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This is my sandbox. I will usually put recent discoveries or anything I need to temporarily place will be here.

Papers, Please

Hello inspector. We have audited your recent activities. Your involvement with a group calling themselves THE CUTTING ROOM FLOOR has been uncovered. Several members of this group have been arrested in Arstotzka. At least one TCRF member has confessed to receiving your help. This represents treason of the highest order. Goodbye inspector.

Version Differences

There's a bunch to go through.


The game was updated on March 7, 2023 to use the Unity engine.

  • In v1.2.76 and earlier on Day 30, you are required to re-confiscate Simon Wens' passport after giving it to the vengeful father to avoid a citation. In v1.4.x, you can't re-confiscate the passport and thus are required to approve the passport itself, but you don't get a citation.

Minecraft: Java Edition

Crash Reporting

When the game (both client and server) encounters an uncaught error, it will generate a crash report and then close itself. Here's an example of a crash report generated by version 1.12.2:

--- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// On the bright side, I bought you a teddy bear!

Time: 12/29/17 4:42 PM
Description: Manually triggered debug crash

	at bib.aD(SourceFile:1745)
	at bib.t(SourceFile:1665)
	at bib.az(SourceFile:1000)
	at bib.a(SourceFile:419)
	at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:123)

A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:

-- Head --
Thread: Client thread
	at bib.aD(SourceFile:1745)

-- Affected level --
	Level name: MpServer
	All players: 1 total; [bud['VideoGameSmash12'/0, l='MpServer', x=8.89, y=4.00, z=8.76]]
	Chunk stats: MultiplayerChunkCache: 169, 169
	Level seed: 0
	Level generator: ID 01 - flat, ver 0. Features enabled: false
	Level generator options: 
	Level spawn location: World: (8,4,8), Chunk: (at 8,0,8 in 0,0; contains blocks 0,0,0 to 15,255,15), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,0,0 to 511,255,511)
	Level time: 28827 game time, 1623 day time
	Level dimension: 0
	Level storage version: 0x00000 - Unknown?
	Level weather: Rain time: 0 (now: false), thunder time: 0 (now: false)
	Level game mode: Game mode: creative (ID 1). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false
	Forced entities: 1 total; [bud['VideoGameSmash12'/0, l='MpServer', x=8.89, y=4.00, z=8.76]]
	Retry entities: 0 total; []
	Server brand: vanilla
	Server type: Integrated singleplayer server
	at bsb.a(SourceFile:366)
	at bib.b(SourceFile:2587)
	at bib.a(SourceFile:428)
	at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:123)

-- System Details --
	Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
	Operating System: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
	Java Version: 1.8.0_25, Oracle Corporation
	Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
	Memory: 163879016 bytes (156 MB) / 402653184 bytes (384 MB) up to 1073741824 bytes (1024 MB)
	JVM Flags: 8 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xmx1G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=16M
	IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0
	Launched Version: 1.12.2
	LWJGL: 2.9.4
	OpenGL: Intel(R) HD Graphics 2500 GL version 4.0.0 - Build, Intel
	GL Caps: Using GL 1.3 multitexturing.
Using GL 1.3 texture combiners.
Using framebuffer objects because OpenGL 3.0 is supported and separate blending is supported.
Shaders are available because OpenGL 2.1 is supported.
VBOs are available because OpenGL 1.5 is supported.

	Using VBOs: No
	Is Modded: Probably not. Jar signature remains and client brand is untouched.
	Type: Client (map_client.txt)
	Resource Packs: 
	Current Language: English (US)
	Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
	CPU: 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570 CPU @ 3.40GHz


Snapshots are newly released builds of an upcoming major update that shows off the latest new features before they are a full-fledged release. They can be accessed by using the launcher and turning on the "Enable snapshot" option, but the ability to access older snapshots normally are wiped after a certain period of time.

1.13 - Update Aquatic


Release Date: October 25, 2017

17w43a is the first snapshot for 1.13. It is no longer available in the launcher, but can be added back in by providing it with the JAR and JSON files.

Smash Hit

To do:
Look into this more.

I really enjoyed this game. Its soundtrack helped me through some rough times in my life. It's got some cool stuff in it too.

Debug Menu

The load function in menu/main.lua contains code for both a debug menu and a button to open that menu.

dbgButton = mgCreateUi("debug.xml")
mgSetOrigo(dbgButton, "topleft")
mgSetPos(dbgButton, left+70, top+70)
dbgMenu = mgCreateUi("debugmenu.xml")
mgSetOrigo(dbgMenu, "center")
mgSetPos(dbgMenu, (left+right)*0.5, (top+bottom)*0.5)
mgSetScale(dbgMenu, 0, 0)

The handleCommand function in the same file also contains code for hiding and showing the debug menu.

if cmd == "showdebug" then
	mgSetScale(dbgMenu, 1, 1, "cosine", 0.1)
	mgSetUiModal(dbgMenu, true)

if cmd == "hidedebug" then
	mgSetScale(dbgMenu, 0, 0, "cosine", 0.1)
	mgSetUiModal(dbgMenu, false)

Diving deeper into the game's XML files reveal that these menus are still present and can still be loaded as actual menus.

<ui texture="debugmenu.png" selected="debugmenu.png" shade="true">	
	<rect coords="0 148 746 259" cmd="debug.reset"/>
	<rect coords="0 260 746 369" cmd="debug.unlockall"/>
	<rect coords="0 370 746 479" cmd="debug.premium"/>
	<rect coords="0 480 746 589" cmd="debug.nopremium"/>
	<outside cmd="script:hidedebug"/>


<ui texture="debug.png" selected="debug.png" shade="true">	
	<rect coords="0 0 227 70" cmd="script:showdebug"/>

Minecraft for Windows 10

This game is a bloody gold mine.

It came from space.

Unused Graphics


Image Name: reactor_core_stage_0.png
A texture for stage 0 of the unused Nether Reactor Core block.
Image Name: reactor_core_stage_1.png
A texture for stage 1 of the unused Nether Reactor Core block.
Image Name: reactor_core_stage_2.png
A texture for stage 2 of the unused Nether Reactor Core block.


These are leftovers from older versions of the game.

Image Location: touchgui.png
A button.
Image Location: touchgui.png
A button in its clicked state.
Image Location: touchgui.png
The "settings" button for an older version of the title screen.
Image Location: touchgui.png
The "settings" button for an older version of the title screen in its clicked state.
Image Location: touchgui.png
The "singleplayer" button for an older version of the title screen.
Image Location: touchgui.png
The "singleplayer" button for an older version of the title screen in its clicked state.
Image Location: touchgui.png
The "multiplayer" button for an older version of the title screen.
Image Location: touchgui.png
The "multiplayer" button for an older version of the title screen in its clicked state.
Image Location: touchgui.png
An old "Create World" button.
Image Location: touchgui.png
An old "Create World" button in its clicked state.
Image Location: touchgui.png
A close button.
Image Location: touchgui.png
A close button in its clicked state.
Image Location: touchgui.png
A button used to indicate that in-game sounds are not muted.
Image Location: touchgui.png
A button used to indicate that in-game sounds are muted.
Image Location: touchgui.png
A button, indicating the player is in the first person perspective.
Image Location: touchgui.png
A button, indicating the player is in the third person perspective.
Image Location: touchgui.png
A slider set to the "Off" position.
Image Location: touchgui.png
A slider set to the "On" position.
Image Location: touchgui.png
A differently-styled slider set to the "Off" position.
Image Location: touchgui.png
A differently-styled slider set to the "On" position.
Image Location: gui.png
Crossed-out and partially overwritten fragments of an older version of the game's GUI.

Debugging Material


There are menus in the game's files that were intended for debugging purposes.

