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Veggie Carnival

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Title Screen

Veggie Carnival

Developer: iToons
Publishers: Big Idea, ValuSoft
Platform: Windows
Released in US: January 5, 2003

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

Veggie Carnival is based on the popular Christian CGI direct-to-video VeggieTales. Bob and Larry opens up a carnival where you can ride bumper cars, shoot dart guns, ride the super stupendous Bobbereeno, and sing silly songs. WITH ROBOTS!

Unused Graphics

Early Sign-In Screen

Early Final
Veggie Carnival Early Sign-in.png Veggie Carnival-title.png

An early version of the sign-in screen can be found at \sign_in\data. The final version uses official character artwork from the show.

(Source: WTLN v (YouTube))

Darts Debug Sprites

The darts game has debug sprites that can't be seen in normal gameplay.