cpp [exec] 15>C_ImageCache.cpp [exec] 15>C_BitmapCache.cpp [exec] 15>Render2d.cpp [exec] 15>C_RenderSys2dRender.cpp [exec] 15>C_RenderBlock.cpp [exec] 15>C_Render2dRenderContext.cpp [exec] 15>C_Render2dRectangle.cpp [exec] 15>C_Render2dObject.cpp [exec] 15>C_Render2dMesh.cpp [exec] 15>C_DVDCache.cpp [exec] 15>C_2dDebugDraw.cpp [exec] 15>I_2dSyncObject.cpp [exec] 15>C_2dSyncManager.cpp [exec] 15>C_2dMaterialTransparencyBlend.cpp [exec] 15>Generating Code... [exec] 15>Compiling... [exec] 15>C_2dMaterialTexture.cpp [exec] 15>C_2dMaterialManager.cpp [exec] 15>C_2dMaterialColor.cpp [exec] 15>C_2dMaterialBase.cpp [exec] 15>C_2dCommonMaterial.cpp [exec] 15>C_Sys2dRender.cpp [exec] 15>C_2dRenderContext.cpp [exec] 15>C_2dRectangle.cpp [exec] 15>C_2dObject.cpp [exec] 15>C_2dMesh.cpp [exec] 15>C_TextRegion.cpp [exec] 15>C_TextManager.cpp [exec] 15>C_TextFormat.cpp [exec] 15>C_TextCommands.cpp [exec] 15>Generating Code... [exec] 15>Compiling... [exec] 15>C_RenderTextRegion.cpp [exec] 15>C_RenderTextManager.cpp [exec] 15>C_FontManager.cpp [exec] 15>C_Font.cpp [exec] 15>Generating Code... [exec] 15>Creating library... [exec] 12>Compiling... [exec] 12>C_MemoryChunk.cpp [exec] 12>C_InputChunk.cpp [exec] 12>C_ChunkOutputStream.cpp [exec] 15>Build log was saved at "file://D:\Compiler\code\tmp\win32\Sys2dRender\Release\BuildLog.htm" [exec] 15>Sys2dRender - 0 error(s), 3 warning(s) [exec] 12>C_ChunkInputStream.cpp [exec] 12>Generating Code... [exec] 12>Compiling... [exec] 12>C_XmlNode.cpp [exec] 12>Compiling... [exec] 12>daabb2_test.cpp [exec] 12>Creating library... [exec] 12>Build log was saved at "file://D:\Compiler\code\tmp\win32\SysUtils\Release\BuildLog.htm" [exec] 12>SysUtils - 0 error(s), 3 warning(s) [exec] 16>------ Rebuild All started: Project: SysRender, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ [exec] 17>------ Rebuild All started: Project: SysMeshCD, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ [exec] 17>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'SysMeshCD', configuration 'Release|Win32' [exec] 16>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'SysRender', configuration 'Release|Win32' [exec] 17>Compiling... [exec] 17>stdafx.cpp [exec] 17>Compiling... [exec] 17>suc_SysMeshCD.cpp [exec] 16>Performing Pre-Build Event... [exec] 17>D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysMeshCD/Spatial/MeshCD/MeshCDOpcode/MeshCDSubdivOpcode.cpp(1342) : warning TODO: Mutex in C_MeshCDSubdivOpcode::Collide - performance impact expected, need to solve this asap [exec] 17>Lib.cpp [exec] 17>BestFit.cpp [exec] 17>Generator.cpp [exec] 17>Dbg.cpp [exec] 17>SingleMeshCDSubdiv.cpp [exec] 17>MeshCDSubdivOpcode.cpp [exec] 17>MeshCDOpcodeCtx.cpp [exec] 17>Generating Code... [exec] 16>SubWCRev: 'D:\Compiler\code' [exec] 16>Last committed at revision 75126 [exec] 16>Updated to revision 75131 [exec] 16>Local modifications found [exec] 16>Compiling... [exec] 16>PCRenderDevicePCH.cpp [exec] 16>Compiling... [exec] 16>StdAfx.cpp [exec] 16>Compiling... [exec] 16>C_DebugRender.cpp [exec] 17>Compiling... [exec] 17>MeshCDSubdiv.cpp [exec] 17>Creating library... [exec] 17>Build log was saved at "file://D:\Compiler\code\tmp\win32\SysMeshCD\Release\BuildLog.htm" [exec] 17>SysMeshCD - 0 error(s), 1 warning(s) [exec] 16>suc_SysRender_3.cpp [exec] 16>d:\compiler\code\src\modules\sysrender\renderresources\scene\entities\renderentityallocator.cpp(120) : warning C4189: 'dst' : local variable is initialized but not referenced [exec] 16>d:\compiler\code\src\modules\sysrender\renderresources\scene\entities\visuals\c_renderskinedvisual.cpp(92) : warning C4189: 'renderData' : local variable is initialized but not referenced [exec] 16>suc_SysRender_2.cpp [exec] 16>d:\compiler\code\3rd\include\atiags\ati_ags.h(326) : warning C4189: 'dwFlags' : local variable is initialized but not referenced [exec] 16>d:\compiler\code\src\modules\sysrender\renderdevice\pc\c_renderdevicepc.cpp(560) : warning C4189: 'dwFlags' : local variable is initialized but not referenced [exec] 16>d:\compiler\code\src\modules\sysrender\renderdevice\pc\c_renderdevicepc.cpp(1849) : warning C4189: 'dwFlags' : local variable is initialized but not referenced [exec] 16>Odstranit az zmizi stary system SetRederTargetAndDepthStancil [exec] 16>suc_SysRender.cpp [exec] 16>d:\compiler\code\src\modules\sysrender\render2\c_renderer2smap.cpp(4538) : warning C4189: 'nonzeroArea' : local variable is initialized but not referenced [exec] 8>Compiling... [exec] 8>C_SingleMesh2CJointSupport.cpp [exec] 8>C_SingleMesh2CJointDestroyer.cpp [exec] 8>C_SingleMesh2BonesHR.cpp [exec] 8>C_SingleMesh2BonesDef.cpp [exec] 8>C_SingleMesh2BonesData.cpp [exec] 8>I_SubdivisionFrame.cpp [exec] 8>C_Visual.cpp [exec] 8>C_Target.cpp [exec] 8>C_SinglemeshDef.cpp [exec] 8>C_Singlemesh.cpp [exec] 8>C_Sector.cpp [exec] 8>C_Point.cpp [exec] 8>C_Model.cpp [exec] 8>C_Light.cpp [exec] 8>C_Joint.cpp [exec] 8>C_Frame.cpp [exec] 8>C_Fog.cpp [exec] 8>C_Dummy.cpp [exec] 8>C_Camera.cpp [exec] 8>C_Area.cpp [exec] 8>Generating Code... [exec] 8>Compiling... [exec] 8>SDSXMLDescription.cpp [exec] 8>C_XMLResourceCollector.cpp [exec] 8>C_SDSXMLResource.cpp [exec] 8>C_SDSXMLLoadingContext.cpp [exec] 8>C_SaveSDSXMLManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_LoadSDSXMLManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_CollectibleResourceXML.cpp [exec] 8>SDSExtraDataDescription.cpp [exec] 8>C_SDSExtraDataLoadingContext.cpp [exec] 8>C_SaveSDSExtraDataManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_LoadSDSExtraDataManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_SDSMemFileLoadingContext.cpp [exec] 8>C_SaveSDSMemFileManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_LoadSDSMemFileManager.cpp [exec] 8>I_SdsPatchProvider.cpp [exec] 8>I_SDSLoadingContext.cpp [exec] 8>C_SdsPatch.cpp [exec] 8>C_SDSFileWriter.cpp [exec] 8>C_SDSFileReader.cpp [exec] 8>C_SaveSDSManager.cpp [exec] 8>Generating Code... [exec] 8>Compiling... [exec] 8>C_LoadSDSManager.cpp [exec] 8>SDSTextureDescription.cpp [exec] 8>SDSMipmapDescription.cpp [exec] 8>C_SDSTextureLoadingContext.cpp [exec] 8>C_SDSMipmapLoadingContext.cpp [exec] 8>C_SDSMipmap.cpp [exec] 8>C_SDSAnimTextureResource.cpp [exec] 8>C_SDSAnimTextureLoadingContext.cpp [exec] 8>C_SaveSDSTextureManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_SaveSDSMipmapManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_SaveSDSAnimTextureManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_LoadSDSTextureManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_LoadSDSMipmapManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_LoadSDSAnimTextureManager.cpp [exec] 8>SDSBufferDescription.cpp [exec] 8>C_SDSBufferLoadingContext.cpp [exec] 8>C_SaveSDSBufferManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_LoadSDSBufferManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_SDSFrameLoadingContext.cpp [exec] 8>C_SaveSDSFrameManager.cpp [exec] 8>Generating Code... [exec] 8>Compiling... [exec] 8>C_LoadSDSFrameManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_PostProcessSet.cpp [exec] 8>C_DbgCoreCallbacksManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_CoreSyncManProvider.cpp [exec] 8>C_XDSExtensionManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_MeshPreprocessor.cpp [exec] 8>C_XMLManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_ExtraDataSlotManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_CollectibleResourceExtraData.cpp [exec] 8>C_MatSamplerTextureFactory.cpp [exec] 8>C_MatSamplerTexture.cpp [exec] 8>C_MatSamplerResourceFactory.cpp [exec] 8>C_MatSamplerAnimTextureFactory.cpp [exec] 8>C_MatSamplerAnimTexture.cpp [exec] 8>C_TextureCfg.cpp [exec] 8>C_CollectibleResourceAnimTexture.cpp [exec] 8>C_AnimTextureManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_AnimTexture.cpp [exec] 8>C_VertexCompressor.cpp [exec] 8>C_CollideLineQuery.cpp [exec] 8>Generating Code... [exec] 8>Compiling... [exec] 8>C_ScenePropertiesSerializer.cpp [exec] 8>C_CollectibleResourceSceneProps.cpp [exec] 8>C_FrameExtraDataProvider.cpp [exec] 8>C_ExtraDataRecord.cpp [exec] 8>C_ExtraDataProvider.cpp [exec] 8>C_ExtraDataParameter.cpp [exec] 8>C_ExtraDataManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_ExtraDataBucket.cpp [exec] 8>C_SyncManagerTmpResManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_SyncManagerProfiler.cpp [exec] 8>C_SyncManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_SynchronizationJob.cpp [exec] 8>C_SyncCtx.cpp [exec] 8>Generating Code... [exec] 8>Compiling... [exec] 16>Lib.cpp [exec] 16>C_GlobalStatesUtils.cpp [exec] 16>edge_wrap.cpp [exec] 8>Lib.cpp [exec] 16>DbgDrawSubdiv.cpp [exec] 16>C_AuxVisQueriesBuff.cpp [exec] 8>I_Binder.cpp [exec] 16>C_ProxyLightGeomInteraction.cpp [exec] 8>FrameFreeMethods.cpp [exec] 16>C_LightGeomInteractionIBPool.cpp [exec] 8>C_VisualDebugDrawObject.cpp [exec] 16>C_LightGeomInteractionCache.cpp [exec] 8>C_MultiFrameDebugDraw.cpp [exec] 16>C_LightGeomInteraction.cpp [exec] 8>C_LightDebugDrawObject.cpp [exec] 16>C_BPALightGeomInteraction.cpp [exec] 8>C_FramePick.cpp [exec] 16>CustomShaderParams.cpp [exec] 8>C_FrameDeleteCB.cpp [exec] 16>I_ShaderParamsProvider.cpp [exec] 16>GPUParamsDef.cpp [exec] 8>C_FrameDebugDrawObject.cpp [exec] 16>C_VolumeMeshUtl.cpp [exec] 8>C_FrameClassFactory.cpp [exec] 16>C_RTMgr.cpp [exec] 8>C_SDSExtraDataResource.cpp [exec] 8>C_SDSScenePart.