  "namespace": "debug_screen",

  "access_button@common_buttons.light_content_button": {
    "$pressed_button_name": "button.access",
    "size": [ 20, 20 ],
    "offset": [ 20, 20 ],
    "anchor_to": "top_left",
    "anchor_from": "top_left",
    "bindings": [
        "binding_name": "#access_screen_visible",
        "binding_name_override": "#visible"

  "special_render": {
    "type": "custom",
    "renderer": "debug_screen_renderer"

  "content_panel": {
    "type": "panel",
    "clips_children": false,
    "size": [ "100%", "100%" ],
    "controls": [
        "access_button@debug_screen.access_button": {
        "special_render@debug_screen.special_render": {

  "debug_screen@common.base_screen": {
    "send_telemetry": false,
    "screen_not_flushable": true,
    "render_game_behind": true,
    "is_showing_menu": false,
    "low_frequency_rendering": true,
    "is_modal": true,
    "should_steal_mouse": false,
    "render_only_when_topmost": false,
    "screen_draws_last": true,
    "always_accepts_input": true,
    "$screen_content": "debug_screen.content_panel",
    "$screen_animations": [],
    "$use_loading_bars": false
  "namespace": "dev_console",

  "keyboard_button_content@common_buttons.button_content_panel": {
    "controls": [
        "keyboard_image@chat.keyboard_image": {

  "keyboard_button@common_buttons.light_content_button": {
    "$pressed_button_name": "keyboard_button",
    "$button_content": "dev_console.keyboard_button_content",
    "size": [ 20, 20 ]

  "button_content@common_buttons.button_content_panel": {
    "controls": [
        "image@$button_content_image_control": {

  "up_arrow": {
    "type": "image",
    "texture": "textures/ui/up_arrow",
    "size": [ 12, 12 ]

  "down_arrow": {
    "type": "image",
    "texture": "textures/ui/down_arrow",
    "size": [ 12, 12 ]

  "send_button@common_buttons.light_content_button": {
    "$pressed_button_name": "button.send",
    "$button_content": "dev_console.button_content",
    "$button_content_image_control": "chat.send_image",
    "size": [ 44, 27 ]

  "sent_message_up_button@common_buttons.light_content_button": {
    "$pressed_button_name": "button.chat_previous_message",
    "$button_content": "dev_console.button_content",
    "$button_content_image_control": "dev_console.up_arrow",
    "size": [ 30, 27 ],
    "bindings": [
        "binding_name": "(not #keyboard_helper_visible)",
        "binding_name_override": "#visible"

  "sent_message_down_button@common_buttons.light_content_button": {
    "$pressed_button_name": "button.chat_next_message",
    "$button_content": "dev_console.button_content",
    "$button_content_image_control": "dev_console.down_arrow",
    "size": [ 30, 27 ],
    "bindings": [
        "binding_name": "(not #keyboard_helper_visible)",
        "binding_name_override": "#visible"

  "chat_stack_panel": {
    "type": "stack_panel",
    "orientation": "horizontal",
    "size": [ "100%", 27 ],
    "controls": [
        "text_edit_box@chat.text_edit_box": {
        "send_button@dev_console.send_button": {
        "sent_message_up_button@dev_console.sent_message_up_button": {
        "sent_message_down_button@dev_console.sent_message_down_button": {

  "main_stack_panel": {
    "type": "stack_panel",
    "orientation": "vertical",
    "size": [ "100% - 4px", "100%" ],
    "controls": [
        "messages_scrolling_panel@chat.messages_scrolling_panel": {
          "size": [ "100%-2px", "100%-29px" ]
        "chat_stack_panel@dev_console.chat_stack_panel": {

  "main_with_intellisense": {
    "type": "panel",
    "controls": [
        "main_stack@dev_console.main_stack_panel": {}
        "commands_panel@chat.commands_panel": {
          "size": [ "100%", "100%-29px" ],
          "offset": [ 0, -29 ],
          "layer": 11

  "dev_console_dialog@common_dialogs.main_panel_no_buttons": {
    "$child_control": "dev_console.main_with_intellisense",
    "size": [ "100%", "75%" ],
    "anchor_from": "top_middle",
    "anchor_to": "top_middle"


  "dev_console_screen@common.base_screen": {
    "$screen_content": "dev_console.dev_console_dialog",
    "force_render_below": true,
    "button_mappings": [
        "from_button_id": "button.menu_exit",
        "to_button_id": "button.chat_menu_cancel",
        "mapping_type": "global"
        "from_button_id": "button.menu_cancel",
        "to_button_id": "button.chat_menu_cancel",
        "mapping_type": "global"

Debug Strings

In the game's language files, there are plenty of strings that were most likely intended for a debug menu of some sorts.

