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Zorro (DOS, 1995)

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Title Screen


Developer: Capstone Software
Publisher: Capstone Software
Platform: DOS
Released internationally: 1995

Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

The 1995 Zorro game is an adaptation of several Zorro books, starring the titular Californio. It's a Prince of Persia clone, but dare we say it, a buggy one almost as bad as Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame on the SNES released the same year. At least Capstone was really trying to make this game playable.

Revisional Differences

Download.png Download The "super upgrade"
File: Zorro1995_ZORRUPGR.ZIP (309 kB) (info)

A "super upgrade" patch was released on April 4, 1995, which provides the following:

  • Saved games can be named.
  • Saved games now display a picture of the location it was saved at.
  • Saves the state of any enemies that have been killed, as well as any gold bars or Z's that have been collected.
  • Fixes a somewhat useful bug where you could press Escape to pause the game and save Zorro from an otherwise fatal fall.