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderParamsCtx.cpp [exec] 8>C_SDSMemFile.cpp [exec] 8>I_SDSResource.cpp [exec] 8>C_SlotAllocator.cpp [exec] 16>Generating Code... [exec] 8>C_Slot.cpp [exec] 8>C_SDSProcHandler.cpp [exec] 8>C_SDSManagerContainer.cpp [exec] 8>C_SDSTexture.cpp [exec] 8>C_SDSBuffer.cpp [exec] 8>Generating Code... [exec] 8>Compiling... [exec] 8>C_SDSFrameResource.cpp [exec] 8>C_PointerSolver.cpp [exec] 8>S_GraphicsInitDesc.cpp [exec] 8>C_StreamCreator.cpp [exec] 8>C_StatisticsManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_Screenshot.cpp [exec] 8>C_SceneRenderContext.cpp [exec] 8>C_RenderProcHandler.cpp [exec] 8>C_RenderDestination.cpp [exec] 8>C_DebugDrawManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_CoreStatisticsManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_Core.cpp [exec] 8>C_XDSLoader.cpp [exec] 8>C_XDSCollector.cpp [exec] 8>C_CollectibleResourceScenePart.cpp [exec] 8>C_MemFileResourceCollector.cpp [exec] 8>C_MemFileManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_MemFileDescription.cpp [exec] 8>C_CollectibleResourceMemFile.cpp [exec] 8>C_MaterialManager.cpp [exec] 8>Generating Code... [exec] 8>Compiling... [exec] 8>C_Material.cpp [exec] 8>C_CollectibleResourceMesh.cpp [exec] 8>C_CollectibleResourceFgroup.cpp [exec] 8>C_FrameManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_CollectibleResourceSNGMDef.cpp [exec] 8>C_CollectibleResourceFrame.cpp [exec] 8>I_Buffer.cpp [exec] 8>C_VertexBuffer.cpp [exec] 8>C_IndexBuffer.cpp [exec] 8>C_CollectibleResourceBuffer.cpp [exec] 8>C_BufferManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_TextureManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_Texture.cpp [exec] 8>C_CollectibleResourceTexture.cpp [exec] 8>I_CollectibleResource.cpp [exec] 8>MeshCDQuery.cpp [exec] 8>C_VertexFormatManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_MFManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_Mesh.cpp [exec] 8>C_FaceGroup.cpp [exec] 8>Generating Code... [exec] 8>Compiling... [exec] 8>C_CollisionMeshAdaptor.cpp [exec] 8>C_ScenePart.cpp [exec] 8>C_SceneManager.cpp [exec] 8>C_SceneBinder.cpp [exec] 8>C_Scene.cpp [exec] 8>I_SyncObject.cpp [exec] 8>I_SyncManager.cpp [exec] 8>Generating Code... [exec] 8>Compiling... [exec] 8>C_SingleMeshCDAdaptor.cpp [exec] 8>Creating library... [exec] 8>Build log was saved at "file://D:\Compiler\code\tmp\win32\SysCore\Release\BuildLog.htm" [exec] 8>SysCore - 0 error(s), 3 warning(s) [exec] 16>Compiling... [exec] 16>C_RenderObjCache.cpp [exec] 16>C_Renderer2VSD.cpp [exec] 16>C_Renderer2VRAMView.cpp [exec] 16>C_Renderer2Utils.cpp [exec] 16>C_Renderer2Temp.cpp [exec] 16>C_Renderer2SMap.cpp [exec] 16>C_Renderer2Rend.cpp [exec] 16>C_Renderer2Lighting.cpp [exec] 16>C_Renderer2LightAOE.cpp [exec] 16>C_Renderer2FX.cpp [exec] 16>C_Renderer2Dbg.cpp [exec] 16>C_Renderer2CSMCull.cpp [exec] 16>C_Renderer2Cfg.cpp [exec] 16>C_Renderer2CD.cpp [exec] 16>C_Renderer2.cpp [exec] 16>C_FrameCachedData.cpp [exec] 16>C_CDQueryCache.cpp [exec] 16>ShadowMappingMath.cpp [exec] 16>C_TextureConversionUtils.cpp [exec] 16>C_TexSurfAllocator.cpp [exec] 16>Generating Code... [exec] 16>Compiling... [exec] 16>C_SysShaders.cpp [exec] 16>C_SysShader.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderUtils.cpp [exec] 16>C_LoadScreenTextureUtils.cpp [exec] 16>C_Clipping.cpp [exec] 16>VSDSystemHWOccl.cpp [exec] 16>VSDDeviceAdaptor.cpp [exec] 16>PCExternalAssertHandler.cpp [exec] 16>AssertSkipper.cpp [exec] 16>AssertHandlerBase.cpp [exec] 16>ShaderCompilationXBOX360.cpp [exec] 16>VSCommandBuffer.cpp [exec] 16>Rogue.cpp [exec] 16>PSGenePatch.cpp [exec] 16>PSCommandBuffer.cpp [exec] 16>I_ParamTableBasePS3.cpp [exec] 16>CompileShaderForPS3.cpp [exec] 16>cellGcmCg.cpp [exec] 16>C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3.cpp [exec] 16>C_DeviceConstantTablePS3.cpp [exec] 16>Generating Code... [exec] 16>Compiling... [exec] 16>C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3.cpp [exec] 16>C_MemoryProviderPC.cpp [exec] 16>I_VRAMAllocator.cpp [exec] 16>I_RenderDevice.cpp [exec] 16>I_RenderDbgUtils.cpp [exec] 16>I_MemoryProvider.cpp [exec] 16>I_DeviceResource.cpp [exec] 16>C_VertexBufferAccessor.cpp [exec] 16>C_ResourceMonitor.cpp [exec] 16>C_ResourceAddress.