Internal Name en_US.lang
options.dev_game_tip Gameplay Tips
options.dev_ad_show_debug_panel Show EDU Sign In Debug Panel
options.dev_ad_token_refresh_threshold EDU Sign In Token Refresh Threshold Seconds
options.dev_assertions_debug_break Assertions break in the debugger
options.dev_assertions_show_dialog Assertions show a modal dialog
options.dev_enableDebugUI Enable Debug UI
options.dev_createRealmWithoutPurchase Create realm without purchase
options.dev_flushOrphanedRealmsPurchases Flush orphaned Realms purchases
options.dev_enableMixerInteractive Enable Mixer interactive commands
options.dev_storeOfferQueryRequiresXbl Require XBL for Store Offers
options.dev_clearPurchaseInventory Reset Coins & Entitlements
options.dev_renderBoundingBox Render bounding box
options.dev_renderPaths Render paths
options.dev_renderGoalState Render goal state
options.dev_resetClientId Reset client ID
options.dev_showChunkMap Show chunk map
options.dev_showServerChunkMap Chunk map shows server chunks
options.dev_disableRenderTerrain Disable Terrain Drawing
options.dev_disableRenderEntities Disable Entities Drawing
options.dev_disableRenderBlockEntities Disable Block Entities Drawing
options.dev_disableRenderParticles Disable Particles Drawing
options.dev_disableRenderSky Disable Sky Drawing
options.dev_disableRenderWeather Disable Weather Drawing
options.dev_disableRenderHud Disable Hud Drawing
options.dev_disableRenderItemInHand Disable Item-in-Hand Drawing
options.dev_serverInstanceThread Server Instance Thread
options.dev_newCuller Use new culler
options.dev_showBuildInfo Show build info
options.dev_showDevConsoleButton Show dev console button
options.dev_realmsPermissionsEnabledButton Show realms permissions
options.dev_show_tcui_replacement Show TCUI replacement
options.dev_enableProfiler Enable profiler
options.dev_newParticleSystem Enable New Particle System
options.dev_toggle_default_font_overrides Enable Default Font Overrides
options.dev_enableDebugHudOverlay Enable debug HUD
options.dev_enableDebugHudOverlay.off Off
options.dev_enableDebugHudOverlay.basic Basic
options.dev_enableDebugHudOverlay.renderchunks Render chunks
options.dev_enableDebugHudOverlay.workerthreads Worker threads
options.dev_enableDebugHudOverlay.debugtextures Debug textures
options.dev_enableDebugHudOverlay.profiler Profiler
options.dev_enableDebugHudOverlay.imagememory Image Memory
options.dev_enableDebugHudOverlay.debugBlocks Debug Blocks
options.dev_enableDebugHudOverlay.client_network Client Network
options.dev_enableDebugHudOverlay.server_network Server Network
options.dev_multithreadedRendering Enable multithreaded rendering
options.dev_file_watcher Enable File Watcher
options.dev_achievementsAlwaysEnabled Achievements always enabled
options.dev_useLocalServer Use local server
options.dev_useIPv6Only Use IPv6 Only
options.dev_attachPosRenderLevel Render Attach Positions
options.dev_render_attach_pos.none Off
options.dev_render_attach_pos.head_pos Head Position
options.dev_render_attach_pos.eyes_pos Eyes Position
options.dev_render_attach_pos.breath_pos Breathing Position
options.dev_render_attach_pos.body_pos Body Position
options.dev_render_attach_pos.feet_pos Feet Position
options.dev_render_attach_pos.all All
options.dev_disable_client_blob_cache Disable Client Blob Cache
options.dev_force_client_blob_cache Force Client Blob Cache On For Local Games
options.dev_connectionQuality Connection Quality
options.dev_connection_quality.no_limit Unlimited
options.dev_connection_quality.phone_4g 4G
options.dev_connection_quality.phone_3g 3G
options.dev_connection_quality.slow Slow
options.dev_connection_quality.very_slow Very Slow
options.dev_use_fps_independent_turning Use FPS-independent Turning
options.dev_use_fast_chunk_culling Use Fast Chunk Culling
options.dev_useRetailXboxSandbox Use Retail MSA Sandbox
options.dev_displayMarketplaceDocumentId Show Marketplace Document Id
options.dev_addCoins Add 500 Coins
options.dev_clearPurchaseInventory Reset Coins & Entitlements
options.dev_realmsEnvironment Realms Environment
options.dev_realms_environment.production Production
options.dev_realms_environment.staging Staging
options.dev_realms_environment.local Local
options.dev_realms_environment.dev Dev
options.dev_realmsEndpoint Realms Endpoint
options.dev_realmsEndpointPayment Realms Endpoint Payment
options.dev_realmsRelyingParty Realms Relying Party
options.dev_realmsRelyingPartyPayment Realms Relying Party Payment
options.dev_experimentalTreatment Override Experimental Treatments
options.dev_sandboxRetail Xforge Sandbox: Retail
options.dev_sandboxDev Xforge Sandbox: Dev
options.dev_displayTreatmentsPanel Display Treatments
options.dev_currentTreatmentsTitle Current Treatments
options.dev_unusedTreatmentsTitle Unused Treatments
options.dev_addTreatmentId Add Treatment Id
options.dev_addLabel Add
options.dev_resetTreatmentsToDefault Reset To Default
options.dev_clearTreatments Clear Treatments
options.dev_reset_day_one_experience Reset Day One Experience
options.dev_useZippedInPackagePacks Use Zipped In-package Packs
options.dev_importPacksAsZip Import Packs as Zip
options.dev_folders_portSettingsFolder Export Settings Folder
options.dev_useOverrideDate Use Override Date
options.dev_displayOverrideDatetime Display Datetime
options.dev_loadOverrideDate Load Override Date At Launch
options.dev.timeZoneType Override Editor Timezone Type
options.dev.timeZoneType.local Edit in Local Time
options.dev.timeZoneType.utc Edit in UTC
options.dev_overrideDateYear Year
options.dev_overrideDateMonth Month
options.dev_overrideDateDay Day
options.dev_overrideDateHour Hour
options.dev_overrideDateMinute Minute
options.dev_overrideDayLength Override Day Length In Minutes (Min: 1)
options.dev_overrideTimeScale Scale Speed That Time Passes (Min: 1, Default: 1)
options.dev_updateOverrideDate Update Override Date
options.dev_overrideVersionMajor Major
options.dev_overrideVersionMinor Minor
options.dev_overrideVersionPatch Patch
options.dev_updateVersionOverride Update Client Version Override
options.dev_resetOverrideDate Reset Override Date
options.dev_clearStoreCache Clear Marketplace Cache
options.dev_clearAllCache Clear All Cache
options.dev_connection_quality Network conditioner (simulate bad connections)
options.dev_connection_off Off - In-memory connection enabled for local play
options.dev_connection_nolimit Full network stack enabled - No limits
options.dev_connection_4g 4G - 15Mbps, 100ms latency, 1% packet loss
options.dev_connection_3g 3G - 1.5Mbps, 200ms latency, 2% packet loss
options.dev_connection_slow Slow - 400Kbps, 300ms latency, 3% packet loss
options.dev_connection_veryslow Very slow - 200Kbps, 400ms latency, 4% packet loss
options.dev_deleteAllPersonas Delete All Personas
options.dev_deleteLegacyPersona Delete Legacy Persona Slot
options.dev_identity_environment New Identity and Online Infrastructure Environment (requires restart)
options.dev_identity_environment.dev Development
options.dev_identity_environment.test Test
options.dev_identity_environment.prod Production
options.dev.windowsStore Select Windows Store (Restart Required)
options.dev.windowsStore.auto Automatic
options.dev.windowsStore.v6 Legacy Windows Store - V6
options.dev.windowsStore.v8 OneStore - V8
options.dev.stores Currently Active Stores:

Localized String Comments

These comments surround the localized strings from addServer.add to survey.title.

## the following strings are still in-use in 15.* and should not be removed until we are done servicing the 15.* releases
## end of 15.* release branch strings

File Paths

This is from the game's executable file alone.


Bejeweled 3

"Welcome back."

The latest entry in the mainstream Bejeweled series, including a Quests system, a more relaxing Zen mode, and an unsurprisingly stressful Lightning mode.

File Paths

In the Origin release of the game's executable:


In the Steam release of the game's executable:


Version Differences

According to the game's readme.html file, the Steam version uses an older version of the game, compared to the Origin version. Also, the Steam version of the readme.html file doesn't include a link to PopCap's website.

Steam Origin
Bejeweled® 3
Release Date: December 7, 2010
Build Date: October 31, 2011
Developed and published by PopCap Games, Inc.
We hope you enjoy the game!
Bejeweled® 3
Release Date: December 7, 2010
Build Date: April 10, 2012
Developed and published by PopCap Games, Inc.
We hope you enjoy the game!

Debugging Material


Aside from the debug menus that are already documented on this wiki, there is also some debugging shortcuts present in the game. Press Ctrl + Alt + D in-game to toggle a debugging keybind mode. At this point, you can use the keybinds noted below to toggle or trigger various debugging functions in-game.

Keybind Description Screenshot
F1 Displays an overlay including (but not limited to):
  • The amount of frames passed
  • The current date and time
  • Various video-related details
  • What graphics card the player is using (along with the driver being used)
  • The version of Windows the player is using
  • The player's processor, separated by how many cores there are
  • The player's computer's memory usage
  • Various Direct3D debugging details
Bejeweled 3-DebuggingF1Overlay.png
F2 Toggles what the game calls "perf timing". After perf timing is disabled, it displays a message box showing the results of said timing.
Bejeweled 3-DebuggingF2Results.png
F3 Displays an overlay including (but not limited to):
  • The actual in-game framerate
  • The virtual in-game framerate
Bejeweled 3-DebuggingF3Overlay.png
F8 Displays a message box showing various video, audio, and Direct3D details.
Bejeweled 3-DebuggingF8Stats.png
Shift + F8 Toggles 3D acceleration, then notifies the player about the change with a message box. It has a tendency to crash the game.
Bejeweled 3-DebuggingShiftF8Notif.png

Plants vs. Zombies

I grew up with this game. I used to play the hell out of it and I occasionally still do.

Unused Graphics

To do:
There's still more in /images/reloaded/quickplay to go through.
PVZGOTY-UnusedGraphics-quickplay menu bg.png File Name: quickplay_menu_bg.png
The background for the unused Quick Play menu.
PVZGOTY-UnusedGraphics-quickplay menu hl.png File Name: quickplay_menu_hl.png
The unused Quick Play menu, with the "Survival" option highlighted.
PVZGOTY-UnusedGraphics-survival cloud.png
File Name: survival_cloud.png
The background cloud for the Survival mode option in the unused Quick Play menu.
PVZGOTY-UnusedGraphics-survival cloud btn.png
File Name: survival_cloud_btn.png
The text for the Survival mode option in the unused Quick Play menu.
PVZGOTY-UnusedGraphics-survival cloud btn hl.png
File Name: survival_cloud_btn_hl.png
The text for the Survival mode option in the unused Quick Play menu, but for when the player hovers over the option in the menu.

