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Zoom! (Genesis)

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Title Screen


Developers: Cyclone System, Sigma Pro-Tech
Publishers: Sega (JP/US/EU), Tec Toy (BR)
Platform: Genesis
Released in JP: January 13, 1990
Released in US: January 1990
Released in EU: 1990
Released in BR: 199X

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.

Zoom! is a port of the Amiga game, without the smiley, but with a weird little alien thing instead. "C'mawn, boy."

Debug Memory Editor

Zoom-DebugMenu.png Zoom-Debug.png

Press Start at the title screen to display the player selection screen. Press Up, Up, Down, Down, A, B. You seem to only have one chance to enter the code correctly; otherwise you'll need to either reset or wait for the demo to start. You may need to enter the code slowly to get it to register.

Several additional options will appear, including a sound test. Select the "DEBUG" option, begin game play, and press A. The screen will split and reveal the game's memory editor.

(Source: GManiac (Code correction))