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3D Cube Hopper

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Title Screen

3D Cube Hopper

Also known as: Boinggers, Jumpy's World
Developer: Webfoot Technologies
Publishers: RomTech, Greenstreet Software, eGames
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: 1998

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

A Q*bert clone.

Unused Graphics



A leftover from Galaxy Invasion, another game by Webfoot Technologies.


3DCubeHopper SBPELLET.png

A leftover from 3D Maze Man, yet another game by Webfoot Technologies.

Debugging/Cheat Keys

  • CTRL-Shift-I - Player is now invincible to all hazards.
  • CTRL-Shift-L - Instant win, proceeds to next level.