Version Differences

There is a difference that lies within the game's actual readme.html files. For some reason, the system requirements is upped in the Steam version of the game.

Build Build (Steam)
OS*: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
Processor: 1.2+GHz
Memory (RAM): 512+MB
Free Hard Drive Space: 65+MB
DirectX Version: 8 or later
Sound: DirectX-compatible
Video: DirectX-compatible; 128+MB
Color Quality: 16-bit or 32-bit color mode (256 colors may not work)
Controls: Keyboard and mouse
Internet: Internet connection is required to register/unlock game trials — including those delivered via CD-ROM
*You must be an administrator to install this game.
OS*: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: 1.2+GHz
Memory (RAM): 1+GB
Free Hard Drive Space: 65+MB
DirectX Version: 8 or later
Sound: DirectX-compatible
Video: DirectX-compatible; 128+MB
Color Quality: 16-bit or 32-bit color mode (256 colors may not work)
Controls: Keyboard and mouse
Internet: Internet connection is required to register/unlock game trials — including those delivered via CD-ROM
*You must be an administrator to install and run this game.

Game Dev Tycoon

Apparently, this game used to be on the wiki, but isn't anymore. Huh.

Developer Comments

In readme.txt:

Copyright 2012-2018 Greenheart Games Pty. Ltd.
All Rights Reserved.
All images copyrighted.
Reverse engineering or code re-use prohibited. Please support us by buying our games.

Modding only allowed in compliance with the Modding Agreement available under ./mods

Credits at


More license information in



In /compressed/codeNw.js:

Copyright 2012-2018 Greenheart Games Pty. Ltd.
Reverse engineering or code re-use prohibited. Please support us by buying our games.

Modding only allowed in compliance with the Modding Agreement available under ./mods


All Rights Reserved.*/

In /css/layout.css:

/*custom css - (c) 2013-2017 Greenheart Games Pty. Ltd.*/

Unused CSS Code

In /css/achievements.css, some commented-out CSS for menus regarding achievements are present.

/*#achievementsPanel .windowTitle {
		text-align: left;

.achievementsScore {

In /css/greenworks.css, there are some extra lines of CSS for .modsPanelContainerWorkshop that were commented-out.

    overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: auto;

In /css/simplemodal.css, a bunch of commented-out CSS for containers are present.

/*#simplemodal-container {height:400px; width:600px; color:#bbb; background-color:#333; border:5px solid #444;}
#simplemodal-container .simplemodal-data { padding:15px; }
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PopCap's Lovely DRM

Some of PopCap's old games (with their legacy DRM) literally embed their actual executable within its DRM executable. This part documents the DRM part of many games' executable files.

Development Strings

 Complete Object Locator'
 Class Hierarchy Descriptor'
 Base Class Array'
 Base Class Descriptor at (
 Type Descriptor'
`local static thread guard'
`managed vector copy constructor iterator'
`vector vbase copy constructor iterator'
`vector copy constructor iterator'
`dynamic atexit destructor for '
`dynamic initializer for '
`eh vector vbase copy constructor iterator'
`eh vector copy constructor iterator'
`managed vector destructor iterator'
`managed vector constructor iterator'
`placement delete[] closure'
`placement delete closure'
`omni callsig'
`local vftable constructor closure'
`local vftable'
`udt returning'
`copy constructor closure'
`eh vector vbase constructor iterator'
`eh vector destructor iterator'
`eh vector constructor iterator'
`virtual displacement map'
`vector vbase constructor iterator'
`vector destructor iterator'
`vector constructor iterator'
`scalar deleting destructor'
`default constructor closure'
`vector deleting destructor'
`vbase destructor'
`local static guard'


File Path


Namco Museum: 50th Anniversary (Windows)

No clue why but the page that is supposed to include this version of the game is using the title screen from the PlayStation®2 version of the game. This is the proper title screen that is in the Windows release, in all its non-JPG glory.

This is a game I hold very near and dear to my heart, so I decided to dig into it for the fun of it. I ended up finding quite a few things as a result.


I suspect this one is for like the online leaderboards or something.

24 80 2048
        0      1714  100       0    0 friendrequeston.ia                       
     2048      1850  100       0    0 gameinviteon.ia                          
     4096     66184  100       0    0 gc_clines.ia                             
    71680     66564  100       0    0 gcloading.ia                             
   139264     16454  100       0    0 loading.ia                               
   157696     31711  100       0    0 loadingicon.ia                           
   190464      1037  100       0    0 pausehighlight.ia                        
   192512       130  100       0    0 serial                                   
   194560     48596  100       0    0 pausemenu.ia                             
   243712     66248  100       0    0 ps2_clines.ia                            
   311296     66564  100       0    0 ps2loading.ia                            
   378880     66248  100       0    0 xbox_clines.ia                           
   446464     66568  100       0    0 xboxloading.ia                           
   514048     65081  100       0    0 gamestartbox.ia                          
   579584      2681  100       0    0 mouse_cursor.ia                          
   583680      2681  100       0    0 mouse_cursor_up.ia                       
   587776      2681  100       0    0 mouse_cursor_down.ia                     
   591872     19424    1   44100   16 accept.wav                               
   612352     19424    1   44100   16 back.wav                                 
   632832     22592    1   44100   16 cancel.wav                               
   657408     12048    1   44100   16 popup.wav                                
   669696     24384    1   44100   16 rotate.wav                               
   694272      2480    1   44100   16 select.wav                               
   698368       992    1   44100   16 switch.wav                               


I bet this one contains all of the game resources like the roms and the WAV files, considering the fact that this was at the beginning of the file.

