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Web Wars

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Title Screen

Web Wars

Also known as: Web Warp (EU)
Developer: Western Technologies
Publishers: GCE (US), Milton Bradley (EU)
Platform: Vectrex
Released in US: September 1983
Released in EU: 1983

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.

Fight along a giant spider's web and collect an insect trophy, then warp and do it all over again.

Hidden Message


A developer credit can be accessed by holding 1 + 2 + 4 on the title screen until the music ends.

(Source: Digital Press (Gregg Woodcock))

Hidden Text

A message can be found at 0x1F29. It doesn't appear to pop up anywhere in the game.

Watch for these great games, coming soon from G.C.E.  
Cosmic Chasm -- soon to be a big hit with Cinematronics, 
Hyper Chase -- THE car race game, 
Bedlam -- a fast paced test of nerves and skill

(Source: Original TCRF research)