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderDeviceOptimization.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderDeviceBase.cpp [exec] 16>C_PixelFormatConvertor.cpp [exec] 16>C_PixelFormat.cpp [exec] 16>C_IndexBufferAccessor.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderDebugDrawManager.cpp [exec] 16>VertexDeclarationUtl.cpp [exec] 16>S_GraphicsInitDesc.cpp [exec] 16>C_VertexTranslator.cpp [exec] 16>C_VertexFormatDeclarationManager.cpp [exec] 16>Generating Code... [exec] 16>Compiling... [exec] 16>C_ShaderSetCache.cpp [exec] 16>C_ShaderConstantsStorage.cpp [exec] 16>C_ShaderCache.cpp [exec] 16>C_ShaderBuilder.cpp [exec] 16>C_Screenshot.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderStatisticsManager.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderPostProcessSet.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderDestination.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderCore.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderContext.cpp [exec] 16>C_PlaybackCtrlSuperManager.cpp [exec] 16>C_PlaybackCtrlManager.cpp [exec] 16>C_FragmentManager.cpp [exec] 16>C_FragmentAccumulator.cpp [exec] 16>C_PlatformSpecificDataPC.cpp [exec] 16>I_SyncObjectTarget.cpp [exec] 16>I_PlatformSpecificData.cpp [exec] 16>C_CollideLineQuery.cpp [exec] 16>C_AnalyzeQuery.cpp [exec] 16>SceneQuery.cpp [exec] 16>Generating Code... [exec] 16>Compiling... [exec] 16>C_RenderEntityGroup.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderFog.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderCamera.cpp [exec] 16>I_RenderVisual.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderVisual.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderUberVisual.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderSkinedVisual.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderParticleVisual.cpp [exec] 16>I_RenderLight.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderSpotLight.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderPointLight.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderDirLight.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderCascadedLight.cpp [exec] 16>RenderEntityAllocator.cpp [exec] 16>I_RenderEntity.cpp [exec] 16>C_LinearSpatialSubdiv.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderSceneManager.cpp [exec] 16>TextureTypesConvert.cpp [exec] 16>jpeg.cpp [exec] 16>I_ImageIO.cpp [exec] 16>Generating Code... [exec] 16>Compiling... [exec] 16>dds.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderTextureManager.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderTexture.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderAnimTextureManager.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderAnimTexture.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderSkinedVisualDef.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderMFManager.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderMeshSet.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderFaceGroupSet.cpp [exec] 16>C_RefractiveGlassRenderSetup.cpp [exec] 16>C_PlaneMirrorRenderSetup.cpp [exec] 16>C_PlanarReflectionWaterRenderSetup.cpp [exec] 16>C_MilkGlassRenderSetup.cpp [exec] 16>C_HairRenderSetup.cpp [exec] 16>C_GlossyGlassRenderSetup.cpp [exec] 16>C_FogRenderSetup.cpp [exec] 16>C_EmptyOnePassRenderSetup.cpp [exec] 16>C_DualRenderSetup.cpp [exec] 16>C_DstIAPlusSrcRenderSetup.cpp [exec] 16>C_DstIAPlusSrcARenderSetup.cpp [exec] 16>Generating Code... [exec] 16>Compiling... [exec] 16>C_ConstColoredWithWireframeRenderSetup.cpp [exec] 16>C_CommonRenderSetup.cpp [exec] 16>C_ColoredGlassRenderSetup.cpp [exec] 16>C_AnimTextureCtrl.cpp [exec] 16>C_AnimBumpedPlaneMirrorRenderSetup.cpp [exec] 16>C_UserContentGenerationManager.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderMatSamplerTextureFactory.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderMatSamplerTexture.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderMatSamplerAnimTextureFactory.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderMatSamplerAnimTexture.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderMaterialManager.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderMaterial.cpp [exec] 16>C_MaterialTemplate.cpp [exec] 16>I_RenderBuffer.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderVertexBuffer.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderIndexBuffer.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderBufferManager.cpp [exec] 16>C_CompressedVertexBuffer.cpp [exec] 16>C_CompressedIndexBuffer.cpp [exec] 16>C_BufferPool.cpp [exec] 16>Generating Code... [exec] 16>Compiling... [exec] 16>I_RenderResource.cpp [exec] 16>I_RenderManager.cpp [exec] 16>C_GlowUtils.cpp [exec] 16>C_GlowRenderer.cpp [exec] 16>C_GlowManager.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderDecalsManager.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderDecalsGroup.cpp [exec] 16>C_ManagedDecal.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderParticleSystem.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderParticleShape.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderParticleManager.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderParticleGenerationPattern.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderParticleGeneration.cpp [exec] 16>C_ParticleSorter.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderParticleBuffer.cpp [exec] 16>I_Render.cpp [exec] 16>C_VisualCache.cpp [exec] 16>C_Visitors.cpp [exec] 16>C_ShadowMapRenderer.cpp [exec] 16>C_ShadowMapManager.cpp [exec] 16>Generating Code... [exec] 16>Compiling... [exec] 16>C_RenderTargetManager.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderShaderContext.cpp [exec] 16>C_Renderer.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderElementsBuilder.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderBase.cpp [exec] 16>C_PostProcessManager.cpp [exec] 16>C_MainRenderer.cpp [exec] 16>C_LightingSystem.cpp [exec] 16>C_FogVolumeSystem.cpp [exec] 16>Generating Code... [exec] 16>Compiling... [exec] 16>Crc32.cpp [exec] 16>C_Compressor.cpp [exec] 16>ati_eyefinity.c [exec] 16>d:\compiler\code\src\modules\sysrender\renderdevice\pc\eyefinity\ati_eyefinity.c(308) : warning C4189: 'lpDisplayRectVisible' : local variable is initialized but not referenced [exec] 16>d:\compiler\code\src\modules\sysrender\renderdevice\pc\eyefinity\ati_eyefinity.c(307) : warning C4189: 'lpDisplayRect' : local variable is initialized but not referenced [exec] 16>Generating Code... [exec] 16>Compiling... [exec] 16>C_VRAMAllocatorPC.cpp [exec] 16>C_ShaderIncludeManager.cpp [exec] 16>C_ResourceAddressPC.cpp [exec] 16>C_RenderDevicePC.cpp [exec] 16>C_PixelFormatPC.cpp [exec] 16>C_DeviceResourcePC.cpp [exec] 16>Generating Code... [exec] 16>Compiling... [exec] 16>C_RenderSector.cpp [exec] 16>Compiling... [exec] 16>C_RenderUtils.cpp [exec] 16>Creating library... [exec] 16>I_ParamTableBasePS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: static bool __cdecl ue::sys::render::device::I_ParamTableBasePS3::DecomposeCgBasicType(enum CGtype,enum ue::sys::render::device::E_RegisterSet &,unsigned int &,unsigned int &,unsigned int &)" (?DecomposeCgBasicType@I_ParamTableBasePS3@device@render@sys@ue@@SA_NW4CGtype@@AAW4E_RegisterSet@2345@AAI22@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>I_ParamTableBasePS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: static bool __cdecl ue::sys::render::device::I_ParamTableBasePS3::DecomposeCgParam(struct _CGprogram *,struct _CGparameter *,enum ue::sys::render::device::E_RegisterSet &,unsigned int &,unsigned int &,unsigned int &)" (?DecomposeCgParam@I_ParamTableBasePS3@device@render@sys@ue@@SA_NPAU_CGprogram@@PAU_CGparameter@@AAW4E_RegisterSet@2345@AAI33@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3::GetSerializationSize(void)const " (?GetSerializationSize@C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3@device@render@sys@ue@@UBEIXZ) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual bool __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3::Deserialize(void const *,unsigned int)" (?Deserialize@C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3@device@render@sys@ue@@UAE_NPBXI@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3::FormatToString(char *,unsigned int)const " (?FormatToString@C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3@device@render@sys@ue@@UBEIPADI@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "protected: unsigned int __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3::ParseMax(char const *)const " (?ParseMax@C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3@device@render@sys@ue@@IBEIPBD@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: bool __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3::LoadValuesFromDisassembledShader(char const *,unsigned