140 80 12288
        0     49952  100       0    0 Bosconian.rom                            
    51200     34812    1   22050    8 BIGBANG.WAV                              
    86016     53796    1   22050    8 MIDBANG.WAV                              
   141312     18706    1   22050    8 SHOT.WAV                                 
   161792     56096  100       0    0 DigDug.rom                               
   219136     37664  100       0    0 Galaga.rom                               
   258048     44129    1   22050    8 GALAGA.WAV                               
   303104     14368  100       0    0 Galaxian.rom                             
   319488     12000    1   22050    8 BACKGND.WAV                              
   331776     51606    1   22050    8 DEATH.WAV                                
   385024     20020    1   22050    8 FIRE.WAV                                 
   405504     54048  100       0    0 Mappy.rom                                
   460800     33312  100       0    0 MsPacMan.rom                             
   495616     25120  100       0    0 PacMan.rom                               
   522240     21280  100       0    0 RallyX.rom                               
   544768     38404    1   22050    8 BANG.WAV                                 
   583680    112384  100       0    0 SkyKid.rom                               
   696320     88064  100       0    0 Xevious.rom                              
   784384     21146    1   22050    8 XEVIOUS1.WAV                             
   806912     39090    1   22050    8 XEVIOUS2.WAV                             
   847872     21955    1   44100    8 XEVIOUS3.WAV                             
   870400      4096  100       0    0 NS86MCU.ROM                              
   874496     65536  100       0    0 RT-CHR0.ROM                              
   940032     32768  100       0    0 RT-CHR1.ROM                              
   972800     32768  100       0    0 RT-CHR2.ROM                              
  1005568     16384  100       0    0 RT-CHR3.ROM                              
  1021952      5152  100       0    0 RT-COLOR.ROM                             
  1028096     32768  100       0    0 RT-MPR0.ROM                              
  1060864     65536  100       0    0 RT-MPR1.ROM                              
  1126400     65536  100       0    0 RT-MPR2.ROM                              
  1191936     65536  100       0    0 RT-MPR3.ROM                              
  1257472     65536  100       0    0 RT-MPR4.ROM                              
  1323008     65536  100       0    0 RT-OBJ0.ROM                              
  1388544     65536  100       0    0 RT-OBJ1.ROM                              
  1454080     65536  100       0    0 RT-OBJ2.ROM                              
  1519616     65536  100       0    0 RT-OBJ3.ROM                              
  1585152     65536  100       0    0 RT-OBJ4.ROM                              
  1650688     65536  100       0    0 RT-OBJ5.ROM                              
  1716224     65536  100       0    0 RT-OBJ6.ROM                              
  1781760     65536  100       0    0 RT-OBJ7.ROM                              
  1847296     32768  100       0    0 RT-SPR0.ROM                              
  1880064     32768  100       0    0 RT-SPR1.ROM                              
  1912832     32768  100       0    0 RT-XMCU.ROM                              
  1945600      1615    1    6000    8 RT-VOI01.WAV                             
  1947648      5683    1    6000    8 RT-VOI02.WAV                             
  1953792      2806    1    6000    8 RT-VOI03.WAV                             
  1957888      2478    1    6000    8 RT-VOI04.WAV                             
  1961984      4792    1    6000    8 RT-VOI05.WAV                             
  1968128     11734    1    6000    8 RT-VOI06.WAV                             
  1980416      5122    1    6000    8 RT-VOI07.WAV                             
  1986560       921    1    6000    8 RT-VOI08.WAV                             
  1988608      3441    1    6000    8 RT-VOI09.WAV                             
  1992704      9816    1    6000    8 RT-VOI10.WAV                             
  2002944      1314    1    6000    8 RT-VOI11.WAV                             
  2004992      1743    1    6000    8 RT-VOI12.WAV                             
  2007040      2043    1    6000    8 RT-VOI13.WAV                             
  2009088      3652    1    6000    8 RT-VOI14.WAV                             
  2013184      2559    1    6000    8 RT-VOI15.WAV                             
  2017280      8468    1    6000    8 RT-VOI16.WAV                             
  2027520      2244    1    6000    8 RT-VOI17.WAV                             
  2031616      3648    1    6000    8 RT-VOI18.WAV                             
  2035712      1759    1    6000    8 RT-VOI19.WAV                             
  2037760      2175    1    6000    8 RT-VOI20.WAV                             
  2041856      2159    1    6000    8 RT-VOI21.WAV                             
  2045952     17408    1    6000    8 RT-VOI22.WAV                             
  2064384      1503    1    6000    8 RT-VOI23.WAV                             
  2066432      5545    1    6000    8 RT-VOI24.WAV                             
  2072576       811    1    6000    8 RT-VOI25.WAV                             
  2074624      2559    1    6000    8 RT-VOI26.WAV                             
  2078720      6180    1    6000    8 RT-VOI27.WAV                             
  2086912      4096  100       0    0 NS1-MCU.ROM                              
  2091008    131072  100       0    0 DR-CHR0.ROM                              
  2222080    131072  100       0    0 DR-CHR1.ROM                              
  2353152    131072  100       0    0 DR-CHR2.ROM                              
  2484224    131072  100       0    0 DR-CHR3.ROM                              
  2615296    131072  100       0    0 DR-CHR4.ROM                              
  2746368    131072  100       0    0 DR-CHR5.ROM                              
  2877440    131072  100       0    0 DR-CHR6.ROM                              
  3008512    131072  100       0    0 DR-CHR7.ROM                              
  3139584    131072  100       0    0 DR-CHR8.ROM                              
  3270656    131072  100       0    0 DR-OBJ0.ROM                              
  3401728    131072  100       0    0 DR-OBJ1.ROM                              
  3532800    131072  100       0    0 DR-OBJ2.ROM                              
  3663872    131072  100       0    0 DR-OBJ3.ROM                              
  3794944     65536  100       0    0 DR-OBJ4.ROM                              
  3860480     65536  100       0    0 DR-PRG0.ROM                              
  3926016     65536  100       0    0 DR-PRG1.ROM                              
  3991552     65536  100       0    0 DR-PRG2.ROM                              
  4057088     65536  100       0    0 DR-PRG3.ROM                              
  4122624     65536  100       0    0 DR-PRG4.ROM                              
  4188160     65536  100       0    0 DR-PRG5.ROM                              
  4253696     65536  100       0    0 DR-PRG6.ROM                              
  4319232     65536  100       0    0 DR-PRG7.ROM                              
  4384768     65536  100       0    0 DR-SND0.ROM                              
  4450304     65536  100       0    0 DR-SND1.ROM                              
  4515840     65536  100       0    0 DR-VOI0.ROM                              
  4581376    131072  100       0    0 DR-VOI1.ROM                              
  4712448    131072  100       0    0 DR-VOI2.ROM                              
  4843520    131072  100       0    0 DR-VOI3.ROM                              
  4974592    131072  100       0    0 DR-VOI4.ROM                              
  5105664    131072  100       0    0 G8-CHR0.ROM                              
  5236736    131072  100       0    0 G8-CHR1.ROM                              
  5367808    131072  100       0    0 G8-CHR2.ROM                              
  5498880    131072  100       0    0 G8-CHR3.ROM                              
  5629952    131072  100       0    0 G8-CHR8.ROM                              
  5761024    131072  100       0    0 G8-OBJ0.ROM                              
  5892096    131072  100       0    0 G8-OBJ1.ROM                              
  6023168    131072  100       0    0 G8-OBJ2.ROM                              
  6154240    131072  100       0    0 G8-OBJ3.ROM                              
  6285312    131072  100       0    0 G8-OBJ4.ROM                              
  6416384    131072  100       0    0 G8-OBJ5.ROM                              
  6547456     65536  100       0    0 G8-PRG0.ROM                              
  6612992     65536  100       0    0 G8-PRG1.ROM                              
  6678528     65536  100       0    0 G8-PRG5.ROM                              
  6744064     65536  100       0    0 G8-PRG6.ROM                              
  6809600     65536  100       0    0 G8-PRG7.ROM                              
  6875136     65536  100       0    0 G8-SND0.ROM                              
  6940672     65536  100       0    0 G8-SND1.ROM                              
  7006208     65536  100       0    0 G8-VOI0.ROM                              
  7071744     65536  100       0    0 G8-VOI1.ROM                              
  7137280     65536  100       0    0 G8-VOI2.ROM                              
  7202816     65536  100       0    0 G8-VOI3.ROM                              
  7268352     65536  100       0    0 G8-VOI4.ROM                              
  7333888     65536  100       0    0 G8-VOI5.ROM                              
  7399424    131072  100       0    0 PM-CHR0.ROM                              
  7530496    131072  100       0    0 PM-CHR1.ROM                              
  7661568    131072  100       0    0 PM-CHR2.ROM                              
  7792640    131072  100       0    0 PM-CHR3.ROM                              
  7923712     65536  100       0    0 PM-CHR8.ROM                              
  7989248    131072  100       0    0 PM-OBJ0.ROM                              
  8120320    131072  100       0    0 PM-OBJ1.ROM                              
  8251392    131072  100       0    0 PM-PRG6.ROM                              
  8382464     65536  100       0    0 PM-PRG7.ROM                              
  8448000     65536  100       0    0 PM-SND0.ROM                              
  8513536     65536  100       0    0 PM-SND1.ROM                              
  8579072     65536  100       0    0 PM-VOI0.ROM                              
  8644608    172288  100       0    0 PolePosition1.rom                        
  8818688    213248  100       0    0 PolePosition2.rom                        
  9033728     47442    1   22050    8 PolePos1.WAV                             
  9082880    135464    1   22050    8 PolePos2.WAV                             


Looks like this one is for the main menu, where you'd pick which game you wanted to play.

151 80 12288
        0    272100  100       0    0 Bosco_01.png                             
   272384    268378  100       0    0 Bosco_02.png                             
   542720    270613  100       0    0 Bosco_03.png                             
   815104    290267  100       0    0 Bosco_04.png                             
  1105920    287629  100       0    0 Bosco_05.png                             
  1394688    290872  100       0    0 Bosco_06.png                             
  1687552    288822  100       0    0 DigDug_01.png                            
  1978368    292575  100       0    0 DigDug_02.png                            
  2271232    290491  100       0    0 DigDug_03.png                            
  2562048    259429  100       0    0 DigDug_04.png                            
  2822144    247624  100       0    0 DigDug_05.png                            
  3069952    250189  100       0    0 DigDug_06.png                            
  3321856    252100  100       0    0 DragonSpirit_01.png                      
  3575808    247383  100       0    0 DragonSpirit_02.png                      
  3823616    243417  100       0    0 DragonSpirit_03.png                      
  4067328    262746  100       0    0 DragonSpirit_04.png                      
  4331520    288701  100       0    0 DragonSpirit_05.png                      
  4620288    285712  100       0    0 DragonSpirit_06.png                      
  4907008    274886  100       0    0 Galaga88_01.png                          
  5183488    274698  100       0    0 Galaga88_02.png                          
  5459968    277594  100       0    0 Galaga88_03.png                          
  5738496    289980  100       0    0 Galaga88_04.png                          
  6029312    289903  100       0    0 Galaga88_05.png                          
  6320128    285455  100       0    0 Galaga88_06.png                          
  6606848    283597  100       0    0 Galaga_01.png                            
  6891520    281194  100       0    0 Galaga_02.png                            
  7174144    277739  100       0    0 Galaga_03.png                            
  7452672    280198  100       0    0 Galaga_04.png                            
  7733248    270762  100       0    0 Galaga_05.png                            
  8005632    269491  100       0    0 Galaga_06.png                            
  8275968    269846  100       0    0 Galaxian_01.png                          
  8546304    267066  100       0    0 Galaxian_02.png                          
  8814592    274839  100       0    0 Galaxian_03.png                          
  9091072    295494  100       0    0 Galaxian_04.png                          
  9388032    309833  100       0    0 Galaxian_05.png                          
  9699328    311404  100       0    0 Galaxian_06.png                          
 10012672    311827  100       0    0 Mappy_01.png                             
 10326016    311227  100       0    0 Mappy_02.png                             
 10637312    309657  100       0    0 Mappy_03.png                             
 10948608    302333  100       0    0 Mappy_04.png                             
 11251712    288584  100       0    0 Mappy_05.png                             
 11540480    291224  100       0    0 Mappy_06.png                             
 11833344    291213  100       0    0 MsPac_01.png                             
 12126208    287576  100       0    0 MsPac_02.png                             
 12414976    290257  100       0    0 MsPac_03.png                             
 12705792    302294  100       0    0 MsPac_04.png                             
 13008896    312256  100       0    0 MsPac_05.png                             
 13322240    312819  100       0    0 MsPac_06.png                             
 13635584    285726  100       0    0 PacMania_01.png                          
 13922304    282911  100       0    0 PacMania_02.png                          
 14206976    277702  100       0    0 PacMania_03.png                          
 14485504    291687  100       0    0 PacMania_04.png                          
 14778368    269181  100       0    0 PacMania_05.png                          
 15048704    271361  100       0    0 PacMania_06.png                          
 15321088    313797  100       0    0 PacMan_01.png                            
 15636480    315241  100       0    0 PacMan_02.png                            
 15951872    321766  100       0    0 PacMan_03.png                            
 16275456    307988  100       0    0 PacMan_04.png                            
 16584704    291742  100       0    0 PacMan_05.png                            
 16877568    293733  100       0    0 PacMan_06.png                            
 17172480    292627  100       0    0 PolePositionII_01.png                    
 17465344    291946  100       0    0 PolePositionII_02.png                    
 17758208    287551  100       0    0 PolePositionII_03.png                    
 18046976    270045  100       0    0 PolePositionII_04.png                    
 18317312    261303  100       0    0 PolePositionII_05.png                    
 18579456    263919  100       0    0 PolePositionII_06.png                    
 18843648    293002  100       0    0 PolePosition_01.png                      
 19138560    292336  100       0    0 PolePosition_02.png                      
 19431424    291516  100       0    0 PolePosition_03.png                      
 19724288    291840  100       0    0 PolePosition_04.png                      
 20017152    293544  100       0    0 PolePosition_05.png                      
 20312064    293336  100       0    0 PolePosition_06.png                      
 20606976    257819  100       0    0 RallyX_01.png                            
 20865024    258259  100       0    0 RallyX_02.png                            
 21125120    267246  100       0    0 RallyX_03.png                            
 21393408    267514  100       0    0 RallyX_04.png                            
 21661696    266187  100       0    0 RallyX_05.png                            
 21927936    269645  100       0    0 RallyX_06.png                            
 22198272    275298  100       0    0 RollingThunder_01.png                    
 22474752    275651  100       0    0 RollingThunder_02.png                    
 22751232    276276  100       0    0 RollingThunder_03.png                    
 23027712    265757  100       0    0 RollingThunder_04.png                    
 23293952    238148  100       0    0 RollingThunder_05.png                    
 23533568    238272  100       0    0 RollingThunder_06.png                    
 23773184    284201  100       0    0 Xevious_01.png                           
 24057856    283548  100       0    0 Xevious_02.png                           
 24342528    287053  100       0    0 Xevious_03.png                           
 24631296    291760  100       0    0 Xevious_04.png                           
 24924160    281709  100       0    0 Xevious_05.png                           
 25206784    277998  100       0    0 Xevious_06.png                           
 25485312    244644  100       0    0 Sky_kid_01.png                           
 25731072    247087  100       0    0 Sky_kid_02.png                           
 25978880    264376  100       0    0 Sky_kid_03.png                           
 26245120    273047  100       0    0 Sky_kid_04.png                           
 26519552    281583  100       0    0 Sky_kid_05.png                           
 26802176    283043  100       0    0 Sky_kid_06.png                           
 27086848       810  100       0    0 button.png                               
 27088896       835  100       0    0 button_high.png                          
 27090944       852  100       0    0 button_large.png                         
 27092992       925  100       0    0 button_large_high.png                    
 27095040     52637  100       0    0 buttonarrow.ia                           
 27148288       831  100       0    0 buttonexit.png                           
 27150336      1028  100       0    0 buttonexit_high.png                      
 27152384    308220  100       0    0 desi_logo.ia                             
 27461632    228327  100       0    0 legal.png                                
 27691008    308180  100       0    0 namcosettings.ia                         
 28000256    308092  100       0    0 namco_logo.ia                            
 28309504    308228  100       0    0 splash.ia                                
 28618752     29840  100       0    0 namco_control.png                        
 28649472     25007  100       0    0 namco_options.png                        
 28676096    291796  100       0    0 START01.png                              
 28968960    292127  100       0    0 START02.png                              
 29261824    293557  100       0    0 START03.png                              
 29556736    296062  100       0    0 START04.png                              
 29853696    299037  100       0    0 START05.png                              
 30154752    304778  100       0    0 START06.png                              
 30459904    327733  100       0    0 START07.png                              
 30789632    342007  100       0    0 START08.png                              
 31131648    324325  100       0    0 START09.png                              
 31457280    314378  100       0    0 START10.png                              
 31772672    313951  100       0    0 START11.png                              
 32088064    314031  100       0    0 START12.png                              
 32403456    313429  100       0    0 START13.png                              
 32718848    163970  100       0    0 TITLE01.png                              
 32884736    150092  100       0    0 TITLE02.png                              
 33036288    124408  100       0    0 TITLE03.png                              
 33161216     91659  100       0    0 TITLE04.png                              
 33253376      9907  100       0    0 TITLE05.png                              
 33263616      1153  100       0    0 buttonarrowleft_high.png                 
 33265664      1011  100       0    0 buttonarrowleft.png                      
 33267712      1137  100       0    0 buttonarrowright_high.png                
 33269760      1014  100       0    0 buttonarrowright.png                     
 33271808     25295  100       0    0 HUD.png                                  
 33298432      1038  100       0    0 highscore_arrowleft.png                  
 33300480       967  100       0    0 highscore_arrowleft_high.png             
 33302528      1057  100       0    0 highscore_arrowright.png                 
 33304576       960  100       0    0 highscore_arrowright_high.png            
 33306624       449  100       0    0 newhighlight.png                         
 33308672      1205  100       0    0 tab_2angles.png                          
 33310720       979  100       0    0 tab_2angles_high.png                     
 33312768       547  100       0    0 tab_halfangle.png                        
 33314816       357  100       0    0 tab_square.png                           
 33316864       370  100       0    0 tab_square_high.png                      
 33318912      2821  100       0    0 Lock_Icon.png                            
 33323008     19424    1   44100   16 accept.wav                               
 33343488     19424    1   44100   16 back.wav                                 
 33363968     22592    1   44100   16 cancel.wav                               
 33388544     12048    1   44100   16 popup.wav                                
 33400832     24384    1   44100   16 rotate.wav                               
 33425408      2480    1   44100   16 select.wav                               
 33429504       992    1   44100   16 switch.wav                               