int)" (?LoadValuesFromDisassembledShader@C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3@device@render@sys@ue@@QAE_NPBDI@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceShaderStatisticsAccumulatorPS3::~C_DeviceShaderStatisticsAccumulatorPS3(void)" (??1C_DeviceShaderStatisticsAccumulatorPS3@device@render@sys@ue@@UAE@XZ) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceShaderStatisticsAccumulatorPS3::C_DeviceShaderStatisticsAccumulatorPS3(void)" (??0C_DeviceShaderStatisticsAccumulatorPS3@device@render@sys@ue@@QAE@XZ) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual bool __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3::Serialize(void *,unsigned int,bool)const " (?Serialize@C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3@device@render@sys@ue@@UBE_NPAXI_N@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual bool __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceShaderStatisticsAccumulatorPS3::Add(class ue::sys::render::device::I_DeviceShaderStatistics const &)" (?Add@C_DeviceShaderStatisticsAccumulatorPS3@device@render@sys@ue@@UAE_NABVI_DeviceShaderStatistics@2345@@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceShaderStatisticsPS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceShaderStatisticsAccumulatorPS3::FormatToString(char *,unsigned int)const " (?FormatToString@C_DeviceShaderStatisticsAccumulatorPS3@device@render@sys@ue@@UBEIPADI@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceConstantTablePS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "int __cdecl ue::sys::render::device::GetArrayName(char const *,char *)" (?GetArrayName@device@render@sys@ue@@YAHPBDPAD@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceConstantTablePS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceConstantTablePS3::GetSerializationSize(void)const " (?GetSerializationSize@C_DeviceConstantTablePS3@device@render@sys@ue@@UBEIXZ) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceConstantTablePS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceConstantTablePS3::GetNumConstantDescs(void)const " (?GetNumConstantDescs@C_DeviceConstantTablePS3@device@render@sys@ue@@UBEIXZ) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceConstantTablePS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual struct ue::sys::render::device::S_ShaderConstantDesc const * __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceConstantTablePS3::GetConstantDescByIndex(unsigned int)const " (?GetConstantDescByIndex@C_DeviceConstantTablePS3@device@render@sys@ue@@UBEPBUS_ShaderConstantDesc@2345@I@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceConstantTablePS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "class ue::sys::render::device::ConstantTree<class ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceConstantTablePS3::TreeParamInfo>::Node const * __cdecl ue::sys::render::device::GetFirstReferencedLeaf(class ue::sys::render::device::ConstantTree<class ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceConstantTablePS3::TreeParamInfo>::Node *,unsigned int &,class ue::sys::render::device::ConstantTree<class ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceConstantTablePS3::TreeParamInfo>::Node const *)" (?GetFirstReferencedLeaf@device@render@sys@ue@@YAPBVNode@?$ConstantTree@VTreeParamInfo@C_DeviceConstantTablePS3@device@render@sys@ue@@@1234@PAV561234@AAIPBV561234@@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceConstantTablePS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual struct ue::sys::render::device::S_ShaderConstantDesc const * __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceConstantTablePS3::GetConstantDescByName(char const *)const " (?GetConstantDescByName@C_DeviceConstantTablePS3@device@render@sys@ue@@UBEPBUS_ShaderConstantDesc@2345@PBD@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceConstantTablePS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "class ue::sys::render::device::ConstantTree<class ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceConstantTablePS3::TreeParamInfo>::Node * __cdecl ue::sys::render::device::SetFirstLeafRegisterIndex(class ue::sys::render::device::ConstantTree<class ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceConstantTablePS3::TreeParamInfo>::Node *,unsigned int,class ue::sys::render::device::ConstantTree<class ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceConstantTablePS3::TreeParamInfo>::Node *)" (?SetFirstLeafRegisterIndex@device@render@sys@ue@@YAPAVNode@?$ConstantTree@VTreeParamInfo@C_DeviceConstantTablePS3@device@render@sys@ue@@@1234@PAV561234@I0@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceConstantTablePS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "void __cdecl ue::sys::render::device::UpdateRanges(class ue::sys::render::device::ConstantTree<class ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceConstantTablePS3::TreeParamInfo>::Node *,class ue::sys::render::device::ConstantTree<class ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceConstantTablePS3::TreeParamInfo>::Node const *)" (?UpdateRanges@device@render@sys@ue@@YAXPAVNode@?$ConstantTree@VTreeParamInfo@C_DeviceConstantTablePS3@device@render@sys@ue@@@1234@PBV561234@@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceConstantTablePS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual bool __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceConstantTablePS3::Serialize(void *,unsigned int,bool)const " (?Serialize@C_DeviceConstantTablePS3@device@render@sys@ue@@UBE_NPAXI_N@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceConstantTablePS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceConstantTablePS3::~C_DeviceConstantTablePS3(void)" (??1C_DeviceConstantTablePS3@device@render@sys@ue@@UAE@XZ) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceConstantTablePS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "void __cdecl ue::sys::render::device::AddLeafNodes(class ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceConstantTablePS3 *,class ue::sys::render::device::ConstantTree<class ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceConstantTablePS3::TreeParamInfo>::Node *)" (?AddLeafNodes@device@render@sys@ue@@YAXPAVC_DeviceConstantTablePS3@1234@PAVNode@?$ConstantTree@VTreeParamInfo@C_DeviceConstantTablePS3@device@render@sys@ue@@@1234@@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceConstantTablePS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: void __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceConstantTablePS3::Build(struct _CGprogram *)" (?Build@C_DeviceConstantTablePS3@device@render@sys@ue@@QAEXPAU_CGprogram@@@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceConstantTablePS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual bool __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceConstantTablePS3::Deserialize(void const *,unsigned int)" (?Deserialize@C_DeviceConstantTablePS3@device@render@sys@ue@@UAE_NPBXI@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceConstantTablePS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceConstantTablePS3::C_DeviceConstantTablePS3(struct _CGprogram *)" (??0C_DeviceConstantTablePS3@device@render@sys@ue@@QAE@PAU_CGprogram@@@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3::C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3(void const *,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int)" (??0C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3@device@render@sys@ue@@QAE@PBXIII@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3::GetSerializationSize(void)const " (?GetSerializationSize@C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3@device@render@sys@ue@@UBEIXZ) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual bool __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3::Deserialize(void const *,unsigned int)" (?Deserialize@C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3@device@render@sys@ue@@UAE_NPBXI@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3::GetRuntimeMemoryNeeded(enum ue::sys::render::device::C_MemoryDesc::E_MemoryType)const " (?GetRuntimeMemoryNeeded@C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3@device@render@sys@ue@@UBEIW4E_MemoryType@C_MemoryDesc@2345@@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3::GetBufferSize(enum ue::sys::render::device::C_MemoryDesc::E_MemoryType)const " (?GetBufferSize@C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3@device@render@sys@ue@@UBEIW4E_MemoryType@C_MemoryDesc@2345@@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual void const * __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3::GetBuffer(enum ue::sys::render::device::C_MemoryDesc::E_MemoryType)const " (?GetBuffer@C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3@device@render@sys@ue@@UBEPBXW4E_MemoryType@C_MemoryDesc@2345@@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual void __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3::HasBeenCompressedTo(unsigned int)" (?HasBeenCompressedTo@C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3@device@render@sys@ue@@UAEXI@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual bool __thiscall ue::sys::render::device::C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3::Serialize(void *,unsigned int,bool)const " (?Serialize@C_DeviceCompiledShaderPS3@device@render@sys@ue@@UBE_NPAXI_N@Z) already defined in suc_SysRender_2.obj; second definition ignored [exec] 16>Build log was saved at "file://D:\Compiler\code\tmp\win32\SysRender\Release\BuildLog.htm" [exec] 16>SysRender - 0 error(s), 42 warning(s) [exec] 18>------ Rebuild All started: Project: SysLibDependency, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ [exec] 18>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'SysLibDependency', configuration 'Release|Win32' [exec] 18>Compiling... [exec] 18>cl : Command line warning D9035 : option 'Wp64' has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release [exec] 18>SysLibDependency.cpp [exec] 18>Creating library... [exec] 18>Build log was saved at "file://D:\Compiler\code\tmp\win32\SysLibDependency\Release\BuildLog.htm" [exec] 18>SysLibDependency - 0 error(s), 1 warning(s) [exec] 19>------ Rebuild All started: Project: SCBuilder, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ [exec] 19>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'SCBuilder', configuration 'Release|Win32' [exec] 19>Performing Pre-Build Event... [exec] 19>SubWCRev: 'D:\Compiler\code' [exec] 19>Last committed at revision 75126 [exec] 19>Updated to revision 75131 [exec] 19>Local modifications found [exec] 19>Compiling... [exec] 19>cl : Command line warning D9035 : option 'Wp64' has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release [exec] 19>suc_Demo2.cpp [exec] 19>C_FrameProps.cpp [exec] 19>C_DemoObjects.cpp [exec] 19>SCBuilder.cpp [exec] 19>C_PostProcessSetLoader.cpp [exec] 19>C_Window.cpp [exec] 19>C_Demo_win.cpp [exec] 19>LightEntity.cpp [exec] 19>Lib.cpp [exec] 19>C_ProfilerOutputDemo.cpp [exec] 19>C_MissionSerializerDemoCallback.cpp [exec] 19>C_EntityLoader.cpp [exec] 19>C_EngineDemo.cpp [exec] 19>C_DemoInput.cpp [exec] 19>C_Demo.cpp [exec] 19>C_CommandLine.cpp [exec] 19>Generating Code... [exec] 19>Linking... [exec] 19> Creating library D:\Compiler\code\bin\win32\SCBuilder\Release\SCBuilder.lib and object D:\Compiler\code\bin\win32\SCBuilder\Release\SCBuilder.exp [exec] 19>Embedding manifest... [exec] 19>Build log was saved at "file://D:\Compiler\code\tmp\win32\SCBuilder\Release\BuildLog.htm" [exec] 19>SCBuilder - 0 error(s), 1 warning(s) [exec] ========== Rebuild All: 19 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ========== [copy] Copying 1 file to 'D:\Compiler\code\src\modules\SysRender\RenderDevice\CompileShadersForPS3OnPC.h'. [move] 1 files moved. [mkdir] Creating directory 'D:\Compiler\build\ToolsDir\SCBuilder'. [copy] Copying 4 files to 'D:\Compiler\build\ToolsDir\SCBuilder'. [copy] Copying 7 files to 'D:\Compiler\build\ToolsDir\SCBuilder'. Notify: [echo] 07/07/2010 14:30:48 [echo] SC Builder .................... OK FormatStringsVersioned: BI_SavePage: [echo] Parsing build info file from Wiki: \\brno\wiki\abs\buildinfo\scbuilder_pc_release.txt [call] D:\Compiler\code\utl\buildtools\,6): [call] Source file '\\brno\wiki\abs\buildinfo\scbuilder_pc_release.txt' does not exist. AssembleProject: FormatStringsVersioned: [echo] Creating final folder MakeDirStruct: [echo] Creating folder structure CopyController: [copy] Copying 1 file to 'D:\Compiler\code\utl\buildtools\Build logs\SCBuilder Release\Autobuilder.log'. [copy] Copying 2 files to 'D:\Compiler\final\SCBuilder_Release\75126\buildLogs'. [echo] Copying SCBuilder CopyExePdbFiles: [copy] Copying 2 files to 'D:\Compiler\final\SCBuilder_Release\75126\SCBuilder'. Notify: [echo] 07/07/2010 14:30:49 [echo] Assemble ...................... OK BI_SavePage: [echo] Parsing build info file from Wiki: \\brno\wiki\abs\buildinfo\scbuilder_pc_release.txt [call] D:\Compiler\code\utl\buildtools\,6): [call] Source file '\\brno\wiki\abs\buildinfo\scbuilder_pc_release.txt' does not exist. StoreLatest: [echo] Store latest version of SCBuilder [mkdir] Creating directory 'D:\Compiler\latest\PREPARING SCBuilder'. MakeDirStruct: [echo] Creating folder structure [mkdir] Creating directory 'D:\Compiler\latest\PREPARING SCBuilder\buildLogs'. [mkdir] Creating directory 'D:\Compiler\latest\PREPARING SCBuilder\SCBuilder'. CopyController: [copy] Copying 2 files to 'D:\Compiler\latest\PREPARING SCBuilder\buildLogs'. [echo] Copying SCBuilder CopyExePdbFiles: [copy] Copying 2 files to 'D:\Compiler\latest\PREPARING SCBuilder\SCBuilder'. [echo] Removing old version from latest folder [exec] D:\Compiler\code\utl\buildtools>move "D:\Compiler\latest\SCBuilder_Release_75126" "D:\Compiler\latest\OLD SCBuilder" [exec] 1 přesunutých souborů [echo] Updating name [exec] D:\Compiler\code\utl\buildtools>move "D:\Compiler\latest\PREPARING SC