Assertion Failures

     Description:WTF? Invalid state, or dont care about this

     Description:unsupported platform

     Description:array overflow
     Expression:mNumberOfButtons < MAX_BUTTONS_AND_SUB_PANES

     Description:array overflow
     Expression:mNumberOfTextButtons < MAX_BUTTONS_AND_SUB_PANES

     Description:array overflow
     Expression:mNumberOfSubPanes < MAX_BUTTONS_AND_SUB_PANES

     Expression:button < MAX_CUSTOM_BUTTONS

     Expression:vbutton < 8

     Description:lzo1x_decompress() problem
     Expression:err == LZO_E_OK

     Description:RL16 rl16buf buffer size too small
     Expression:uncompsize <= sizeof(rl16buf)

     Description:Error cant Find File

     Description:NULL ACTIVE SCREEN!
     Expression:mpActiveScreen != NULL

     Description:WTF Where is the FE singleton!
     Expression:pStaticFESingleton != NULL

     Description:warning - trying to print with too small a buffersize

     Description:Layer::Printf() - buffer overrun - whoever called this specified something too much text!
     Expression:nLen < 1024

     Description:Layer::Printf() - error printing
     Expression:nLen >= 0

     Description:Layer::SetDefaultTextPalette() - This layer says it is not a text layer.  Why did you call this function?!

     Description:Layer::SetDefaultTextPalette() - No palette allocated.  This is not a valid text layer.
     Expression:palette != 0

     Description:Layer::SetTextColour() - Colour ranges can only be specified on text layers.

     Description:Layer::SetTextColour() - Invalid colour range specified.
     Expression:Range <= knNUM_OF_RANGES

     Description:Already have error layers
     Expression:errorLayers == 0

     Description:Layers in place before error layers; probably bad.
     Expression:layers == 0

     Description:Hmm, StartPlayer() shouldn't be starting _that_ player.
     Expression:player[ply].state == PLAYER_NEEDS_START

     Description:bad controller in StartPlayer
     Expression:controllerNumber >= 0 && controllerNumber <= 3

     Description:bad player in StartPlayer
     Expression:ply >= 0 && ply <= 3

     Description:Bad controller setup number
     Expression:config >= 0 && config < 3

     Description:A game can not request more time after it gets a second shot at the CPU!
     Expression:temp == 0

     Description:No game chosen.
     Expression:gGame != 0

     Description:IA can only go on a paletted layer
     Expression:layer->palette != 0

     Description:CreateLayerFromIA - file not found

     Description:DrawPNG - error, only 32 bit layers are supported
     Expression:layer->pixelFormat.pixelBits == 32

     Description:PCFramework::Run - refcount leak on gpD3DDevice
     Expression:ref == 0

     Description:PCLayer::UpdateTexture(): stride > texRect.Pitch
     Expression:stride <= texRect.Pitch

     Description:PCLayer::UpdateTexture(): Failed to lock texture.

     Description:PCLayer::RestoreD3DTexture(): Failed to create a valid texture.

     Description:PCFont::PlatformSpecificInitialize(): Failed to lock texture.

     Description:PCFont::PlatformSpecificInitialize(): Failed to create a valid texture.

     Description:PCLayer::PCLayer(): The code should never get here... Someone must've added a new layer type.

     Description:ShutdownDirectInput - ref count leak on DInput
     Expression:ref == 0

     Description:ShutdownDirectInput - ref count leak on controller
     Expression:ref == 0

     Description:InputMapper::SaveConfig - save failed
     Expression:wrote == mNumPlayers * MAX_ACTIONS

     Description:InputMapper::LoadConfig - load failed
     Expression:read == mNumPlayers * MAX_ACTIONS

     Description:illegal board_position, out of Range

     Description:illegal board_number, out of Range

     Description:illegal GameID, out of Range

     Description:illegal Scoreboard_position, Your Input is either less than 0 or Greater than the number of listings for this scoreboard

     Description:illegal Scoreboard_number, Your Input is either less than 0 or Greater than the number of score boards for this game

     Description:illegal GameID Entered for ScoreBoard, Illegal GameID entered make sure its between 0 and 19

     Description:cPersistentDataManager::CalculateBoardSize - too many scores
     Expression:totalScoreSize <= MAX_SCORE_ARRAY_SIZE

     Description:cPersistentDataManager::CalculateBoardSize - too many initials
     Expression:totalInitialSize+1 <= MAX_INTIALS_ARRAY_SIZE

     Description:Version Number MisMatch, Possible Corrupt Data Or New Uninitialized Data, hit F9 (ps2) or F5 (xbox) to continue!

     Description:PCFrameWork::DrawLayers() - Clear failed.

     Description:PCFramework::DrawLayers() - The current colour range puts the palette entries out of bounds.
     Expression:offset + pLayer->knRANGE_LENGTH < 256

     Description:bin_lseek invalid seek on WMA file, can only seek to start
     Expression:newpos == 0

     Description:SfxFile - Seeking not supported

     Description:Invalid bin_lseek whence.

     Description:ShutdownDirectSound - refcount leak on device
     Expression:ref == 0

     Description:Only 16 bits/sample supported
     Expression:bitsPerSample == 16

     Description:Missing MAT2 resource.

     Description:Invalid resource number.
     Expression:resourceNumber >= 0 && resourceNumber < eTOTAL_RESOURCES

     Description:Menu stack overflow
     Expression:sp < MENU_STACK_SIZE - 1

     Description:No such menu
     Expression:menu[which] != 0

     Description:Bad menu #
     Expression:which >= 0 && which < eMenuCount

     Description:TimeMonitor::DisplayTimings() - can not function without valid layers to draw on.
     Expression:pGraphLayer && pDescLayer

     Description:Description layer was not created!
     Expression:pDescLayer != 0

     Description:Graph layer was not created!
     Expression:pGraphLayer != 0

     Description:The description layer shouldn't already exist!
     Expression:pDescLayer == 0

     Description:The graphing layer shouldn't already exist!
     Expression:pGraphLayer == 0

     Description:TimeMonitor::ShowTimings() - Can not hide or show the timings if the layers haven't been instantiated!
     Expression:pGraphLayer && pDescLayer

     Description:Cannot initialize font data; byte order not understood.
     Expression:*swapNote == SWAP_REQUIRED || *swapNote == ORDER_OK

     Description:Invalid font data - bad magic number.
     Expression:rawData[0] == 'T' && rawData[1] == 'O' && rawData[2] == 'N' && rawData[3] == 'F'

     Description:NULL data given to Font
     Expression:rawData != 0

File Paths




Programmer chose %s

CreateProcess Successful
Going to CreateProcess

George Peter Jeff Dean Taylor _Version_3_

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009)

After being made made a featured page, I stopped focusing my attention on this game's page, but I still want to document the metric ton of stuff that I wanted to document or include in the past.

Debugging Material


The game will briefly draw an X where an enemy dies when both ai_debugCorpsePlant and developer are set to 1.


It's like a spider web!
Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: What do the numbers mean?

When both glass_debug and developer are set to 1, the game will display an overlay consisting of numbers regarding nearby glass and glass shards. Shattered glass shows tracers to and from where they came from.



When both melee_debug and developer are set to 1, a series of tracers will be temporarily rendered at your exact viewing angle every time you use a melee attack. These are likely hitscan tracers. The tracers are colored depending on what was in the path of the tracers. Red tracers are tracers that hit nothing, blue tracers are tracers that hit an object (but not an NPC), and green tracers are tracers that hit an NPC.

Unused Checkpoints

To do:
Document the rest of the missions.

There are multiple checkpoints in the singleplayer campaign missions that just aren't used. They can be accessed by using the console command /start followed by the checkpoint's name.


Perfect creepypasta material.

no_game is a checkpoint present in nearly every level that disables mission scripting (including areas that you may need to get past) and sometimes has oddly-placed objects. Enemy intelligence laptops are present, but cannot be collected. Often times, you will need to use the noclip console command to get past certain obstacles.

There are several oddities with this checkpoint:

  • All the targets are standing straight up, but oddly enough have something blocking the actual target.
  • The ammo crates in the Pit are misplaced.
  • In the part of the Pit where you normally test your combat effectiveness, all of the targets and civilians also have something covering part of their face.

Team Player

The hell is it doing here?

Upon starting the level, you are given both the M4A1 and the M9. The bridge at the beginning of the level appears to be misplaced.


To do:
Figure out how to bypass the softlock and examine the rest of the mission to see if there are any differences between this checkpoint and the final game's.
Quite an anti-climatic end, I know.

This checkpoint is exactly what it says on the tin. This checkpoint was likely used for the game's presentation during E3. At first, it starts off like the final game's version, but after Soap rescues you from certain death, the game fades to black with the text "In the interest of time.." on screen. At this point, the level effectively softlocks due to a bug in the level's script that prevents you from progressing further.


Upon starting the level, you will be completely unable to move. If you crouch, you won't be able to stand back up again. You won't be able to climb, either.

This checkpoint has a few oddities:

  • There are two disembodied arms where you would have climbed the mountain.
  • Near the mountain where you would prepare to make a massive leap of faith with the snowmobiles, there's a strange group of triangular objects off to your right.

No Russian

To do:
There's more than this. Document them.

With the exception of no_game, all checkpoints in this mission have a 30 second delay that prevent you from doing anything at all.


You start near the end of the level, right before you reach the ambulance.


You start in the elevator. As soon as the level starts, you are sent flying out of bounds and killed almost instantly.

The level designer used this checkpoint to create scenes for certain photographs in the "Loose Ends" mission.

You start in the elevator, though the doors never open.

This checkpoint has a bunch of oddities:

  • There are dozens of T-Posing mannequin-like NPCs scattered throughout the level, with most of them being near the airport gates.
  • The aircraft near the end of the mission have engines that are both blown up and also not, causing Z-fighting.
  • The ambulance at the end isn't present, but its doors are.

Scrapped Dialogue

The singleplayer mission scripts have commented-out code that indicated additional dialogue that isn't used. Thankfully for us, the developers were kind enough to include what the actual dialogue was supposed to say in the comments.


Initially, there was going to be a scene during the car ride where you encountered a civilian on the streets and an exchange between Corporal Dunn and Sergeant Foley would occur. This was replaced with the scene where you see multiple men on the balcony shortly before things hit the fan. The sounds roadkill_fly_holdoff, roadkill_cpd_scoutingus, and roadkill_fly_doesntmean are used, but the actual lines in the sounds are just the final version's dialogue. roadkill_cpd_allworkedup is missing from the game's files altogether.

Speaker Text File Internal Alias
Sgt. Foley Hold off, it’s a civilian. N/A roadkill_fly_holdoff
Cpl. Dunn Bet he’s scouting us. N/A roadkill_cpd_scoutingus
Sgt. Foley Doesn’t mean you can shoot him. N/A roadkill_fly_doesntmean
Cpl. Dunn Wonder what's got him all worked up? N/A roadkill_cpd_allworkedup

Just afterwards, there is what appears to be an early version of a scene that happens much earlier in the car ride. While roadkill_cpd_seeanything is used (spoken by someone else instead of Corporal Dunn), roadkill_fly_watchsector and roadkill_fly_stayfrosty are nowhere to be found in the game's files.

Speaker Text File Internal Alias
Sgt. Foley Watch your sector! N/A roadkill_fly_watchsector
Cpl. Dunn You see anything? N/A roadkill_cpd_seeanything
Sgt. Foley Stay frosty! N/A roadkill_fly_stayfrosty

When things started to hit the fan, there were additional bits and pieces pieces of dialogue that were commented out individually. Some still have their dialogue in the game files, while others do not.

Speaker Text (Level Script) Text (iw4sp.str) File Internal Alias
Cpl. Dunn Watch for movement! Watch for movement!
Unknown There they are!!!! Right there! N/A
Cpl. Dunn Shut that thing off! N/A N/A roadkill_cpd_shutitoff
Hunter 2-3 Hunter 2-1, this is Hunter 2-3, our humvee got shot up and we're cut off from you, over! Hunter 2-1, this is Hunter 2-3, Haggerty's hurt bad and we're taking a lot of fire, where are you?
Sgt. Foley Solid copy Hunter 2-3! Hang tight! We'll make our way back to you, over! Solid copy Hunter 2-3! Hang tight! We're making our way back to you, over!
Hunter 2-3 Hunter 2-3 solid copy! Hunter 2-3 solid copy!

At the part where you are exiting the school, there was intended to be a part where Shepherd would come on the radio. This changed during development, because the sound file is actually from Hunter 2-3, not Shepherd.

Speaker Text (Level Script) Text (iw4sp.str) File Internal Alias
Hunter 2-3 All the way! We'll see you on the flipside Hunter 2-1, Shepherd out. We'll see you on the flipside Hunter 2-1, 2-3 out.

Unused Strings

To do:
2 things:
  • Confirm whether some of these or used or not.
  • Add more strings.

Friendly Fire Messages

These strings go unused because SCRIPT_MISSIONFAIL_KILLTEAM_AMERICAN is the only variant that actually shows up when you kill a teammate in the singleplayer campaign. The Russian fersion is a Call of Duty 2 leftover.

SCRIPT_MISSIONFAIL_KILLTEAM_RUSSIAN You are a traitor to the motherland!
SCRIPT_MISSIONFAIL_KILLTEAM_BRITISH Friendly fire will not be tolerated!

Server Browser

These strings would have been for the multiplayer menu that lists all of the available servers. However, Infinity Ward decided to use matchmaking instead of allowing people to create dedicated servers, leaving these strings unused.

REFERENCE English French
EXE_LOCAL Local Local
EXE_INTERNET Internet Internet
EXE_FAVORITES Favorites Favoris
EXE_NETSOURCE Source: &&1 Source : &&1
EXE_SERVERFILTER Filter: &&1 Filtre : &&1
EXE_SV_INFO_SERVERNAME Server Name Nom du serveur
EXE_SV_INFO_GAMENAME Game Name Nom de la partie

File Paths

In iw4sp.exe:


In iw4mp.exe:


"ui_load_level" Map Names

A list of internal map names, including some that no longer exist. From ui.ff:
